/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChucK Concurrent, On-the-fly Audio Programming Language Compiler and Virtual Machine Copyright (c) 2004 Ge Wang and Perry R. Cook. All rights reserved. http://chuck.stanford.edu/ http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 U.S.A. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // file: util_hid.cpp // desc: refactored HID joystick, keyboard, mouse support // // author: Spencer Salazar (spencer@ccrma.stanford.edu) // date: summer 2006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "chuck_def.h" #include "chuck_errmsg.h" #include "util_hid.h" #include "hidio_sdl.h" #include #include #include using namespace std; /* device types */ const t_CKUINT CK_HID_DEV_NONE = 0; const t_CKUINT CK_HID_DEV_JOYSTICK = 1; const t_CKUINT CK_HID_DEV_MOUSE = 2; const t_CKUINT CK_HID_DEV_KEYBOARD = 3; const t_CKUINT CK_HID_DEV_WIIREMOTE = 4; const t_CKUINT CK_HID_DEV_TILTSENSOR = 5; const t_CKUINT CK_HID_DEV_TABLET = 6; const t_CKUINT CK_HID_DEV_MULTITOUCH = 7; const t_CKUINT CK_HID_DEV_COUNT = 8; /* message types */ const t_CKUINT CK_HID_JOYSTICK_AXIS = 0; const t_CKUINT CK_HID_BUTTON_DOWN = 1; const t_CKUINT CK_HID_BUTTON_UP = 2; const t_CKUINT CK_HID_JOYSTICK_HAT = 3; const t_CKUINT CK_HID_JOYSTICK_BALL = 4; const t_CKUINT CK_HID_MOUSE_MOTION = 5; const t_CKUINT CK_HID_MOUSE_WHEEL = 6; const t_CKUINT CK_HID_DEVICE_CONNECTED = 7; const t_CKUINT CK_HID_DEVICE_DISCONNECTED = 8; const t_CKUINT CK_HID_ACCELEROMETER = 9; const t_CKUINT CK_HID_WIIREMOTE_IR = 10; const t_CKUINT CK_HID_LED = 11; const t_CKUINT CK_HID_FORCE_FEEDBACK = 12; const t_CKUINT CK_HID_SPEAKER = 13; const t_CKUINT CK_HID_TABLET_PRESSURE = 14; const t_CKUINT CK_HID_TABLET_MOTION = 15; const t_CKUINT CK_HID_TABLET_ROTATION = 16; const t_CKUINT CK_HID_MULTITOUCH_TOUCH = 17; const t_CKUINT CK_HID_MSG_COUNT = 18; #if defined(__PLATFORM_MACOSX__) && !defined(__CHIP_MODE__) #pragma mark OS X General HID support /* TODO: *********************************************************************** Make Joystick/Mouse/Keyboard_open/_close thread safe (i.e., do all ->configure and ->startQueue calls on the Hid thread). *** DONE Make ->disconnect delete the element list *** worked around Make Keyboard, Mouse dis/reattachment work *** DONE Hid Probe *******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // check for OS X 10.4/CGEvent #include #undef MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED #undef MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED #define MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3 #define MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4 #include #ifdef __CGEVENT_H__ #define __CK_HID_CURSOR_TRACK__ #endif #ifndef __DAN__ #undef __CK_HID_CURSOR_TRACK__ #endif #ifdef __CK_HID_WIIREMOTE__ #include #include "util_buffers.h" #endif // __CK_HID_WIIREMOTE__ class lockable { public: void lock() { m_mutex.acquire(); } void unlock() { m_mutex.release(); } private: XMutex m_mutex; }; template< typename _Tp, typename _Alloc = allocator< _Tp > > class xvector : public vector< _Tp, _Alloc >, public lockable { }; template , typename _Alloc = allocator > > class xmultimap : public multimap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Alloc >, public lockable { }; class OSX_Device : public lockable { public: OSX_Device() { refcount = 0; } virtual ~OSX_Device() {} virtual void open() {}; virtual void close() {}; t_CKUINT refcount; // incremented on open, decremented on close }; class OSX_Hid_Device_Element { public: OSX_Hid_Device_Element() { cookie = 0; num = 0; value = 0; usage = usage_page = 0; min = 0; max = 0; } IOHIDElementCookie cookie; t_CKINT type; t_CKINT num; t_CKINT value; t_CKINT usage_page; t_CKINT usage; t_CKINT min; t_CKINT max; }; class OSX_Hid_Device : public OSX_Device { public: OSX_Hid_Device() { configed = preconfiged = FALSE; plugInInterface = NULL; interface = NULL; queue = NULL; strncpy( name, "Device", 256 ); elements = NULL; outputs = NULL; usage = usage_page = 0; type = num = -1; buttons = -1; axes = -1; hats = -1; wheels = -1; refcount = 0; hidProperties = NULL; removal_notification = 0; // NULL; vendorID = productID = locationID = NULL; manufacturer = product = NULL; } ~OSX_Hid_Device() { cleanup(); } t_CKINT preconfigure( io_object_t ioHIDDeviceObject ); t_CKINT configure(); void enumerate_elements( CFArrayRef cfElements ); t_CKINT start(); t_CKINT stop(); t_CKBOOL is_connected() const; t_CKBOOL is_same_as( io_object_t ioHIDDeviceObject ) const; void disconnect(); void cleanup(); IOCFPlugInInterface ** plugInInterface; IOHIDDeviceInterface ** interface; // device interface IOHIDQueueInterface ** queue; // device event queue char name[256]; // uniquely identifying information /* For ChucK's purposes, HID devices are uniquely identified by the tuple of (USB device location, vendor ID, product ID, manufacturer name, product name ) */ CFNumberRef locationID; CFNumberRef vendorID; CFNumberRef productID; CFStringRef manufacturer; CFStringRef product; t_CKBOOL preconfiged, configed; t_CKINT type; t_CKINT num; t_CKINT usage_page; t_CKINT usage; map< IOHIDElementCookie, OSX_Hid_Device_Element * > * elements; /* Note: setting any of these to -1 informs the element enumerating method that we are not interested in that particular element type */ t_CKINT buttons; t_CKINT axes; t_CKINT hats; t_CKINT wheels; /* outputs are stored in a map of vectors of OSX_Hid_Device_Elements Thus if ( *outputs )[CK_HID_OUTPUT_TYPE] != NULL && ( *outputs )[CK_HID_OUTPUT_TYPE]->size() > n, ( *outputs )[CK_HID_OUTPUT_TYPE]->at( n ) is the nth output of type CK_HID_OUTPUT_TYPE. */ map< unsigned int, vector< OSX_Hid_Device_Element * > * > * outputs; CFRunLoopSourceRef eventSource; CFMutableDictionaryRef hidProperties; io_object_t removal_notification; const static t_CKINT event_queue_size = 50; // queues use wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible // but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue // USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate // if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes) }; struct OSX_Hid_op { enum { open, close } type; xvector< OSX_Hid_Device * > * v; xvector< OSX_Hid_Device * >::size_type index; }; #pragma mark global variables // hid run loop (event dispatcher) static CFRunLoopRef rlHid = NULL; // special hid run loop mode (limits events to hid device events only) //static const CFStringRef kCFRunLoopChuckHidMode = CFSTR( "ChucKHid" ); static const CFStringRef kCFRunLoopChuckHidMode = kCFRunLoopDefaultMode; // general hid callback for device events static void Hid_callback( void * target, IOReturn result, void * refcon, void * sender ); // CFRunLoop source for open/close device operations static CFRunLoopSourceRef hidOpSource = NULL; // cbuffer for open/close device operations static CBufferSimple * hid_operation_buffer = NULL; // callback for open/close device operations static void Hid_do_operation( void * info ); // IO iterator for new hid devices // we only keep track of this so we can release it later io_iterator_t hid_iterator = 0; // NULL; // notification port for device add/remove events static IONotificationPortRef newDeviceNotificationPort = NULL; // callback for new devices static void Hid_new_devices( void * refcon, io_iterator_t iterator ); // callback for device removal static void Hid_device_removed( void * refcon, io_service_t service, natural_t messageType, void * messageArgument ); /* the mutexes should be acquired whenever making changes to the corresponding vectors or accessing them from a non-hid thread after the hid thread has been started */ static xvector< OSX_Hid_Device * > * joysticks = NULL; static xvector< OSX_Hid_Device * > * mice = NULL; static xvector< OSX_Hid_Device * > * keyboards = NULL; static xmultimap< string, OSX_Hid_Device * > * joystick_names = NULL; static xmultimap< string, OSX_Hid_Device * > * mouse_names = NULL; static xmultimap< string, OSX_Hid_Device * > * keyboard_names = NULL; // has hid been initialized? static t_CKBOOL g_hid_init = FALSE; // table to translate keys to ASCII static t_CKBYTE g_hid_key_table[256]; // cursor track stuff #ifdef __CK_HID_CURSOR_TRACK__ static t_CKINT cursorX = 0; static t_CKINT cursorY = 0; static t_CKFLOAT scaledCursorX = 0; static t_CKFLOAT scaledCursorY = 0; static CFRunLoopRef rlCursorTrack = NULL; static t_CKBOOL g_ct_go = FALSE; #endif // __CK_HID_CURSOR_TRACK__ #ifdef __CK_HID_WIIREMOTE__ // wii remote stuff static CFRunLoopSourceRef cfrlWiiRemoteSource = NULL; static void WiiRemote_cfrl_callback( void * info ); #endif t_CKINT OSX_Hid_Device::preconfigure( io_object_t ioHIDDeviceObject ) { // can only be called in Hid thread, or if the hid thread hasnt started assert( rlHid == CFRunLoopGetCurrent() || rlHid == NULL ); if( preconfiged ) return 0; switch( type ) { case CK_HID_DEV_NONE: strncpy( name, "Human Interface Device", 256 ); buttons = 0; axes = 0; wheels = 0; hats = 0; break; case CK_HID_DEV_JOYSTICK: strncpy( name, "Joystick", 256 ); buttons = 0; axes = 0; wheels = 0; hats = 0; break; case CK_HID_DEV_MOUSE: strncpy( name, "Mouse", 256 ); buttons = 0; axes = 0; wheels = 0; hats = -1; break; case CK_HID_DEV_KEYBOARD: strncpy( name, "Keyboard", 256 ); buttons = 0; axes = -1; wheels = -1; hats = -1; break; } // retrieve a dictionary of device properties kern_return_t kern_result = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties( ioHIDDeviceObject, &hidProperties, kCFAllocatorDefault, kNilOptions); if( kern_result != KERN_SUCCESS || hidProperties == NULL ) { hidProperties = NULL; return -1; } // get the device name, and copy it into the device record CFTypeRef refCF = CFDictionaryGetValue( hidProperties, CFSTR( kIOHIDProductKey ) ); if( refCF ) CFStringGetCString( ( CFStringRef )refCF, name, 256, kCFStringEncodingASCII ); // retrieve uniquely identifying information if( !locationID ) { locationID = ( CFNumberRef ) CFDictionaryGetValue( hidProperties, CFSTR( kIOHIDLocationIDKey ) ); if( locationID ) CFRetain( locationID ); } if( !vendorID ) { vendorID = ( CFNumberRef ) CFDictionaryGetValue( hidProperties, CFSTR( kIOHIDVendorIDKey ) ); if( vendorID ) CFRetain( vendorID ); } if( !productID ) { productID = ( CFNumberRef ) CFDictionaryGetValue( hidProperties, CFSTR( kIOHIDProductIDKey ) ); if( productID ) CFRetain( productID ); } if( !manufacturer ) { manufacturer = ( CFStringRef ) CFDictionaryGetValue( hidProperties, CFSTR( kIOHIDManufacturerKey ) ); if( manufacturer ) CFRetain( manufacturer ); } if( !product ) { product = ( CFStringRef ) CFDictionaryGetValue( hidProperties, CFSTR( kIOHIDProductKey ) ); if( product ) CFRetain( product ); } // create plugin interface IOReturn result; SInt32 score = 0; result = IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService( ioHIDDeviceObject, kIOHIDDeviceUserClientTypeID, kIOCFPlugInInterfaceID, &plugInInterface, &score); if( result != kIOReturnSuccess ) { CFRelease( hidProperties ); hidProperties = NULL; return -1; } #ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__ /* MacBooks and MacBook Pros have some sort of "phantom" trackpad, which shows up in the HID registry and claims to have no wheels. The device name is usually Trackpad with the manufacturer being Apple. This may disable legitimate Trackpads, but hopefully not... */ if( type == CK_HID_DEV_MOUSE && strncmp( "Trackpad", name, 256 ) == 0 ) { refCF = CFDictionaryGetValue( hidProperties, CFSTR( kIOHIDManufacturerKey ) ); if( refCF != NULL && CFStringCompare( ( CFStringRef ) refCF, CFSTR( "Apple" ), 0 ) == 0 ) { preconfiged = TRUE; configure(); if( wheels == 0 ) // this is the "phantom" trackpad { // iterate through the element map, delete device element records map< IOHIDElementCookie, OSX_Hid_Device_Element * >::iterator iter, end; end = elements->end(); for( iter = elements->begin(); iter != end; iter++ ) delete iter->second; delete elements; elements = NULL; if( queue ) { ( *queue )->dispose( queue ); ( *queue )->Release( queue ); queue = NULL; } if( interface ) { ( *interface )->close( interface ); ( *interface )->Release( interface ); interface = NULL; } return -1; } } } #endif // __LITTLE_ENDIAN__ // register callback for removal notification, among a few other things result = IOServiceAddInterestNotification( newDeviceNotificationPort, ioHIDDeviceObject, kIOGeneralInterest, Hid_device_removed, this, &removal_notification ); preconfiged = TRUE; return 0; } t_CKINT OSX_Hid_Device::configure() { // can only be called in Hid thread, or if the hid thread hasnt started assert( rlHid == NULL || rlHid == CFRunLoopGetCurrent() ); if( configed ) return 0; if( !preconfiged ) return -1; EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "hid: configuring %s", name ); // create the device interface HRESULT plugInResult = S_OK; plugInResult = (*plugInInterface)->QueryInterface( plugInInterface, CFUUIDGetUUIDBytes( kIOHIDDeviceInterfaceID ), ( LPVOID * ) &interface ); (*plugInInterface)->Release( plugInInterface ); plugInInterface = NULL; if( plugInResult != S_OK ) { CFRelease( hidProperties ); hidProperties = NULL; return -1; } // open the interface IOReturn result; result = (*interface)->open( interface, 0 ); if( result != kIOReturnSuccess ) { CFRelease( hidProperties ); hidProperties = NULL; (*interface)->Release( interface ); interface = NULL; return -1; } // create an event queue, so we dont have to poll individual elements queue = (*interface)->allocQueue( interface ); if( !queue ) { CFRelease( hidProperties ); hidProperties = NULL; (*interface)->close( interface ); (*interface)->Release( interface ); interface = NULL; return -1; } result = (*queue)->create( queue, 0, event_queue_size ); if( result != kIOReturnSuccess ) { CFRelease( hidProperties ); hidProperties = NULL; (*queue)->Release( queue ); queue = NULL; (*interface)->close( interface ); (*interface)->Release( interface ); interface = NULL; return -1; } // set up the call back mechanism result = (*queue)->createAsyncEventSource( queue, &eventSource ); if( result != kIOReturnSuccess ) { CFRelease( hidProperties ); hidProperties = NULL; (*queue)->dispose( queue ); (*queue)->Release( queue ); queue = NULL; (*interface)->close( interface ); (*interface)->Release( interface ); interface = NULL; return -1; } result = (*queue)->setEventCallout( queue, Hid_callback, NULL, this ); if( result != kIOReturnSuccess ) { CFRelease( hidProperties ); hidProperties = NULL; (*queue)->dispose( queue ); (*queue)->Release( queue ); queue = NULL; (*interface)->close( interface ); (*interface)->Release( interface ); interface = NULL; return -1; } if( hidProperties != NULL ) { if( elements == NULL ) { // retrieve the array of elements... CFTypeRef refCF = CFDictionaryGetValue( hidProperties, CFSTR( kIOHIDElementKey ) ); if( !refCF ) { CFRelease( hidProperties ); hidProperties = NULL; (*queue)->dispose( queue ); (*queue)->Release( queue ); queue = NULL; (*interface)->close( interface ); (*interface)->Release( interface ); interface = NULL; return -1; } // ...allocate space for element records... elements = new map< IOHIDElementCookie, OSX_Hid_Device_Element * >; // axes = 0; // buttons = 0; // hats = 0; // ...and parse the element array recursively enumerate_elements( ( CFArrayRef ) refCF ); } else { map< IOHIDElementCookie, OSX_Hid_Device_Element * >::iterator iter, end; end = elements->end(); for( iter = elements->begin(); iter != end; iter++ ) ( *queue )->addElement( queue, iter->second->cookie, 0 ); } CFRelease( hidProperties ); hidProperties = NULL; } configed = TRUE; return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // name: enumerate_device_elements // desc: perform depth depth first search on potentially nested arrays of // elements on the device, add found elements to the vector //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void OSX_Hid_Device::enumerate_elements( CFArrayRef cfElements ) { // can only be called in Hid thread, or if the hid thread hasnt started assert( rlHid == NULL || rlHid == CFRunLoopGetCurrent() ); CFTypeRef refCF = 0; CFDictionaryRef element_dictionary; OSX_Hid_Device_Element * element; t_CKINT usage_page, usage, element_type; IOReturn result; CFIndex i, len = CFArrayGetCount( cfElements ); for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { // retrieve the dictionary of the ith element's data refCF = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( cfElements, i ); element_dictionary = ( CFDictionaryRef ) refCF; // get element type refCF = CFDictionaryGetValue( element_dictionary, CFSTR( kIOHIDElementTypeKey ) ); if( !refCF || !CFNumberGetValue( ( CFNumberRef ) refCF, kCFNumberLongType, &element_type ) ) continue; // get element usage page refCF = CFDictionaryGetValue( element_dictionary, CFSTR( kIOHIDElementUsagePageKey ) ); if( !refCF || !CFNumberGetValue( ( CFNumberRef ) refCF, kCFNumberLongType, &usage_page ) ) continue; // get element usage refCF = CFDictionaryGetValue( element_dictionary, CFSTR( kIOHIDElementUsageKey ) ); if( !refCF || !CFNumberGetValue( ( CFNumberRef ) refCF, kCFNumberLongType, &usage ) ) continue; switch( element_type ) { case kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Misc: case kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Button: case kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Axis: case kIOHIDElementTypeInput_ScanCodes: // an input of some sort switch( usage_page ) { case kHIDPage_GenericDesktop: switch( usage ) { case kHIDUsage_GD_X: case kHIDUsage_GD_Y: case kHIDUsage_GD_Z: case kHIDUsage_GD_Rx: case kHIDUsage_GD_Ry: case kHIDUsage_GD_Rz: case kHIDUsage_GD_Slider: case kHIDUsage_GD_Dial: // this is an axis if( axes == -1 ) continue; element = new OSX_Hid_Device_Element; element->num = axes; if( this->type == CK_HID_DEV_JOYSTICK ) element->type = CK_HID_JOYSTICK_AXIS; else element->type = CK_HID_MOUSE_MOTION; element->usage = usage; element->usage_page = usage_page; refCF = CFDictionaryGetValue( element_dictionary, CFSTR( kIOHIDElementCookieKey ) ); if( !refCF || !CFNumberGetValue( ( CFNumberRef ) refCF, kCFNumberLongType, &element->cookie ) ) { delete element; continue; } refCF = CFDictionaryGetValue( element_dictionary, CFSTR( kIOHIDElementMinKey ) ); if( !refCF || !CFNumberGetValue( ( CFNumberRef ) refCF, kCFNumberLongType, &element->min ) ) { delete element; continue; } refCF = CFDictionaryGetValue( element_dictionary, CFSTR( kIOHIDElementMaxKey ) ); if( !refCF || !CFNumberGetValue( ( CFNumberRef ) refCF, kCFNumberLongType, &element->max ) ) { delete element; continue; } result = (*queue)->addElement( queue, element->cookie, 0 ); if( result != kIOReturnSuccess ) { delete element; continue; } EM_log( CK_LOG_FINE, "adding axis %d", axes ); (*elements)[element->cookie] = element; axes++; break; case kHIDUsage_GD_Wheel: // this is an wheel if( wheels == -1 ) continue; element = new OSX_Hid_Device_Element; element->num = wheels; if( this->type == CK_HID_DEV_JOYSTICK ) element->type = CK_HID_JOYSTICK_AXIS; else element->type = CK_HID_MOUSE_WHEEL; element->usage = usage; element->usage_page = usage_page; refCF = CFDictionaryGetValue( element_dictionary, CFSTR( kIOHIDElementCookieKey ) ); if( !refCF || !CFNumberGetValue( ( CFNumberRef ) refCF, kCFNumberLongType, &element->cookie ) ) { delete element; continue; } result = (*queue)->addElement( queue, element->cookie, 0 ); if( result != kIOReturnSuccess ) { delete element; continue; } EM_log( CK_LOG_FINE, "adding wheel %d", wheels ); (*elements)[element->cookie] = element; wheels++; break; case kHIDUsage_GD_Hatswitch: // this is a hat if( hats == -1 ) continue; element = new OSX_Hid_Device_Element; element->type = CK_HID_JOYSTICK_HAT; element->num = hats; element->usage = usage; element->usage_page = usage_page; refCF = CFDictionaryGetValue( element_dictionary, CFSTR( kIOHIDElementCookieKey ) ); if( !refCF || !CFNumberGetValue( ( CFNumberRef ) refCF, kCFNumberLongType, &element->cookie ) ) { delete element; continue; } result = (*queue)->addElement( queue, element->cookie, 0 ); if( result != kIOReturnSuccess ) { delete element; continue; } EM_log( CK_LOG_FINE, "adding hat %d", hats ); (*elements)[element->cookie] = element; hats++; break; default: EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "unknown page: %i usage: %i", usage_page, usage ); } break; case kHIDPage_Button: case kHIDPage_KeyboardOrKeypad: // this is a button if( buttons == -1 ) continue; /* filter out error and reserved usages*/ if( usage_page == kHIDPage_KeyboardOrKeypad && !