/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChucK Concurrent, On-the-fly Audio Programming Language Compiler and Virtual Machine Copyright (c) 2004 Ge Wang and Perry R. Cook. All rights reserved. http://chuck.stanford.edu/ http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 U.S.A. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // file: chuck_type.cpp // desc: chuck type-system / type-checker // // author: Ge Wang (ge@ccrma.stanford.edu | gewang@cs.princeton.edu) // date: Autumn 2002 - original // Autumn 2005 - rewrite //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "chuck_type.h" #include "chuck_parse.h" #include "chuck_scan.h" #include "chuck_vm.h" #include "chuck_errmsg.h" #include "chuck_lang.h" #include "chuck_io.h" #include "util_string.h" #include "ugen_xxx.h" using namespace std; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // default types //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // REFACTOR-2017: exile again! //Chuck_Type t_void( te_void, "void", NULL, 0 ); //Chuck_Type t_int( te_int, "int", NULL, sizeof(t_CKINT) ); //Chuck_Type t_float( te_float, "float", NULL, sizeof(t_CKFLOAT) ); //Chuck_Type t_time( te_time, "time", NULL, sizeof(t_CKTIME) ); //Chuck_Type t_dur( te_dur, "dur", NULL, sizeof(t_CKTIME) ); //Chuck_Type t_complex( te_complex, "complex", NULL, sizeof(t_CKCOMPLEX) ); //Chuck_Type t_polar( te_polar, "polar", NULL, sizeof(t_CKPOLAR) ); //Chuck_Type t_vec3( te_vec3, "vec3", NULL, sizeof(t_CKVEC3) ); // //Chuck_Type t_vec4( te_vec4, "vec4", NULL, sizeof(t_CKVEC4) ); // //Chuck_Type t_null( te_null, "@null", NULL, sizeof(void *) ); //Chuck_Type t_function( te_function, "@function", &t_object, sizeof(void *) ); //Chuck_Type t_object( te_object, "Object", NULL, sizeof(void *) ); //Chuck_Type t_array( te_array, "@array", &t_object, sizeof(void *) ); //Chuck_Type t_string( te_string, "string", &t_object, sizeof(void *) ); //Chuck_Type t_event( te_event, "Event", &t_object, sizeof(void *) ); //Chuck_Type t_ugen( te_ugen, "UGen", &t_object, sizeof(void *) ); //Chuck_Type t_uana( te_uana, "UAna", &t_ugen, sizeof(void *) ); //Chuck_Type t_uanablob( te_uanablob, "UAnaBlob", &t_object, sizeof(void *) ); //Chuck_Type t_shred( te_shred, "Shred", &t_object, sizeof(void *) ); //Chuck_Type t_io( te_io, "IO", &t_event, sizeof(void *) ); //Chuck_Type t_fileio( te_fileio, "FileIO", &t_io, sizeof(void *) ); //Chuck_Type t_chout( te_chout, "StdOut", &t_io, sizeof(void *) ); //Chuck_Type t_cherr( te_cherr, "StdErr", &t_io, sizeof(void *) ); //Chuck_Type t_thread( te_thread, "Thread", &t_object, sizeof(void *) ); //Chuck_Type t_class( te_class, "Class", &t_object, sizeof(void *) ); // exile //struct Chuck_Type t_adc = { te_adc, "adc", &t_ugen, t_ugen.size }; //struct Chuck_Type t_dac = { te_dac, "dac", &t_ugen, t_ugen.size }; //struct Chuck_Type t_bunghole = { te_bunghole, "bunghole", &t_ugen, t_ugen.size }; //struct Chuck_Type t_midiout = { te_midiout, "midiout", &t_object, sizeof(void *) }; //struct Chuck_Type t_midiin = { te_midiin, "midiin", &t_object, sizeof(void *) }; //struct Chuck_Type t_stdout = { te_stdout, "@stdout", &t_object, sizeof(void *) }; //struct Chuck_Type t_stderr ={ te_stdout, "@stderr", &t_object, sizeof(void *) }; // //struct Chuck_Type t_uint = { te_uint, "uint", NULL, sizeof(t_CKUINT) }; //struct Chuck_Type t_single = { te_single, "single", NULL, sizeof(float) }; //struct Chuck_Type t_double = { te_double, "double", NULL, sizeof(double) }; //struct Chuck_Type t_code = { te_code, "code", NULL, sizeof(void *) }; //struct Chuck_Type t_tuple = { te_tuple, "tuple", NULL, sizeof(void *) }; //struct Chuck_Type t_pattern = { te_pattern, "pattern", &t_object, sizeof(void *) }; //struct Chuck_Type t_transport = { te_transport, "transport", &t_object, sizeof(void *) }; //struct Chuck_Type t_host = { te_host, "host", &t_object, sizeof(void *) }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function prototypes //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_stmt_list( Chuck_Env * env, a_Stmt_List list ); t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_stmt( Chuck_Env * env, a_Stmt stmt ); t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_if( Chuck_Env * env, a_Stmt_If stmt ); t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_for( Chuck_Env * env, a_Stmt_For stmt ); t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_while( Chuck_Env * env, a_Stmt_While stmt ); t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_until( Chuck_Env * env, a_Stmt_Until stmt ); t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_loop( Chuck_Env * env, a_Stmt_Loop stmt ); t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_break( Chuck_Env * env, a_Stmt_Break br ); t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_continue( Chuck_Env * env, a_Stmt_Continue cont ); t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_return( Chuck_Env * env, a_Stmt_Return stmt ); t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_switch( Chuck_Env * env, a_Stmt_Switch stmt ); t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_exp( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp exp ); t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_exp_binary( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp_Binary binary ); t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_op( Chuck_Env * env, ae_Operator op, a_Exp lhs, a_Exp rhs, a_Exp_Binary binary ); t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_op_chuck( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp lhs, a_Exp rhs, a_Exp_Binary binary ); t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_op_unchuck( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp lhs, a_Exp rhs ); t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_op_upchuck( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp lhs, a_Exp rhs ); t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_op_at_chuck( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp lhs, a_Exp rhs ); t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_exp_unary( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp_Unary unary ); t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_exp_primary( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp_Primary exp ); t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_exp_array_lit( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp_Primary exp ); t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_exp_complex_lit( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp_Primary exp ); t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_exp_polar_lit( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp_Primary exp ); t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_exp_vec_lit( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp_Primary exp ); t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_exp_cast( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp_Cast cast ); t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_exp_postfix( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp_Postfix postfix ); t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_exp_dur( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp_Dur dur ); t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_exp_array( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp_Array array ); t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_exp_func_call( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp_Func_Call func_call ); t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_exp_func_call( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp exp_func, a_Exp args, t_CKFUNC & ck_func, int linepos ); t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_exp_dot_member( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp_Dot_Member member ); t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_exp_if( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp_If exp_if ); t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_exp_decl( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp_Decl decl ); t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_array_subscripts( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp exp_list ); t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_cast_valid( Chuck_Env * env, t_CKTYPE to, t_CKTYPE from ); t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_code_segment( Chuck_Env * env, a_Stmt_Code stmt, t_CKBOOL push = TRUE ); t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_func_def( Chuck_Env * env, a_Func_Def func_def ); t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_class_def( Chuck_Env * env, a_Class_Def class_def ); // helper a_Func_Def make_dll_as_fun( Chuck_DL_Func * dl_fun, t_CKBOOL is_static, t_CKBOOL is_base_primtive ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: Chuck_Env() // desc: constructor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck_Env::Chuck_Env( ) { // lock from being deleted global_context.lock(); // make reference context = &global_context; SAFE_ADD_REF(context); // make name context->filename = "@[global]"; // remember global_nspc = global_context.nspc; SAFE_ADD_REF(global_nspc); // deprecated stuff deprecated.clear(); deprecate_level = 1; user_nspc = NULL; // clear this->reset(); // initialize types t_void = new Chuck_Type( this, te_void, "void", NULL, 0 ); t_int = new Chuck_Type( this, te_int, "int", NULL, sizeof(t_CKINT) ); t_float = new Chuck_Type( this, te_float, "float", NULL, sizeof(t_CKFLOAT) ); t_time = new Chuck_Type( this, te_time, "time", NULL, sizeof(t_CKTIME) ); t_dur = new Chuck_Type( this, te_dur, "dur", NULL, sizeof(t_CKTIME) ); t_complex = new Chuck_Type( this, te_complex, "complex", NULL, sizeof(t_CKCOMPLEX) ); t_polar = new Chuck_Type( this, te_polar, "polar", NULL, sizeof(t_CKPOLAR) ); t_vec3 = new Chuck_Type( this, te_vec3, "vec3", NULL, sizeof(t_CKVEC3) ); // t_vec4 = new Chuck_Type( this, te_vec4, "vec4", NULL, sizeof(t_CKVEC4) ); // t_null = new Chuck_Type( this, te_null, "@null", NULL, sizeof(void *) ); t_object = new Chuck_Type( this, te_object, "Object", NULL, sizeof(void *) ); t_function = new Chuck_Type( this, te_function, "@function", t_object, sizeof(void *) ); t_array = new Chuck_Type ( this, te_array, "@array", t_object, sizeof(void *) ); t_string = new Chuck_Type( this, te_string, "string", t_object, sizeof(void *) ); t_event = new Chuck_Type( this, te_event, "Event", t_object, sizeof(void *) ); t_ugen = new Chuck_Type( this, te_ugen, "UGen", t_object, sizeof(void *) ); t_uana = new Chuck_Type( this, te_uana, "UAna", t_ugen, sizeof(void *) ); t_uanablob = new Chuck_Type( this, te_uanablob, "UAnaBlob", t_object, sizeof(void *) ); t_shred = new Chuck_Type( this, te_shred, "Shred", t_object, sizeof(void *) ); t_io = new Chuck_Type( this, te_io, "IO", t_event, sizeof(void *) ); t_fileio = new Chuck_Type( this, te_fileio, "FileIO", t_io, sizeof(void *) ); t_chout = new Chuck_Type( this, te_chout, "StdOut", t_io, sizeof(void *) ); t_cherr = new Chuck_Type( this, te_cherr, "StdErr", t_io, sizeof(void *) ); t_thread = new Chuck_Type( this, te_thread, "Thread", t_object, sizeof(void *) ); t_class = new Chuck_Type( this, te_class, "Class", t_object, sizeof(void *) ); // REFACTOR-2017: carrier m_carrier = NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: ~Chuck_Env() // desc: destructor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck_Env::~Chuck_Env() { // REFACTOR-2017: now part of Env instance SAFE_RELEASE( t_object->info ); SAFE_RELEASE( t_array->info ); SAFE_RELEASE( t_string->info ); SAFE_RELEASE( t_ugen->info ); SAFE_RELEASE( t_uanablob->info ); SAFE_RELEASE( t_uana->info ); SAFE_RELEASE( t_shred->info ); SAFE_RELEASE( t_event->info ); SAFE_RELEASE( t_class->info ); SAFE_RELEASE( t_thread->info ); SAFE_RELEASE( t_io->info ); SAFE_RELEASE( t_fileio->info ); SAFE_RELEASE( t_chout->info ); // added SAFE_RELEASE( t_cherr->info ); // added SAFE_RELEASE( t_vec3->info ); // added SAFE_RELEASE( t_vec4->info ); // added SAFE_RELEASE( t_dac->info ); // REFACTOR-2017 SAFE_RELEASE( t_adc->info ); // REFACTOR-2017 SAFE_DELETE( t_object ); SAFE_DELETE( t_array ); SAFE_DELETE( t_string ); SAFE_DELETE( t_ugen ); SAFE_DELETE( t_uanablob ); SAFE_DELETE( t_uana ); SAFE_DELETE( t_shred ); SAFE_DELETE( t_event ); SAFE_DELETE( t_class ); SAFE_DELETE( t_thread ); SAFE_DELETE( t_io ); SAFE_DELETE( t_fileio ); SAFE_DELETE( t_chout ); // added SAFE_DELETE( t_cherr ); // added SAFE_DELETE( t_vec3 ); // added SAFE_DELETE( t_vec4 ); // added SAFE_DELETE( t_dac ); // REFACTOR-2017 SAFE_DELETE( t_adc ); // REFACTOR-2017 } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_init() // desc: initialize a type engine //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck_Env * type_engine_init( Chuck_Carrier * carrier ) { // log EM_log( CK_LOG_SEVERE, "initializing type checker..." ); // push indent level EM_pushlog(); // allocate a new env Chuck_Env * env = new Chuck_Env(); // set the name of global namespace env->global()->name = "global"; // set the current namespace to global env->curr = env->global(); // REFACTOR-2017: store env in carrier carrier->env = env; // and store carrier