/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChucK Concurrent, On-the-fly Audio Programming Language Compiler and Virtual Machine Copyright (c) 2004 Ge Wang and Perry R. Cook. All rights reserved. http://chuck.stanford.edu/ http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 U.S.A. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // file: chuck_type.h // desc: chuck type-system / type-checker // // author: Ge Wang (ge@ccrma.stanford.edu | gewang@cs.princeton.edu) // date: Autumn 2002 - original // Autumn 2005 - rewrite //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef __CHUCK_TYPE_H__ #define __CHUCK_TYPE_H__ #include "chuck_def.h" #include "chuck_absyn.h" #include "chuck_oo.h" #include "chuck_dl.h" #include "chuck_errmsg.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: enum te_Type // desc: basic, default ChucK types //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef enum { // general types te_none = 0, te_int, te_uint, te_single, te_float, te_double, te_time, te_dur, te_complex, te_polar, te_string, te_thread, te_shred, te_class, te_function, te_object, te_user, te_array, te_null, te_ugen, te_uana, te_event, te_void, te_stdout, te_stderr, te_adc, te_dac, te_bunghole, te_uanablob, te_io, te_fileio, te_chout, te_cherr, te_multi, te_vec3, te_vec4, te_vector // ge: added } te_Type; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: enum te_GlobalType // desc: ChucK types for global vars: int, float, (subclass of) Event // (REFACTOR-2017) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef enum { te_globalInt, te_globalFloat, te_globalEvent } te_GlobalType; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: enum te_HowMuch // desc: how much to scan/type check //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef enum { te_do_all = 0, te_do_classes_only, te_do_no_classes } te_HowMuch; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: struct Chuck_Scope // desc: scoping structure //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template struct Chuck_Scope { public: // constructor Chuck_Scope() { this->push(); } // desctructor ~Chuck_Scope() { this->pop(); } // push scope void push() { scope.push_back( new std::map ); } // pop scope void pop() { assert( scope.size() != 0 ); // TODO: release contents of scope.back() delete scope.back(); scope.pop_back(); } // reset the scope void reset() { scope.clear(); this->push(); } // atomic commit void commit() { assert( scope.size() != 0 ); std::map::iterator iter; // go through buffer for( iter = commit_map.begin(); iter != commit_map.end(); iter++ ) { // add to front/where (*scope.front())[(*iter).first] = (*iter).second; } // clear commit_map.clear(); } // roll back since last commit or beginning void rollback() { assert( scope.size() != 0 ); std::map::iterator iter; // go through buffer for( iter = commit_map.begin(); iter != commit_map.end(); iter++ ) { // release (*iter).second->release(); } // clear commit_map.clear(); } // add void add( const std::string & xid, Chuck_VM_Object * value ) { this->add( insert_symbol(xid.c_str()), value ); } void add( S_Symbol xid, Chuck_VM_Object * value ) { assert( scope.size() != 0 ); // add if back is NOT front if( scope.back() != scope.front() ) (*scope.back())[xid] = value; // add for commit else commit_map[xid] = value; // add reference SAFE_ADD_REF(value); } // lookup id T operator []( const std::string & xid ) { return (T)this->lookup( xid ); } T lookup( const std::string & xid, t_CKINT climb = 1 ) { return (T)this->lookup( insert_symbol(xid.c_str()), climb ); } // -1 base, 0 current, 1 climb T lookup( S_Symbol xid, t_CKINT climb = 1 ) { Chuck_VM_Object * val = NULL; assert( scope.size() != 0 ); if( climb == 0 ) { val = (*scope.back())[xid]; // look in commit buffer if the back is the front if( !val && scope.back() == scope.front() && (commit_map.find(xid) != commit_map.end()) ) val = commit_map[xid]; } else if( climb > 0 ) { for( t_CKUINT i = scope.size(); i > 0; i-- ) { if( ( val = (*scope[i-1])[xid] ) ) break; } // look in commit buffer if( !val && (commit_map.find(xid) != commit_map.end()) ) val = commit_map[xid]; } else { val = (*scope.front())[xid]; // look in commit buffer if( !val && (commit_map.find(xid) != commit_map.end()) ) val = commit_map[xid]; } return (T)val; } // get list of top level void get_toplevel( std::vector & out ) { assert( scope.size() != 0 ); std::map::iterator iter; // clear the out out.clear(); // get the front of the array std::map * m = scope.front(); // go through map for( iter = m->begin(); iter != m->end(); iter++ ) { // add out.push_back( (*iter).second ); } } // get list of top level void get_level( int level, std::vector & out ) { assert( scope.size() >= level ); std::map::iterator iter; // clear the out out.clear(); // get the front of the array std::map * m = &commit_map; // go through map for( iter = m->begin(); iter != m->end(); iter++ ) { // add out.push_back( (*iter).second ); } } protected: std::vector *> scope; std::map commit_map; }; // forward reference struct Chuck_Type; struct Chuck_Value; struct Chuck_Func; struct Chuck_Multi; struct Chuck_VM; struct Chuck_VM_Code; struct Chuck_DLL; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: struct Chuck_Namespace // desc: Chuck Namespace containing semantic information //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct Chuck_Namespace : public Chuck_VM_Object { // maps Chuck_Scope type; Chuck_Scope value; Chuck_Scope func; // virtual table Chuck_VTable obj_v_table; // static data segment t_CKBYTE * class_data; // static data segment size t_CKUINT class_data_size; // name std::string name; // top-level code Chuck_VM_Code * pre_ctor; // destructor Chuck_VM_Code * dtor; // type that contains this Chuck_Namespace * parent; // address offset t_CKUINT offset; // constructor Chuck_Namespace() { pre_ctor = NULL; dtor = NULL; parent = NULL; offset = 0; class_data = NULL; class_data_size = 0; } // destructor virtual ~Chuck_Namespace() { /* TODO: SAFE_RELEASE( this->parent ); */ /* TODO: SAFE_DELETE( pre_ctor ); */ /* TODO: SAFE_DELETE( dtor ); */ } // look up type Chuck_Type * lookup_type( const std::string & name, t_CKINT climb = 1 ); Chuck_Type * lookup_type( S_Symbol name, t_CKINT climb = 1 ); // look up value Chuck_Value * lookup_value( const std::string & name, t_CKINT climb = 1 ); Chuck_Value * lookup_value( S_Symbol name, t_CKINT climb = 1 ); // look up func Chuck_Func * lookup_func( const std::string & name, t_CKINT climb = 1 ); Chuck_Func * lookup_func( S_Symbol name, t_CKINT climb = 1 ); // commit the maps void commit() { EM_log( CK_LOG_FINER, "committing namespace: '%s'...", name.c_str() ); type.commit(); value.commit(); func.commit(); } // rollback the maps void rollback() { EM_log( CK_LOG_FINER, "rolling back namespace: '%s'...", name.c_str() ); type.rollback(); value.rollback(); func.rollback(); } // get top level types void get_types( std::vector & out ); // get top level values void get_values( std::vector & out ); // get top level functions void get_funcs( std::vector & out ); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: struct Chuck_Context // desc: runtime type information pertaining to a file //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct Chuck_Context : public