( usage >= kHIDUsage_KeyboardA && usage <= kHIDUsage_KeyboardRightGUI ) ) continue; element = new OSX_Hid_Device_Element; element->type = CK_HID_BUTTON_DOWN; element->num = buttons; element->usage = usage; element->usage_page = usage_page; refCF = CFDictionaryGetValue( element_dictionary, CFSTR( kIOHIDElementCookieKey ) ); if( !refCF || !CFNumberGetValue( ( CFNumberRef ) refCF, kCFNumberLongType, &element->cookie ) ) { delete element; continue; } result = (*queue)->addElement( queue, element->cookie, 0 ); if( result != kIOReturnSuccess ) { delete element; continue; } EM_log( CK_LOG_FINE, "adding button %d", buttons ); (*elements)[element->cookie] = element; buttons++; break; default: EM_log( CK_LOG_FINER, "unknown page: %i usage: %i", usage_page, usage ); } break; case kIOHIDElementTypeCollection: refCF = CFDictionaryGetValue( element_dictionary, CFSTR( kIOHIDElementKey ) ); if( !refCF ) continue; enumerate_elements( ( CFArrayRef ) refCF ); break; case kIOHIDElementTypeOutput: switch( usage_page ) { case kHIDPage_LEDs: /* filter out error and reserved usages */ if( usage > kHIDUsage_LED_ExternalPowerConnected ) continue; element = new OSX_Hid_Device_Element; refCF = CFDictionaryGetValue( element_dictionary, CFSTR( kIOHIDElementCookieKey ) ); if( !refCF || !CFNumberGetValue( ( CFNumberRef ) refCF, kCFNumberLongType, &element->cookie ) ) { delete element; continue; } refCF = CFDictionaryGetValue( element_dictionary, CFSTR( kIOHIDElementMinKey ) ); if( !refCF || !CFNumberGetValue( ( CFNumberRef ) refCF, kCFNumberLongType, &element->min ) ) { delete element; continue; } refCF = CFDictionaryGetValue( element_dictionary, CFSTR( kIOHIDElementMaxKey ) ); if( !refCF || !CFNumberGetValue( ( CFNumberRef ) refCF, kCFNumberLongType, &element->max ) ) { delete element; continue; } if( outputs == NULL ) outputs = new map< unsigned int, vector< OSX_Hid_Device_Element * > * >; if( outputs->find( CK_HID_LED ) == outputs->end() ) ( *outputs )[CK_HID_LED] = new vector< OSX_Hid_Device_Element * >; element->type = CK_HID_LED; element->num = ( *outputs )[CK_HID_LED]->size(); element->usage = usage; element->usage_page = usage_page; EM_log( CK_LOG_FINE, "adding led %d", element->num ); ( *outputs )[CK_HID_LED]->push_back( element ); break; } break; } } } t_CKINT OSX_Hid_Device::start() { // can only be called in Hid thread assert( rlHid == CFRunLoopGetCurrent() ); EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "hid: starting %s", name ); EM_pushlog(); // configure if needed if( !configed ) { // lock the device so we can mutate it this->lock(); // configure if( configure() ) { // error during configuration! this->unlock(); EM_log( CK_LOG_SEVERE, "hid: error configuring %s", name ); EM_poplog(); return -1; } this->unlock(); } EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "hid: adding %s to run loop", name ); CFRunLoopAddSource( rlHid, eventSource, kCFRunLoopChuckHidMode ); IOReturn result = ( *queue )->start( queue ); if( result != kIOReturnSuccess ) { EM_log( CK_LOG_SEVERE, "hid: error starting event queue for %s", name ); EM_poplog(); return -1; } EM_poplog(); return 0; } t_CKINT OSX_Hid_Device::stop() { // can only be called in Hid thread assert( rlHid == CFRunLoopGetCurrent() ); if( queue ) { IOReturn result = ( *queue )->stop( queue ); if( result != kIOReturnSuccess ) EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "hid: error stopping event queue for %s", name ); } CFRunLoopRemoveSource( rlHid, eventSource, kCFRunLoopChuckHidMode ); return 0; } t_CKBOOL OSX_Hid_Device::is_connected() const { if( plugInInterface == NULL && interface == NULL ) return FALSE; return TRUE; } t_CKBOOL OSX_Hid_Device::is_same_as( io_object_t ioHIDDeviceObject ) const { CFMutableDictionaryRef hidProperties2 = NULL; t_CKBOOL result = FALSE; // retrieve a dictionary of device properties kern_return_t kern_result = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties( ioHIDDeviceObject, &hidProperties2, kCFAllocatorDefault, kNilOptions ); if( kern_result != KERN_SUCCESS || hidProperties2 == NULL ) { return FALSE; } // gewang: moved these decl's above goto's CFNumberRef locationID2 = 0; CFNumberRef vendorID2 = 0; CFNumberRef productID2 = 0; CFStringRef manufacturer2 = 0; CFStringRef product2 = 0; // if no "uniquely identifying" info is available, then assume its new if( !locationID && !vendorID && !productID && !manufacturer && !product ) goto end; locationID2 = ( CFNumberRef ) CFDictionaryGetValue( hidProperties2, CFSTR( kIOHIDLocationIDKey ) ); if( ( locationID && !locationID2 ) || ( !locationID && locationID2 ) ) goto end; // not the same if( locationID && locationID2 && CFNumberCompare( locationID, locationID2, NULL ) ) goto end; // not the same vendorID2 = ( CFNumberRef ) CFDictionaryGetValue( hidProperties2, CFSTR( kIOHIDVendorIDKey ) ); if( ( vendorID && !vendorID2 ) || ( !vendorID && vendorID2 ) ) goto end; // not the same if( vendorID && vendorID2 && CFNumberCompare( vendorID, vendorID2, NULL ) ) goto end; // not the same productID2 = ( CFNumberRef ) CFDictionaryGetValue( hidProperties2, CFSTR( kIOHIDProductIDKey ) ); if( ( productID && !productID2 ) || ( !productID && productID2 ) ) goto end; // not the same if( productID && productID2 && CFNumberCompare( productID, productID2, NULL ) ) goto end; // not the same manufacturer2 = ( CFStringRef ) CFDictionaryGetValue( hidProperties2, CFSTR( kIOHIDManufacturerKey ) ); if( ( manufacturer && !manufacturer2 ) || ( !manufacturer && manufacturer2 ) ) goto end; // not the same if( manufacturer && manufacturer2 && CFStringCompare( manufacturer, manufacturer2, 0 ) ) goto end; // not the same product2 = ( CFStringRef ) CFDictionaryGetValue( hidProperties2, CFSTR( kIOHIDProductKey ) ); if( ( product && !product2 ) || ( !product && product2 ) ) goto end; // not the same if( product && product2 && CFStringCompare( product, product2, 0 ) ) goto end; // not the same // if execution reaches this point, then they are the same result = TRUE; end: CFRelease( hidProperties2 ); return result; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // name: disconnect() // desc: called when device is physically disconnected from the machine. // deallocates per-connection resources, but leaves stuff that should be the // same across connections (element list, name, other general properties, etc) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void OSX_Hid_Device::disconnect() { // can only be called in Hid thread, or if the hid thread hasnt started assert( rlHid == NULL || rlHid == CFRunLoopGetCurrent() ); if( plugInInterface ) { ( *plugInInterface )->Release( plugInInterface ); plugInInterface = NULL; } if( queue ) { if( refcount ) { ( *queue )->stop( queue ); if( rlHid ) CFRunLoopRemoveSource( rlHid, eventSource, kCFRunLoopChuckHidMode ); } ( *queue )->dispose( queue ); ( *queue )->Release( queue ); queue = NULL; } if( interface ) { ( *interface )->close( interface ); ( *interface )->Release( interface ); interface = NULL; } if( removal_notification ) { IOObjectRelease( removal_notification ); removal_notification = 0; // NULL; } configed = FALSE; preconfiged = FALSE; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // name: cleanup() // desc: deallocates all resources associated with the device //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void OSX_Hid_Device::cleanup() { // can only be called in Hid thread, or if the hid thread hasnt started assert( rlHid == NULL || rlHid == CFRunLoopGetCurrent() ); disconnect(); // delete all elements if( elements ) { this->lock(); // iterate through the axis map, delete device element records map< IOHIDElementCookie, OSX_Hid_Device_Element * >::iterator iter, end; end = elements->end(); for( iter = elements->begin(); iter != end; iter++ ) delete iter->second; delete elements; elements = NULL; // TODO: delete outputs also this->unlock(); } if( hidProperties ) { CFRelease( hidProperties ); hidProperties = NULL; } this->lock(); if( locationID ) { CFRelease( locationID ); locationID = NULL; } if( vendorID ) { CFRelease( vendorID ); vendorID = NULL; } if( productID ) { CFRelease( productID ); productID = NULL; } if( manufacturer ) { CFRelease( manufacturer ); manufacturer = NULL; } if( product ) { CFRelease( product ); product = NULL; } this->unlock(); } static void Hid_key_table_init() { memset( g_hid_key_table, 0, sizeof( g_hid_key_table ) ); // ASCII letters g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardA] = 'A'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardB] = 'B'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardC] = 'C'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardD] = 'D'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardE] = 'E'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardF] = 'F'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardG] = 'G'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardH] = 'H'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardI] = 'I'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardJ] = 'J'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardK] = 'K'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardL] = 'L'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardM] = 'M'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardN] = 'N'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardO] = 'O'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardP] = 'P'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardQ] = 'Q'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardR] = 'R'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardS] = 'S'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardT] = 'T'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardU] = 'U'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardV] = 'V'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardW] = 'W'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardX] = 'X'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardY] = 'Y'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardZ] = 'Z'; // ASCII numbers g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_Keyboard1] = '1'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_Keyboard2] = '2'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_Keyboard3] = '3'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_Keyboard4] = '4'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_Keyboard5] = '5'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_Keyboard6] = '6'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_Keyboard7] = '7'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_Keyboard8] = '8'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_Keyboard9] = '9'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_Keyboard0] = '0'; // ASCII whitespace/control characters g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardEscape] = '\e'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardDeleteOrBackspace] = '\b'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardReturnOrEnter] = '\n'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardTab] = '\t'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardSpacebar] = ' '; // ASCII symbols g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardHyphen] = '-'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardEqualSign] = '='; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardOpenBracket] = '['; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardCloseBracket] = ']'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardBackslash] = '\\'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardNonUSPound] = '#'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardSemicolon] = ';'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardQuote] = '\''; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardGraveAccentAndTilde] = '`'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardComma] = ','; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardPeriod] = '.'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardSlash] = '/'; // ASCII keypad symbols/whitespace g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeypadSlash] = '/'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeypadAsterisk] = '*'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeypadHyphen] = '-'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeypadPlus] = '+'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeypadEnter] = '\n'; // ASCII keypad numbers g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_Keypad1] = '1'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_Keypad2] = '2'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_Keypad3] = '3'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_Keypad4] = '4'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_Keypad5] = '5'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_Keypad6] = '6'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_Keypad7] = '7'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_Keypad8] = '8'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_Keypad9] = '9'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_Keypad0] = '0'; // ASCII keypad symbols g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeypadPeriod] = '.'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeyboardNonUSBackslash] = '\\'; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeypadEqualSign] = '='; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeypadComma] = ','; g_hid_key_table[kHIDUsage_KeypadEqualSignAS400] = '='; } t_CKINT Hid_hwkey_to_ascii( t_CKINT hwkey ) { if( hwkey < 0 || hwkey >= sizeof( g_hid_key_table ) ) return -1; return g_hid_key_table[hwkey]; } void Hid_init() { Hid_key_table_init(); rlHid = CFRunLoopGetCurrent(); // set up notification for new added devices/removed devices CFRunLoopAddSource( rlHid, IONotificationPortGetRunLoopSource( newDeviceNotificationPort ), kCFRunLoopChuckHidMode ); // add open/close operation source CFRunLoopSourceContext opSourceContext; opSourceContext.version = 0; opSourceContext.info = NULL; opSourceContext.retain = NULL; opSourceContext.release = NULL; opSourceContext.copyDescription = NULL; opSourceContext.equal = NULL; opSourceContext.hash = NULL; opSourceContext.schedule = NULL; opSourceContext.cancel = NULL; opSourceContext.perform = Hid_do_operation; CFRunLoopSourceRef _hidOpSource = CFRunLoopSourceCreate( kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &opSourceContext ); CFRunLoopAddSource( rlHid, _hidOpSource, kCFRunLoopChuckHidMode ); hidOpSource = _hidOpSource; Hid_do_operation( NULL ); #ifdef __CK_HID_WIIREMOTE__ // add wii remote source CFRunLoopSourceContext wrSourceContext; wrSourceContext.version = 0; wrSourceContext.info = NULL; wrSourceContext.retain = NULL; wrSourceContext.release = NULL; wrSourceContext.copyDescription = NULL; wrSourceContext.equal = NULL; wrSourceContext.hash = NULL; wrSourceContext.schedule = NULL; wrSourceContext.cancel = NULL; wrSourceContext.perform = WiiRemote_cfrl_callback; CFRunLoopSourceRef _cfrlWiiRemoteSource = CFRunLoopSourceCreate( kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &wrSourceContext ); CFRunLoopAddSource( rlHid, _cfrlWiiRemoteSource, kCFRunLoopChuckHidMode ); cfrlWiiRemoteSource = _cfrlWiiRemoteSource; WiiRemote_cfrl_callback( NULL ); #endif } void Hid_init2() { // verify that the joystick system has not already been initialized if( g_hid_init == TRUE ) return; g_hid_init = TRUE; IOReturn result = kIOReturnSuccess; io_iterator_t hidObjectIterator = 0; // CFTypeRef refCF; // t_CKINT filter_usage_page = kHIDPage_GenericDesktop; // allocate vectors of device records joysticks = new xvector< OSX_Hid_Device * >; mice = new xvector< OSX_Hid_Device * >; keyboards = new xvector< OSX_Hid_Device * >; joystick_names = new xmultimap< string, OSX_Hid_Device * >; mouse_names = new xmultimap< string, OSX_Hid_Device * >; keyboard_names = new xmultimap< string, OSX_Hid_Device * >; hid_operation_buffer = new CBufferSimple; hid_operation_buffer->initialize( 20, sizeof( OSX_Hid_op ) ); CFMutableDictionaryRef hidMatchDictionary = IOServiceMatching( kIOHIDDeviceKey ); if( !hidMatchDictionary ) { EM_log( CK_LOG_SEVERE, "hid: error: unable to retrieving hidMatchDictionary, unable to initialize" ); return; } /*refCF = ( CFTypeRef ) CFNumberCreate( kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberLongType, &filter_usage_page ); CFDictionarySetValue( hidMatchDictionary, CFSTR( kIOHIDPrimaryUsagePageKey ), refCF );*/ newDeviceNotificationPort = IONotificationPortCreate( kIOMasterPortDefault ); result = IOServiceAddMatchingNotification( newDeviceNotificationPort, kIOFirstMatchNotification, hidMatchDictionary, Hid_new_devices, NULL, &hidObjectIterator ); if( result != kIOReturnSuccess || hidObjectIterator == 0 ) { EM_log( CK_LOG_SEVERE, "hid: error: unable to retrieving matching services, unable to initialize" ); return; } //CFRelease( refCF ); Hid_new_devices( NULL, hidObjectIterator ); } static void Hid_new_devices( void * refcon, io_iterator_t iterator ) { EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "hid: new device(s) found" ); char __temp[256]; CFTypeRef refCF = NULL; io_object_t ioHIDDeviceObject = 0; t_CKINT usage, usage_page; t_CKINT joysticks_seen = joysticks->size(), mice_seen = mice->size(), keyboards_seen = keyboards->size(); while( 1 ) { if( ioHIDDeviceObject ) IOObjectRelease( ioHIDDeviceObject ); ioHIDDeviceObject = IOIteratorNext( iterator ); if( ioHIDDeviceObject == 0 ) break; // ascertain device information // first, determine the device usage page and usage usage = usage_page = -1; refCF = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty( ioHIDDeviceObject, CFSTR( kIOHIDPrimaryUsagePageKey ), kCFAllocatorDefault, kNilOptions ); if( !refCF ) continue; CFNumberGetValue( ( CFNumberRef )refCF, kCFNumberLongType, &usage_page ); CFRelease( refCF ); refCF = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty( ioHIDDeviceObject, CFSTR( kIOHIDPrimaryUsageKey ), kCFAllocatorDefault, kNilOptions); if( !refCF ) continue; CFNumberGetValue( ( CFNumberRef )refCF, kCFNumberLongType, &usage ); CFRelease( refCF ); if( usage_page != kHIDPage_GenericDesktop ) { // some sort of HID device we dont recognize // lets probe its input/output reports and try to categorize it EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "hid: device not recognized, attempting to determine HID type" ); // allocate the device record, set usage page and usage OSX_Hid_Device * new_device = new OSX_Hid_Device; new_device->type = CK_HID_DEV_NONE; new_device->num = 0; new_device->usage_page = usage_page; new_device->usage = usage; if( !new_device->preconfigure( ioHIDDeviceObject ) && !new_device->configure() ) { if( new_device->hats > 0 || new_device->axes > 2 ) // make it a joystick { usage_page = kHIDPage_GenericDesktop; usage = kHIDUsage_GD_Joystick; } else if( new_device->axes == 2 ) // make it a mouse { usage_page = kHIDPage_GenericDesktop; usage = kHIDUsage_GD_Mouse; } else if( new_device->buttons > 0 ) // make it a keyboard { usage_page = kHIDPage_GenericDesktop; usage = kHIDUsage_GD_Keyboard; } new_device->cleanup(); } else { //EM_log( ); } delete new_device; } if ( usage_page == kHIDPage_GenericDesktop ) { if( usage == kHIDUsage_GD_Joystick || usage == kHIDUsage_GD_GamePad ) // this is a joystick, create a new item in the joystick array { // see if this an device that was disconnected being reconnected refCF = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty( ioHIDDeviceObject, CFSTR( kIOHIDProductKey ), kCFAllocatorDefault, kNilOptions); if( refCF ) { CFStringGetCString( ( CFStringRef ) refCF, __temp, 256, kCFStringEncodingASCII ); CFRelease( refCF ); } else strncpy( __temp, "Joystick", 256 ); pair< xmultimap< string, OSX_Hid_Device * >::const_iterator, xmultimap< string, OSX_Hid_Device * >::const_iterator > name_range = joystick_names->equal_range( string( __temp ) ); xmultimap< string, OSX_Hid_Device * >::const_iterator start = name_range.first, end = name_range.second; t_CKBOOL match_found = FALSE; for( ; start != end; start++ ) { OSX_Hid_Device * old_device = ( *start ).second; if( !old_device->is_connected() && old_device->is_same_as( ioHIDDeviceObject ) ) { match_found = TRUE; EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "hid: joystick %s reattached", old_device->name ); if( old_device->preconfigure( ioHIDDeviceObject ) ) { EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "hid: error during reconfiguration of %s", old_device->name ); break; } if( old_device->refcount && !old_device->start() ) { HidMsg msg; msg.device_type = old_device->type; msg.device_num = old_device->num; msg.type = CK_HID_DEVICE_CONNECTED; HidInManager::push_message( msg ); } break; } } if( match_found ) continue; // create a new device record for the device EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "hid: preconfiguring joystick %i", joysticks_seen ); EM_pushlog(); // allocate the device record, set usage page and usage OSX_Hid_Device * new_device = new OSX_Hid_Device; new_device->type = CK_HID_DEV_JOYSTICK; new_device->num = joysticks->size(); new_device->usage_page = usage_page; new_device->usage = usage; if( !new_device->preconfigure( ioHIDDeviceObject ) ) { joysticks->lock(); joysticks->push_back( new_device ); joysticks->unlock(); joystick_names->lock(); joystick_names->insert( pair< string, OSX_Hid_Device * >( string( new_device->name ), new_device ) ); joystick_names->unlock(); } else { EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "hid: ignoring %i, invalid joystick", joysticks_seen ); delete new_device; } joysticks_seen++; EM_poplog(); } if( usage == kHIDUsage_GD_Mouse ) // this is a mouse { // see if this an device that was disconnected being reconnected refCF = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty( ioHIDDeviceObject, CFSTR( kIOHIDProductKey ), kCFAllocatorDefault, kNilOptions); if( refCF ) { CFStringGetCString( ( CFStringRef ) refCF, __temp, 256, kCFStringEncodingASCII ); CFRelease( refCF ); } else strncpy( __temp, "Mouse", 256 ); pair< xmultimap< string, OSX_Hid_Device * >::const_iterator, xmultimap< string, OSX_Hid_Device * >::const_iterator > name_range = mouse_names->equal_range( string( __temp ) ); xmultimap< string, OSX_Hid_Device * >::const_iterator start = name_range.first, end = name_range.second; t_CKBOOL match_found = FALSE; for( ; start != end; start++ ) { OSX_Hid_Device * old_device = ( *start ).second; if( !old_device->is_connected() && old_device->is_same_as( ioHIDDeviceObject ) ) { match_found = TRUE; EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "hid: mouse %s reattached", old_device->name ); if( old_device->preconfigure( ioHIDDeviceObject ) ) { EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "hid: error during reconfiguration of %s", old_device->name ); break; } if( old_device->refcount && !old_device->start() ) { HidMsg msg; msg.device_type = old_device->type; msg.device_num = old_device->num; msg.type = CK_HID_DEVICE_CONNECTED; HidInManager::push_message( msg ); } break; } } if( match_found ) continue; // create a new device record for the device EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "hid: preconfiguring mouse %i", mice_seen ); EM_pushlog(); // allocate the device record, set usage page and usage OSX_Hid_Device * new_device = new OSX_Hid_Device; new_device->type = CK_HID_DEV_MOUSE; new_device->num = mice->size(); new_device->usage_page = usage_page; new_device->usage = usage; if( !new_device->preconfigure( ioHIDDeviceObject ) ) { mice->lock(); mice->push_back( new_device ); mice->unlock(); mouse_names->lock(); mouse_names->insert( pair< string, OSX_Hid_Device * >( string( new_device->name ), new_device ) ); mouse_names->unlock(); } else { EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "hid: ignoring %i, invalid mouse", mice_seen ); delete new_device; } mice_seen++; EM_poplog(); } if( usage == kHIDUsage_GD_Keyboard || usage == kHIDUsage_GD_Keypad ) // this is a keyboard { // see if this an device that was disconnected being reconnected refCF = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty( ioHIDDeviceObject, CFSTR( kIOHIDProductKey ), kCFAllocatorDefault, kNilOptions); if( refCF ) { CFStringGetCString( ( CFStringRef ) refCF, __temp, 256, kCFStringEncodingASCII ); CFRelease( refCF ); } else strncpy( __temp, "Keyboard", 256 ); pair< xmultimap< string, OSX_Hid_Device * >::const_iterator, xmultimap< string, OSX_Hid_Device * >::const_iterator > name_range = keyboard_names->equal_range( string( __temp ) ); xmultimap< string, OSX_Hid_Device * >::const_iterator start = name_range.first, end = name_range.second; t_CKBOOL match_found = FALSE; for( ; start != end; start++ ) { OSX_Hid_Device * old_device = ( *start ).second; if( !old_device->is_connected() && old_device->is_same_as( ioHIDDeviceObject ) ) { match_found = TRUE; EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "hid: keyboard %s