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ChucK => now on the Web

Web-based computer music programming with ChucK for online audiovisual experiences, web apps, musical instruments and more! Take ChucK with you on the go!

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github | docs | npm

WebChucK brings ChucK, the strongly-timed audio programming language, to the web! ChucK’s C++ source code has been compiled with Emscripten to WebAssembly (WASM) and runs via the AudioWorkletNode interface of the Web Audio API. With near-native performance, WebChucK runs on modern desktop browsers as well as tablets and mobile devices! Bring together ChucK’s real-time sound synthesis engine and the interconnectivity of the web to create new experiences and develop creative workflows. Embed WebChucK into any website to power online audiovisual experiences, immersive multi-channel audio web apps, or shareable musical instruments! Check out the GitHub to learn more or contribute!

WebChucK powers WebChucK IDE: an amazing web-based programming sandbox for ChucK

Read more about WebChucK and WebChucK IDE:

Featured Projects

Feedback Delay
Feedback Delay - Terry Feng

A stereo pitch-shift feedback delay effect for live improvisation performance and electronics.

SoundscapeAI - Terry Feng

Extract environmental sonic features for real-time ambient soundscape generation with concatenative synthesis. Utilizes Chuck for AI (ChAI) tools.

ChucK Timbre Library
Virtual Instrument Timbre Library - Jack Atherton

Connect a MIDI keyboard to play some web-based virtual synths. Jack’s Timbre Library for ChucK provides several examples of web-based virtual synths in action.

Chauvet Cave Beep Ploc Symphony
Chauvet Cave Beep Ploc Symphony - Luna Valentin

A data sonification project examining the effect of increased extreme weather phenomena on the ecological balance of caves in France, previously inhabited by our Paleolithic ancestors 36,000 years ago.

Image Sonifier
Image Sonifier - Cole Simmons

An image-to-sound converter that uploads an image from the user, retrieves various parameters like minimum and maximum hue and saturation, and sonifies the calculated data with WebChucK.

Gutter Synthesis
Barrel Synth - Josh Mitchell

A unique virtual instrument inspired by Tom Mudd’s Gutter Synthesis algorithm. A bank of sliders lets you control the amount of feedback between a set of unruly chaotic oscillators.


Getting Started


Embed WebChucK as a JS module into your index.html.

    <script type="module" defer>
      import { Chuck } from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/webchuck/+esm';

      document.getElementById('action').addEventListener('click', async () => {
        // Initialize default ChucK object, if not already initialized
        window.theChuck ??= await Chuck.init([]);
        // Run ChucK code
          SinOsc sin => dac;
          440 => sin.freq;
          1::second => now;
    <button id="action">Start and Play</button>

theChuck will be available as a global variable.


Install WebChucK via npm. WebChucK can also be used with TypeScript.

$ npm install webchuck
import { Chuck } from 'webchuck'

// Initialize default ChucK object
const theChuck = await Chuck.init([]);

// Run ChucK code
    SinOsc sin => dac;
    440 => sin.freq;
    1::second => now;

Note that many browsers do not let audio run until there has been user interaction (e.g. button press).

Download Source

Download ready-to-use compiled WebChucK source files (JS + WASM) as a zip.

Unzip the file and place the entire webchuck directory into your project.

// Import the webchuck bundle from `webchuck` directory
import { Chuck } from './webchuck/wc-bundle.js'

// Set src path to './webchuck/'
const theChuck = await Chuck.init([], undefined, undefined, './webchuck/');

Note: All files must be served in order for WebChucK to run locally.


Getting Started Documentation Guide: here

WebChucK full documentation and API reference (communicating between JS and ChucK):