in env env->set_carrier( carrier ); // enter the default global type mapping : lock VM objects to catch deletion env->global()->type.add( env->t_void->name, env->t_void ); env->t_void->lock(); env->global()->type.add( env->t_int->name, env->t_int ); env->t_int->lock(); env->global()->type.add( env->t_float->name, env->t_float ); env->t_float->lock(); env->global()->type.add( env->t_time->name, env->t_time ); env->t_time->lock(); env->global()->type.add( env->t_dur->name, env->t_dur ); env->t_dur->lock(); env->global()->type.add( env->t_complex->name, env->t_complex ); env->t_complex->lock(); env->global()->type.add( env->t_polar->name, env->t_polar ); env->t_polar->lock(); env->global()->type.add( env->t_vec3->name, env->t_vec3 ); env->t_vec3->lock(); env->global()->type.add( env->t_vec4->name, env->t_vec4 ); env->t_vec4->lock(); env->global()->type.add( env->t_object->name, env->t_object ); env->t_object->lock(); env->global()->type.add( env->t_string->name, env->t_string ); env->t_string->lock(); env->global()->type.add( env->t_ugen->name, env->t_ugen ); env->t_ugen->lock(); env->global()->type.add( env->t_uana->name, env->t_uana ); env->t_uana->lock(); env->global()->type.add( env->t_uanablob->name, env->t_uanablob ); env->t_uanablob->lock(); env->global()->type.add( env->t_shred->name, env->t_shred ); env->t_shred->lock(); env->global()->type.add( env->t_thread->name, env->t_thread ); env->t_thread->lock(); env->global()->type.add( env->t_function->name, env->t_function ); env->t_function->lock(); env->global()->type.add( env->t_class->name, env->t_class ); env->t_class->lock(); env->global()->type.add( env->t_array->name, env->t_array ); env->t_array->lock(); env->global()->type.add( env->t_event->name, env->t_event ); env->t_event->lock(); env->global()->type.add( env->t_io->name, env->t_io ); env->t_io->lock(); env->global()->type.add( env->t_fileio->name, env->t_fileio ); env->t_fileio->lock(); env->global()->type.add( env->t_chout->name, env->t_chout ); env->t_chout->lock(); env->global()->type.add( env->t_cherr->name, env->t_cherr ); env->t_cherr->lock(); // dur value t_CKDUR samp = 1.0; // TODO: t_CKDUR second = carrier->vm->srate() * samp; // t_CKDUR second = 44100 * samp; t_CKDUR ms = second / 1000.0; t_CKDUR minute = second * 60.0; t_CKDUR hour = minute * 60.0; t_CKDUR day = hour * 24.0; t_CKDUR week = day * 7.0; // add internal classes EM_log( CK_LOG_SEVERE, "adding base classes..." ); EM_pushlog(); init_class_object( env, env->t_object ); init_class_array( env, env->t_array ); init_class_string( env, env->t_string ); init_class_ugen( env, env->t_ugen ); init_class_blob( env, env->t_uanablob ); init_class_uana( env, env->t_uana ); init_class_shred( env, env->t_shred ); init_class_event( env, env->t_event ); init_class_io( env, env->t_io ); init_class_fileio( env, env->t_fileio ); init_class_chout( env, env->t_chout ); // init_class_cherr( env, env->t_cherr ); // init_class_vec3( env, env->t_vec3 ); // init_class_vec4( env, env->t_vec4 ); // EM_log( CK_LOG_SEVERE, "class 'class'" ); env->t_class->info = new Chuck_Namespace; env->t_class->info->add_ref(); env->t_thread->info = new Chuck_Namespace; env->t_thread->info->add_ref(); // pop indent EM_poplog(); // default global values env->global()->value.add( "null", new Chuck_Value( env->t_null, "null", new void *(NULL), TRUE ) ); env->global()->value.add( "NULL", new Chuck_Value( env->t_null, "NULL", new void *(NULL), TRUE ) ); env->global()->value.add( "t_zero", new Chuck_Value( env->t_time, "time_zero", new t_CKDUR(0.0), TRUE ) ); env->global()->value.add( "d_zero", new Chuck_Value( env->t_dur, "dur_zero", new t_CKDUR(0.0), TRUE ) ); env->global()->value.add( "samp", new Chuck_Value( env->t_dur, "samp", new t_CKDUR(samp), TRUE ) ); env->global()->value.add( "ms", new Chuck_Value( env->t_dur, "ms", new t_CKDUR(ms), TRUE ) ); env->global()->value.add( "second", new Chuck_Value( env->t_dur, "second", new t_CKDUR(second), TRUE ) ); env->global()->value.add( "minute", new Chuck_Value( env->t_dur, "minute", new t_CKDUR(minute), TRUE ) ); env->global()->value.add( "hour", new Chuck_Value( env->t_dur, "hour", new t_CKDUR(hour), TRUE ) ); env->global()->value.add( "day", new Chuck_Value( env->t_dur, "day", new t_CKDUR(day), TRUE ) ); env->global()->value.add( "week", new Chuck_Value( env->t_dur, "week", new t_CKDUR(week), TRUE ) ); env->global()->value.add( "true", new Chuck_Value( env->t_int, "true", new t_CKINT(1), TRUE ) ); env->global()->value.add( "false", new Chuck_Value( env->t_int, "false", new t_CKINT(0), TRUE ) ); env->global()->value.add( "maybe", new Chuck_Value( env->t_int, "maybe", new t_CKFLOAT(.5), FALSE ) ); env->global()->value.add( "pi", new Chuck_Value( env->t_float, "pi", new t_CKFLOAT(ONE_PI), TRUE ) ); env->global()->value.add( "global", new Chuck_Value( env->t_class, "global", env->global(), TRUE ) ); env->global()->value.add( "chout", new Chuck_Value( env->t_io, "chout", new Chuck_IO_Chout( carrier ), TRUE ) ); env->global()->value.add( "cherr", new Chuck_Value( env->t_io, "cherr", new Chuck_IO_Cherr( carrier ), TRUE ) ); // TODO: can't use the following now is local to shred // env->global()->value.add( "now", new Chuck_Value( env->t_time, "now", &(vm->shreduler()->now_system), TRUE ) ); /* S_enter( e->value, insert_symbol( "machine" ), env->t_null ); S_enter( e->value, insert_symbol( "language" ), env->t_null ); S_enter( e->value, insert_symbol( "compiler" ), env->t_null ); S_enter( e->value, insert_symbol( "chout" ), env->t_system_out ); S_enter( e->value, insert_symbol( "cherr" ), env->t_system_err ); S_enter( e->value, insert_symbol( "stdout" ), env->t_system_out ); S_enter( e->value, insert_symbol( "stderr" ), env->t_system_err ); S_enter( e->value, insert_symbol( "midiout" ), env->t_midiout ); S_enter( e->value, insert_symbol( "midiin" ), env->t_midiin ); S_enter( e->value, insert_symbol( "adc" ), env->t_adc ); S_enter( e->value, insert_symbol( "dac" ), env->t_dac ); S_enter( e->value, insert_symbol( "bunghole" ), env->t_bunghole ); S_enter( e->value, insert_symbol( "blackhole" ), env->t_bunghole ); S_enter( e->value, insert_symbol( "endl" ), env->t_string ); */ // add reserve words