reattached", old_device->name ); if( old_device->preconfigure( ioHIDDeviceObject ) ) { EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "hid: error during reconfiguration of %s", old_device->name ); break; } if( old_device->refcount && !old_device->start() ) { HidMsg msg; msg.device_type = old_device->type; msg.device_num = old_device->num; msg.type = CK_HID_DEVICE_CONNECTED; HidInManager::push_message( msg ); } break; } } if( match_found ) continue; // create a new device record for the device EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "hid: preconfiguring keyboard %i", keyboards_seen ); EM_pushlog(); // allocate the device record, set usage page and usage OSX_Hid_Device * new_device = new OSX_Hid_Device; new_device->type = CK_HID_DEV_KEYBOARD; new_device->num = keyboards->size(); new_device->usage_page = usage_page; new_device->usage = usage; if( !new_device->preconfigure( ioHIDDeviceObject ) ) { keyboards->lock(); keyboards->push_back( new_device ); keyboards->unlock(); keyboard_names->lock(); keyboard_names->insert( pair< string, OSX_Hid_Device * >( string( new_device->name ), new_device ) ); keyboard_names->unlock(); } else { EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "hid: ignoring %i, invalid keyboard", keyboards_seen ); delete new_device; } keyboards_seen++; EM_poplog(); } } } } void Hid_device_removed( void * refcon, io_service_t service, natural_t messageType, void * messageArgument ) { if( messageType == kIOMessageServiceIsTerminated && refcon ) { OSX_Hid_Device * device = ( OSX_Hid_Device * ) refcon; if( device->is_connected() ) { EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "hid: %s disconnected", device->name ); device->lock(); device->disconnect(); device->unlock(); HidMsg msg; msg.device_type = device->type; msg.device_num = device->num; msg.type = CK_HID_DEVICE_DISCONNECTED; HidInManager::push_message( msg ); } } } #ifdef __CK_HID_WIIREMOTE__ #include "objc/objc.h" #include "objc/objc-runtime.h" #include "objc/objc-class.h" static id createAutoReleasePool() { Class NSAutoreleasePoolClass = ( Class ) objc_getClass( "NSAutoreleasePool" ); id autoReleasePool = class_createInstance( NSAutoreleasePoolClass, 0 ); SEL initSelector = sel_registerName( "init" ); autoReleasePool = objc_msgSend( autoReleasePool, initSelector ); return autoReleasePool; } static void releaseAutoReleasePool() { } #endif void Hid_poll() { #ifdef __CK_HID_WIIREMOTE__ id auto_release_pool = createAutoReleasePool(); #endif CFRunLoopRunInMode( kCFRunLoopChuckHidMode, 60 * 60 * 24, false ); } void Hid_callback( void * target, IOReturn result, void * refcon, void * sender) { OSX_Hid_Device * device = ( OSX_Hid_Device * ) refcon; OSX_Hid_Device_Element * element; AbsoluteTime atZero = { 0, 0 }; IOHIDEventStruct event; HidMsg msg; while( result == kIOReturnSuccess ) { result = ( *( device->queue ) )->getNextEvent( device->queue, &event, atZero, 0 ); if( result == kIOReturnUnderrun ) break; if( result != kIOReturnSuccess ) { EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "hid: warning: getNextEvent failed" ); break; } element = ( *( device->elements ) )[event.elementCookie]; msg.clear(); msg.device_type = device->type; msg.device_num = device->num; msg.type = element->type; msg.eid = element->num; switch( msg.type ) { case CK_HID_JOYSTICK_AXIS: // scale the value to [-1.0, 1.0] msg.fdata[0] = ((t_CKFLOAT)(event.value - element->min)) * 2.0 / ((t_CKFLOAT)(element->max - element->min)) - 1.0; break; case CK_HID_JOYSTICK_HAT: msg.idata[0] = event.value; break; case CK_HID_MOUSE_MOTION: { // gewang: added msg.eid = 0; if( element->usage == kHIDUsage_GD_X ) { msg.idata[0] = event.value; msg.idata[1] = 0; } else { msg.idata[0] = 0; msg.idata[1] = event.value; } #ifndef __CK_HID_CURSOR_TRACK__ CGEventRef event = CGEventCreate(NULL); CGPoint cursor = CGEventGetLocation(event); CFRelease(event); msg.idata[2] = cursor.x; msg.idata[3] = cursor.y; CGDirectDisplayID display; CGDisplayCount displayCount; CGPoint cgp; cgp.x = cursor.x; cgp.y = cursor.y; if( CGGetDisplaysWithPoint( cgp, 1, &display, &displayCount ) == kCGErrorSuccess ) { CGRect bounds = CGDisplayBounds( display ); msg.fdata[0] = ( ( t_CKFLOAT ) ( cursor.x - bounds.origin.x ) ) / ( bounds.size.width - 1 ); msg.fdata[1] = ( ( t_CKFLOAT ) ( cursor.y - bounds.origin.y ) ) / ( bounds.size.height - 1 ); } #else msg.idata[2] = cursorX; msg.idata[3] = cursorY; msg.fdata[0] = scaledCursorX; msg.fdata[1] = scaledCursorY; #endif // __CK_HID_CURSOR_TRACK__ } // gewang: added break; case CK_HID_MOUSE_WHEEL: msg.eid = 0; if( element->num == 1 ) // "X" wheel motion { msg.idata[0] = event.value; msg.idata[1] = 0; } else // "Y" wheel motion - the default for single wheel systems { msg.idata[0] = 0; msg.idata[1] = event.value; } break; case CK_HID_BUTTON_DOWN: if( event.value == 0 ) msg.type = CK_HID_BUTTON_UP; msg.idata[0] = event.value; if( msg.device_type == CK_HID_DEV_KEYBOARD ) { msg.eid = element->usage; msg.idata[1] = element->usage; msg.idata[2] = Hid_hwkey_to_ascii( element->usage ); } break; } HidInManager::push_message( msg ); } } static void Hid_do_operation( void * info ) { OSX_Hid_op op; while( hid_operation_buffer->get( &op, 1 ) ) { OSX_Hid_Device * device = NULL; switch( op.type ) { case OSX_Hid_op::open: if( op.index >= op.v->size() ) { EM_log( CK_LOG_SEVERE, "hid: error: no such device %i", op.index ); return; } device = op.v->at( op.index ); if( device->refcount == 0 ) device->start(); device->refcount++; break; case OSX_Hid_op::close: if( op.index >= op.v->size() ) { EM_log( CK_LOG_SEVERE, "hid: error: no such device %i", op.index ); return; } device = op.v->at( op.index ); device->refcount--; if( device->refcount == 0 ) device->stop(); break; } } } void Hid_quit() { // stop the run loop; since thread_going is FALSE, the poll thread will exit if( rlHid ) CFRunLoopStop( rlHid ); if( hidOpSource ) { CFRunLoopRemoveSource( rlHid, hidOpSource, kCFRunLoopChuckHidMode ); CFRelease( hidOpSource ); hidOpSource = NULL; } if( newDeviceNotificationPort ) { IONotificationPortDestroy( newDeviceNotificationPort ); newDeviceNotificationPort = NULL; } rlHid = NULL; #ifdef __CK_HID_CURSOR_TRACK__ Mouse_stop_cursor_track(); #endif // __CK_HID_CURSOR_TRACK__ } void Hid_quit2() { if( g_hid_init == FALSE ) return; g_hid_init = FALSE; delete hid_operation_buffer; xvector< OSX_Hid_Device * >::size_type i, len; len = joysticks->size(); for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) delete joysticks->at( i ); delete joysticks; joysticks = NULL; len = mice->size(); for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) delete mice->at( i ); delete mice; mice = NULL; len = keyboards->size(); for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) delete keyboards->at( i ); delete keyboards; keyboards = NULL; // TODO: delete xmultimaps } int Hid_count( xvector< OSX_Hid_Device * > * v ) { if( v == NULL ) return 0; v->lock(); int count = v->size(); v->unlock(); return count; } int Hid_count_elements( xvector< OSX_Hid_Device * > * v, int i, int type ) { if( v == NULL || i < 0 ) return -1; int r = 0; v->lock(); if( i >= v->size() ) { v->unlock(); return -1; } OSX_Hid_Device * device = v->at( i ); device->lock(); v->unlock(); switch( type ) { case CK_HID_JOYSTICK_AXIS: if( device->type == CK_HID_DEV_JOYSTICK ) r = device->axes; break; case CK_HID_BUTTON_DOWN: case CK_HID_BUTTON_UP: r = device->buttons; break; case CK_HID_JOYSTICK_HAT: r = device->hats; break; case CK_HID_JOYSTICK_BALL: r = 0; break; case CK_HID_MOUSE_MOTION: if( device->type == CK_HID_DEV_MOUSE ) r = device->axes; break; case CK_HID_MOUSE_WHEEL: if( device->type == CK_HID_DEV_MOUSE ) r = device->wheels; break; case CK_HID_LED: if( ( *device->outputs )[type] ) r = ( *device->outputs )[type]->size(); break; } device->unlock(); return r; } int Hid_open( xvector< OSX_Hid_Device * > * v, int i ) { if( v == NULL || i < 0 ) return -1; v->lock(); if( i >= v->size() ) { v->unlock(); return -1; } v->unlock(); OSX_Hid_op op; op.type = OSX_Hid_op::open; op.v = v; op.index = i; hid_operation_buffer->put( &op, 1 ); if( hidOpSource && rlHid ) { CFRunLoopSourceSignal( hidOpSource ); CFRunLoopWakeUp( rlHid ); } return 0; } int Hid_close( xvector< OSX_Hid_Device * > * v, int i ) { if( v == NULL || i < 0 ) return -1; v->lock(); if( i >= v->size() ) { v->unlock(); return -1; } v->unlock(); OSX_Hid_op op; op.type = OSX_Hid_op::close; op.v = v; op.index = i; hid_operation_buffer->put( &op, 1 ); if( hidOpSource && rlHid ) { CFRunLoopSourceSignal( hidOpSource ); CFRunLoopWakeUp( rlHid ); } return 0; } const char * Hid_name( xvector< OSX_Hid_Device * > * v, int i ) { if( v == NULL || i < 0 ) return NULL; v->lock(); if( i >= v->size() ) { v->unlock(); return NULL; } OSX_Hid_Device * device = v->at( i ); v->unlock(); device->lock(); const char * name = device->name; device->unlock(); return name; } #pragma mark OS X Joystick support void Joystick_init() { Hid_init2(); } void Joystick_poll() { } void Joystick_quit() { Hid_quit2(); } int Joystick_count() { return Hid_count( joysticks ); } int Joystick_count_elements( int js, int type ) { return Hid_count_elements( joysticks, js, type ); } int Joystick_open( int js ) { return Hid_open( joysticks, js ); } int Joystick_close( int js ) { return Hid_close( joysticks, js ); } const char * Joystick_name( int js ) { return Hid_name( joysticks, js ); } #pragma mark OS X Mouse support void Mouse_init() { Hid_init2(); } void Mouse_poll() { } void Mouse_quit() { Hid_quit2(); } int Mouse_count() { return Hid_count( mice ); } int Mouse_count_elements( int m, int type ) { return Hid_count_elements( mice, m, type ); } int Mouse_open( int m ) { return Hid_open( mice, m ); } int Mouse_close( int m ) { return Hid_close( mice, m ); } const char * Mouse_name( int m ) { return Hid_name( mice, m ); } #ifdef __CK_HID_CURSOR_TRACK__ CGPoint CGEventGetLocation(CGEventRef event); CGEventRef Mouse_cursor_track_cb( CGEventTapProxy proxy, CGEventType type, CGEventRef event, void * refcon ) { CGPoint p = CGEventGetLocation( event ); cursorX = ( t_CKINT ) p.x; cursorY = ( t_CKINT ) p.y; CGDirectDisplayID display; CGDisplayCount displayCount; if( CGGetDisplaysWithPoint( p, 1, &display, &displayCount ) == kCGErrorSuccess ) { CGRect bounds = CGDisplayBounds( display ); scaledCursorX = ( ( t_CKFLOAT ) ( p.x - bounds.origin.x ) ) / ( bounds.size.width - 1 ); scaledCursorY = ( ( t_CKFLOAT ) ( p.y - bounds.origin.y ) ) / ( bounds.size.height - 1 ); } return event; } void * Mouse_cursor_track( void * ) { EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "hid: starting cursor track" ); cursorX = 0; cursorY = 0; rlCursorTrack = CFRunLoopGetCurrent(); CFMachPortRef machPort = CGEventTapCreate( kCGSessionEventTap, kCGHeadInsertEventTap, kCGEventTapOptionListenOnly, CGEventMaskBit( kCGEventMouseMoved ), Mouse_cursor_track_cb, NULL ); CFRunLoopSourceRef tapSource; if( machPort != NULL ) { tapSource = CFMachPortCreateRunLoopSource( NULL, machPort, 0 ); CFRunLoopAddSource( rlCursorTrack, tapSource, kCFRunLoopChuckHidMode ); } else { EM_log( CK_LOG_WARNING, "hid: cursor position listener startup failed" ); return 0; } while( g_ct_go ) CFRunLoopRunInMode( kCFRunLoopChuckHidMode, 60 * 60 * 24, FALSE ); CFRelease( machPort ); CFRelease( tapSource ); rlCursorTrack = NULL; EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "hid: stopping cursor track" ); return 0; } #endif // __CK_HID_CURSOR_TRACK__ int Mouse_start_cursor_track() { #ifdef __CK_HID_CURSOR_TRACK__ if( &CGEventTapCreate == NULL ) return -1; if( g_ct_go ) return 0; g_ct_go = TRUE; pthread_t ct_thread; if( pthread_create( &ct_thread, NULL, Mouse_cursor_track, NULL ) != 0 ) { EM_log( CK_LOG_WARNING, "hid: cursor track thread failed to start" ); return -1; } return 0; #else return -1; #endif // __CK_HID_CURSOR_TRACK__ } int Mouse_stop_cursor_track() { #ifdef __CK_HID_CURSOR_TRACK__ if( g_ct_go ) { g_ct_go = FALSE; if( rlCursorTrack ) CFRunLoopStop( rlCursorTrack ); cursorX = 0; cursorY = 0; } #endif // __CK_HID_CURSOR_TRACK__ return 0; } //#endif /* __CK_HID_CURSORTRACK__ */ #pragma mark OS X Keyboard support void Keyboard_init() { Hid_init2(); } void Keyboard_poll() { } void Keyboard_quit() { Hid_quit2(); } int Keyboard_count() { return Hid_count( keyboards ); } int Keyboard_count_elements( int k, int type ) { return Hid_count_elements( keyboards, k, type ); } int Keyboard_open( int k ) { return Hid_open( keyboards, k ); } int Keyboard_close( int k ) { return Hid_close( keyboards, k ); } int Keyboard_send( int k, const HidMsg * msg ) { if( keyboards == NULL || k < 0 || k >= keyboards->size() ) return -1; OSX_Hid_Device * keyboard = ( *keyboards )[k]; if( keyboard->outputs == NULL || // no outputs keyboard->outputs->find( msg->type ) == keyboard->outputs->end() ) // no outputs of that type return -1; if( msg->eid < 0 || msg->eid >= ( *( keyboard->outputs ) )[msg->type]->size() ) // invalid output type element number return -1; OSX_Hid_Device_Element * output = ( *( *( keyboard->outputs ) )[msg->type] )[msg->eid]; IOHIDEventStruct eventStruct; eventStruct.type = kIOHIDElementTypeOutput; eventStruct.elementCookie = output->cookie; eventStruct.timestamp = UpTime(); eventStruct.longValueSize = 0; eventStruct.longValue = NULL; if( msg->idata[0] < output->min ) eventStruct.value = output->min; else if( msg->idata[0] > output->max ) eventStruct.value = output->max; else eventStruct.value = msg->idata[0]; IOReturn result; result = ( *( keyboard->interface ) )->setElementValue( keyboard->interface, output->cookie, &eventStruct, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); if( result != kIOReturnSuccess ) return -1; return 0; } const char * Keyboard_name( int k ) { return Hid_name( keyboards, k ); } #pragma mark OS X Tilt/Sudden Motion Sensor support enum { kSMSPowerbookDataType, kSMSMacBookProDataType }; static struct t_TiltSensor_data { union { struct t_powerbook { int8_t x; int8_t y; int8_t z; int8_t pad[57]; } powerbook; struct t_macbookpro { int16_t x; int16_t y; int16_t z; int8_t pad[34]; } macbookpro; } data; int kernFunc; char * servMatch; int dataType; io_connect_t dataPort; int detected; // 0 = detection not yet run, -1 = no sensor found, 1 = sensor found int refcount; t_TiltSensor_data() { refcount = 0; kernFunc = 0; servMatch = NULL; dataType = -1; dataPort = 0; detected = 0; } } TiltSensor_data; // ge: SMS multi-threading static int TiltSensor_do_read(); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: class SMSManager // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class SMSManager { public: static t_CKBOOL init(); static void shutdown(); static void on(); static void off(); public: static t_CKINT the_onoff; static t_CKBOOL the_init; static t_CKINT wait_time; static XThread * the_thread; static t_CKINT x; static t_CKINT y; static t_CKINT z; }; // designate new poll rate t_CKINT TiltSensor_setPollRate( t_CKINT usec ) { // sanity assert( usec >= 0 ); SMSManager::wait_time = usec; return SMSManager::wait_time; } // query current poll rate t_CKINT TiltSensor_getPollRate( ) { return SMSManager::wait_time; } // initialize t_CKINT SMSManager::the_onoff = 0; t_CKBOOL SMSManager::the_init = FALSE; t_CKINT SMSManager::wait_time = 3000; XThread * SMSManager::the_thread = NULL; t_CKINT SMSManager::x = 0; t_CKINT SMSManager::y = 0; t_CKINT SMSManager::z = 0; #if !defined(__PLATFORM_WIN32__) || defined(__WINDOWS_PTHREAD__) static void * sms_loop( void * ) #else static unsigned int __stdcall sms_loop( void * ) #endif { // t_CKINT c; EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "starting SMS multi-threaded loop..." ); // go while( SMSManager::the_init ) { // if on if( SMSManager::the_onoff ) { // poll SMS TiltSensor_do_read(); // save data if( TiltSensor_data.dataType == kSMSPowerbookDataType ) { SMSManager::x = TiltSensor_data.data.powerbook.x; SMSManager::y = TiltSensor_data.data.powerbook.y; SMSManager::z = TiltSensor_data.data.powerbook.z; } else if( TiltSensor_data.dataType == kSMSMacBookProDataType ) { SMSManager::x = TiltSensor_data.data.macbookpro.x; SMSManager::y = TiltSensor_data.data.macbookpro.y; SMSManager::z = TiltSensor_data.data.macbookpro.z; } // wait usleep( SMSManager::wait_time ); } else { // wait usleep( 1000 ); } } // TODO: hack! SAFE_DELETE( SMSManager::the_thread ); return 0; } // init t_CKBOOL SMSManager::init() { // sanity if( the_thread != NULL ) return FALSE; EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "initializing SMSManager..." ); the_onoff = 0; the_init = TRUE; the_thread = new XThread; the_thread->start( sms_loop, NULL ); return TRUE; } // shutdown void SMSManager::shutdown() { EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "shutting down SMSManager..." ); the_onoff = 0; the_init = FALSE; } // on() void SMSManager::on() { the_onoff++; } // off() void SMSManager::off() { the_onoff--; } static int TiltSensor_test( int kernFunc, const char * servMatch, int dataType ) { kern_return_t result; io_iterator_t iterator; io_object_t aDevice; io_connect_t dataPort; IOItemCount structureInputSize; size_t structureOutputSize; // log EM_log( CK_LOG_FINE, "testing for SMS sensor..." ); CFMutableDictionaryRef matchingDictionary = IOServiceMatching( servMatch ); result = IOServiceGetMatchingServices( kIOMasterPortDefault, matchingDictionary, &iterator ); if( result != KERN_SUCCESS ) return 0; aDevice = IOIteratorNext( iterator ); IOObjectRelease( iterator ); if( aDevice == 0 ) return 0; result = IOServiceOpen( aDevice, mach_task_self(), 0, &dataPort ); IOObjectRelease( aDevice ); if ( result != KERN_SUCCESS ) return 0; switch( dataType ) { case kSMSPowerbookDataType: structureInputSize = sizeof( TiltSensor_data.data.powerbook ); structureOutputSize = sizeof( TiltSensor_data.data.powerbook ); break; case kSMSMacBookProDataType: structureInputSize = sizeof( TiltSensor_data.data.macbookpro ); structureOutputSize = sizeof( TiltSensor_data.data.macbookpro ); break; default: IOServiceClose( dataPort ); return 0; } memset( &TiltSensor_data.data, 0, sizeof( TiltSensor_data.data ) ); memset( &TiltSensor_data.data, 0, sizeof( TiltSensor_data.data ) ); // result = IOConnectMethodStructureIStructureO( dataPort, // kernFunc, // structureInputSize, // &structureOutputSize, // &TiltSensor_data.data, // &TiltSensor_data.data ); result = IOConnectCallStructMethod( dataPort, kernFunc, &TiltSensor_data.data, structureInputSize, &TiltSensor_data.data, &structureOutputSize ); if ( result != KERN_SUCCESS ) { IOServiceClose( dataPort ); return 0; } // leave dataPort open for future use TiltSensor_data.dataPort = dataPort; return 1; } static int TiltSensor_do_read() { kern_return_t result; IOItemCount structureInputSize; size_t structureOutputSize; // log EM_log( CK_LOG_FINE, "reading SMS sensor..." ); switch( TiltSensor_data.dataType ) { case kSMSPowerbookDataType: structureInputSize = sizeof( TiltSensor_data.data.powerbook ); structureOutputSize = sizeof( TiltSensor_data.data.powerbook ); break; case kSMSMacBookProDataType: structureInputSize = sizeof( TiltSensor_data.data.macbookpro ); structureOutputSize = sizeof( TiltSensor_data.data.macbookpro ); break; default: return 0; } memset( &TiltSensor_data.data, 0, sizeof( TiltSensor_data.data ) ); memset( &TiltSensor_data.data, 0, sizeof( TiltSensor_data.data ) ); // result = IOConnectMethodStructureIStructureO( TiltSensor_data.dataPort, // TiltSensor_data.kernFunc, // structureInputSize, // &structureOutputSize, // &TiltSensor_data.data, // &TiltSensor_data.data ); result = IOConnectCallStructMethod( TiltSensor_data.dataPort, TiltSensor_data.kernFunc, &TiltSensor_data.data, structureInputSize, &TiltSensor_data.data, &structureOutputSize ); return 1; } static int TiltSensor_detect() { // try different interfaces until we find one that works SInt32 osx_version; int powerbookKernFunc = 0; // log EM_log( CK_LOG_FINE, "detecting SMS sensor..." ); Gestalt( gestaltSystemVersion, &osx_version ); if( osx_version == 0x1040 || osx_version == 0x1041 || osx_version == 0x1042 || osx_version == 0x1043 ) powerbookKernFunc = 24; else powerbookKernFunc = 21; // added cast to t_CKINT CK_FPRINTF_STDOUT( "osx_version = %ld \n", (t_CKINT)osx_version ); // ibook/powerbook (OS X 10.4.x) tilt sensor interface if( TiltSensor_test( powerbookKernFunc, "IOI2CMotionSensor", kSMSPowerbookDataType ) ) { TiltSensor_data.kernFunc = powerbookKernFunc; TiltSensor_data.dataType = kSMSPowerbookDataType; TiltSensor_data.detected = 1; return 1; } // hi resolution powerbook tilt sensor interface if( TiltSensor_test( powerbookKernFunc, "PMUMotionSensor", kSMSPowerbookDataType ) ) { TiltSensor_data.kernFunc = powerbookKernFunc; TiltSensor_data.dataType = kSMSPowerbookDataType; TiltSensor_data.detected = 1; return 1; } // mac book (pro) tilt sensor interface if( TiltSensor_test( 5, "SMCMotionSensor", kSMSMacBookProDataType ) ) { TiltSensor_data.kernFunc = 5; TiltSensor_data.dataType = kSMSMacBookProDataType; TiltSensor_data.detected = 1; return 1; } TiltSensor_data.detected = -1; return 0; } void TiltSensor_init() { } void TiltSensor_quit() { // log EM_log( CK_LOG_FINE, "quiting SMS bridge..." ); if( TiltSensor_data.dataPort == 0 ) IOServiceClose( TiltSensor_data.dataPort ); } void TiltSensor_probe() { } int TiltSensor_count() { // log EM_log( CK_LOG_FINE, "counting SMS sensors..." ); if( TiltSensor_data.detected == 0 ) TiltSensor_detect(); if( TiltSensor_data.detected == -1 ) return 0; else if( TiltSensor_data.detected == 1 ) return 1; return 0; } int TiltSensor_open( int ts ) { // log EM_log( CK_LOG_FINE, "opening SMS sensor..." ); EM_pushlog(); if( TiltSensor_data.detected == 0 ) TiltSensor_detect(); if( TiltSensor_data.detected == -1 ) return -1; TiltSensor_data.refcount++; // ge: init manager SMSManager::init(); SMSManager::on(); // log EM_poplog(); return 0; } int TiltSensor_close( int ts ) { TiltSensor_data.refcount--; // ge: notify SMSManager::off(); if( TiltSensor_data.refcount <= 0 ) SMSManager::shutdown(); return 0; } const char * TiltSensor_name( int ts ) { return "Apple Sudden Motion Sensor"; } int TiltSensor_read( int ts, int type, int num, HidMsg * msg ) { if( type != CK_HID_ACCELEROMETER ) return -1; if( TiltSensor_data.detected == -1 ) return -1; // ge: no longer need in the multi-threaded case... // if( !TiltSensor_do_read() ) // return -1; // ge: use sms multi-threaded msg->idata[0] = SMSManager::x; msg->idata[1] = SMSManager::y; msg->idata[2] = SMSManager::z; return 0; } typedef struct { float x,y; } mtPoint; typedef struct { mtPoint pos,vel; } mtReadout; typedef struct { int frame; double timestamp; int identifier, state, foo3, foo4; mtReadout normalized; float size; int zero1; float angle, majorAxis, minorAxis; // ellipsoid mtReadout mm; int zero2[2]; float