Chuck_VM_Object { // src_name std::string filename; // full filepath (if available) -- added std::string full_path; // parse tree a_Program parse_tree; // context namespace Chuck_Namespace * nspc; // public class def if any a_Class_Def public_class_def; // error - means to free nspc too t_CKBOOL has_error; // progress enum { P_NONE = 0, P_CLASSES_ONLY, P_ALL }; // progress in scan / type check / emit t_CKUINT progress; // things to release with the context std::vector new_types; std::vector new_values; std::vector new_funcs; std::vector new_nspc; // commit map std::map commit_map; // add for commit/rollback void add_commit_candidate( Chuck_Namespace * nspc ); // commit void commit(); // rollback void rollback(); // constructor Chuck_Context() { parse_tree = NULL; nspc = new Chuck_Namespace; public_class_def = NULL; has_error = FALSE; progress = P_NONE; } // destructor virtual ~Chuck_Context(); // get the top-level code Chuck_VM_Code * code() { return nspc->pre_ctor; } // special alloc Chuck_Type * new_Chuck_Type( Chuck_Env * env ); Chuck_Value * new_Chuck_Value( Chuck_Type * t, const std::string & name ); Chuck_Func * new_Chuck_Func(); Chuck_Namespace * new_Chuck_Namespace(); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: struct Chuck_Env // desc: chuck env with type info //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct Chuck_Env : public Chuck_VM_Object { public: // constructor Chuck_Env(); // REFACTOR-2017: carrier and accessors public: void set_carrier( Chuck_Carrier * carrier ) { m_carrier = carrier; } Chuck_VM * vm() { return m_carrier->vm; } protected: Chuck_Carrier * m_carrier; protected: // global namespace Chuck_Namespace * global_nspc; // global context Chuck_Context global_context; // user-global namespace Chuck_Namespace * user_nspc; public: // global namespace Chuck_Namespace * global() { return global_nspc; } // global namespace Chuck_Namespace * user() { if(user_nspc == NULL) return global_nspc; else return user_nspc; } // namespace stack std::vector nspc_stack; // expression namespace Chuck_Namespace * curr; // class stack std::vector class_stack; // current class definition Chuck_Type * class_def; // current function definition Chuck_Func * func; // how far nested in a class definition t_CKUINT class_scope; // current contexts in memory std::vector contexts; // current context Chuck_Context * context; // control scope (for break, continue) std::vector breaks; // reserved words std::map key_words; std::map key_types; std::map key_values; // deprecated types std::map deprecated; // level - 0:stop, 1:warn, 2:ignore t_CKINT deprecate_level; // destructor virtual ~Chuck_Env(); // reset void reset( ) { // TODO: release stack items? nspc_stack.clear(); nspc_stack.push_back( this->global() ); if(user_nspc != NULL) nspc_stack.push_back( this->user_nspc ); // TODO: release stack items? class_stack.clear(); class_stack.push_back( NULL ); // should be at top level assert( context == &global_context ); // assign : TODO: release curr? class_def? func? // TODO: need another function, since this is called from constructor if(user_nspc != NULL) curr = this->user(); else curr = this->global(); class_def = NULL; func = NULL; // make sure this is 0 class_scope = 0; } void load_user_namespace() { // user namespace user_nspc = new Chuck_Namespace; user_nspc->name = "[user]"; user_nspc->parent = global_nspc; SAFE_ADD_REF(global_nspc); SAFE_ADD_REF(user_nspc); } void clear_user_namespace() { if(user_nspc) SAFE_RELEASE(user_nspc->parent); SAFE_RELEASE(user_nspc); load_user_namespace(); this->reset(); } // top Chuck_Namespace * nspc_top( ) { assert( nspc_stack.size() > 