env->key_words["for"] = TRUE; env->key_words["while"] = TRUE; env->key_words["until"] = TRUE; env->key_words["if"] = TRUE; env->key_words["else"] = TRUE; env->key_words["spork"] = TRUE; env->key_words["return"] = TRUE; env->key_words["class"] = TRUE; env->key_words["extends"] = TRUE; env->key_words["implements"] = TRUE; env->key_words["function"] = TRUE; env->key_words["fun"] = TRUE; env->key_words["public"] = TRUE; env->key_words["protected"] = TRUE; env->key_words["private"] = TRUE; env->key_words["static"] = TRUE; env->key_words["pure"] = TRUE; env->key_words["function"] = TRUE; env->key_words["fun"] = TRUE; env->key_words["break"] = TRUE; env->key_words["continue"] = TRUE; env->key_values["now"] = TRUE; env->key_values["true"] = TRUE; env->key_values["false"] = TRUE; env->key_values["maybe"] = TRUE; env->key_values["pi"] = TRUE; env->key_values["this"] = TRUE; env->key_values["super"] = TRUE; env->key_values["me"] = TRUE; env->key_values["samp"] = TRUE; env->key_values["ms"] = TRUE; env->key_values["second"] = TRUE; env->key_values["minute"] = TRUE; env->key_values["hour"] = TRUE; env->key_values["day"] = TRUE; env->key_values["week"] = TRUE; env->key_values["adc"] = TRUE; env->key_values["dac"] = TRUE; env->key_values["blackhole"] = TRUE; env->key_values["global"] = TRUE; env->key_values["chout"] = TRUE; env->key_values["cherr"] = TRUE; env->key_values["null"] = TRUE; env->key_values["NULL"] = TRUE; env->key_types["void"] = TRUE; env->key_types["same"] = TRUE; env->key_types["int"] = TRUE; env->key_types["float"] = TRUE; // env->key_types["dur"] = TRUE; // env->key_types["time"] = TRUE; // env->key_types["Object"] = TRUE; // env->key_types["string"] = TRUE; // env->key_types["Shred"] = TRUE; // env->key_types["Event"] = TRUE; // env->key_types["UGen"] = TRUE; // env->key_types["machine"] = TRUE; // env->key_types["language"] = TRUE; // env->key_types["compiler"] = TRUE; // ge and spencer reserve this one env->key_values["newlineEx2VistaHWNDVisualFoxProA"] = TRUE; // commit the global namespace env->global()->commit(); // pop indent level EM_poplog(); return env; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_shutdown() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void type_engine_shutdown( Chuck_Env * env ) { // log EM_log( CK_LOG_SEVERE, "shutting down type checker..." ); // shut it down SAFE_DELETE( env ); // log EM_log( CK_LOG_SEVERE, "type checker shutdown complete." ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_prog() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_prog( Chuck_Env * env, a_Program prog, const string & filename ) { t_CKBOOL ret = FALSE; // log EM_log( CK_LOG_FINE, "type-checking program '%s' - passes 0, 1, 2, 3...", filename.c_str() ); // push indent EM_pushlog(); // make the context Chuck_Context * context = type_engine_make_context( prog, filename ); if( !context ) goto done; // reset the env env->reset(); // load the context if( !type_engine_load_context( env, context ) ) { ret = FALSE; goto done; } // 0th-scan (pass 0) if( !type_engine_scan0_prog( env, g_program, te_do_all ) ) { ret = FALSE; goto cleanup; } // 1st-scan (pass 1) if( !type_engine_scan1_prog( env, g_program, te_do_all ) ) { ret = FALSE; goto cleanup; } // 2nd-scan (pass 2) if( !type_engine_scan2_prog( env, prog, te_do_all ) ) { ret = FALSE; goto cleanup; } // check the context (pass 3) if( !type_engine_check_context( env, context ) ) { ret = FALSE; goto cleanup; } cleanup: // commit if( ret ) env->global()->commit(); // or rollback else env->global()->rollback(); // unload the context from the type-checker if( !type_engine_unload_context( env ) ) { EM_error2( 0, "internal error unloading context...\n" ); ret = FALSE; } done: // pop indent EM_poplog(); return ret; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_make_context() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck_Context * type_engine_make_context( a_Program prog, const string & filename ) { // log EM_log( CK_LOG_FINER, "creating context '%s'...", filename.c_str() ); // push indent EM_pushlog(); // each parse tree corresponds to a chuck context Chuck_Context * context = new Chuck_Context; // save a reference to the parse tree context->parse_tree = prog; // set name context->filename = filename; // pop indent EM_poplog(); return context; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_context() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_context( Chuck_Env * env, Chuck_Context * context, te_HowMuch how_much ) { t_CKBOOL ret = TRUE; a_Program prog = NULL; // log EM_log( CK_LOG_FINER, "(pass 3) type-checking context '%s'...", context->filename.c_str() ); // push indent EM_pushlog(); // how much EM_log( CK_LOG_FINER, "target: %s", howmuch2str( how_much ) ); // make sure there is a context if( !env->context ) { // error EM_error2( 0, "internal error: env->context NULL!" ); ret = FALSE; goto done; } // parse tree prog = context->parse_tree; if( !prog ) { // error EM_error2( 0, "internal error: context->parse_tree NULL!" ); ret = FALSE; goto done; } // go through each of the program sections while( prog && ret ) { switch( prog->section->s_type ) { case ae_section_stmt: // if only classes, then skip if( how_much == te_do_classes_only ) break; // check the statements ret = type_engine_check_stmt_list( env, prog->section->stmt_list ); break; case ae_section_func: // if only classes, then skip if( how_much == te_do_classes_only ) break; // check the function definition ret = type_engine_check_func_def( env, prog->section->func_def ); break; case ae_section_class: // if no classes, then skip if( how_much == te_do_no_classes ) break; // check the class definition ret = type_engine_check_class_def( env, prog->section->class_def ); break; default: EM_error2( prog->linepos, "internal error: unrecognized program section in type checker..." ); ret = FALSE; break; } prog = prog->next; } // make sure we still have the same context assert( env->contexts.size() != 0 ); // assert( env->contexts.back() == context ); // check to see if everything passed if( !ret ) { // TODO: remove the effects of the context in the env // ---> insert code here <---- // flag the context with error, so more stuff gets deleted env->context->has_error = TRUE; } done: // pop indent EM_poplog(); return ret; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_load_context() // desc: call this before context is type-checked //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL type_engine_load_context( Chuck_Env * env, Chuck_Context * context ) { // log EM_log( CK_LOG_FINER, "loading context '%s'...", context->filename.c_str() ); // push indent EM_pushlog(); if( env->context ) EM_log( CK_LOG_FINER, "pushing existing context '%s'...", env->context->filename.c_str() ); // append the context to the env env->contexts.push_back( env->context ); // make the context current env->context = context; // add reference env->context->add_ref(); // push the context scope env->context->nspc->value.push(); // push the current namespaces