unk2; } Finger; typedef void *MTDeviceRef; typedef int (*MTContactCallbackFunction)(MTDeviceRef,Finger*,int,double,int); extern "C" { // MTDeviceRef MTDeviceCreateDefault(); CFMutableArrayRef MTDeviceCreateList(void); void MTRegisterContactFrameCallback(MTDeviceRef, MTContactCallbackFunction); void MTUnregisterContactFrameCallback(MTDeviceRef, MTContactCallbackFunction); void MTDeviceStart(MTDeviceRef, int); void MTDeviceStop(MTDeviceRef); } class MTDManager { public: static bool checkedAvailability; static bool available; static bool inited; static int numDevices; static CFMutableArrayRef deviceList; static map openDevices; }; bool MTDManager::checkedAvailability = false; bool MTDManager::available = false; bool MTDManager::inited = false; int MTDManager::numDevices = -1; CFMutableArrayRef MTDManager::deviceList = NULL; map MTDManager::openDevices; int MultiTouchDevice_callback(MTDeviceRef device, Finger *data, int nFingers, double timestamp, int frame) { int device_num = CFArrayGetFirstIndexOfValue(MTDManager::deviceList, CFRangeMake(0, MTDManager::numDevices), device); for (int i=0; iframe, // f->angle * 90 / atan2(1,0), // f->majorAxis, // f->minorAxis, // f->normalized.pos.x, // f->normalized.pos.y, // f->normalized.vel.x, // f->normalized.vel.y, // f->identifier, f->state, f->foo3, f->foo4, // f->size, f->unk2); HidMsg msg; msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_MULTITOUCH; msg.device_num = device_num; msg.type = CK_HID_MULTITOUCH_TOUCH; msg.eid = f->identifier; msg.fdata[0] = f->normalized.pos.x; msg.fdata[1] = f->normalized.pos.y; msg.fdata[2] = f->size; HidInManager::push_message( msg ); } // // printf("\n"); // return 0; } void MultiTouchDevice_init() { if(!MTDManager::checkedAvailability) MTDManager::available = (&MTDeviceCreateList != NULL && &MTRegisterContactFrameCallback != NULL && &MTUnregisterContactFrameCallback != NULL && &MTDeviceStart != NULL && &MTDeviceStop != NULL); if(!MTDManager::available) return; if(MTDManager::inited == false) { MTDManager::deviceList = MTDeviceCreateList(); if(MTDManager::deviceList) { MTDManager::numDevices = CFArrayGetCount(MTDManager::deviceList); MTDManager::inited = true; } } } void MultiTouchDevice_quit() { if(!MTDManager::available) return; if(MTDManager::inited) { if(MTDManager::deviceList) { CFRelease(MTDManager::deviceList); MTDManager::deviceList = NULL; } MTDManager::numDevices = -1; MTDManager::inited = false; } } void MultiTouchDevice_probe() { } int MultiTouchDevice_count() { if(!MTDManager::available) return 0; return MTDManager::numDevices; } int MultiTouchDevice_open( int ts ) { if(!MTDManager::available) return -1; if(!MTDManager::inited || ts < 0 || ts >= MTDManager::numDevices) return -1; MTDeviceRef device = (MTDeviceRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(MTDManager::deviceList, ts); MTRegisterContactFrameCallback(device, MultiTouchDevice_callback); MTDeviceStart(device, 0); MTDManager::openDevices[device] = true; return 0; } int MultiTouchDevice_close( int ts ) { if(!MTDManager::available) return -1; if(MTDManager::numDevices == -1 || ts < 0 || ts >= MTDManager::numDevices) return -1; MTDeviceRef device = (MTDeviceRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(MTDManager::deviceList, ts); if(MTDManager::openDevices.count(device)) { MTDeviceStop(device); //MTUnregisterContactFrameCallback(device, MultiTouchDevice_callback); MTDManager::openDevices[device] = false; } return 0; } const char * MultiTouchDevice_name( int ts ) { if(!MTDManager::available) return NULL; return "MultiTouch Device"; } class TabletManager { public: CGEventRef TapCallBack(CGEventTapProxy proxy, CGEventType type, CGEventRef event) { HidMsg msg; // msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_MULTITOUCH; // msg.device_num = device_num; // msg.type = CK_HID_MULTITOUCH_TOUCH; // msg.eid = f->identifier; // msg.fdata[0] = f->normalized.pos.x; // msg.fdata[1] = f->normalized.pos.y; // msg.fdata[2] = f->size; HidInManager::push_message( msg ); return event; } private: }; static TabletManager * g_tabletManager = NULL; CGEventRef Tablet_TapCallBack(CGEventTapProxy proxy, CGEventType type, CGEventRef event, void *refcon) { TabletManager * mgr = (TabletManager *) refcon; return mgr->TapCallBack(proxy, type, event); } void Tablet_init() { g_tabletManager = new TabletManager; } void Tablet_quit() { delete g_tabletManager; g_tabletManager = NULL; } void Tablet_probe() { } int Tablet_count() { return 0; } int Tablet_open( int ts ) { return HID_NOERROR; } int Tablet_close( int ts ) { return HID_NOERROR; } const char * Tablet_name( int ts ) { return NULL; } #ifdef __CK_HID_WIIREMOTE__ #pragma mark OS X Wii Remote support class Bluetooth_Device : public lockable { public: Bluetooth_Device() { device = NULL; memset( &address, 0, sizeof( address ) ); strncpy( name, "Bluetooth Device", 256 ); interrupt_channel = NULL; control_channel = NULL; disconnect_notification = NULL; type = 0; num = -1; refcount = 0; } virtual ~Bluetooth_Device() { close(); } virtual t_CKINT open() { return -1; } virtual t_CKINT connect() { return -1; } virtual t_CKINT control_init() { return -1; } virtual t_CKINT interrupt_init() { return -1; } virtual t_CKINT disconnect() { return -1; } virtual t_CKINT close() { return -1; } virtual t_CKBOOL is_connected() { return FALSE; } virtual void control_receive( void * data, size_t size ) {}; virtual void interrupt_receive( void * data, size_t size ) {}; virtual void control_send( void * data, size_t size ) {}; virtual void interrupt_send( void * data, size_t size ) {}; IOBluetoothDeviceRef device; BluetoothDeviceAddress address; IOBluetoothL2CAPChannelRef interrupt_channel; IOBluetoothL2CAPChannelRef control_channel; IOBluetoothUserNotificationRef disconnect_notification; char name[256]; t_CKUINT type; t_CKINT num; t_CKUINT refcount; }; class WiiRemote : public Bluetooth_Device { protected: enum Extension { ExtensionNone, ExtensionNunchuk, ExtensionClassicController }; public: WiiRemote() { force_feedback_enabled = FALSE; motion_sensor_enabled = FALSE; ir_sensor_enabled = FALSE; ir_sensor_initialized = FALSE; extension_enabled = FALSE; led1 = led2 = led3 = led4 = FALSE; speaker_enabled = FALSE; connected_extension = ExtensionNone; timer = NULL; audio_buffer = NULL; memset( &buttons, 0, sizeof( buttons ) ); memset( &accels, 0, sizeof( accels ) ); memset( &ir, 0xff, sizeof( ir ) ); memset( &extension, 0, sizeof( extension ) ); extension[5] |= 0x03; } virtual t_CKINT open(); virtual t_CKINT connect(); virtual t_CKINT control_init(); virtual t_CKINT disconnect(); virtual t_CKINT close(); virtual t_CKBOOL is_connected(); virtual void control_receive( void * data, size_t size ); virtual void interrupt_receive( void * data, size_t size ); virtual void control_send( const void * data, unsigned int size ); virtual void write_memory( const void * data, unsigned int size, unsigned int address ); virtual void read_memory( unsigned int address, unsigned int size ); virtual void check_extension(); virtual void enable_peripherals( t_CKBOOL force_feedback, t_CKBOOL motion_sensor, t_CKBOOL ir_sensor, t_CKBOOL extension ); virtual void enable_force_feedback( t_CKBOOL enable ); virtual void enable_motion_sensor( t_CKBOOL enable ); virtual void enable_ir_sensor( t_CKBOOL enable ); virtual void enable_extension( t_CKBOOL enable ); virtual void enable_leds( t_CKBOOL l1, t_CKBOOL l2, t_CKBOOL l3, t_CKBOOL l4 ); virtual void set_led( t_CKUINT led, t_CKBOOL state ); virtual void enable_speaker( t_CKBOOL enable ); CFRunLoopTimerRef timer; CBufferSimple * audio_buffer; virtual void send_audio_data(); protected: virtual void initialize_ir_sensor(); t_CKBOOL force_feedback_enabled; t_CKBOOL motion_sensor_enabled; t_CKBOOL ir_sensor_enabled; t_CKBOOL ir_sensor_initialized; t_CKBOOL extension_enabled; t_CKBOOL led1, led2, led3, led4; t_CKBOOL speaker_enabled; t_CKBYTE buttons[2]; t_CKBYTE accels[3]; t_CKBYTE ir[12]; t_CKBYTE extension[6]; Extension connected_extension; enum Button { ButtonHome = 0, Button1, Button2, ButtonPlus, ButtonMinus, ButtonA, ButtonB, ButtonUp, ButtonRight, ButtonDown, ButtonLeft, ButtonC, ButtonZ }; }; bool operator< ( BluetoothDeviceAddress a, BluetoothDeviceAddress b ) { for( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) { if( a.data[i] < b.data[i] ) return true; if( a.data[i] > b.data[i] ) return false; } return false; } static xvector< WiiRemote * > * wiiremotes = NULL; /* the user can open a wiimote with any id number he chooses without an error, and will then be sent the appropriate message when that wiimote is connected. The nth wiimote is simply the nth wiimote that chuck hid detects, and since there is absolutely no way to determine how many wiimotes will connect in advance, this number must be left unbounded. To support this, WiiRemote_open will add empty WiiRemotes to wiiremotes with refcount of 1 if it the wiimote its opening isnt there yet, and hope it will be opened at some future time. Thus when discovering wiimotes we have to distinguish between wiimotes that have been discovered and wiimotes that have been opened but have not yet been discovered. all wiimotes with indices less than g_wr_next_real_wiimote have actually been discovered, and anything at or above that index in wiiremotes has not actually been discovered, but (if its non-NULL) has been opened. */ static xvector< WiiRemote * >::size_type g_next_real_wiimote = 0; static map< BluetoothDeviceAddress, WiiRemote * > * wr_addresses = NULL; static t_CKBOOL g_bt_query_active = FALSE; // is a query currently active? void Bluetooth_device_connected( void * userRefCon, IOBluetoothDeviceRef deviceRef, IOReturn status ) { if( status == noErr ) ( ( Bluetooth_Device * ) userRefCon )->connect(); else EM_log( CK_LOG_WARNING, "hid: error: opening Wii Remote Controller connection" ); } void Bluetooth_device_control_event( IOBluetoothL2CAPChannelRef l2capChannel, void * refCon, IOBluetoothL2CAPChannelEvent * event ) { switch( event->eventType ) { case kIOBluetoothL2CAPChannelEventTypeOpenComplete: ( ( Bluetooth_Device * ) refCon )->control_init(); break; case kIOBluetoothL2CAPChannelEventTypeData: ( ( Bluetooth_Device * ) refCon )->control_receive( event->u.data.dataPtr, event->u.data.dataSize ); break; case kIOBluetoothL2CAPChannelEventTypeWriteComplete: if( event->status != noErr ) { EM_log( CK_LOG_WARNING, "hid: error: writing data to control L2CAP channel for '%s'", ( ( Bluetooth_Device * ) refCon )->name ); } break; case kIOBluetoothL2CAPChannelEventTypeClosed: EM_log( CK_LOG_FINE, "hid: error: control L2CAP channel for '%s' closed", ( ( Bluetooth_Device * ) refCon )->name ); break; } } void Bluetooth_device_interrupt_event( IOBluetoothL2CAPChannelRef l2capChannel, void * refCon, IOBluetoothL2CAPChannelEvent * event ) { switch( event->eventType ) { case kIOBluetoothL2CAPChannelEventTypeData: ( ( Bluetooth_Device * ) refCon )->control_receive( event->u.data.dataPtr, event->u.data.dataSize ); break; } } void Bluetooth_device_disconnected( void * userRefCon, IOBluetoothUserNotificationRef inRef, IOBluetoothObjectRef objectRef ) { ( ( Bluetooth_Device * ) userRefCon )->disconnect(); } void WiiRemote_send_audio_data( CFRunLoopTimerRef timer, void *info ) { WiiRemote * wr = ( WiiRemote * ) info; wr->send_audio_data(); } t_CKINT WiiRemote::open() { // see if its already connected, reconnect if so if( IOBluetoothDeviceIsConnected( device ) ) { if( IOBluetoothDeviceCloseConnection( device ) != noErr ) { EM_log( CK_LOG_WARNING, "hid: error: closing Wii Remote Controller connection" ); return -1; } } if( IOBluetoothDeviceOpenConnection( device, Bluetooth_device_connected, this ) != noErr) { EM_log( CK_LOG_WARNING, "hid: error: opening Wii Remote Controller connection" ); return -1; } return 0; } t_CKINT WiiRemote::connect() { disconnect_notification = IOBluetoothDeviceRegisterForDisconnectNotification( device, Bluetooth_device_disconnected, this ); if( disconnect_notification == NULL ) { EM_log( CK_LOG_WARNING, "hid: error: registering for Wii Remote Controller disconnection notification" ); return -1; } if( IOBluetoothDeviceOpenL2CAPChannelAsync( device, &control_channel, 17, Bluetooth_device_control_event, this ) != kIOReturnSuccess ) { EM_log( CK_LOG_WARNING, "hid: error: opening Wii Remote Controller L2CAP connection" ); return -1; } //CK_FPRINTF_STDERR( "l2cap control channel ref: 0x%x\n", control_channel ); if( IOBluetoothDeviceOpenL2CAPChannelAsync( device, &interrupt_channel, 19, Bluetooth_device_interrupt_event, this ) != kIOReturnSuccess ) { EM_log( CK_LOG_WARNING, "hid: error: opening Wii Remote Controller L2CAP connection" ); return -1; } return 0; } t_CKINT WiiRemote::control_init() { check_extension(); //enable_motion_sensor( TRUE ); //enable_ir_sensor( TRUE ); //enable_force_feedback( FALSE ); //enable_extension( TRUE ); enable_peripherals( FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE ); usleep( 1000 ); enable_leds( ( num % 4 ) == 0, ( ( num - 1 ) % 4 ) == 0, ( ( num - 2 ) % 4 ) == 0, ( ( num - 3 ) % 4 ) == 0 ); usleep( 1000 ); enable_speaker( FALSE ); HidMsg msg; msg.device_num = num; msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_WIIREMOTE; msg.type = CK_HID_DEVICE_CONNECTED; HidInManager::push_message( msg ); return 0; } t_CKINT WiiRemote::disconnect() { if( interrupt_channel ) { IOBluetoothL2CAPChannelCloseChannel( interrupt_channel ); IOBluetoothObjectRelease( interrupt_channel ); interrupt_channel = NULL; } if( control_channel ) { IOBluetoothL2CAPChannelCloseChannel( control_channel ); IOBluetoothObjectRelease( control_channel ); control_channel = NULL; } if( device ) { IOBluetoothDeviceCloseConnection( device ); IOBluetoothObjectRelease( device ); device = NULL; } if( disconnect_notification ) { IOBluetoothUserNotificationUnregister( disconnect_notification ); disconnect_notification = NULL; } HidMsg msg; msg.device_num = num; msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_WIIREMOTE; msg.type = CK_HID_DEVICE_DISCONNECTED; HidInManager::push_message( msg ); return 0; } t_CKINT WiiRemote::close() { if( is_connected() ) disconnect(); return 0; } t_CKBOOL WiiRemote::is_connected() { if( device == NULL ) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static inline unsigned char wii_remote_extension_decrypt( unsigned char b ) { return ( ( b ^ 0x17 ) + 0x17 & 0xFF ); } void WiiRemote::control_receive( void * data, size_t size ) { unsigned char * d = ( unsigned char * ) data; HidMsg msg; if( ( d[1] & 0xf0 ) == 0x30 ) { /* buttons */ if( ( d[3] & 0x80 ) ^ ( buttons[1] & 0x80 ) ) { msg.device_num = num; msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_WIIREMOTE; msg.type = ( d[3] & 0x80 ) ? CK_HID_BUTTON_DOWN : CK_HID_BUTTON_UP; msg.eid = ButtonHome; HidInManager::push_message( msg ); msg.clear(); } if( ( d[3] & 0x02 ) ^ ( buttons[1] & 0x02 ) ) { msg.device_num = num; msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_WIIREMOTE; msg.type = ( d[3] & 0x02 ) ? CK_HID_BUTTON_DOWN : CK_HID_BUTTON_UP; msg.eid = Button1; HidInManager::push_message( msg ); msg.clear(); } if( ( d[3] & 0x01 ) ^ ( buttons[1] & 0x01 ) ) { msg.device_num = num; msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_WIIREMOTE; msg.type = ( d[3] & 0x01 ) ? CK_HID_BUTTON_DOWN : CK_HID_BUTTON_UP; msg.eid = Button2; HidInManager::push_message( msg ); msg.clear(); } if( ( d[2] & 0x10 ) ^ ( buttons[0] & 0x10 ) ) { msg.device_num = num; msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_WIIREMOTE; msg.type = ( d[2] & 0x10 ) ? CK_HID_BUTTON_DOWN : CK_HID_BUTTON_UP; msg.eid = ButtonPlus; HidInManager::push_message( msg ); msg.clear(); } if( ( d[3] & 0x10 ) ^ ( buttons[1] & 0x10 ) ) { msg.device_num = num; msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_WIIREMOTE; msg.type = ( d[3] & 0x10 ) ? CK_HID_BUTTON_DOWN : CK_HID_BUTTON_UP; msg.eid = ButtonMinus; HidInManager::push_message( msg ); msg.clear(); } if( ( d[3] & 0x08 ) ^ ( buttons[1] & 0x08 ) ) { msg.device_num = num; msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_WIIREMOTE; msg.type = ( d[3] & 0x08 ) ? CK_HID_BUTTON_DOWN : CK_HID_BUTTON_UP; msg.eid = ButtonA; HidInManager::push_message( msg ); msg.clear(); } if( ( d[3] & 0x04 ) ^ ( buttons[1] & 0x04 ) ) { msg.device_num = num; msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_WIIREMOTE; msg.type = ( d[3] & 0x04 ) ? CK_HID_BUTTON_DOWN : CK_HID_BUTTON_UP; msg.eid = ButtonB; HidInManager::push_message( msg ); msg.clear(); } if( ( d[2] & 0x08 ) ^ ( buttons[0] & 0x08 ) ) { msg.device_num = num; msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_WIIREMOTE; msg.type = ( d[2] & 0x08 ) ? CK_HID_BUTTON_DOWN : CK_HID_BUTTON_UP; msg.eid = ButtonUp; HidInManager::push_message( msg ); msg.clear(); } if( ( d[2] & 0x02 ) ^ ( buttons[0] & 0x02 ) ) { msg.device_num = num; msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_WIIREMOTE; msg.type = ( d[2] & 0x02 ) ? CK_HID_BUTTON_DOWN : CK_HID_BUTTON_UP; msg.eid = ButtonRight; HidInManager::push_message( msg ); msg.clear(); } if( ( d[2] & 0x04 ) ^ ( buttons[0] & 0x04 ) ) { msg.device_num = num; msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_WIIREMOTE; msg.type = ( d[2] & 0x04 ) ? CK_HID_BUTTON_DOWN : CK_HID_BUTTON_UP; msg.eid = ButtonDown; HidInManager::push_message( msg ); msg.clear(); } if( ( d[2] & 0x01 ) ^ ( buttons[0] & 0x01 ) ) { msg.device_num = num; msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_WIIREMOTE; msg.type = ( d[2] & 0x01 ) ? CK_HID_BUTTON_DOWN : CK_HID_BUTTON_UP; msg.eid = ButtonLeft; HidInManager::push_message( msg ); msg.clear(); } memcpy( buttons, d + 2, sizeof( buttons ) ); /* accelerometers */ if( d[1] & 0x01 ) { if( d[4] ^ accels[0] || d[5] ^ accels[1] || d[6] ^ accels[2] ) { msg.device_num = num; msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_WIIREMOTE; msg.type = CK_HID_ACCELEROMETER; msg.eid = 0; msg.idata[0] = d[4]; msg.idata[1] = d[5]; msg.idata[2] = d[6]; HidInManager::push_message( msg ); msg.clear(); } memcpy( accels, d + 4, sizeof( accels ) ); } /* ir sensor */ if( d[1] & 0x02 ) { unsigned i; if( !( d[1] & 0x04 ) ) { for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { // 12 byte extended IR data format // available when there are no extension bytes if( ( d[7 + i * 3] ^ ir[i * 3] || d[7 + i * 3 + 1] ^ ir[i * 3 + 1] || d[7 + i * 3 + 2] ^ ir[i * 3 + 2] ) && ( d[7 + i * 3] != 0xff ) && ( d[7 + i * 3 + 1] != 0xff ) && ( d[7 + i * 3 + 2] != 0xff ) ) { msg.device_num = num; msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_WIIREMOTE; msg.type = CK_HID_WIIREMOTE_IR; msg.eid = i; // x msg.idata[0] = d[7 + 3 * i] + ( ( d[7 + 3 * i + 2] << 4 ) & 0x300 ); // y msg.idata[1] = d[7 + 3 * i + 1] + ( ( d[7 + 3 * i + 2] << 2 ) & 0x300 ); // size msg.idata[2] = d[7 + 3 * i + 2] & 0xffff; HidInManager::push_message( msg ); msg.clear(); } } } else { // 9 byte basic IR data format // available when there are no extension bytes } memcpy( ir, d + 7, sizeof( ir ) ); } /* extension */ if( d[1] & 0x04 ) { for( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) d[17 + i] = wii_remote_extension_decrypt( d[17 + i] ); switch( connected_extension ) { case ExtensionNunchuk: if( d[17] ^ extension[0] || d[18] ^ extension[1] ) // joystick axis { msg.device_num = num; msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_WIIREMOTE; msg.type = CK_HID_JOYSTICK_AXIS; msg.eid = 0; // x axis msg.idata[0] = d[17]; // y axis msg.idata[1] = d[18]; HidInManager::push_message( msg ); msg.clear(); } if( d[19] ^ extension[2] || d[20] ^ extension[3] || d[21] ^ extension[4] ) { msg.device_num = num; msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_WIIREMOTE; msg.type = CK_HID_ACCELEROMETER; msg.eid = 1; // x axis msg.idata[0] = d[19]; // y axis msg.idata[1] = d[20]; // z axis msg.idata[2] = d[21]; HidInManager::push_message( msg ); msg.clear(); } if( ( d[22] & ( 1 << 0 ) ) ^ ( extension[5] & ( 1 << 0 ) ) ) { msg.device_num = num; msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_WIIREMOTE; msg.type = ( d[22] & ( 1 << 0 ) ) ? CK_HID_BUTTON_UP : CK_HID_BUTTON_DOWN; msg.eid = ButtonZ; HidInManager::push_message( msg ); msg.clear(); } if( ( d[22] & ( 1 << 1 ) ) ^ ( extension[5] & ( 1 << 1 ) ) ) { msg.device_num = num; msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_WIIREMOTE; msg.type = ( d[22] & ( 1 << 1 ) ) ? CK_HID_BUTTON_UP : CK_HID_BUTTON_DOWN; msg.eid = ButtonC; HidInManager::push_message( msg ); msg.clear(); } break; } memcpy( extension, d + 17, 6 ); } } else if( d[1] == 0x21 ) { int i = 0; i++; // read memory packet if( ( d[4] & 0xf0 ) == 0x10 && // size = 2 d[5] == 0x00 && // address = 0x04a400fe (but we only have the first 2 bytes of that here) d[6] == 0xfe ) { unsigned char ext0 = wii_remote_extension_decrypt( d[7] ); unsigned char ext1 = wii_remote_extension_decrypt( d[8] ); if( ext0 == 0x00 && ext1 == 0x00 ) connected_extension = ExtensionNunchuk; else if( ext0 == 0x01 && ext1 == 0x01 ) connected_extension = ExtensionClassicController; else connected_extension = ExtensionNone; } } } void WiiRemote::interrupt_receive( void * data, size_t size ) { } void WiiRemote::control_send( const void * data, unsigned int size ) { assert( size <= 22 ); unsigned char buf[23]; memset( buf, 0, 23 ); buf[0] = 0x52; memcpy( buf+1, data, size ); size++; //printf( "send (%i):", size ); //for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) // printf( " %02x", buf[i] ); //printf( "\n" ); //CK_FPRINTF_STDERR( "l2cap control channel ref: 0x%x\n", control_channel ); IOReturn result; result = IOBluetoothL2CAPChannelWriteSync( control_channel, buf, size ); //IOReturn result = IOBluetoothL2CAPChannelWriteAsync( control_channel, buf, size, NULL ); if( result != kIOReturnSuccess ) EM_log( CK_LOG_WARNING, "hid: error: sending data to Wii Remote Controller %i (error 0x%x)", num, result ); } void WiiRemote::write_memory( const void * data, unsigned int size, unsigned int address ) { assert( size <= 16 ); unsigned char cmd[22]; memset( cmd, 0, 22 ); cmd[0] = 0x16; cmd[1] = ( address >> 24 ) & 0xff; cmd[2] = ( address >> 16 ) & 0xff; cmd[3] = ( address >> 8 ) & 0xff; cmd[4] = address & 0xff; cmd[5] = size; memcpy( cmd + 6, data, size ); if( force_feedback_enabled ) cmd[1] |= 0x01; control_send( cmd, 22 ); } void WiiRemote::read_memory( unsigned int address, unsigned int size ) { unsigned char cmd[7]; cmd[0] = 0x17; cmd[1] = ( address >> 24 ) & 0xff; cmd[2] = ( address >> 16 ) & 0xff; cmd[3] = ( address >> 8 ) & 0xff; cmd[4] = address & 0xff; cmd[5] = ( size >> 8 ) & 0xff; cmd[6] = ( size >> 0 ) & 0xff; if( force_feedback_enabled ) cmd[1] |= 0x01; control_send( cmd, 7 ); } void WiiRemote::check_extension() { unsigned char key[] = { 0x00 }; // write key write_memory( key, 1, 0x04a40040 ); // read extension id