0 ); return nspc_stack.back(); } Chuck_Type * class_top( ) { assert( class_stack.size() > 0 ); return class_stack.back(); } // check whether the context is the global context t_CKBOOL is_global() { return class_def == NULL && func == NULL && class_scope == 0; } public: // REFACTOR-2017: public types Chuck_Type * t_void; Chuck_Type * t_int; Chuck_Type * t_float; Chuck_Type * t_time; Chuck_Type * t_dur; Chuck_Type * t_complex; Chuck_Type * t_polar; Chuck_Type * t_vec3; Chuck_Type * t_vec4; Chuck_Type * t_null; Chuck_Type * t_function; Chuck_Type * t_object; Chuck_Type * t_array; Chuck_Type * t_string; Chuck_Type * t_event; Chuck_Type * t_ugen; Chuck_Type * t_uana; Chuck_Type * t_uanablob; Chuck_Type * t_shred; Chuck_Type * t_io; Chuck_Type * t_fileio; Chuck_Type * t_chout; Chuck_Type * t_cherr; Chuck_Type * t_thread; Chuck_Type * t_class; Chuck_Type * t_dac; Chuck_Type * t_adc; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: struct Chuck_UGen_Info // desc: ugen info stored with ugen types //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct Chuck_UGen_Info : public Chuck_VM_Object { // tick function pointer f_tick tick; // multichannel/vector tick function pointer (added f_tickf tickf; // pmsg function pointer f_pmsg pmsg; // number of incoming channels t_CKUINT num_ins; // number of outgoing channels t_CKUINT num_outs; // for uana, NULL for ugen f_tock tock; // number of incoming ana channels t_CKUINT num_ins_ana; // number of outgoing channels t_CKUINT num_outs_ana; // constructor Chuck_UGen_Info() { tick = NULL; tickf = NULL; pmsg = NULL; num_ins = num_outs = 1; tock = NULL; num_ins_ana = num_outs_ana = 1; } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: struct Chuck_Type // desc: class containing information about a type //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------_id struct Chuck_Type : public Chuck_VM_Object { // type id te_Type xid; // type name std::string name; // type parent (could be NULL) Chuck_Type * parent; // size (in bytes) t_CKUINT size; // owner of the type Chuck_Namespace * owner; // array type union { Chuck_Type * array_type; Chuck_Type * actual_type; }; // array size (equals 0 means not array, else dimension of array) t_CKUINT array_depth; // object size (size in memory) t_CKUINT obj_size; // type info Chuck_Namespace * info; // func info Chuck_Func * func; // def a_Class_Def def; // ugen Chuck_UGen_Info * ugen_info; // copy t_CKBOOL is_copy; // defined t_CKBOOL is_complete; // has pre constructor t_CKBOOL has_constructor; // has destructor t_CKBOOL has_destructor; // custom allocator f_alloc allocator; // documentation std::string doc; // example files std::vector examples; public: // constructor Chuck_Type( Chuck_Env * env, te_Type _id = te_null, const std::string & _n = "", Chuck_Type * _p = NULL, t_CKUINT _s = 0 ) { m_env = env; xid = _id; name = _n; parent = _p; size = _s; owner = NULL; array_type = NULL; array_depth = 0; obj_size = 0; info = NULL; func = NULL; def = NULL; is_copy = FALSE; ugen_info = NULL; is_complete = TRUE; has_constructor = FALSE; has_destructor = FALSE; allocator = NULL; } // destructor virtual ~Chuck_Type() { reset(); } // reset void reset() { // CK_FPRINTF_STDERR( "type: %s %i\n", c_name(), (t_CKUINT)this ); xid = te_void; size = array_depth = obj_size = 0; is_copy = FALSE; // free only if not locked: to prevent garbage collection after exit if( !this->m_locked ) { // TODO: uncomment this, fix it to behave correctly // release references // SAFE_RELEASE(parent); // SAFE_RELEASE(array_type); SAFE_RELEASE(info); // SAFE_RELEASE(owner); // SAFE_RELEASE(func); // SAFE_RELEASE(ugen_info); } } // assignment - this does not touch the Chuck_VM_Object const Chuck_Type & operator =( const Chuck_Type & rhs ) { // release first this->reset(); // copy this->xid = rhs.xid; this->name = rhs.name; this->parent = rhs.parent; this->obj_size = rhs.obj_size; this->size = rhs.size; this->def = rhs.def; this->is_copy = TRUE; this->array_depth = rhs.array_depth; this->array_type = rhs.array_type; // SAFE_ADD_REF(this->array_type); this->func = rhs.func; // SAFE_ADD_REF(this->func); this->info = rhs.info; SAFE_ADD_REF(this->info); this->owner = rhs.owner; // SAFE_ADD_REF(this->owner); return *this; } // copy Chuck_Type * copy( Chuck_Env * env ) const { Chuck_Type * n = env->context->new_Chuck_Type( env ); *n = *this; return n; } // to string std::string ret; const std::string & str() { ret = name; for( t_CKUINT i = 0; i < array_depth; i++ ) ret += std::string("[]"); return ret; } // to c const char * c_name() { return str().c_str(); } //ref Chuck_Env * m_env; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: struct Chuck_Value // desc: a variable in scope //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct Chuck_Value : public Chuck_VM_Object { // type Chuck_Type * type; // name std::string name; // offset t_CKUINT offset; // addr void * addr; // const? t_CKBOOL is_const; // member? t_CKBOOL is_member; // static? t_CKBOOL is_static; // do something // is context-global? t_CKBOOL is_context_global; // is decl checked t_CKBOOL is_decl_checked; // is global (added REFACTOR-2017) t_CKBOOL is_global; // 0 = public, 1 = protected, 2 = private t_CKUINT access; // owner Chuck_Namespace * owner; // owner (class) Chuck_Type * owner_class; // remember function pointer - if this is a function Chuck_Func * func_ref; // overloads t_CKINT func_num_overloads; // documentation std::string doc; // constructor Chuck_Value( Chuck_Type * t, const std::string & n, void * a = NULL, t_CKBOOL c = FALSE, t_CKBOOL acc = 0, Chuck_Namespace * o = NULL, Chuck_Type * oc = NULL, t_CKUINT s = 0 ) { type = t; SAFE_ADD_REF(type); // add reference name = n; offset = s; is_const = c; access = acc; owner = o; SAFE_ADD_REF(o); // add reference owner_class = oc; SAFE_ADD_REF(oc); // add reference addr = a; is_member = FALSE; is_static = FALSE; is_context_global = FALSE; is_decl_checked = TRUE; // only set to false in certain cases is_global = FALSE; func_ref = NULL; func_num_overloads = 0; } // destructor virtual ~Chuck_Value() { // release // SAFE_RELEASE( type ); // SAFE_RELEASE( owner ): // SAFE_RELEASE( owner_class ); // SAFE_RELEASE( func_ref ); } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: struct Chuck_Func // desc: function definition //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct Chuck_Func : public Chuck_VM_Object { // name std::string name; // func def from parser a_Func_Def def; // code (included imported) Chuck_VM_Code * code; // imported code // Chuck_DL_Func * dl_code; // member t_CKBOOL is_member; // virtual table index t_CKUINT vt_index; // rember value Chuck_Value * value_ref; // for overloading Chuck_Func * next; // for overriding Chuck_Value * up; // documentation std::string doc; // constructor Chuck_Func() { def = NULL; code = NULL; is_member = FALSE; vt_index = 0xffffffff; value_ref = NULL; /*dl_code = NULL;*/ next = NULL; up = NULL; } // destructor virtual ~Chuck_Func() { } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // primary chuck type checker interface //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // initialize the type engine Chuck_Env * type_engine_init( Chuck_Carrier * carrier ); // shutdown the type engine void type_engine_shutdown( Chuck_Env * env ); // load a context to be type-checked or emitted t_CKBOOL type_engine_load_context( Chuck_Env * env, Chuck_Context * context ); // unload a context after being emitted t_CKBOOL type_engine_unload_context( Chuck_Env * env ); // type check a program into the env t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_prog( Chuck_Env * env, a_Program prog, const std::string & filename ); // make a context Chuck_Context * type_engine_make_context( a_Program prog, const std::string & filename ); // type check a context into the env t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_context( Chuck_Env * env, Chuck_Context * context, te_HowMuch how_much = te_do_all ); // type check a statement t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_stmt( Chuck_Env * env, a_Stmt stmt ); // type check an expression t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_exp( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp exp ); // add an chuck dll into the env t_CKBOOL type_engine_add_dll( Chuck_Env * env, Chuck_DLL * dll, const std::string & nspc ); // second version: use type_engine functions instead of constructing AST (added t_CKBOOL type_engine_add_dll2( Chuck_Env * env, Chuck_DLL * dll, const std::string & dest ); // import class based on Chuck_DL_Class (added t_CKBOOL type_engine_add_class_from_dl( Chuck_Env * env, Chuck_DL_Class * c ); // type equality t_CKBOOL operator ==( const Chuck_Type & lhs, const Chuck_Type & rhs ); t_CKBOOL operator !=( const Chuck_Type & lhs, const Chuck_Type & rhs ); t_CKBOOL equals( Chuck_Type * lhs, Chuck_Type * rhs ); t_CKBOOL operator <=( const Chuck_Type & lhs, const Chuck_Type & rhs ); t_CKBOOL isa( Chuck_Type * lhs, Chuck_Type * rhs ); t_CKBOOL isprim( Chuck_Env * env, Chuck_Type * type ); t_CKBOOL isobj( Chuck_Env * env, Chuck_Type * type ); t_CKBOOL isfunc( Chuck_Env * env, Chuck_Type * type ); t_CKBOOL iskindofint( Chuck_Env * env, Chuck_Type * type ); // added this includes int + pointers t_CKUINT getkindof( Chuck_Env * env, Chuck_Type * type ); // added to get the kindof a type // import Chuck_Type * type_engine_import_class_begin( Chuck_Env * env, Chuck_Type * type, Chuck_Namespace * where, f_ctor pre_ctor, f_dtor dtor = NULL, const char * doc = NULL ); Chuck_Type * type_engine_import_class_begin( Chuck_Env * env, const char * name, const char * parent, Chuck_Namespace * where, f_ctor pre_ctor, f_dtor dtor = NULL, const char * doc = NULL ); Chuck_Type * type_engine_import_ugen_begin( Chuck_Env * env, const char * name, const char * parent, Chuck_Namespace * where, f_ctor pre_ctor, f_dtor dtor, f_tick tick, f_tickf tickf, f_pmsg pmsg, // (tickf added t_CKUINT num_ins = 0xffffffff, t_CKUINT num_outs = 0xffffffff, const char * doc = NULL ); Chuck_Type * type_engine_import_ugen_begin( Chuck_Env * env, const char * name, const char * parent, Chuck_Namespace * where, f_ctor pre_ctor, f_dtor dtor, f_tick tick, f_pmsg pmsg, t_CKUINT num_ins = 0xffffffff, t_CKUINT num_outs = 0xffffffff, const char * doc = NULL ); Chuck_Type * type_engine_import_ugen_begin( Chuck_Env * env, const char * name, const char * parent, Chuck_Namespace * where, f_ctor pre_ctor, f_dtor dtor, f_tick tick, f_pmsg pmsg, const char * doc ); Chuck_Type * type_engine_import_uana_begin( Chuck_Env * env, const char * name, const char * parent, Chuck_Namespace * where, f_ctor pre_ctor, f_dtor dtor, f_tick tick, f_tock tock, f_pmsg pmsg, t_CKUINT num_ins = 0xffffffff, t_CKUINT num_outs = 0xffffffff, t_CKUINT num_ins_ana = 0xffffffff, t_CKUINT num_outs_ana = 0xffffffff, const char * doc = NULL ); t_CKBOOL type_engine_import_mfun( Chuck_Env * env, Chuck_DL_Func * mfun ); t_CKBOOL type_engine_import_sfun( Chuck_Env * env, Chuck_DL_Func * sfun ); t_CKUINT type_engine_import_mvar( Chuck_Env * env, const char * type, const char * name, t_CKUINT is_const, const char * doc = NULL ); t_CKBOOL type_engine_import_svar( Chuck_Env * env, const char * type, const char * name, t_CKUINT is_const, t_CKUINT addr, const char * doc = NULL ); t_CKBOOL type_engine_import_ugen_ctrl( Chuck_Env * env, const char * type, const char * name, f_ctrl ctrl, t_CKBOOL write, t_CKBOOL read ); t_CKBOOL type_engine_import_add_ex( Chuck_Env * env, const char * ex ); t_CKBOOL type_engine_import_class_end( Chuck_Env * env ); t_CKBOOL type_engine_register_deprecate( Chuck_Env * env, const std::string & former, const std::string & latter ); // helpers t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_reserved( Chuck_Env * env, const std::string & xid, int pos ); t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_reserved( Chuck_Env * env, S_Symbol xid, int pos ); t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_primitive( Chuck_Env * env, Chuck_Type * type ); t_CKBOOL type_engine_compat_func( a_Func_Def lhs, a_Func_Def rhs, int pos, std::string & err, t_CKBOOL print = TRUE ); t_CKBOOL type_engine_get_deprecate( Chuck_Env * env, const std::string & from, std::string & to ); Chuck_Type * type_engine_find_common_anc( Chuck_Type * lhs, Chuck_Type * rhs ); Chuck_Type * type_engine_find_type( Chuck_Env * env, a_Id_List path ); Chuck_Value * type_engine_find_value( Chuck_Type * type, const std::string & xid ); Chuck_Value * type_engine_find_value( Chuck_Type * type, S_Symbol xid ); Chuck_Value * type_engine_find_value( Chuck_Env * env, const std::string & xid, t_CKBOOL climb, int linepos = 0 ); Chuck_Namespace * type_engine_find_nspc( Chuck_Env * env, a_Id_List path ); /******************************************************************************* * spencer: added this into function to provide the same logic path * for type_engine_check_exp_decl() and ck_add_mvar() when they determine * offsets for mvars -- added ******************************************************************************/ t_CKUINT type_engine_next_offset( t_CKUINT current_offset, Chuck_Type * type ); // array verify t_CKBOOL verify_array( a_Array_Sub array ); // make array type Chuck_Type * new_array_type( Chuck_Env * env, Chuck_Type * array_parent, t_CKUINT depth, Chuck_Type * base_type, Chuck_Namespace * owner_nspc ); // conversion const char * type_path( a_Id_List path ); a_Id_List str2list( const std::string & path ); a_Id_List str2list( const std::string & path, t_CKBOOL & is_array ); const char * howmuch2str( te_HowMuch how_much ); t_CKBOOL escape_str( char * str_lit, int linepos ); t_CKINT str2char( const char * char_lit, int linepos ); // REFACTOR-2017: exile! now stored in env // default types //extern Chuck_Type t_void; //extern Chuck_Type t_int; //extern Chuck_Type t_float; //extern Chuck_Type t_time; //extern Chuck_Type t_dur; //extern Chuck_Type t_complex; //extern Chuck_Type t_polar; //extern Chuck_Type t_vec3; // ge: added //extern Chuck_Type t_vec4; // ge: added //extern Chuck_Type t_vector; //extern Chuck_Type t_object; //extern Chuck_Type t_null; //extern Chuck_Type t_string; //extern Chuck_Type t_array; //extern Chuck_Type t_shred; //extern Chuck_Type t_thread; //extern Chuck_Type t_function; //extern Chuck_Type t_class; //extern Chuck_Type t_event; //extern Chuck_Type t_io; //extern Chuck_Type t_fileio; //extern Chuck_Type t_chout; //extern Chuck_Type t_cherr; //extern Chuck_Type t_ugen; //extern Chuck_Type t_uana; //extern Chuck_Type t_uanablob; #endif