env->nspc_stack.push_back( env->curr ); // set the parent context->nspc->parent = env->curr; // set the context's namespace as current env->curr = context->nspc; // pop indent EM_poplog(); return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_unload_context() // desc: call this after context is emitted //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL type_engine_unload_context( Chuck_Env * env ) { // make sure assert( env->context != NULL ); assert( env->contexts.size() != 0 ); // log EM_log( CK_LOG_FINER, "unloading context '%s'...", env->context->filename.c_str() ); // push indent EM_pushlog(); EM_log( CK_LOG_FINER, "restoring context '%s'...", env->contexts.back()->filename.c_str() ); // assert( env->context->has_error == FALSE ); // pop the context scope env->context->nspc->value.pop(); // restore the current namespace env->curr = env->nspc_stack.back(); // pop the namespace stack env->nspc_stack.pop_back(); // release the context env->context->release(); // restore context env->context = env->contexts.back(); // pop the context env->contexts.pop_back(); // make sure the nspc is ok assert( env->nspc_stack.size() != 0 ); // assert( env->stack.back() == &(context->nspc) ); // pop indent EM_poplog(); return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_stmt_list() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_stmt_list( Chuck_Env * env, a_Stmt_List list ) { // type check the stmt_list while( list ) { // the current statement if( !type_engine_check_stmt( env, list->stmt ) ) return FALSE; // advance to the next statement list = list->next; } return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_stmt(() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_stmt( Chuck_Env * env, a_Stmt stmt ) { t_CKBOOL ret = FALSE; if( !stmt ) return TRUE; // the type of stmt switch( stmt->s_type ) { case ae_stmt_if: // count scope to help determine class member env->class_scope++; env->curr->value.push(); ret = type_engine_check_if( env, &stmt->stmt_if ); env->curr->value.pop(); env->class_scope--; break; case ae_stmt_for: env->class_scope++; env->curr->value.push(); ret = type_engine_check_for( env, &stmt->stmt_for ); env->curr->value.pop(); env->class_scope--; break; case ae_stmt_while: env->class_scope++; env->curr->value.push(); ret = type_engine_check_while( env, &stmt->stmt_while ); env->curr->value.pop(); env->class_scope--; break; case ae_stmt_until: env->class_scope++; env->curr->value.push(); ret = type_engine_check_until( env, &stmt->stmt_until ); env->curr->value.pop(); env->class_scope--; break; case ae_stmt_loop: env->class_scope++; env->curr->value.push(); ret = type_engine_check_loop( env, &stmt->stmt_loop ); env->curr->value.pop(); env->class_scope--; break; case ae_stmt_exp: ret = ( type_engine_check_exp( env, stmt->stmt_exp ) != NULL ); break; case ae_stmt_return: ret = type_engine_check_return( env, &stmt->stmt_return ); break; case ae_stmt_code: env->class_scope++; ret = type_engine_check_code_segment( env, &stmt->stmt_code ); env->class_scope--; break; case ae_stmt_break: ret = type_engine_check_break( env, &stmt->stmt_break ); break; case ae_stmt_continue: ret = type_engine_check_continue( env, &stmt->stmt_continue ); break; case ae_stmt_switch: env->class_scope++; ret = type_engine_check_switch( env, &stmt->stmt_switch ); env->class_scope--; break; case ae_stmt_case: // ret = type_engine_check_case( env, &stmt->stmt_case ); break; case ae_stmt_gotolabel: // ret = type_engine_check_gotolabel( env, &stmt->goto_label ); break; default: EM_error2( stmt->linepos, "internal compiler error - no stmt type '%i'!", stmt->s_type ); ret = FALSE; break; } return ret; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_if() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_if( Chuck_Env * env, a_Stmt_If stmt ) { // check the conditional if( !type_engine_check_exp( env, stmt->cond ) ) return FALSE; // ensure that conditional has valid type switch( stmt->cond->type->xid ) { case te_int: case te_float: case te_dur: case te_time: break; default: // check for IO if( isa( stmt->cond->type, env->t_io ) ) break; // error EM_error2( stmt->cond->linepos, "invalid type '%s' in if condition", stmt->cond->type->name.c_str() ); return FALSE; } // check if if( !type_engine_check_stmt( env, stmt->if_body ) ) return FALSE; // check else, if there is one if( stmt->else_body ) if( !type_engine_check_stmt( env, stmt->else_body ) ) return FALSE; return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_for() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_for( Chuck_Env * env, a_Stmt_For stmt ) { // check the initial if( !type_engine_check_stmt( env, stmt->c1 ) ) return FALSE; // check the conditional if( !type_engine_check_stmt( env, stmt->c2 ) ) return FALSE; // check for empty for loop conditional (added if( stmt->c2 == NULL ) { // error EM_error2( stmt->linepos, "empty for loop condition..." ); EM_error2( stmt->linepos, "...(note: explicitly use 'true' if it's the intent)" ); EM_error2( stmt->linepos, "...(e.g., 'for( ; true; ){ /*...*/ }')" ); return FALSE; } // ensure that conditional has valid type switch( stmt->c2->stmt_exp->type->xid ) { case te_int: case te_float: case te_dur: case te_time: break; default: // check for IO if( isa( stmt->c2->stmt_exp->type, env->t_io ) ) break; // error EM_error2( stmt->c2->stmt_exp->linepos, "invalid type '%s' in for condition", stmt->c2->stmt_exp->type->name.c_str() ); return FALSE; } // check the post if( stmt->c3 && !type_engine_check_exp( env, stmt->c3 ) ) return FALSE; // for break and continue statement env->breaks.push_back( stmt->self ); // check body // TODO: restore break stack? (same for other loops) if( !type_engine_check_stmt( env, stmt->body ) ) return FALSE; // remove the loop from the stack assert( env->breaks.size() && env->breaks.back() == stmt->self ); env->breaks.pop_back(); return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_while() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_while( Chuck_Env * env, a_Stmt_While stmt ) { // check the conditional if( !type_engine_check_exp( env, stmt->cond ) ) return FALSE; // ensure that conditional has valid type switch( stmt->cond->type->xid ) { case te_int: case te_float: case te_dur: case te_time: break; default: // check for IO if( isa( stmt->cond->type, env->t_io ) ) break; // error EM_error2( stmt->cond->linepos, "invalid type '%s' in while condition", stmt->cond->type->name.c_str() ); return FALSE; } // for break and continue statement env->breaks.push_back( stmt->self ); // check the body if( !type_engine_check_stmt( env, stmt->body ) ) return FALSE; // remove