read_memory( 0x04a400fe, 2 ); } void WiiRemote::enable_peripherals( t_CKBOOL force_feedback, t_CKBOOL motion_sensor, t_CKBOOL ir_sensor, t_CKBOOL extension ) { force_feedback_enabled = force_feedback; motion_sensor_enabled = motion_sensor; ir_sensor_enabled = ir_sensor; extension_enabled = extension; unsigned char cmd[] = { 0x12, 0x00, 0x30 }; if( motion_sensor_enabled ) cmd[2] |= 0x01; if( ir_sensor_enabled ) cmd[2] |= 0x02; if( extension_enabled ) cmd[2] |= 0x04; if( force_feedback_enabled ) cmd[1] |= 0x01; control_send( cmd, 3 ); unsigned char cmd2[] = { 0x13, 0x00 }; if( force_feedback_enabled ) cmd2[1] |= 0x01; if( ir_sensor_enabled ) cmd2[1] |= 0x04; control_send( cmd2, 2 ); if( ir_sensor_enabled && !ir_sensor_initialized ) initialize_ir_sensor(); } void WiiRemote::enable_force_feedback( t_CKBOOL enable ) { force_feedback_enabled = enable; unsigned char cmd[] = { 0x13, 0x00 }; if( enable ) cmd[1] |= 0x01; if( ir_sensor_enabled ) cmd[1] |= 0x04; control_send( cmd, 2 ); } void WiiRemote::enable_motion_sensor( t_CKBOOL enable ) { motion_sensor_enabled = enable; unsigned char cmd[] = { 0x12, 0x00, 0x30 }; if( motion_sensor_enabled ) cmd[2] |= 0x01; if( ir_sensor_enabled ) cmd[2] |= 0x02; if( extension_enabled ) cmd[2] |= 0x04; if( force_feedback_enabled ) cmd[1] |= 0x01; control_send( cmd, 3 ); } void WiiRemote::enable_ir_sensor( t_CKBOOL enable ) { ir_sensor_enabled = enable; enable_motion_sensor( motion_sensor_enabled ); enable_force_feedback( force_feedback_enabled ); unsigned char cmd[] = { 0x1a, 0x00 }; if( ir_sensor_enabled ) cmd[1] |= 0x04; if( force_feedback_enabled ) cmd[1] |= 0x01; control_send( cmd, 2 ); if( ir_sensor_enabled && !ir_sensor_initialized ) initialize_ir_sensor(); } void WiiRemote::initialize_ir_sensor() { ir_sensor_initialized = TRUE; unsigned char en0[] = { 0x01 }; write_memory( en0, 1, 0x04b00030 ); //usleep(10000); unsigned char en[] = { 0x08 }; write_memory( en, 1, 0x04b00030 ); //usleep(10000); unsigned char sensitivity_block1[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x90, 0x00, 0xc0 }; write_memory( sensitivity_block1, 9, 0x04b00000 ); //usleep(10000); unsigned char sensitivity_block2[] = { 0x40, 0x00 }; write_memory( sensitivity_block2, 2, 0x04b0001a ); //usleep(10000); unsigned char mode[] = { 0x03 }; write_memory( mode, 1, 0x04b00033 ); // usleep(10000); unsigned char what[] = { 0x08 }; write_memory( what, 1, 0x04b00030 ); //usleep(10000); } void WiiRemote::enable_extension( t_CKBOOL enable ) { extension_enabled = enable; enable_motion_sensor( motion_sensor_enabled ); } void WiiRemote::set_led( t_CKUINT led, t_CKBOOL state ) { switch( led ) { case 0: led1 = state; break; case 1: led2 = state; break; case 2: led3 = state; break; case 3: led4 = state; break; } enable_leds( led1, led2, led3, led4 ); } void WiiRemote::enable_leds( t_CKBOOL l1, t_CKBOOL l2, t_CKBOOL l3, t_CKBOOL l4 ) { led1 = l1; led2 = l2; led3 = l3; led4 = l4; unsigned char cmd[] = { 0x11, 0x00 }; if( force_feedback_enabled ) cmd[1] |= 0x01; if( l1 ) cmd[1] |= 0x10; if( l2 ) cmd[1] |= 0x20; if( l3 ) cmd[1] |= 0x40; if( l4 ) cmd[1] |= 0x80; control_send( cmd, 2 ); } void WiiRemote::enable_speaker( t_CKBOOL enable ) { speaker_enabled = enable; if( speaker_enabled ) { // enable speaker unsigned char cmd[] = { 0x14, 0x04 }; if( force_feedback_enabled ) cmd[1] |= 0x01; control_send( cmd, 2 ); // mute unsigned char mute[] = { 0x19, 0x04 }; if( force_feedback_enabled ) mute[1] |= 0x01; control_send( mute, 2 ); unsigned char mem1[] = { 0x01 }; write_memory( mem1, 1, 0x04a20009 ); unsigned char mem2[] = { 0x08 }; write_memory( mem2, 1, 0x04a20001 ); // config unsigned char config[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0c, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00 }; // description // byte 0: unknown // 1: unknown // 2: unknown // 3: sample rate -{ 0x0B = 4200 Hz // 0x0C = 3920 Hz // 0x0D = 3640 Hz // 0x0E = 3360 Hz // 0x0F = 3080 Hz // 4: speaker volume // 5: unknown // 6: unknown write_memory( config, 7, 0x04a20001 ); unsigned char mem3[] = { 0x01 }; write_memory( mem3, 1, 0x04a20008 ); // unmute unsigned char unmute[] = { 0x19, 0x00 }; if( force_feedback_enabled ) unmute[1] |= 0x01; control_send( unmute, 2 ); // initialize audio buffer, if necessary if( audio_buffer == NULL ) { audio_buffer = new CBufferSimple; audio_buffer->initialize( 20 * 5, sizeof( SAMPLE ) ); } // set up audio timer callback, if necessary if( timer == NULL ) { CFRunLoopTimerContext timerContext = { 0, this, NULL, NULL, NULL }; timer = CFRunLoopTimerCreate( NULL, CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent(), 1.0 / 3920.0, 0, 0, WiiRemote_send_audio_data, &timerContext ); CFRunLoopAddTimer( rlHid, timer, kCFRunLoopChuckHidMode ); } } } void WiiRemote::send_audio_data() { unsigned char cmd[] = { 0x18, ( 20 << 3 ), 0x30, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 }; if( force_feedback_enabled ) cmd[1] |= 0x01; control_send( cmd, 22 ); } void Bluetooth_inquiry_device_found( void * userRefCon, IOBluetoothDeviceInquiryRef inquiryRef, IOBluetoothDeviceRef deviceRef ) { CFStringRef device_name = IOBluetoothDeviceGetName( deviceRef ); const BluetoothDeviceAddress * address = IOBluetoothDeviceGetAddress( deviceRef ); if( device_name == NULL ) return; // is device Nintendo Wii Remote controller? if( CFStringCompare( device_name, CFSTR( "Nintendo RVL-CNT-01" ), 0 ) == 0 ) { // has this already been detected? if( wr_addresses->find( *address ) == wr_addresses->end() ) { WiiRemote * wr; if( g_next_real_wiimote >= wiiremotes->size() ) { wr = new WiiRemote; wiiremotes->push_back( wr ); } else if( ( *wiiremotes )[g_next_real_wiimote] == NULL ) { wr = new WiiRemote; ( *wiiremotes )[g_next_real_wiimote] = wr; } else { wr = ( *wiiremotes )[g_next_real_wiimote]; } // set member data wr->device = deviceRef; memcpy( &wr->address, address, sizeof( BluetoothDeviceAddress ) ); strncpy( wr->name, "Nintendo RVL-CNT-01", 256 ); wr->num = g_next_real_wiimote; wr->type = CK_HID_DEV_WIIREMOTE; ( *wr_addresses )[wr->address] = wr; EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "hid: found Wii Remote Controller" ); if( wr->refcount ) wr->open(); g_next_real_wiimote++; } else if( !( *wr_addresses )[*address]->is_connected() ) { WiiRemote * wr = ( *wr_addresses )[*address]; if( wr->refcount ) wr->open(); } } else { EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "hid: found bluetooth device" ); } } int WiiRemote_query(); void Bluetooth_inquiry_complete( void * userRefCon, IOBluetoothDeviceInquiryRef inquiryRef, IOReturn error, Boolean aborted ) { g_bt_query_active = FALSE; IOBluetoothDeviceInquiryDelete( inquiryRef ); t_CKBOOL do_query = FALSE; WiiRemote * wiiremote; for( int i = 0; i < wiiremotes->size(); i++ ) { wiiremote = ( *wiiremotes )[i]; if( wiiremote->refcount > 0 && !wiiremote->is_connected() ) { do_query = TRUE; break; } } if( do_query ) { EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "hid: continuing bluetooth query" ); WiiRemote_query(); } else EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "hid: ending bluetooth query" ); } int WiiRemote_query() { EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "hid: performing bluetooth query" ); if( g_bt_query_active ) return 0; if( IOBluetoothLocalDeviceAvailable() == FALSE ) { EM_log( CK_LOG_WARNING, "hid: error: bluetooth unavailable" ); return -1; } IOBluetoothDeviceInquiryRef btDeviceInquiry = IOBluetoothDeviceInquiryCreateWithCallbackRefCon( NULL ); if( btDeviceInquiry == NULL ) { EM_log( CK_LOG_WARNING, "hid: error: creating bluetooth device inquiry" ); return -1; } if( IOBluetoothDeviceInquirySetDeviceFoundCallback( btDeviceInquiry, Bluetooth_inquiry_device_found ) != noErr ) { EM_log( CK_LOG_WARNING, "hid: error: setting bluetooth device inquiry callback" ); return -1; } if( IOBluetoothDeviceInquirySetCompleteCallback( btDeviceInquiry, Bluetooth_inquiry_complete ) != noErr ) { EM_log( CK_LOG_WARNING, "hid: error: setting bluetooth device inquiry completion callback" ); return -1; } if( IOBluetoothDeviceInquirySetUpdateNewDeviceNames( btDeviceInquiry, TRUE ) != noErr ) { EM_log( CK_LOG_WARNING, "hid: error: setting bluetooth device inquiry name update flag" ); return -1; } if( IOBluetoothDeviceInquirySetInquiryLength( btDeviceInquiry, 20 ) != noErr ) { EM_log( CK_LOG_WARNING, "hid: error: setting bluetooth inquiry length" ); return -1; } if( IOBluetoothDeviceInquiryStart( btDeviceInquiry ) != noErr ) { EM_log( CK_LOG_WARNING, "hid: error: starting bluetooth device inquiry" ); return -1; } g_bt_query_active = TRUE; return 0; } /* -- WiiRemote inter-thread communication -- Every IOBluetooth function needs to be called from the HID thread because none of it is thread safe, and it also requires a CFRunLoop to be running at some point. So, WiiRemote_open and _close, which are called from the VM thread, put open and close messages into a thread-safe circular buffer and then signal the hid thread to indicate that new info is available on the cbuf. The hid thread will then process any pending open/close messages in the cbuf. send messages now also are carried out in the hid thread through this mechanism. */ struct WiiRemoteOp { enum { open, close, send } op; int index; }; static CBufferSimple * WiiRemoteOp_cbuf = NULL; static CBufferSimple * WiiRemoteOp_msgbuf = NULL; static void WiiRemote_cfrl_callback( void * info ) { WiiRemoteOp wro; HidMsg msg; t_CKBOOL do_query = FALSE; while( WiiRemoteOp_cbuf->get( &wro, 1 ) ) { switch( wro.op ) { case WiiRemoteOp::open: // does it exist already? if( wro.index < wiiremotes->size() ) // yes { // is the device connected? if( !( *wiiremotes )[wro.index]->is_connected() ) // no, so do a query do_query = TRUE; } else // no, so create it { while( wro.index > wiiremotes->size() ) wiiremotes->push_back( NULL ); wiiremotes->push_back( new WiiRemote ); do_query = TRUE; } ( *wiiremotes )[wro.index]->refcount++; break; case WiiRemoteOp::close: if( wro.index < wiiremotes->size() ) { if( --( *wiiremotes )[wro.index]->refcount == 0 ) ( *wiiremotes )[wro.index]->close(); } break; case WiiRemoteOp::send: if( WiiRemoteOp_msgbuf->get( &msg, 1 ) ) { // double-check remote number for validity if( wro.index < 0 || wro.index >= wiiremotes->size() || ( *wiiremotes )[wro.index] == NULL || !( *wiiremotes )[wro.index]->is_connected() ) { // report failure HidInManager::push_message( msg ); break; } switch( msg.type ) { case CK_HID_LED: if( msg.eid < 0 || msg.eid >= 4 ) { // report failure HidInManager::push_message( msg ); break; } ( *wiiremotes )[wro.index]->set_led( msg.eid, msg.idata[0] ); break; case CK_HID_FORCE_FEEDBACK: ( *wiiremotes )[wro.index]->enable_force_feedback( msg.idata[0] ); break; } } break; } } if( do_query ) WiiRemote_query(); } static void WiiRemote_signal() { if( cfrlWiiRemoteSource && rlHid ) { CFRunLoopSourceSignal( cfrlWiiRemoteSource ); CFRunLoopWakeUp( rlHid ); } } #endif // __CK_HID_WIIREMOTE void WiiRemote_init() { #ifdef __CK_HID_WIIREMOTE__ Hid_init2(); wiiremotes = new xvector< WiiRemote * >; wr_addresses = new map< BluetoothDeviceAddress, WiiRemote * >; WiiRemoteOp_cbuf = new CBufferSimple; WiiRemoteOp_cbuf->initialize( 20, sizeof( WiiRemoteOp ) ); WiiRemoteOp_msgbuf = new CBufferSimple; WiiRemoteOp_msgbuf->initialize( 100, sizeof( HidMsg ) ); #endif // __CK_HID_WIIREMOTE } void WiiRemote_poll() { } void WiiRemote_quit() { #ifdef __CK_HID_WIIREMOTE__ for( xvector< WiiRemote * >::size_type i = 0; i < wiiremotes->size(); i++ ) { if( ( *wiiremotes )[i] ) SAFE_DELETE( ( *wiiremotes )[i] ); } SAFE_DELETE( wiiremotes ); SAFE_DELETE( wr_addresses ); SAFE_DELETE( WiiRemoteOp_cbuf ); Hid_quit2(); #endif // __CK_HID_WIIREMOTE__ } int WiiRemote_count() { #ifdef __CK_HID_WIIREMOTE__ return wiiremotes->size(); #else return 0; #endif // __CK_HID_WIIREMOTE__ } int WiiRemote_open( int wr ) { #ifdef __CK_HID_WIIREMOTE__ WiiRemoteOp wro; wro.op = WiiRemoteOp::open; wro.index = wr; WiiRemoteOp_cbuf->put( &wro, 1 ); WiiRemote_signal(); return 0; #else return -1; #endif // __CK_HID_WIIREMOTE__ } int WiiRemote_close( int wr ) { #ifdef __CK_HID_WIIREMOTE__ WiiRemoteOp wro; wro.op = WiiRemoteOp::close; wro.index = wr; WiiRemoteOp_cbuf->put( &wro, 1 ); WiiRemote_signal(); return 0; #else return -1; #endif // __CK_HID_WIIREMOTE__ } int WiiRemote_send( int wr, const HidMsg * msg ) { #ifdef __CK_HID_WIIREMOTE__ wiiremotes->lock(); if( wr < 0 || wr >= wiiremotes->size() ) { wiiremotes->unlock(); return -1; } WiiRemote * wiiremote = ( *wiiremotes )[wr]; wiiremotes->unlock(); if( wiiremote == NULL ) return -1; wiiremote->lock(); if( !wiiremote->is_connected() ) { wiiremote->unlock(); return -1; } wiiremote->unlock(); WiiRemoteOp_msgbuf->put( ( void * )msg, 1 ); WiiRemoteOp wro; wro.op = WiiRemoteOp::send; wro.index = wr; WiiRemoteOp_cbuf->put( &wro, 1 ); WiiRemote_signal(); return 0; #else return -1; #endif } const char * WiiRemote_name( int wr ) { #ifdef __CK_HID_WIIREMOTE__ return "Nintendo Wii Remote"; #else return " "; #endif // __CK_HID_WIIREMOTE__ } #elif ( defined( __PLATFORM_WIN32__ ) || defined( __WINDOWS_PTHREAD__ ) ) && !defined( USE_RAWINPUT ) /***************************************************************************** Windows general HID support *****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark Windows general HID support #include #ifdef __WINDOWS_MODERN__ // REFACTOR-2017 #define DIRECTINPUT_VERSION 0x0800 #else #ifdef __USE_DINPUT8LIB__ #define DIRECTINPUT_VERSION 0x0800 #else #define DIRECTINPUT_VERSION 0x0500 #endif #endif #include /* for performance, we use device event notifications to tell us when a device has new data. However, serial devices don't seem to support event notification, so we have to fall back to the periodic sleeping and polling. g_wait_function is usually set to call WaitForSingleObject (wait for event notification), but devices for which SetEventNotification fails will replace it with a wrapper around usleep. */ static HANDLE g_device_event = NULL; static void (*g_wait_function)() = NULL; static void Hid_wait_usleep() { usleep( 10 ); } static void Hid_wait_event() { WaitForSingleObject( g_device_event, INFINITE ); } void Hid_init() { if( g_device_event != NULL ) return; g_device_event = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL ); if( g_device_event == NULL ) EM_log( CK_LOG_SEVERE, "hid: error: unable to create event (win32 error %i)", GetLastError() ); g_wait_function = Hid_wait_event; } void Hid_poll() { g_wait_function(); Joystick_poll(); Keyboard_poll(); Mouse_poll(); } void Hid_quit() { SetEvent( g_device_event ); /*if( g_device_event != NULL ) { CloseHandle( g_device_event ); g_device_event = NULL; }*/ } /***************************************************************************** ge: Windows tiltsensor non-support *****************************************************************************/ // designate new poll rate t_CKINT TiltSensor_setPollRate( t_CKINT usec ) { // sanity assert( usec >= 0 ); // not supported CK_FPRINTF_STDERR( "TiltSensor - setPollRate is not (yet) supported on this platform...\n" ); return -1; } // query current poll rate t_CKINT TiltSensor_getPollRate( ) { // not supported CK_FPRINTF_STDERR( "TiltSensor - getPollRate is not (yet) supported on this platform...\n" ); return -1; } /***************************************************************************** Windows joystick support *****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark Windows joystick support static LPDIRECTINPUT lpdi = NULL; struct win32_joystick { win32_joystick() { lpdiJoystick = NULL; refcount = 0; needs_close = FALSE; strncpy( name, "Joystick", MAX_PATH ); memset( &last_state, 0, sizeof( last_state ) ); memset( &caps, 0, sizeof( caps ) ); caps.dwSize = sizeof( DIDEVCAPS ); } LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE2 lpdiJoystick; DIJOYSTATE2 last_state; DIDEVCAPS caps; char name[MAX_PATH]; t_CKUINT refcount; t_CKBOOL needs_close; }; const static LONG axis_min = -32767; const static LONG axis_max = 32767; static vector< win32_joystick * > * joysticks; static BOOL CALLBACK DIEnumJoystickProc( LPCDIDEVICEINSTANCE lpddi, LPVOID pvRef ) { GUID guid = lpddi->guidInstance; win32_joystick * js = new win32_joystick; EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "found %s", lpddi->tszProductName ); strncpy( js->name, lpddi->tszProductName, MAX_PATH ); if( lpdi->CreateDevice( guid, ( LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE * )&js->lpdiJoystick, NULL ) != DI_OK ) { delete js; return DIENUM_CONTINUE; } joysticks->push_back( js ); return DIENUM_CONTINUE; } static BOOL CALLBACK DIEnumJoystickObjectsProc( LPCDIDEVICEOBJECTINSTANCE lpdidoi, LPVOID pvRef ) { LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE lpdiJoystick = ( LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE ) pvRef; DIPROPRANGE diprg; // set axis minimum and maximum range diprg.diph.dwSize = sizeof(DIPROPRANGE); diprg.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(DIPROPHEADER); diprg.diph.dwHow = DIPH_BYID; diprg.diph.dwObj = lpdidoi->dwType; diprg.lMin = axis_min; diprg.lMax = axis_max; if( lpdiJoystick->SetProperty( DIPROP_RANGE, &diprg.diph ) != DI_OK ) { } return DIENUM_CONTINUE; } void Joystick_init() { if( joysticks != NULL ) return; EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "initializing joystick" ); EM_pushlog(); HINSTANCE hInstance = GetModuleHandle( NULL ); if( lpdi == NULL ) { #if DIRECTINPUT_VERSION > 0x0700 // REFACTOR-2017 if( DirectInput8Create( hInstance, DIRECTINPUT_VERSION, IID_IDirectInput8, (LPVOID *) &lpdi, NULL) != DI_OK ) #else if( DirectInputCreate( hInstance, DIRECTINPUT_VERSION, &lpdi, NULL) != DI_OK ) #endif { lpdi = NULL; EM_log( CK_LOG_SEVERE, "error: unable to initialize DirectInput, initialization failed" ); EM_poplog(); return; } } joysticks = new vector< win32_joystick * >; #if DIRECTINPUT_VERSION <= 0x700 // REFACTOR-2017 if( lpdi->EnumDevices( DIDEVTYPE_JOYSTICK, DIEnumJoystickProc, #else if( lpdi->EnumDevices( DI8DEVTYPE_JOYSTICK, DIEnumJoystickProc, #endif NULL, DIEDFL_ATTACHEDONLY ) != DI_OK ) { delete joysticks; joysticks = NULL; lpdi->Release(); lpdi = NULL; EM_log( CK_LOG_SEVERE, "error: unable to enumerate devices, initialization failed" ); EM_poplog(); return; } EM_poplog(); } t_CKINT Joystick_translate_POV( DWORD v ) { #define CK_POV_CENTER 0 #define CK_POV_UP 1 #define CK_POV_RIGHT 2 #define CK_POV_DOWN 4 #define CK_POV_LEFT 8 #define CK_POV_UP_LBORDER 29250 #define CK_POV_UP_RBORDER 6750 #define CK_POV_RIGHT_LBORDER 2250 #define CK_POV_RIGHT_RBORDER 15750 #define CK_POV_DOWN_LBORDER 11250 #define CK_POV_DOWN_RBORDER 24750 #define CK_POV_LEFT_LBORDER 20250 #define CK_POV_LEFT_RBORDER 33750 t_CKINT r = 0; if( LOWORD(v) == 0xffff ) return CK_POV_CENTER; if( v > CK_POV_UP_LBORDER || v < CK_POV_UP_RBORDER ) r |= CK_POV_UP; if( v > CK_POV_RIGHT_LBORDER && v < CK_POV_RIGHT_RBORDER ) r |= CK_POV_RIGHT; if( v > CK_POV_DOWN_LBORDER && v < CK_POV_DOWN_RBORDER ) r |= CK_POV_DOWN; if( v > CK_POV_LEFT_LBORDER && v < CK_POV_LEFT_RBORDER ) r |= CK_POV_LEFT; return r; } void Joystick_poll() { if( !joysticks ) return; win32_joystick * joystick; HidMsg msg; vector< win32_joystick * >::size_type i, len = joysticks->size(); int j; for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { joystick = joysticks->at( i ); if( joystick->refcount ) { // TODO: convert this to buffered input, or maybe notifications DIJOYSTATE2 state; joystick->lpdiJoystick->Poll(); if( joystick->lpdiJoystick->GetDeviceState( sizeof( DIJOYSTATE2 ), &state ) != DI_OK ) { EM_log( CK_LOG_WARNING, "joystick: GetDeviceState failed for %s", joystick->name ); continue; } if( state.lX != joystick->last_state.lX ) { msg.clear(); msg.device_num = i; msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_JOYSTICK; msg.eid = 0; msg.type = CK_HID_JOYSTICK_AXIS; msg.fdata[0] = ((float)state.lX)/((float)axis_max); HidInManager::push_message( msg ); } if( state.lY != joystick->last_state.lY ) { msg.clear(); msg.device_num = i; msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_JOYSTICK; msg.eid = 1; msg.type = CK_HID_JOYSTICK_AXIS; msg.fdata[0] = ((float)state.lY)/((float)axis_max); HidInManager::push_message( msg ); } if( state.lZ != joystick->last_state.lZ ) { msg.clear(); msg.device_num = i; msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_JOYSTICK; msg.eid = 2; msg.type = CK_HID_JOYSTICK_AXIS; msg.fdata[0] = ((float)state.lZ)/((float)axis_max); HidInManager::push_message( msg ); } if( state.lRx != joystick->last_state.lRx ) { msg.clear(); msg.device_num = i; msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_JOYSTICK; msg.eid = 3; msg.type = CK_HID_JOYSTICK_AXIS; msg.fdata[0] = ((float)state.lRx)/((float)axis_max); HidInManager::push_message( msg ); } if( state.lRy != joystick->last_state.lRy ) { msg.clear(); msg.device_num = i; msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_JOYSTICK; msg.eid = 4; msg.type = CK_HID_JOYSTICK_AXIS; msg.fdata[0] = ((float)state.lRy)/((float)axis_max); HidInManager::push_message( msg ); } if( state.lRz != joystick->last_state.lRz ) { msg.clear(); msg.device_num = i; msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_JOYSTICK; msg.eid = 5; msg.type = CK_HID_JOYSTICK_AXIS; msg.fdata[0] = ((float)state.lRz)/((float)axis_max); HidInManager::push_message( msg ); } for( j = 0; j < 2; j++ ) { if( state.rglSlider[j] != joystick->last_state.rglSlider[j] ) { msg.clear(); msg.device_num = i; msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_JOYSTICK; msg.eid = 5 + j; msg.type = CK_HID_JOYSTICK_AXIS; msg.fdata[0] = ((float)state.rglSlider[j])/((float)axis_max); HidInManager::push_message( msg ); } } for( j = 0; j < joystick->caps.dwPOVs && j < 4; j++ ) { if( state.rgdwPOV[j] != joystick->last_state.rgdwPOV[j] ) { msg.clear(); msg.device_num = i; msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_JOYSTICK; msg.eid = j; msg.type = CK_HID_JOYSTICK_HAT; msg.idata[0] = Joystick_translate_POV( state.rgdwPOV[j] ); msg.fdata[0] = (t_CKFLOAT)state.rgdwPOV[j]; HidInManager::push_message( msg ); } } for( j = 0; j < joystick->caps.dwButtons && j < 128; j++ ) { if( ( state.rgbButtons[j] & 0x80 ) ^ ( joystick->last_state.rgbButtons[j] & 0x80 ) ) { msg.clear(); msg.device_num = i; msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_JOYSTICK; msg.eid = j; msg.type = ( state.rgbButtons[j] & 0x80 ) ? CK_HID_BUTTON_DOWN : CK_HID_BUTTON_UP; msg.idata[0] = ( state.rgbButtons[j] & 0x80 ) ? 