the loop from the stack assert( env->breaks.size() && env->breaks.back() == stmt->self ); env->breaks.pop_back(); return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_until() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_until( Chuck_Env * env, a_Stmt_Until stmt ) { // check the conditional if( !type_engine_check_exp( env, stmt->cond ) ) return FALSE; // ensure that conditional has valid type switch( stmt->cond->type->xid ) { case te_int: case te_float: case te_dur: case te_time: break; default: // check for IO if( isa( stmt->cond->type, env->t_io ) ) break; // error EM_error2( stmt->cond->linepos, "invalid type '%s' in until condition", stmt->cond->type->name.c_str() ); return FALSE; } // for break and continue statement env->breaks.push_back( stmt->self ); // check the body if( !type_engine_check_stmt( env, stmt->body ) ) return FALSE; // remove the loop from the stack assert( env->breaks.size() && env->breaks.back() == stmt->self ); env->breaks.pop_back(); return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_loop() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_loop( Chuck_Env * env, a_Stmt_Loop stmt ) { Chuck_Type * type = NULL; // check the conditional if( !(type = type_engine_check_exp( env, stmt->cond )) ) return FALSE; // ensure the type in conditional is int (different from other loops) if( isa( type, env->t_float ) ) { // cast stmt->cond->cast_to = env->t_int; } else if( !isa( type, env->t_int ) ) // must be int { EM_error2( stmt->linepos, "loop * conditional must be of type 'int'..." ); return FALSE; } // for break and continue statement env->breaks.push_back( stmt->self ); // check the body if( !type_engine_check_stmt( env, stmt->body ) ) return FALSE; // remove the loop from the stack assert( env->breaks.size() && env->breaks.back() == stmt->self ); env->breaks.pop_back(); return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_switch() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_switch( Chuck_Env * env, a_Stmt_Switch stmt ) { // TODO: implement this EM_error2( stmt->linepos, "switch not implemented..." ); return FALSE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_break() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_break( Chuck_Env * env, a_Stmt_Break br ) { // check to see if inside valid stmt if( env->breaks.size() <= 0 ) { EM_error2( br->linepos, "'break' found outside of for/while/until/switch..." ); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_continue() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_continue( Chuck_Env * env, a_Stmt_Continue cont ) { // check to see if inside valid loop if( env->breaks.size() <= 0 ) { EM_error2( cont->linepos, "'continue' found outside of for/while/until..." ); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_return() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_return( Chuck_Env * env, a_Stmt_Return stmt ) { Chuck_Type * ret_type = NULL; // check to see if within function definition if( !env->func ) { EM_error2( stmt->linepos, "'return' statement found outside function definition" ); return FALSE; } // check the type of the return if( stmt->val ) ret_type = type_engine_check_exp( env, stmt->val ); else ret_type = env->t_void; // check to see that return type matches the prototype if( ret_type && !isa( ret_type, env->func->def->ret_type ) ) { EM_error2( stmt->linepos, "function '%s' was defined with return type '%s' -- but returning type '%s'", env->func->name.c_str(), env->func->def->ret_type->c_name(), ret_type->c_name() ); return FALSE; } return ret_type != NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_code_segment() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_code_segment( Chuck_Env * env, a_Stmt_Code stmt, t_CKBOOL push ) { // TODO: make sure this is in a function or is outside class // class env->class_scope++; // push if( push ) env->curr->value.push(); // env->context->nspc.value.push(); // do it t_CKBOOL t = type_engine_check_stmt_list( env, stmt->stmt_list ); // pop if( push ) env->curr->value.pop(); // env->context->nspc.value.pop(); // class env->class_scope--; return t; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_exp() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_exp( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp exp ) { a_Exp curr = exp; // reset the group size exp->group_size = 0; // loop through parallel expressions while( curr ) { // reset the type curr->type = NULL; // increment first exp's group size exp->group_size++; // examine the syntax switch( curr->s_type ) { case ae_exp_binary: curr->type = type_engine_check_exp_binary( env, &curr->binary ); break; case ae_exp_unary: curr->type = type_engine_check_exp_unary( env, &curr->unary ); break; case ae_exp_cast: curr->type = type_engine_check_exp_cast( env, &curr->cast ); break; case ae_exp_postfix: curr->type = type_engine_check_exp_postfix( env, &curr->postfix ); break; case ae_exp_dur: curr->type = type_engine_check_exp_dur( env, &curr->dur ); break; case ae_exp_primary: curr->type = type_engine_check_exp_primary( env, &curr->primary ); break; case ae_exp_array: curr->type = type_engine_check_exp_array( env, &curr->array ); break; case ae_exp_func_call: curr->type = type_engine_check_exp_func_call( env, &curr->func_call ); // set the return type curr->func_call.ret_type = curr->type; break; case ae_exp_dot_member: curr->type = type_engine_check_exp_dot_member( env, &curr->dot_member ); break; case ae_exp_if: curr->type = type_engine_check_exp_if( env, &curr->exp_if ); break; case ae_exp_decl: curr->type = type_engine_check_exp_decl( env, &curr->decl ); break; default: EM_error2( curr->linepos, "internal compiler error - no expression type '%i'...", curr->s_type ); return NULL; } // error if( !curr->type ) return NULL; // advance to next expression curr = curr->next; } // return type return exp->type; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_exp_binary() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_exp_binary( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp_Binary binary ) { a_Exp cl = binary->lhs, cr = binary->rhs; t_CKTYPE ret = NULL; // type check the lhs and rhs t_CKTYPE left = type_engine_check_exp( env, cl ); t_CKTYPE right = type_engine_check_exp( env, cr ); // if either fails, then return NULL if( !left || !right ) return NULL; // cross chuck while( cr ) { // type check the pair if( !