1 : 0; HidInManager::push_message( msg ); } } joystick->last_state = state; } else if( joystick->needs_close ) { joystick->needs_close = FALSE; joystick->lpdiJoystick->Unacquire(); joystick->lpdiJoystick->SetEventNotification( NULL ); } } } void Joystick_quit() { if( joysticks ) { win32_joystick * joystick; vector< win32_joystick * >::size_type i, len = joysticks->size(); for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { joystick = joysticks->at( i ); if( joystick->refcount > 0 || joystick->needs_close) { joystick->needs_close = FALSE; joystick->refcount = 0; joystick->lpdiJoystick->Unacquire(); joystick->lpdiJoystick->SetEventNotification( NULL ); } joystick->lpdiJoystick->Release(); delete joystick; } delete joysticks; joysticks = NULL; } if( lpdi ) { lpdi->Release(); lpdi = NULL; } } int Joystick_count() { if( !joysticks ) return 0; return joysticks->size(); } int Joystick_open( int js ) { if( !joysticks || js < 0 || js >= joysticks->size() ) return -1; win32_joystick * joystick = joysticks->at( js ); if( joystick->refcount == 0 ) { if( joystick->lpdiJoystick->EnumObjects( DIEnumJoystickObjectsProc, joystick->lpdiJoystick, DIDFT_AXIS ) != DI_OK ) { return -1; } if( joystick->lpdiJoystick->GetCapabilities( &joystick->caps ) != DI_OK ) { return -1; } if( joystick->lpdiJoystick->SetDataFormat( &c_dfDIJoystick2 ) != DI_OK ) { return -1; } if( joystick->lpdiJoystick->SetEventNotification( g_device_event ) != DI_OK ) { // fallback to sleep+poll mode g_wait_function = Hid_wait_usleep; SetEvent( g_device_event ); } if( joystick->lpdiJoystick->Acquire() != DI_OK ) { joystick->lpdiJoystick->SetEventNotification( NULL ); return -1; } } joystick->refcount++; return 0; } int Joystick_close( int js ) { if( !joysticks || js < 0 || js >= joysticks->size() ) return -1; win32_joystick * joystick = joysticks->at( js ); joystick->refcount--; if( joystick->refcount < 1 ) joystick->needs_close = TRUE; return 0; } const char * Joystick_name( int js ) { if( !joysticks || js < 0 || js >= joysticks->size() ) return NULL; return joysticks->at( js )->name; } /***************************************************************************** Windows keyboard support *****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark Windows keyboards support #define DINPUT_KEYBUFFER_SIZE 256 struct win32_keyboard { win32_keyboard() { lpdiKeyboard = NULL; refcount = 0; needs_close = FALSE; strncpy( name, "Keyboard", MAX_PATH ); memset( &last_state, 0, DINPUT_KEYBUFFER_SIZE ); } LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE2 lpdiKeyboard; char last_state[DINPUT_KEYBUFFER_SIZE]; DIDEVCAPS caps; char name[MAX_PATH]; t_CKUINT refcount; t_CKBOOL needs_close; }; static vector< win32_keyboard * > * keyboards; // table to translate DirectInput keybuffer offsets to ASCII and USB usages // first element is ASCII // second element is USB usage static unsigned short kb_translation_table[DINPUT_KEYBUFFER_SIZE]; static void Keyboard_init_translation_table() { memset( &kb_translation_table, 0, sizeof( kb_translation_table ) ); kb_translation_table[DIK_0] = '0'; kb_translation_table[DIK_0] |= 0x27 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_1] = '1'; kb_translation_table[DIK_1] |= 0x1e << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_2] = '2'; kb_translation_table[DIK_2] |= 0x1f << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_3] = '3'; kb_translation_table[DIK_3] |= 0x20 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_4] = '4'; kb_translation_table[DIK_4] |= 0x21 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_5] = '5'; kb_translation_table[DIK_5] |= 0x22 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_6] = '6'; kb_translation_table[DIK_6] |= 0x23 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_7] = '7'; kb_translation_table[DIK_7] |= 0x24 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_8] = '8'; kb_translation_table[DIK_8] |= 0x25 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_9] = '9'; kb_translation_table[DIK_9] |= 0x26 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_A] = 'A'; kb_translation_table[DIK_A] |= 0x04 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_B] = 'B'; kb_translation_table[DIK_B] |= 0x05 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_C] = 'C'; kb_translation_table[DIK_C] |= 0x06 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_D] = 'D'; kb_translation_table[DIK_D] |= 0x07 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_E] = 'E'; kb_translation_table[DIK_E] |= 0x08 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_F] = 'F'; kb_translation_table[DIK_F] |= 0x09 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_G] = 'G'; kb_translation_table[DIK_G] |= 0x0a << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_H] = 'H'; kb_translation_table[DIK_H] |= 0x0b << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_I] = 'I'; kb_translation_table[DIK_I] |= 0x0c << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_J] = 'J'; kb_translation_table[DIK_J] |= 0x0d << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_K] = 'K'; kb_translation_table[DIK_K] |= 0x0e << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_L] = 'L'; kb_translation_table[DIK_L] |= 0x0f << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_M] = 'M'; kb_translation_table[DIK_M] |= 0x10 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_N] = 'N'; kb_translation_table[DIK_N] |= 0x11 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_O] = 'O'; kb_translation_table[DIK_O] |= 0x12 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_P] = 'P'; kb_translation_table[DIK_P] |= 0x13 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_Q] = 'Q'; kb_translation_table[DIK_Q] |= 0x14 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_R] = 'R'; kb_translation_table[DIK_R] |= 0x15 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_S] = 'S'; kb_translation_table[DIK_S] |= 0x16 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_T] = 'T'; kb_translation_table[DIK_T] |= 0x17 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_U] = 'U'; kb_translation_table[DIK_U] |= 0x18 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_V] = 'V'; kb_translation_table[DIK_V] |= 0x19 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_W] = 'W'; kb_translation_table[DIK_W] |= 0x1a << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_X] = 'X'; kb_translation_table[DIK_X] |= 0x1b << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_Y] = 'Y'; kb_translation_table[DIK_Y] |= 0x1c << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_Z] = 'Z'; kb_translation_table[DIK_Z] |= 0x1d << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_ADD] = '+'; kb_translation_table[DIK_ADD] |= 0x57 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_APOSTROPHE] = '\''; kb_translation_table[DIK_APOSTROPHE] |= 0x34 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_APPS] = 0; kb_translation_table[DIK_APPS] |= 0x65 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_BACK] = '\b'; kb_translation_table[DIK_BACK] |= 0x2a << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_BACKSLASH] = '\\'; kb_translation_table[DIK_BACKSLASH] |= 0x31 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_CAPITAL] = 0; kb_translation_table[DIK_CAPITAL] |= 0x39 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_COLON] = ':'; kb_translation_table[DIK_COLON] |= 0x00 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_COMMA] = ','; kb_translation_table[DIK_COMMA] |= 0x36 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_DECIMAL] = '.'; kb_translation_table[DIK_DECIMAL] |= 0x63 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_DELETE] = 0x7f; kb_translation_table[DIK_DELETE] |= 0x4c << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_DIVIDE] = '/'; kb_translation_table[DIK_DIVIDE] |= 0x54 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_DOWN] = 0; kb_translation_table[DIK_DOWN] |= 0x51 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_END] = 0; kb_translation_table[DIK_END] |= 0x4d << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_EQUALS] = '='; kb_translation_table[DIK_EQUALS] |= 0x2e << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_ESCAPE] = 0x1b; kb_translation_table[DIK_ESCAPE] |= 0x29 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_F1] = 0; kb_translation_table[DIK_F1] |= 0x3a << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_F2] = 0; kb_translation_table[DIK_F2] |= 0x3b << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_F3] = 0; kb_translation_table[DIK_F3] |= 0x3c << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_F4] = 0; kb_translation_table[DIK_F4] |= 0x3d << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_F5] = 0; kb_translation_table[DIK_F5] |= 0x3e << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_F6] = 0; kb_translation_table[DIK_F6] |= 0x3f << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_F7] = 0; kb_translation_table[DIK_F7] |= 0x40 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_F8] = 0; kb_translation_table[DIK_F8] |= 0x41 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_F9] = 0; kb_translation_table[DIK_F9] |= 0x42 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_F10] = 0; kb_translation_table[DIK_F10] |= 0x43 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_F11] = 0; kb_translation_table[DIK_F11] |= 0x44 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_F12] = 0; kb_translation_table[DIK_F12] |= 0x45 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_F13] = 0; kb_translation_table[DIK_F13] |= 0x68 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_F14] = 0; kb_translation_table[DIK_F14] |= 0x69 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_F15] = 0; kb_translation_table[DIK_F15] |= 0x6a << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_GRAVE] = '`'; kb_translation_table[DIK_GRAVE] |= 0x35 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_HOME] = 0; kb_translation_table[DIK_HOME] |= 0x4a << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_INSERT] = 0; kb_translation_table[DIK_INSERT] |= 0x49 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_LBRACKET] = '['; kb_translation_table[DIK_LBRACKET] |= 0x2f << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_LCONTROL] = 0; kb_translation_table[DIK_LCONTROL] |= 0xe0 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_LEFT] = 0; kb_translation_table[DIK_LEFT] |= 0x50 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_LMENU] = 0; kb_translation_table[DIK_LMENU] |= 0xe2 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_LSHIFT] = 0; kb_translation_table[DIK_LSHIFT] |= 0xe1 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_LWIN] = 0; kb_translation_table[DIK_LWIN] |= 0xe3 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_MINUS] = '-'; kb_translation_table[DIK_MINUS] |= 0x2d << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_MULTIPLY] = '*'; kb_translation_table[DIK_MULTIPLY] |= 0x55 << 8; // kb_translation_table[DIK_MUTE] = 0; // kb_translation_table[DIK_MUTE] |= 0x7f; kb_translation_table[DIK_NEXT] = 0; kb_translation_table[DIK_NEXT] |= 0x4e << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_NUMLOCK] = 0; kb_translation_table[DIK_NUMLOCK] |= 0x53 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_NUMPAD0] = '0'; kb_translation_table[DIK_NUMPAD0] |= 0x62 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_NUMPAD1] = '1'; kb_translation_table[DIK_NUMPAD1] |= 0x59 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_NUMPAD2] = '2'; kb_translation_table[DIK_NUMPAD2] |= 0x5a << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_NUMPAD3] = '3'; kb_translation_table[DIK_NUMPAD3] |= 0x5b << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_NUMPAD4] = '4'; kb_translation_table[DIK_NUMPAD4] |= 0x5c << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_NUMPAD5] = '5'; kb_translation_table[DIK_NUMPAD5] |= 0x5d << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_NUMPAD6] = '6'; kb_translation_table[DIK_NUMPAD6] |= 0x5e << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_NUMPAD7] = '7'; kb_translation_table[DIK_NUMPAD7] |= 0x5f << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_NUMPAD8] = '8'; kb_translation_table[DIK_NUMPAD8] |= 0x60 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_NUMPAD9] = '9'; kb_translation_table[DIK_NUMPAD9] |= 0x61 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_NUMPADCOMMA] = ','; kb_translation_table[DIK_NUMPADCOMMA] |= 0x85 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_NUMPADENTER] = '\n'; kb_translation_table[DIK_NUMPADENTER] |= 0x58 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_NUMPADEQUALS] = '='; kb_translation_table[DIK_NUMPADEQUALS] |= 0x67 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_PAUSE] = 0; kb_translation_table[DIK_PAUSE] |= 0x48 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_PERIOD] = '.'; kb_translation_table[DIK_PERIOD] |= 0x37 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_POWER] = 0; kb_translation_table[DIK_POWER] |= 0x66 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_PRIOR] = 0; kb_translation_table[DIK_PRIOR] |= 0x4b << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_RBRACKET] = ']'; kb_translation_table[DIK_RBRACKET] |= 0x30 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_RCONTROL] = 0; kb_translation_table[DIK_RCONTROL] |= 0xe4 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_RETURN] = '\n'; kb_translation_table[DIK_RETURN] |= 0x28 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_RIGHT] = 0; kb_translation_table[DIK_RIGHT] |= 0x4f << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_RMENU] = 0; kb_translation_table[DIK_RMENU] |= 0xe6 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_RSHIFT] = 0; kb_translation_table[DIK_RSHIFT] |= 0xe5 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_RWIN] = 0; kb_translation_table[DIK_RWIN] |= 0xe7 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_SCROLL] = 0; kb_translation_table[DIK_SCROLL] |= 0x47 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_SEMICOLON] = ';'; kb_translation_table[DIK_SEMICOLON] |= 0x33 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_SLASH] = '/'; kb_translation_table[DIK_SLASH] |= 0x38 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_SPACE] = ' '; kb_translation_table[DIK_SPACE] |= 0x2c << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_STOP] = 0; kb_translation_table[DIK_STOP] |= 0x78 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_SUBTRACT] = '-'; kb_translation_table[DIK_SUBTRACT] |= 0x56 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_SYSRQ] = 0; kb_translation_table[DIK_SYSRQ] |= 0x46 << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_TAB] = '\t'; kb_translation_table[DIK_TAB] |= 0x2b << 8; kb_translation_table[DIK_UP] = 0; kb_translation_table[DIK_UP] |= 0x52 << 8; // kb_translation_table[DIK_VOLUMEDOWN] = 0; // kb_translation_table[DIK_VOLUMEDOWN] |= 0x81; // kb_translation_table[DIK_VOLUMEUP] = 0; // kb_translation_table[DIK_VOLUMEUP] |= 0x80; } static void Keyboard_dikey_to_ascii_and_usb( unsigned char dikey, long & ascii, long & usb ) { unsigned short tr = kb_translation_table[dikey]; ascii = tr & 0xff; usb = ( tr >> 8 ) & 0xff; } static BOOL CALLBACK DIEnumKeyboardProc( LPCDIDEVICEINSTANCE lpddi, LPVOID pvRef ) { GUID guid = lpddi->guidInstance; win32_keyboard * keyboard = new win32_keyboard; EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "found %s", lpddi->tszProductName ); strncpy( keyboard->name, lpddi->tszProductName, MAX_PATH ); if( lpdi->CreateDevice( guid, ( LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE * ) &keyboard->lpdiKeyboard, NULL ) != DI_OK ) { delete keyboard; EM_log( CK_LOG_WARNING, "error: unable to initialize device %s", lpddi->tszProductName ); return DIENUM_CONTINUE; } keyboards->push_back( keyboard ); return DIENUM_CONTINUE; } void Keyboard_init() { if( keyboards != NULL ) return; EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "initializing keyboard" ); EM_pushlog(); HINSTANCE hInstance = GetModuleHandle( NULL ); if( lpdi == NULL ) { #if DIRECTINPUT_VERSION > 0x0700 // REFACTOR-2017 if( DirectInput8Create( hInstance, DIRECTINPUT_VERSION, IID_IDirectInput8, (LPVOID *) &lpdi, NULL) != DI_OK ) #else if( DirectInputCreate( hInstance, DIRECTINPUT_VERSION, &lpdi, NULL) != DI_OK ) #endif { lpdi = NULL; EM_log( CK_LOG_SEVERE, "error: unable to initialize DirectInput, initialization failed" ); EM_poplog(); return; } } keyboards = new vector< win32_keyboard * >; #if DIRECTINPUT_VERSION <= 0x700 // REFACTOR-2017 if( lpdi->EnumDevices( DIDEVTYPE_KEYBOARD, DIEnumKeyboardProc, #else if( lpdi->EnumDevices( DI8DEVTYPE_KEYBOARD, DIEnumKeyboardProc, #endif NULL, DIEDFL_ATTACHEDONLY ) != DI_OK ) { delete keyboards; keyboards = NULL; lpdi->Release(); lpdi = NULL; EM_log( CK_LOG_SEVERE, "error: unable to enumerate devices, initialization failed" ); EM_poplog(); return; } Keyboard_init_translation_table(); EM_poplog(); } void Keyboard_poll() { if( !keyboards ) return; win32_keyboard * keyboard; HidMsg msg; vector< win32_keyboard * >::size_type i, len = keyboards->size(); for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { keyboard = keyboards->at( i ); if( keyboard->refcount ) { // TODO: convert this to buffered input, or maybe notifications char state[DINPUT_KEYBUFFER_SIZE]; keyboard->lpdiKeyboard->Poll(); if( keyboard->lpdiKeyboard->GetDeviceState( DINPUT_KEYBUFFER_SIZE, state ) != DI_OK ) { EM_log( CK_LOG_WARNING, "keyboard: GetDeviceState failed for %s", keyboard->name ); continue; } for( int j = 0; j < DINPUT_KEYBUFFER_SIZE; j++ ) { if( ( state[j] & 0x80 ) ^ ( keyboard->last_state[j] & 0x80 ) ) { msg.clear(); msg.device_num = i; msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_KEYBOARD; msg.type = ( state[j] & 0x80 ) ? CK_HID_BUTTON_DOWN : CK_HID_BUTTON_UP; msg.eid = j; msg.idata[0] = ( state[j] & 0x80 ) ? 1 : 0; Keyboard_dikey_to_ascii_and_usb( j, msg.idata[2], msg.idata[1] ); HidInManager::push_message( msg ); } } memcpy( keyboard->last_state, state, DINPUT_KEYBUFFER_SIZE ); } else if( keyboard->needs_close ) { keyboard->needs_close = FALSE; keyboard->lpdiKeyboard->Unacquire(); keyboard->lpdiKeyboard->SetEventNotification( NULL ); } } } void Keyboard_quit() { if( keyboards ) { win32_keyboard * keyboard; vector< win32_keyboard * >::size_type i, len = keyboards->size(); for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { keyboard = keyboards->at( i ); if( keyboard->refcount > 0 || keyboard->needs_close) { keyboard->needs_close = FALSE; keyboard->refcount = 0; keyboard->lpdiKeyboard->Unacquire(); keyboard->lpdiKeyboard->SetEventNotification( NULL ); } keyboard->lpdiKeyboard->Release(); delete keyboard; } delete keyboards; keyboards = NULL; } if( lpdi ) { lpdi->Release(); lpdi = NULL; } } int Keyboard_count() { if( !keyboards ) return 0; return keyboards->size(); } int Keyboard_open( int k ) { if( !keyboards || k < 0 || k >= keyboards->size() ) return -1; win32_keyboard * keyboard = keyboards->at( k ); if( keyboard->refcount == 0 ) { if( keyboard->lpdiKeyboard->SetDataFormat( &c_dfDIKeyboard ) != DI_OK ) { return -1; } if( keyboard->lpdiKeyboard->SetEventNotification( g_device_event ) != DI_OK ) { // fallback to sleep+poll mode g_wait_function = Hid_wait_usleep; SetEvent( g_device_event ); } if( keyboard->lpdiKeyboard->Acquire() != DI_OK ) { keyboard->lpdiKeyboard->SetEventNotification( NULL ); return -1; } } keyboard->refcount++; return 0; } int Keyboard_close( int k ) { if( !keyboards || k < 0 || k >= keyboards->size() ) return -1; win32_keyboard * keyboard = keyboards->at( k ); keyboard->refcount--; if( keyboard->refcount < 1 ) keyboard->needs_close = TRUE; return 0; } const char * Keyboard_name( int kb ) { if( !keyboards || kb < 0 || kb >= keyboards->size() ) return NULL; return keyboards->at( kb )->name; } /***************************************************************************** Windows mouse support *****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark Windows mouse support struct win32_mouse { win32_mouse() { refcount = 0; needs_close = FALSE; lpdiMouse = NULL; memset( &last_state, 0, sizeof( last_state ) ); } LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE2 lpdiMouse; DIMOUSESTATE last_state; char name[MAX_PATH]; t_CKUINT refcount; t_CKBOOL needs_close; }; static vector< win32_mouse * > * mice; static BOOL CALLBACK DIEnumMouseProc( LPCDIDEVICEINSTANCE lpddi, LPVOID pvRef ) { GUID guid = lpddi->guidInstance; win32_mouse * mouse = new win32_mouse; EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "found %s", lpddi->tszProductName ); strncpy( mouse->name, lpddi->tszProductName, MAX_PATH ); if( lpdi->CreateDevice( guid, ( LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE * ) &mouse->lpdiMouse, NULL ) != DI_OK ) { delete mouse; return DIENUM_CONTINUE; } mice->push_back( mouse ); return DIENUM_CONTINUE; } void Mouse_init() { if( mice != NULL ) return; EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "initializing mouse" ); EM_pushlog(); HINSTANCE hInstance = GetModuleHandle( NULL ); if( lpdi == NULL ) { #if DIRECTINPUT_VERSION > 0x0700 // REFACTOR-2017 if( DirectInput8Create( hInstance, DIRECTINPUT_VERSION, IID_IDirectInput8, (LPVOID *) &lpdi, NULL) != DI_OK ) #else if( DirectInputCreate( hInstance, DIRECTINPUT_VERSION, &lpdi, NULL) != DI_OK ) #endif { lpdi = NULL; EM_poplog(); return; } } mice = new vector< win32_mouse * >; #if DIRECTINPUT_VERSION <= 0x700 // REFACTOR-2017 if( lpdi->EnumDevices( DIDEVTYPE_MOUSE, DIEnumMouseProc, #else if( lpdi->EnumDevices( DI8DEVTYPE_MOUSE, DIEnumMouseProc, #endif NULL, DIEDFL_ATTACHEDONLY ) != DI_OK ) { delete mice; mice = NULL; lpdi->Release(); lpdi = NULL; EM_poplog(); return; } EM_poplog(); } void Mouse_poll() { if( !mice ) return; win32_mouse * mouse; HidMsg msg; vector< win32_mouse * >::size_type i, len = mice->size(); for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { mouse = mice->at( i ); if( mouse->refcount ) { // TODO: convert this to buffered input, or maybe notifications DIMOUSESTATE state; mouse->lpdiMouse->Poll(); if( mouse->lpdiMouse->GetDeviceState( sizeof( DIMOUSESTATE ), &state ) != DI_OK ) { EM_log( CK_LOG_WARNING, "mouse: GetDeviceState failed for %s", mouse->name ); continue; } if( state.lX != 0 || state.lY != 0 ) { msg.clear(); msg.device_num = i; msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_MOUSE; msg.type = CK_HID_MOUSE_MOTION; msg.eid = 0; msg.idata[0] = state.lX; msg.idata[1] = state.lY; HidInManager::push_message( msg ); } if( state.lZ != 0 ) { msg.clear(); msg.device_num = i; msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_MOUSE; msg.type = CK_HID_MOUSE_WHEEL; msg.eid = 0; msg.idata[0] = 0; msg.idata[1] = state.lZ; HidInManager::push_message( msg ); } for( int j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) { if( ( state.rgbButtons[j] & 0x80 ) ^ ( mouse->last_state.rgbButtons[j] & 0x80 ) ) { msg.clear(); msg.device_num = i; msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_MOUSE; msg.type = ( state.rgbButtons[j] & 0x80 ) ? CK_HID_BUTTON_DOWN : CK_HID_BUTTON_UP; msg.eid = j; msg.idata[0] = ( state.rgbButtons[j] & 0x80 ) ? 1 : 0; HidInManager::push_message( msg ); } } mouse->last_state = state; } else if( mouse->needs_close ) { mouse->needs_close = FALSE; mouse->lpdiMouse->Unacquire(); mouse->lpdiMouse->SetEventNotification( NULL ); } } } void Mouse_quit() { if( mice ) { win32_mouse * mouse; vector< win32_mouse * >::size_type i, len = mice->size(); for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { mouse = mice->at( i ); if( mouse->refcount > 0 || mouse->needs_close) { mouse->needs_close = FALSE; mouse->refcount = 0; mouse->lpdiMouse->Unacquire(); mouse->lpdiMouse->SetEventNotification( NULL ); } mouse->lpdiMouse->Release(); delete mouse; } delete mice; mice = NULL; } if( lpdi ) { lpdi->Release(); lpdi = NULL; } } int Mouse_count() { if( !mice ) return 0; return mice->size(); } int Mouse_open( int m ) { if( !mice || m < 0 || m >= mice->size() ) return -1; win32_mouse * mouse = mice->at( m ); if( mouse->refcount == 0 ) { if( mouse->lpdiMouse->SetDataFormat( &c_dfDIMouse ) != DI_OK ) { return -1; } if( mouse->lpdiMouse->SetEventNotification( g_device_event ) != DI_OK ) { // fallback to sleep+poll mode g_wait_function = Hid_wait_usleep; SetEvent( g_device_event ); } if( mouse->lpdiMouse->Acquire() != DI_OK ) { mouse->lpdiMouse->SetEventNotification( g_device_event ); return -1; } } mouse->refcount++; return 0; } int Mouse_close( int m ) { if( !mice || m < 0 || m >= mice->size() ) return -1; win32_mouse * mouse = mice->at( m ); mouse->refcount--; if( mouse->refcount < 1 ) mouse->needs_close = TRUE; // let the polling thread take care of it return 0; } const char * Mouse_name( int m ) { if( !mice || m < 0 || m >= mice->size() ) return NULL; return mice->at( m )->name; } #elif defined( __PLATFORM_WIN32__ ) || defined( __WINDOWS_PTHREAD__ ) && defined( USE_RAWINPUT ) void Joystick_init() { } void Joystick_poll() { } void Joystick_quit() { } int Joystick_count() { return 0; } int Joystick_open( int js ) { return -1; } int Joystick_close( int js ) { return -1; } void Mouse_init() { } void Mouse_poll() { } void Mouse_quit() { } int Mouse_count() { return 0; } int Mouse_open( int js ) { return -1; } int Mouse_close( int js ) { return -1; } void Keyboard_init() { } void Keyboard_poll() { } void Keyboard_quit() { } int Keyboard_count() { return 0; } int Keyboard_open( int js ) { return -1; } int Keyboard_close( int js ) { return -1; } #elif defined(__PLATFORM_LINUX__) /***************************************************************************** Linux general HID support *****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark Linux general HID support #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define CK_HID_DIR ("/dev/input") #define CK_HID_MOUSEFILE ("mouse%d") #define CK_HID_JOYSTICKFILE ("js%d") #define CK_HID_EVDEVFILE ("event%d") #define CK_HID_STRBUFSIZE (1024) #define CK_HID_NAMESIZE (128) class linux_device { public: linux_device() { fd = -1; num = -1; refcount = 0; pollfds_i = 0; filename[0] = '\0'; needs_open = needs_close = FALSE; strncpy( name, "(name unknown)", CK_HID_NAMESIZE ); } virtual void callback() = 0; int fd; // file descriptor t_CKINT num; // index in the respective device vector {joysticks, mice, keyboards} t_CKUINT refcount; size_t pollfds_i; t_CKBOOL needs_open; t_CKBOOL needs_close; char filename[CK_HID_STRBUFSIZE]; char name[CK_HID_NAMESIZE]; }; class linux_joystick : public linux_device { public: linux_joystick() : linux_device() { js_num = -1; } virtual void callback() { js_event event; HidMsg msg; ssize_t len; while( ( len = read( fd, &event, sizeof( event ) ) ) > 0 ) { if( len < sizeof( event ) ) { EM_log( CK_LOG_WARNING, "joystick: read event from %s smaller than expected, ignoring", name ); continue; } if( event.type == JS_EVENT_INIT ) continue; msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_JOYSTICK; msg.device_num = num; msg.eid = event.number; switch( event.type ) { case JS_EVENT_BUTTON: msg.type = event.value ? CK_HID_BUTTON_DOWN : CK_HID_BUTTON_UP; msg.idata[0] = event.value; break; case JS_EVENT_AXIS: msg.type = CK_HID_JOYSTICK_AXIS; msg.fdata[0] = ((t_CKFLOAT)event.value) / ((t_CKFLOAT) SHRT_MAX); break; default: EM_log( CK_LOG_WARNING, "joystick: unknown event type from %s, ignoring", name ); continue; } HidInManager::push_message( msg ); } } int js_num; // /dev/input/js# <-- the # }; #define __LITTLE_ENDIAN__ struct ps2_mouse_event { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ unsigned unused:2; unsigned y_reverse_motion:1; unsigned x_reverse_motion:1; unsigned always1:1; unsigned button3:1; unsigned button2:1; unsigned button1:1; signed dx:8; signed dy:8; #elif defined( __LITTLE_ENDIAN__ ) unsigned button1:1; unsigned button2:1; unsigned button3:1; unsigned always1:1; unsigned x_reverse_motion:1; unsigned y_reverse_motion:1; unsigned unused:2; signed dx:8; signed dy:8; #else #error unknown endian mode (both __LITTLE_ENDIAN__ and __BIG_ENDIAN__ undefined) #endif } __attribute__ ((__packed__)); class linux_mouse : public linux_device { public: linux_mouse() : linux_device() { m_num = -1; memset( &last_event, 0, sizeof( last_event ) ); } virtual void callback() { //ps2_mouse_event event; input_event event; HidMsg msg; ssize_t len; while( ( len = read( fd, &event, sizeof( event ) ) ) > 0 ) { if( len < sizeof( event ) ) { EM_log( CK_LOG_WARNING, "mouse: read event from mouse %i smaller than expected (%i), ignoring", num, len ); continue; } switch( event.type ) { case EV_KEY: if( event.code & BTN_MOUSE ) { msg.clear(); msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_MOUSE; msg.device_num = num; msg.eid = event.code - BTN_MOUSE; msg.type = event.value ? CK_HID_BUTTON_DOWN : CK_HID_BUTTON_UP; msg.idata[0] = event.value; HidInManager::push_message( msg ); } break; case EV_REL: msg.clear(); msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_MOUSE; msg.device_num = num; switch( event.code ) { case REL_X: msg.type = CK_HID_MOUSE_MOTION; msg.idata[0] = event.value; msg.idata[1] = 0; break; case REL_Y: msg.type = CK_HID_MOUSE_MOTION; msg.idata[0] = 0; msg.idata[1] = event.value; break; case REL_HWHEEL: msg.type = CK_HID_MOUSE_WHEEL; msg.idata[0] = event.value; msg.idata[1] = 0; break; case REL_Z: case REL_WHEEL: msg.type = CK_HID_MOUSE_WHEEL; msg.idata[0] = 0; msg.idata[1] = event.value; break; } HidInManager::push_message( msg ); break; } /* if( event.dx || event.dy ) { msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_MOUSE; msg.device_num = num; msg.eid = 0; msg.type = CK_HID_MOUSE_MOTION; msg.idata[0] = event.dx; msg.idata[1] = event.dy; HidInManager::push_message( msg ); } if( event.button1 ^ last_event.button1 ) { msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_MOUSE; msg.device_num = num; msg.eid = 0; msg.type = event.button1 ? CK_HID_BUTTON_DOWN : CK_HID_BUTTON_UP; msg.idata[0] = event.button1; HidInManager::push_message( msg ); } if( event.button2 ^ last_event.button2 ) { msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_MOUSE; msg.device_num = num; msg.eid = 2; msg.type = event.button2 ? CK_HID_BUTTON_DOWN : CK_HID_BUTTON_UP; msg.idata[0] = event.button2; HidInManager::push_message( msg ); } if( event.button3 ^ last_event.button3 ) { msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_MOUSE; msg.device_num = num; msg.eid = 3; msg.type = event.button3 ? CK_HID_BUTTON_DOWN : CK_HID_BUTTON_UP; msg.idata[0] = event.button3; HidInManager::push_message( msg ); } */ memcpy( &last_event, &event, sizeof( last_event ) ); } } int m_num; // /dev/input/mouse# <-- the # //ps2_mouse_event last_event; input_event last_event; }; static unsigned short kb_translation_table[KEY_UNKNOWN]; static void Keyboard_init_translation_table() { memset( kb_translation_table, 0, sizeof( kb_translation_table ) ); kb_translation_table[KEY_ESC] = '\e'; kb_translation_table[KEY_ESC] |= 0x29 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_1] = '1'; kb_translation_table[KEY_1] |= 0x1e << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_2] = '2'; kb_translation_table[KEY_2] |= 0x1f << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_3] = '3'; kb_translation_table[KEY_3] |= 0x20 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_4] = '4'; kb_translation_table[KEY_4] |= 0x21 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_5] = '5'; kb_translation_table[KEY_5] |= 0x22 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_6] = '6'; kb_translation_table[KEY_6] |= 0x23 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_7] = '7'; kb_translation_table[KEY_7] |= 0x24 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_8] = '8'; kb_translation_table[KEY_8] |= 0x25 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_9] = '9'; kb_translation_table[KEY_9] |= 0x26 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_0] = '0'; kb_translation_table[KEY_0] |= 0x27 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_MINUS] = '-'; kb_translation_table[KEY_MINUS] |= 0x2d << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_EQUAL] = '='; kb_translation_table[KEY_EQUAL] |= 0x2e << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_BACKSPACE] = '\b'; kb_translation_table[KEY_BACKSPACE] |= 0x2a << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_TAB] = '\t'; kb_translation_table[KEY_TAB] |= 0x2b << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_Q] = 'Q'; kb_translation_table[KEY_Q] |= 0x14 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_W] = 'W'; kb_translation_table[KEY_W] |= 0x1a << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_E] = 'E'; kb_translation_table[KEY_E] |= 0x08 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_R] = 'R'; kb_translation_table[KEY_R] |= 0x15 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_T] = 'T'; kb_translation_table[KEY_T] |= 0x17 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_Y] = 'Y'; kb_translation_table[KEY_Y] |= 0x1c << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_U] = 'U'; kb_translation_table[KEY_U] |= 0x18 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_I] = 'I'; kb_translation_table[KEY_I] |= 0x0c << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_O] = 'O'; kb_translation_table[KEY_O] |= 0x12 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_P] = 'P'; kb_translation_table[KEY_P] |= 0x13 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_LEFTBRACE] = '['; kb_translation_table[KEY_LEFTBRACE] |= 0x2f << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_RIGHTBRACE] = ']'; kb_translation_table[KEY_RIGHTBRACE] |= 0x30 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_ENTER] = '\n'; kb_translation_table[KEY_ENTER] |= 0x28 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_LEFTCTRL] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_LEFTCTRL] |= 0xe0 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_A] = 'A'; kb_translation_table[KEY_A] |= 0x04 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_S] = 'S'; kb_translation_table[KEY_S] |= 0x16 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_D] = 'D'; kb_translation_table[KEY_D] |= 0x07 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_F] = 'F'; kb_translation_table[KEY_F] |= 0x09 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_G] = 'G'; kb_translation_table[KEY_G] |= 0x0a << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_H] = 'H'; kb_translation_table[KEY_H] |= 0x0b << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_J] = 'J'; kb_translation_table[KEY_J] |= 0x0d << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_K] = 'K'; kb_translation_table[KEY_K] |= 0x0e << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_L] = 'L'; kb_translation_table[KEY_L] |= 0x0f << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_SEMICOLON] = ';'; kb_translation_table[KEY_SEMICOLON] |= 0x33 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_APOSTROPHE] = '\''; kb_translation_table[KEY_APOSTROPHE] |= 0x34 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_GRAVE] = '`'; kb_translation_table[KEY_GRAVE] |= 0x35 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_LEFTSHIFT] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_LEFTSHIFT] |= 0xe1 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_BACKSLASH] = '\\'; kb_translation_table[KEY_BACKSLASH] |= 0x31 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_Z] = 'Z'; kb_translation_table[KEY_Z] |= 0x1d << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_X] = 'X'; kb_translation_table[KEY_X] |= 0x1b << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_C] = 'C'; kb_translation_table[KEY_C] |= 0x06 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_V] = 'V'; kb_translation_table[KEY_V] |= 0x19 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_B] = 'B'; kb_translation_table[KEY_B] |= 0x05 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_N] = 'N'; kb_translation_table[KEY_N] |= 0x11 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_M] = 'M'; kb_translation_table[KEY_M] |= 0x10 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_COMMA] = ','; kb_translation_table[KEY_COMMA] |= 0x36 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_DOT] = '.'; kb_translation_table[KEY_DOT] |= 0x37 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_SLASH] = '/'; kb_translation_table[KEY_SLASH] |= 0x38 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_RIGHTSHIFT] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_RIGHTSHIFT] |= 0xe5 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_KPASTERISK] = '*'; kb_translation_table[KEY_KPASTERISK] |= 0x55 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_LEFTALT] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_LEFTALT] |= 0xe2 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_SPACE] = ' '; kb_translation_table[KEY_SPACE] |= 0x2c << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_CAPSLOCK] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_CAPSLOCK] |= 0x39 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_F1] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_F1] |= 0x3a << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_F2] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_F2] |= 0x3b << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_F3] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_F3] |= 0x3c << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_F4] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_F4] |= 0x3d << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_F5] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_F5] |= 0x3e << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_F6] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_F6] |= 0x3f << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_F7] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_F7] |= 0x40 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_F8] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_F8] |= 0x41 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_F9] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_F9] |= 0x42 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_F10] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_F10] |= 0x43 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_NUMLOCK] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_NUMLOCK] |= 0x53 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_SCROLLLOCK] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_SCROLLLOCK] |= 0x47 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_KP7] = '7'; kb_translation_table[KEY_KP7] |= 0x5f << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_KP8] = '8'; kb_translation_table[KEY_KP8] |= 0x60 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_KP9] = '9'; kb_translation_table[KEY_KP9] |= 0x61 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_KPMINUS] = '-'; kb_translation_table[KEY_KPMINUS] |= 0x56 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_KP4] = '4'; kb_translation_table[KEY_KP4] |= 0x5c << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_KP5] = '5'; kb_translation_table[KEY_KP5] |= 0x5d << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_KP6] = '6'; kb_translation_table[KEY_KP6] |= 0x5e << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_KPPLUS] = '+'; kb_translation_table[KEY_KPPLUS] |= 0x57 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_KP1] = '1'; kb_translation_table[KEY_KP1] |= 0x59 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_KP2] = '2'; kb_translation_table[KEY_KP2] |= 0x51 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_KP3] = '3'; kb_translation_table[KEY_KP3] |= 0x52 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_KP0] = '0'; kb_translation_table[KEY_KP0] |= 0x62 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_KPDOT] = '.'; kb_translation_table[KEY_KPDOT] |= 0x63 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_F11] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_F11] |= 0x44 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_F12] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_F12] |= 0x45 << 8; // kb_translation_table[KEY_KPJPCOMMA] = ','; // kb_translation_table[KEY_KPJPCOMMA] |= 0x85 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_KPENTER] = '\n'; kb_translation_table[KEY_KPENTER] |= 0x58 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_RIGHTCTRL] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_RIGHTCTRL] |= 0xe4 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_KPSLASH] = '/'; kb_translation_table[KEY_KPSLASH] |= 0x54 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_SYSRQ] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_SYSRQ] |= 0x46 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_RIGHTALT] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_RIGHTALT] |= 0xe6 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_HOME] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_HOME] |= 0x4a << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_UP] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_UP] |= 0x52 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_PAGEUP] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_PAGEUP] |= 0x4b << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_LEFT] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_LEFT] |= 0x50 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_RIGHT] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_RIGHT] |= 0x4f << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_END] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_END] |= 0x4d << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_DOWN] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_DOWN] |= 0x51 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_PAGEDOWN] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_PAGEDOWN] |= 0x4e << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_INSERT] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_INSERT] |= 0x49 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_DELETE] = 0x7f; kb_translation_table[KEY_DELETE] |= 0x4c << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_MUTE] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_MUTE] |= 0x7f << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_VOLUMEDOWN] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_VOLUMEDOWN] |= 0x81 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_VOLUMEUP] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_VOLUMEUP] |= 0x80 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_POWER] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_POWER] |= 0x66 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_KPEQUAL] = '='; kb_translation_table[KEY_KPEQUAL] |= 0x67 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_PAUSE] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_PAUSE] |= 0x48 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_KPCOMMA] = ','; kb_translation_table[KEY_KPCOMMA] |= 0x85 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_LEFTMETA] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_LEFTMETA] |= 0xe3 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_RIGHTMETA] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_RIGHTMETA] |= 0xe7 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_STOP] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_STOP] |= 0x78 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_AGAIN] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_AGAIN] |= 0x79 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_UNDO] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_UNDO] |= 0x7a << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_COPY] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_COPY] |= 0x7c << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_PASTE] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_PASTE] |= 0x7d << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_FIND] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_FIND] |= 0x7e << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_CUT] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_CUT] |= 0x7b << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_HELP] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_HELP] |= 0x75 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_MENU] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_MENU] |= 0x76 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_F13] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_F13] |= 0x68 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_F14] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_F14] |= 0x69 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_F15] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_F15] |= 0x6a << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_F16] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_F16] |= 0x6b << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_F17] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_F17] |= 0x6c << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_F18] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_F18] |= 0x6d << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_F19] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_F19] |= 0x6e << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_F20] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_F20] |= 0x6f << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_F21] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_F21] |= 