(ret = type_engine_check_op( env, binary->op, cl, cr, binary )) ) return NULL; cr = cr->next; } return ret; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_ensure_no_multi_decl() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL type_engine_ensure_no_multi_decl( a_Exp exp, const char * op_str ) { // go if( exp->s_type == ae_exp_decl && exp->decl.num_var_decls > 1 ) { // multiple declarations on left side EM_error2( exp->linepos, "cannot '%s' from/to a multi-variable declaration", op_str ); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } // helper macros #define LR( L, R ) if( (left->xid == L) && (right->xid == R) ) #define COMMUTE( L, R ) if( ( (left->xid == L) && (right->xid == R) ) || \ ( (left->xid == R) && (right->xid == L) ) ) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_op() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_op( Chuck_Env * env, ae_Operator op, a_Exp lhs, a_Exp rhs, a_Exp_Binary binary ) { t_CKTYPE left = lhs->type, right = rhs->type; assert( left && right ); // make sure not involve multiple declarations (for now) if( !type_engine_ensure_no_multi_decl( lhs, op2str(op) ) || !type_engine_ensure_no_multi_decl( rhs, op2str(op) ) ) return FALSE; // if lhs is multi-value, then check separately if( (lhs->next && op != ae_op_chuck /*&& !isa( right, env->t_function)*/ ) || rhs->next ) { // TODO: implement this EM_error2( lhs->linepos, "multi-value (%s) operation not supported/implemented...", op2str(op)); return NULL; } // file I/O /* if( op == ae_op_arrow_left || op == ae_op_arrow_right ) { // check left if( isa( left, env->t_io ) ) { // check for assignment if( op == ae_op_arrow_right && lhs->s_meta != ae_meta_var ) { // error EM_error2( rhs->linepos, "cannot perform I/O assignment via '->' to non-mutable value" ); return NULL; } // check right if( isa( right, env->t_int ) || isa( right, env->t_float ) || isa( right, env->t_string ) ) return left; } } */ // implicit cast if( *left != *right ) { // for some - int/float switch( op ) { case ae_op_plus: // Object.toString if( isa( left, env->t_string ) && isa( right, env->t_object ) && !isa( right, env->t_string) ) right = rhs->cast_to = env->t_string; else if( isa( left, env->t_object ) && isa( right, env->t_string ) && !isa( left, env->t_string) ) left = lhs->cast_to = env->t_string; case ae_op_minus: LR( te_vec3, te_vec4 ) left = lhs->cast_to = env->t_vec4; else LR( te_vec4, te_vec3 ) right = rhs->cast_to = env->t_vec4; case ae_op_times: case ae_op_divide: case ae_op_lt: case ae_op_le: case ae_op_gt: case ae_op_ge: case ae_op_eq: case ae_op_neq: // complex LR( te_int, te_complex ) left = lhs->cast_to = env->t_complex; else LR( te_complex, te_int ) right = rhs->cast_to = env->t_complex; LR( te_float, te_complex ) left = lhs->cast_to = env->t_complex; else LR( te_complex, te_float ) right = rhs->cast_to = env->t_complex; // polar LR( te_int, te_polar ) left = lhs->cast_to = env->t_polar; else LR( te_complex, te_int ) right = rhs->cast_to = env->t_polar; LR( te_float, te_complex ) left = lhs->cast_to = env->t_polar; else LR( te_complex, te_float ) right = rhs->cast_to = env->t_polar; case ae_op_percent: // mark for cast LR( te_int, te_float ) left = lhs->cast_to = env->t_float; else LR( te_float, te_int ) right = rhs->cast_to = env->t_float; break; default: break; } // no commute - int/float switch( op ) { case ae_op_plus_chuck: // Object.toString if( isa( left, env->t_object ) && isa( right, env->t_string ) && !isa( left, env->t_string ) ) left = lhs->cast_to = env->t_string; case ae_op_minus_chuck: case ae_op_times_chuck: case ae_op_divide_chuck: case ae_op_percent_chuck: // mark for cast LR( te_int, te_float ) left = lhs->cast_to = env->t_float; LR( te_float, te_complex ) left = lhs->cast_to = env->t_complex; LR( te_float, te_polar ) left = lhs->cast_to = env->t_polar; LR( te_int, te_complex ) left = lhs->cast_to = env->t_complex; LR( te_int, te_polar ) left = lhs->cast_to = env->t_polar; break; default: break; } // int/dur and int/vectors if( op == ae_op_times ) { LR( te_int, te_dur ) left = lhs->cast_to = env->t_float; else LR( te_dur, te_int ) right = rhs->cast_to = env->t_float; // vectors, else LR( te_int, te_vec3 ) left = lhs->cast_to = env->t_float; // else LR( te_int, te_vec4 ) left = lhs->cast_to = env->t_float; // else LR( te_vec3, te_int ) right = rhs->cast_to = env->t_float; // else LR( te_vec4, te_int ) right = rhs->cast_to = env->t_float; // } else if( op == ae_op_divide ) { LR( te_dur, te_int ) right = rhs->cast_to = env->t_float; // vectors, else LR( te_int, te_vec3 ) left = lhs->cast_to = env->t_float; // else LR( te_int, te_vec4 ) left = lhs->cast_to = env->t_float; // else LR( te_vec3, te_int ) right = rhs->cast_to = env->t_float; // else LR( te_vec4, te_int ) right = rhs->cast_to = env->t_float; // } // op_chuck if( op == ae_op_times_chuck ) { LR( te_int, te_vec3 ) left = lhs->cast_to = env->t_float; // LR( te_int, te_vec4 ) left = lhs->cast_to = env->t_float; // } else if( op == ae_op_divide_chuck ) { LR( te_int, te_vec3 ) left = lhs->cast_to = env->t_float; // LR( te_int, te_vec4 ) left = lhs->cast_to = env->t_float; // } // array if( op == ae_op_shift_left && isa( left, env->t_array ) ) { // type of array Chuck_Type * atype = left->array_type; // check type if( isa( atype, env->t_float ) ) { if( right->xid == te_int ) right = rhs->cast_to = env->t_float; } else if( isa( atype, env->t_complex ) ) { if( right->xid == te_int || right->xid == te_float || right->xid == te_polar ) right = rhs->cast_to = env->t_complex; } else if( isa( atype, env->t_polar ) ) { if( right->xid == te_int || right->xid == te_float || right->xid == te_complex ) right = rhs->cast_to = env->t_complex; } } } // objects switch( op ) { case ae_op_plus: case ae_op_plus_chuck: // take care of string if( isa( left, env->t_string ) ) { // right is string or int/float if( isa( right, env->t_string ) || isa( right, env->t_int ) || isa( right, env->t_float ) ) break; } else if( isa( left, env->t_string ) || isa( left, env->t_int ) || isa( left, env->t_float ) ) { // right is string if( isa( right, env->t_string ) ) break; } case ae_op_minus: case ae_op_times: case ae_op_divide: //case ae_op_lt: //case ae_op_le: //case ae_op_gt: //case ae_op_ge: case ae_op_percent: case ae_op_minus_chuck: case ae_op_times_chuck: case ae_op_divide_chuck: case ae_op_percent_chuck: if( isa( left, env->t_object ) ) { EM_error2( lhs->linepos, "cannot perform '%s' on object references...", op2str(op) ); return NULL; } if( isa( right, env->t_object ) ) { EM_error2( lhs->linepos, "cannot perform '%s' on object references...", op2str(op) ); return NULL; } break; default: break; } // make sure switch( op ) { case ae_op_plus_chuck: case ae_op_minus_chuck: case ae_op_times_chuck: case ae_op_divide_chuck: case ae_op_percent_chuck: case ae_op_s_and_chuck: case ae_op_s_or_chuck: case ae_op_s_xor_chuck: case ae_op_shift_left_chuck: case ae_op_shift_right_chuck: // make sure mutable if( rhs->s_meta != ae_meta_var ) { EM_error2( lhs->linepos, "cannot assign '%s' on types '%s' %s '%s'...", op2str( op ), left->c_name(), op2str( op ), right->c_name() ); EM_error2( lhs->linepos, "...