0x70 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_F22] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_F22] |= 0x71 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_F23] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_F23] |= 0x72 << 8; kb_translation_table[KEY_F24] = 0; kb_translation_table[KEY_F24] |= 0x73 << 8; } static void Keyboard_translate_key( __u16 evdev_key, long & ascii, long & usb ) { unsigned short tr = kb_translation_table[evdev_key]; ascii = tr & 0xff; usb = ( tr >> 8 ) & 0xff; } class linux_keyboard : public linux_device { public: linux_keyboard() : linux_device() { } virtual void callback() { input_event event; HidMsg msg; ssize_t len; while( ( len = read( fd, &event, sizeof( event ) ) ) > 0 ) { if( len < sizeof( event ) ) { EM_log( CK_LOG_WARNING, "keyboard: read event from keyboard %i smaller than expected (%i), ignoring", num, len ); continue; } if( event.type != EV_KEY ) continue; if( event.value == 2 ) continue; msg.clear(); msg.device_type = CK_HID_DEV_KEYBOARD; msg.device_num = num; msg.type = event.value ? CK_HID_BUTTON_DOWN : CK_HID_BUTTON_UP; msg.eid = event.code; msg.idata[0] = event.value; Keyboard_translate_key( event.code, msg.idata[2], msg.idata[1] ); HidInManager::push_message( msg ); } } }; static vector< linux_joystick * > * joysticks = NULL; static vector< linux_mouse * > * mice = NULL; static vector< linux_keyboard * > * keyboards = NULL; static map< int, linux_device * > * device_map = NULL; static pollfd * pollfds = NULL; #define DEFAULT_POLLFDS_SIZE (1) static size_t pollfds_size = 0; static size_t pollfds_end = 0; static int hid_channel_r = -1; // HID communications channel, read fd static int hid_channel_w = -1; // HID communications channel, write fd struct hid_channel_msg { int action; #define HID_CHANNEL_OPEN 1 #define HID_CHANNEL_CLOSE 0 #define HID_CHANNEL_QUIT -1 linux_device * device; }; static t_CKBOOL g_hid_init = FALSE; void Hid_init() { if( g_hid_init ) return; pollfds = new pollfd[DEFAULT_POLLFDS_SIZE]; pollfds_size = DEFAULT_POLLFDS_SIZE; pollfds_end = 0; int filedes[2]; if( pipe( filedes ) ) { EM_log( CK_LOG_SEVERE, "hid: unable to create pipe, initialization failed" ); return; } hid_channel_r = filedes[0]; hid_channel_w = filedes[1]; int fd_flags = fcntl( hid_channel_r, F_GETFL ); fcntl( hid_channel_r, F_SETFL, fd_flags | O_NONBLOCK ); /* right now, the hid_channel is just used as a dummy file descriptor passed to poll, such that poll will work/block even when there are no open devices. In the future hid_channel could also be used to communicate between the VM thread and the HID thread */ pollfds[0].fd = hid_channel_r; pollfds[0].events = POLLIN; pollfds[0].revents = 0; pollfds_end = 1; device_map = new map< int, linux_device * >; Keyboard_init_translation_table(); g_hid_init = TRUE; } void Hid_poll() { if( !g_hid_init ) return; hid_channel_msg hcm; while( poll( pollfds, pollfds_end, -1 ) > 0 ) { for( int i = 1; i < pollfds_end; i++ ) { if( pollfds[i].revents & POLLIN ) { ( *device_map )[pollfds[i].fd]->callback(); pollfds[i].revents = 0; } } if( pollfds[0].revents & POLLIN ) { while( read( hid_channel_r, &hcm, sizeof( hcm ) ) > 0 ) { if( hcm.action == HID_CHANNEL_OPEN ) { if( pollfds_end >= pollfds_size ) { pollfds_size = pollfds_end * 2; pollfd * t_pollfds = new pollfd[pollfds_size]; memcpy( t_pollfds, pollfds, pollfds_end * sizeof( pollfd ) ); delete[] pollfds; pollfds = t_pollfds; } pollfds[pollfds_end].fd = hcm.device->fd; pollfds[pollfds_end].events = POLLIN; pollfds[pollfds_end].revents = 0; hcm.device->pollfds_i = pollfds_end; ( *device_map )[hcm.device->fd] = hcm.device; pollfds_end++; } else if( hcm.action == HID_CHANNEL_CLOSE ) { // erase the closing entry by copying the last entry into it // this is okay even when joystick->pollfds_i == pollfds_end // because we decrement pollfds_end ( *device_map )[pollfds[pollfds_end - 1].fd]->pollfds_i = hcm.device->pollfds_i; pollfds[hcm.device->pollfds_i] = pollfds[pollfds_end - 1]; pollfds_end--; close( hcm.device->fd ); device_map->erase( hcm.device->fd ); } else if( hcm.action == HID_CHANNEL_QUIT ) { close( hid_channel_r ); return; } } break; } } } void Hid_quit() { if( !g_hid_init ) return; hid_channel_msg hcm = { HID_CHANNEL_QUIT, NULL }; if (write( hid_channel_w, &hcm, sizeof( hcm ) ) == -1) EM_log( CK_LOG_WARNING, "HID_CHANNEL_QUIT message failed: %s" , strerror( errno ) ); close( hid_channel_w ); delete[] pollfds; delete device_map; g_hid_init = FALSE; } int TiltSensor_read( t_CKINT * x, t_CKINT * y, t_CKINT * z ) { return 0; } // designate new poll rate t_CKINT TiltSensor_setPollRate( t_CKINT usec ) { // sanity assert( usec >= 0 ); // not supported CK_FPRINTF_STDERR( "TiltSensor - setPollRate is not (yet) supported on this platform...\n" ); return -1; } // query current poll rate t_CKINT TiltSensor_getPollRate( ) { // not supported CK_FPRINTF_STDERR( "TiltSensor - getPollRate is not (yet) supported on this platform...\n" ); return -1; } /***************************************************************************** Linux joystick support *****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark Linux joystick support void Joystick_init() { if( joysticks != NULL ) return; EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "initializing joysticks" ); EM_pushlog(); joysticks = new vector< linux_joystick * >; DIR * dir_handle; struct dirent * dir_entity; struct stat stat_buf; int js_num, fd, i; uid_t uid = geteuid(); gid_t gid = getegid(); char buf[CK_HID_STRBUFSIZE]; linux_joystick * js; dir_handle = opendir( CK_HID_DIR ); if( dir_handle == NULL ) { if( errno == EACCES ) EM_log( CK_LOG_WARNING, "hid: error opening %s, unable to initialize joystick", CK_HID_DIR ); EM_poplog(); return; } while( dir_entity = readdir( dir_handle ) ) { if( sscanf( dir_entity->d_name, CK_HID_JOYSTICKFILE, &js_num ) ) { snprintf( buf, CK_HID_STRBUFSIZE, "%s/%s", CK_HID_DIR, dir_entity->d_name ); if( ( fd = open( buf, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK ) ) >= 0 || errno == EACCES ) /* wait to report access errors until the device is actually opened */ { js = new linux_joystick; js->js_num = js_num; js->num = joysticks->size(); if( fd >= 0 ) { ioctl( fd, JSIOCGNAME( CK_HID_NAMESIZE ), js->name ); close( fd ); // no need to keep the file open } strncpy( js->filename, buf, CK_HID_STRBUFSIZE ); joysticks->push_back( js ); EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "joystick: found device %s", js->name ); } } } closedir( dir_handle ); EM_poplog(); } void Joystick_poll() { } void Joystick_quit() { if( joysticks == NULL ) return; vector< linux_joystick * >::size_type i, len = joysticks->size(); for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) delete joysticks->at( i ); delete joysticks; joysticks = NULL; } int Joystick_count() { if( joysticks == NULL ) return 0; return joysticks->size(); } int Joystick_open( int js ) { if( joysticks == NULL || js < 0 || js >= joysticks->size() ) return -1; linux_joystick * joystick = joysticks->at( js ); if( joystick->refcount == 0 ) { if( ( joystick->fd = open( joystick->filename, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK ) ) < 0 ) { EM_log( CK_LOG_SEVERE, "joystick: unable to open %s: %s", joystick->filename, strerror( errno ) ); return -1; } hid_channel_msg hcm = { HID_CHANNEL_OPEN, joystick }; if(write( hid_channel_w, &hcm, sizeof( hcm ) ) == -1) { EM_log( CK_LOG_SEVERE, "joystick: unable to write channel message %s: %s", joystick->filename, strerror( errno ) ); return -1; } } joystick->refcount++; return 0; } int Joystick_close( int js ) { if( joysticks == NULL || js < 0 || js >= joysticks->size() ) return -1; linux_joystick * joystick = joysticks->at( js ); joystick->refcount--; if( joystick->refcount == 0 ) { hid_channel_msg hcm = { HID_CHANNEL_CLOSE, joystick }; if(write( hid_channel_w, &hcm, sizeof( hcm ) ) == -1) return -1; EM_log( CK_LOG_SEVERE, "joystick: unable complete close message: %s", strerror( errno ) ); } return 0; } const char * Joystick_name( int js ) { if( joysticks == NULL || js < 0 || js >= joysticks->size() ) return NULL; return joysticks->at( js )->name; } #define test_bit( array, bit ) (array[bit/8] & (1<<(bit%8))) void Mouse_configure( const char * filename ) { struct stat statbuf; int fd, devmajor, devminor, is_mouse = 0; linux_mouse * mouse; unsigned char relcaps[(REL_MAX / 8) + 1]; unsigned char abscaps[(ABS_MAX / 8) + 1]; unsigned char keycaps[(KEY_MAX / 8) + 1]; if( stat( filename, &statbuf ) == -1 ) return; if( S_ISCHR( statbuf.st_mode ) == 0 ) return; /* not a character device... */ devmajor = ( statbuf.st_rdev & 0xFF00 ) >> 8; devminor = ( statbuf.st_rdev & 0x00FF ); if ( ( devmajor != 13 ) || ( devminor < 64 ) || ( devminor > 96 ) ) return; /* not an evdev. */ if( ( fd = open( filename, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK ) ) < 0 ) return; memset( relcaps, 0, sizeof( relcaps ) ); memset( abscaps, 0, sizeof( abscaps ) ); memset( keycaps, 0, sizeof( keycaps ) ); //int num_keys = 0; if( ioctl( fd, EVIOCGBIT( EV_KEY, sizeof( keycaps ) ), keycaps ) == -1 ) return; is_mouse = 0; if( ioctl( fd, EVIOCGBIT( EV_REL, sizeof( relcaps ) ), relcaps ) != -1 ) { if( test_bit( relcaps, REL_X ) && test_bit( relcaps, REL_Y ) && test_bit( keycaps, BTN_MOUSE ) ) { is_mouse = 1; } if( test_bit( relcaps, REL_DIAL ) ) is_mouse = 1; } if( ioctl( fd, EVIOCGBIT( EV_ABS, sizeof( abscaps ) ), abscaps ) != -1 ) { if( test_bit( abscaps, ABS_X ) && test_bit( abscaps, ABS_Y ) && ( test_bit( keycaps, BTN_MOUSE ) || test_bit( keycaps, BTN_TOUCH ) ) ) is_mouse = 1; } if( !is_mouse ) return; mouse = new linux_mouse; mouse->num = mice->size(); ioctl( fd, EVIOCGNAME( CK_HID_NAMESIZE ), mouse->name ); if( fd >= 0 ) close( fd ); // no need to keep the file open strncpy( mouse->filename, filename, CK_HID_STRBUFSIZE ); mice->push_back( mouse ); EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "mouse: found device %s", mouse->name ); } void Mouse_init() { if( mice != NULL ) return; EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "initializing mice" ); EM_pushlog(); mice = new vector< linux_mouse * >; DIR * dir_handle; struct dirent * dir_entity; struct stat stat_buf; int m_num, fd, i; char buf[CK_HID_STRBUFSIZE]; linux_mouse * mouse; dir_handle = opendir( CK_HID_DIR ); if( dir_handle == NULL ) { EM_log( CK_LOG_WARNING, "hid: error opening %s, unable to initialize mice", CK_HID_DIR ); EM_poplog(); return; } while( dir_entity = readdir( dir_handle ) ) { if( sscanf( dir_entity->d_name, CK_HID_EVDEVFILE, &m_num ) ) { snprintf( buf, CK_HID_STRBUFSIZE, "%s/%s", CK_HID_DIR, dir_entity->d_name ); Mouse_configure( buf ); /* if( ( fd = open( buf, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK ) ) >= 0 || errno == EACCES ) *//* wait to report access errors until the device is actually opened *//* { mouse = new linux_mouse; mouse->m_num = m_num; mouse->num = mice->size(); //ioctl( fd, JSIOCGNAME( CK_HID_NAMESIZE ), js->name ); if( fd >= 0 ) close( fd ); // no need to keep the file open strncpy( mouse->filename, buf, CK_HID_STRBUFSIZE ); mice->push_back( mouse ); //EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "mouse: found device %s", mouse->name ); }*/ } } closedir( dir_handle ); EM_poplog(); } void Mouse_poll() { } void Mouse_quit() { if( mice == NULL ) return; vector< linux_mouse * >::size_type i, len = mice->size(); for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) delete mice->at( i ); delete mice; mice = NULL; } int Mouse_count() { if( !mice ) return 0; return mice->size(); } int Mouse_open( int m ) { if( mice == NULL || m < 0 || m >= mice->size() ) return -1; linux_mouse * mouse = mice->at( m ); if( mouse->refcount == 0 ) { if( ( mouse->fd = open( mouse->filename, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK ) ) < 0 ) { EM_log( CK_LOG_SEVERE, "mouse: unable to open %s: %s", mouse->filename, strerror( errno ) ); return -1; } mouse->needs_open = TRUE; hid_channel_msg hcm = { HID_CHANNEL_OPEN, mouse }; if(write( hid_channel_w, &hcm, sizeof( hcm ) ) == -1) { EM_log( CK_LOG_SEVERE, "mouse: unable to complete open message %: %s", strerror( errno ) ); return -1; } } mouse->refcount++; return 0; } int Mouse_close( int m ) { if( mice == NULL || m < 0 || m >= mice->size() ) return -1; linux_mouse * mouse = mice->at( m ); mouse->refcount--; if( mouse->refcount == 0 ) { mouse->needs_close = TRUE; hid_channel_msg hcm = { HID_CHANNEL_CLOSE, mouse }; if(write( hid_channel_w, &hcm, sizeof( hcm ) ) == -1) EM_log( CK_LOG_WARNING, "mouse: HID_CHANNEL_CLOSE message failed: %s" , strerror( errno ) ); } return 0; } const char * Mouse_name( int m ) { if( mice == NULL || m < 0 || m >= mice->size() ) return NULL; return mice->at( m )->name; } /** return codes for Keyboard_configure */ enum { HID_KB_CONFIG_SUCCESS = 0, HID_KB_CONFIG_INVALID, HID_KB_CONFIG_ERROR_CANTOPEN, }; int Keyboard_configure( const char * filename ) { struct stat statbuf; int fd, devmajor, devminor; linux_keyboard * keyboard; unsigned char relcaps[(REL_MAX / 8) + 1]; unsigned char abscaps[(ABS_MAX / 8) + 1]; unsigned char keycaps[(KEY_MAX / 8) + 1]; if( stat( filename, &statbuf ) == -1 ) return HID_KB_CONFIG_ERROR_CANTOPEN; if( S_ISCHR( statbuf.st_mode ) == 0 ) return HID_KB_CONFIG_INVALID; /* not a character device... */ devmajor = ( statbuf.st_rdev & 0xFF00 ) >> 8; devminor = ( statbuf.st_rdev & 0x00FF ); if ( ( devmajor != 13 ) || ( devminor < 64 ) || ( devminor > 96 ) ) return HID_KB_CONFIG_INVALID; /* not an evdev. */ if( ( fd = open( filename, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK ) ) < 0 ) return HID_KB_CONFIG_ERROR_CANTOPEN; memset( relcaps, 0, sizeof( relcaps ) ); memset( abscaps, 0, sizeof( abscaps ) ); memset( keycaps, 0, sizeof( keycaps ) ); int num_keys = 0; if( ioctl( fd, EVIOCGBIT( EV_KEY, sizeof( keycaps ) ), keycaps ) == -1 ) return HID_KB_CONFIG_INVALID; if( ioctl( fd, EVIOCGBIT( EV_REL, sizeof( relcaps ) ), relcaps ) != -1 ) { for( int i = 0; i < sizeof( relcaps ); i++ ) if( relcaps[i] ) return HID_KB_CONFIG_INVALID; } if( ioctl( fd, EVIOCGBIT( EV_ABS, sizeof( abscaps ) ), abscaps ) != -1 ) { for( int i = 0; i < sizeof( abscaps ); i++ ) if( abscaps[i] ) return HID_KB_CONFIG_INVALID; } for( int i = 0; i < sizeof( keycaps ); i++ ) { for( int j = 0; j < 8; j++ ) { if( keycaps[i] & ( 1 << j ) ) num_keys++; } } keyboard = new linux_keyboard; keyboard->num = keyboards->size(); ioctl( fd, EVIOCGNAME( CK_HID_NAMESIZE ), keyboard->name ); if( fd >= 0 ) close( fd ); // no need to keep the file open strncpy( keyboard->filename, filename, CK_HID_STRBUFSIZE ); keyboards->push_back( keyboard ); EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "keyboard: found device %s", keyboard->name ); return HID_KB_CONFIG_SUCCESS; } void Keyboard_init() { if( keyboards != NULL ) return; EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "initializing keyboards" ); EM_pushlog(); keyboards = new vector< linux_keyboard * >; DIR * dir_handle; struct dirent * dir_entity; int m_num; char buf[CK_HID_STRBUFSIZE]; dir_handle = opendir( CK_HID_DIR ); if( dir_handle == NULL ) { if( errno == EACCES ) { ck_fprintf_stderr( "hid: error opening %s, unable to initialize keyboards\n", CK_HID_DIR ); ck_fprintf_stderr( "hid: please verify you have read permissions to device directory '%s' to use HID keyboard input devices\n", CK_HID_DIR ); } EM_poplog(); return; } while( dir_entity = readdir( dir_handle ) ) { if( sscanf( dir_entity->d_name, CK_HID_EVDEVFILE, &m_num ) ) { snprintf( buf, CK_HID_STRBUFSIZE, "%s/%s", CK_HID_DIR, dir_entity->d_name ); int result = Keyboard_configure( buf ); if(result == HID_KB_CONFIG_ERROR_CANTOPEN) { ck_fprintf_stderr( "hid: error opening %s, unable to check for keyboard\n", buf ); ck_fprintf_stderr( "hid: please verify you have read permissions to input device '%s' to use as HID keyboard input device\n", buf ); } } } closedir( dir_handle ); EM_poplog(); } void Keyboard_poll() { } void Keyboard_quit() { } int Keyboard_count() { if( keyboards == NULL ) return 0; return keyboards->size(); } int Keyboard_open( int k ) { if( keyboards == NULL || k < 0 || k >= keyboards->size() ) return -1; linux_keyboard * keyboard = keyboards->at( k ); if( keyboard->refcount == 0 ) { if( ( keyboard->fd = open( keyboard->filename, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK ) ) < 0 ) { EM_log( CK_LOG_SEVERE, "keyboard: unable to open %s: %s", keyboard->filename, strerror( errno ) ); return -1; } hid_channel_msg hcm = { HID_CHANNEL_OPEN, keyboard }; if(write( hid_channel_w, &hcm, sizeof( hcm ) ) == -1) { EM_log( CK_LOG_SEVERE, "keyboard: unable to write open message: %s", strerror( errno ) ); return -1; } } keyboard->refcount++; return 0; } int Keyboard_close( int k ) { if( keyboards == NULL || k < 0 || k >= keyboards->size() ) return -1; linux_keyboard * keyboard = keyboards->at( k ); keyboard->refcount--; if( keyboard->refcount == 0 ) { hid_channel_msg hcm = { HID_CHANNEL_CLOSE, keyboard }; if(write( hid_channel_w, &hcm, sizeof( hcm ) ) == -1) EM_log( CK_LOG_WARNING, "keyboard: HID_CHANNEL_CLOSE message failed: %s" , strerror( errno ) ); } return 0; } const char * Keyboard_name( int k ) { if( keyboards == NULL || k < 0 || k >= keyboards->size() ) return NULL; return keyboards->at( k )->name; } #endif #pragma mark Hid graveyard /***** empty functions for stuff that isn't yet cross platform *****/ #ifndef __PLATFORM_MACOSX__ /*** empty functions for Mac-only stuff ***/ int Joystick_count_elements( int js, int type ) { return -1; } int Mouse_count_elements( int js, int type ) { return -1; } int Mouse_start_cursor_track(){ return -1; } int Mouse_stop_cursor_track(){ return -1; } int Keyboard_count_elements( int js, int type ) { return -1; } int Keyboard_send( int k, const HidMsg * msg ){ return -1; } int WiiRemote_send( int k, const HidMsg * msg ){ return -1; } void WiiRemote_init(){} void WiiRemote_poll(){} void WiiRemote_quit(){} void WiiRemote_probe(){} int WiiRemote_count(){ return 0; } int WiiRemote_open( int wr ){ return -1; } int WiiRemote_open( const char * name ){ return -1; } int WiiRemote_close( int wr ){ return -1; } int WiiRemote_send( const HidMsg * msg ){ return -1; } const char * WiiRemote_name( int wr ){ return NULL; } void TiltSensor_init(){} void TiltSensor_quit(){} void TiltSensor_probe(){} int TiltSensor_count(){ return 0; } int TiltSensor_open( int ts ){ return -1; } int TiltSensor_close( int ts ){ return -1; } int TiltSensor_read( int ts, int type, int num, HidMsg * msg ){ return -1; } const char * TiltSensor_name( int ts ){ return NULL; } void MultiTouchDevice_init() { } void MultiTouchDevice_quit() { } void MultiTouchDevice_probe() { } int MultiTouchDevice_count() { return 0; } int MultiTouchDevice_open( int ts ) { return -1; } int MultiTouchDevice_close( int ts ) { return -1; } const char * MultiTouchDevice_name( int ts ) { return NULL; } extern void Tablet_init() { } extern void Tablet_quit() { } extern void Tablet_probe() { } extern int Tablet_count() { return 0; } extern int Tablet_open( int ts ) { return -1; } extern int Tablet_close( int ts ) { return -1; } extern const char * Tablet_name( int ts ) { return NULL; } #endif #ifdef __CHIP_MODE__ // #include "util_iphone.h" int get_tilt_sensor_x() { return 0; } int get_tilt_sensor_y() { return 0; } int get_tilt_sensor_z() { return 0; } void start_hid_multi_touch() { } void stop_hid_multi_touch() { } void Hid_init(){} void Hid_poll(){} void Hid_quit(){} void Mouse_init(){} void Mouse_poll(){} void Mouse_quit(){} void Mouse_probe(){} int Mouse_count() { return 1; } int Mouse_count_elements( int js, int type ) { return -1; } int Mouse_open( int m ) { if(m >= 0 && m < 1) { start_hid_multi_touch(); return 0; } else return -1; } int Mouse_open( const char * name ) { return -1; } int Mouse_close( int m ) { if(m >= 0 && m < 1) { stop_hid_multi_touch(); return 0; } else return -1; } int Mouse_send( int m, const HidMsg * msg ) { return -1; } const char * Mouse_name( int m ) { if(m == 0) return "iPhone Multitouch"; else return NULL; } int Mouse_buttons( int m ) { if(m == 0) return 2; else return -1; } int Mouse_start_cursor_track() { return -1; } int Mouse_stop_cursor_track() { return -1; } void TiltSensor_init(){} void TiltSensor_quit(){} void TiltSensor_probe(){} int TiltSensor_count() { return 1; } int TiltSensor_open( int ts ) { if(ts == 0) return 0; return -1; } int TiltSensor_close( int ts ) { if(ts == 0) return 0; return -1; } int TiltSensor_read( int ts, int type, int num, HidMsg * msg ) { if( type != CK_HID_ACCELEROMETER ) return -1; msg->idata[0] = get_tilt_sensor_x(); msg->idata[1] = get_tilt_sensor_y(); msg->idata[2] = get_tilt_sensor_z(); return 0; } const char * TiltSensor_name( int ts ) { if(ts == 0) return "iPhone Accelerometer"; else return NULL; } // ge: SMS multi-thread poll rate t_CKINT TiltSensor_setPollRate( t_CKINT usec ) { return -1; } t_CKINT TiltSensor_getPollRate( ) { return -1; } void Joystick_init(){} void Joystick_poll(){} void Joystick_quit(){} void Joystick_probe(){} int Joystick_count() { return 0; } int Joystick_count_elements( int js, int type ) { return -1; } int Joystick_open( int js ) { return -1; } int Joystick_open_async( int js ) { return -1; } int Joystick_open( const char * name ) { return -1; } int Joystick_close( int js ) { return -1; } int Joystick_send( int js, const HidMsg * msg ) { return -1; } const char * Joystick_name( int js ) { return NULL; } int Joystick_axes( int js ) { return -1; } int Joystick_buttons( int js ) { return -1; } int Joystick_hats( int js ) { return -1; } void Keyboard_init(){} void Keyboard_poll(){} void Keyboard_quit(){} void Keyboard_probe(){} int Keyboard_count() { return 0; } int Keyboard_count_elements( int js, int type ) { return -1; } int Keyboard_open( int kb ) { return -1; } int Keyboard_open( const char * name ) { return -1; } int Keyboard_close( int kb ) { return -1; } int Keyboard_send( int kb, const HidMsg * msg ) { return -1; } const char * Keyboard_name( int kb ) { return NULL; } void WiiRemote_init(){} void WiiRemote_poll(){} void WiiRemote_quit(){} void WiiRemote_probe(){} int WiiRemote_count() { return 0; } int WiiRemote_open( int wr ) { return -1; } int WiiRemote_open( const char * name ) { return -1; } int WiiRemote_close( int wr ) { return -1; } int WiiRemote_send( int wr, const HidMsg * msg ) { return -1; } const char * WiiRemote_name( int wr ) { return NULL; } void MultiTouchDevice_init() { } void MultiTouchDevice_quit() { } void MultiTouchDevice_probe() { } int MultiTouchDevice_count() { return 0; } int MultiTouchDevice_open( int ts ) { return -1; } int MultiTouchDevice_close( int ts ) { return -1; } const char * MultiTouchDevice_name( int ts ) { return NULL; } #endif // __CHIP_MODE__