(reason: --- right-side operand is not mutable)" ); return NULL; } // mark to emit var instead of value rhs->emit_var = 1; break; default: break; } // based on the op switch( op ) { case ae_op_chuck: return type_engine_check_op_chuck( env, lhs, rhs, binary ); case ae_op_unchuck: return type_engine_check_op_unchuck( env, lhs, rhs ); case ae_op_upchuck: return type_engine_check_op_upchuck( env, lhs, rhs ); case ae_op_at_chuck: return type_engine_check_op_at_chuck( env, lhs, rhs ); case ae_op_plus_chuck: if( isa( left, env->t_string ) && isa( right, env->t_string ) ) return env->t_string; if( isa( left, env->t_int ) && isa( right, env->t_string ) ) return env->t_string; if( isa( left, env->t_float ) && isa( right, env->t_string ) ) return env->t_string; case ae_op_plus: LR( te_int, te_int ) return env->t_int; LR( te_float, te_float ) return env->t_float; LR( te_dur, te_dur ) return env->t_dur; LR( te_complex, te_complex ) return env->t_complex; LR( te_polar, te_polar ) return env->t_polar; // COMMUTE( te_float, te_complex ) return env->t_complex; // COMMUTE( te_float, te_polar ) return env->t_polar; LR( te_vec3, te_vec3 ) return env->t_vec3; // LR( te_vec4, te_vec4 ) return env->t_vec4; // COMMUTE( te_vec3, te_vec4 ) return env->t_vec4; // COMMUTE( te_dur, te_time ) return env->t_time; if( isa( left, env->t_string ) && isa( right, env->t_string ) ) return env->t_string; if( isa( left, env->t_string ) && isa( right, env->t_int ) ) return env->t_string; if( isa( left, env->t_string ) && isa( right, env->t_float ) ) return env->t_string; if( isa( left, env->t_int ) && isa( right, env->t_string ) ) return env->t_string; if( isa( left, env->t_float ) && isa( right, env->t_string ) ) return env->t_string; break; case ae_op_minus: LR( te_time, te_time ) return env->t_dur; LR( te_time, te_dur ) return env->t_time; LR( te_int, te_int ) return env->t_int; LR( te_float, te_float ) return env->t_float; LR( te_dur, te_dur ) return env->t_dur; LR( te_complex, te_complex ) return env->t_complex; LR( te_polar, te_polar ) return env->t_polar; // COMMUTE( te_float, te_complex ) return env->t_complex; // COMMUTE( te_float, te_polar ) return env->t_polar; LR( te_vec3, te_vec3 ) return env->t_vec3; // LR( te_vec4, te_vec4 ) return env->t_vec4; // COMMUTE( te_vec3, te_vec4 ) return env->t_vec4; // break; // take care of non-commutative case ae_op_minus_chuck: LR( te_int, te_int ) return env->t_int; LR( te_float, te_float ) return env->t_float; LR( te_dur, te_dur ) return env->t_dur; LR( te_dur, te_time ) return env->t_time; LR( te_complex, te_complex ) return env->t_complex; LR( te_polar, te_polar ) return env->t_polar; // COMMUTE( te_float, te_complex ) return env->t_complex; // COMMUTE( te_float, te_polar ) return env->t_polar; LR( te_vec3, te_vec3 ) return env->t_vec3; // LR( te_vec4, te_vec4 ) return env->t_vec4; // COMMUTE( te_vec3, te_vec4 ) return env->t_vec4; // break; case ae_op_times: LR( te_int, te_int ) return env->t_int; LR( te_float, te_float ) return env->t_float; LR( te_complex, te_complex ) return env->t_complex; LR( te_polar, te_polar ) return env->t_polar; LR( te_vec3, te_vec3 ) return env->t_vec3; // LR( te_vec4, te_vec4 ) return env->t_vec4; // COMMUTE( te_float, te_dur ) return env->t_dur; // COMMUTE( te_float, te_complex ) return env->t_complex; // COMMUTE( te_float, te_polar ) return env->t_polar; COMMUTE( te_float, te_vec3 ) return env->t_vec3; // COMMUTE( te_float, te_vec4 ) return env->t_vec4; // break; case ae_op_times_chuck: LR( te_int, te_int ) return env->t_int; LR( te_float, te_float ) return env->t_float; LR( te_float, te_dur ) return env->t_dur; LR( te_complex, te_complex ) return env->t_complex; LR( te_polar, te_polar ) return env->t_polar; LR( te_float, te_vec3 ) return env->t_vec3; // LR( te_int, te_vec4 ) return env->t_vec4; // break; case ae_op_divide: LR( te_dur, te_dur ) return env->t_float; LR( te_time, te_dur ) return env->t_float; LR( te_dur, te_float ) return env->t_dur; LR( te_int, te_int ) return env->t_int; LR( te_float, te_float ) return env->t_float; LR( te_complex, te_complex ) return env->t_complex; LR( te_polar, te_polar ) return env->t_polar; LR( te_vec3, te_float ) return env->t_vec3; LR( te_vec4, te_float ) return env->t_vec4; break; // take care of non-commutative case ae_op_divide_chuck: LR( te_int, te_int ) return env->t_int; LR( te_float, te_float ) return env->t_float; LR( te_float, te_dur ) return env->t_dur; LR( te_complex, te_complex ) return env->t_complex; LR( te_polar, te_polar ) return env->t_polar; break; case ae_op_eq: // null // if( isa( left, env->t_object ) && isa( right, env->t_null ) ) return env->t_int; // if( isa( left, env->t_null ) && isa( right, env->t_object ) ) return env->t_int; case ae_op_lt: case ae_op_gt: case ae_op_le: // file output if( isa( left, env->t_io ) ) { if( isa( right, env->t_int ) ) return left; else if( isa( right, env->t_float ) ) return left; else if( isa( right, env->t_string ) ) return left; else // error { EM_error2( lhs->linepos, "on suitable IO action for '%s' <= '%s'...", left->c_name(), right->c_name() ); return NULL; } } case ae_op_ge: case ae_op_neq: LR( te_int, te_int ) return env->t_int; LR( te_float, te_float ) return env->t_int; LR( te_dur, te_dur ) return env->t_int; LR( te_time, te_time ) return env->t_int; LR( te_complex, te_complex ) return env->t_int; LR( te_polar, te_polar ) return env->t_int; // COMMUTE( te_float, te_complex ) return env->t_int; // COMMUTE( te_float, te_polar ) return env->t_int; LR( te_vec3, te_vec3 ) return env->t_int; // LR( te_vec4, te_vec4 ) return env->t_int; // COMMUTE( te_vec3, te_vec4 ) return env->t_int; // if( isa( left, env->t_object ) && isa( right, env->t_object ) ) return env->t_int; break; case ae_op_s_and_chuck: case ae_op_s_or_chuck: case ae_op_s_xor_chuck: case ae_op_shift_right_chuck: case ae_op_shift_left_chuck: // the above are non-commutative case ae_op_and: case ae_op_or: case ae_op_s_xor: case ae_op_s_and: case ae_op_s_or: case ae_op_shift_left: // prepend || append if( isa( left, env->t_array ) ) { // sanity check assert( left->array_type != NULL ); // check type if( isa( right, left->array_type ) ) return left; // both arrays if( right->array_depth > 0 && left->array_depth > 0 ) if( right->array_type == left->array_type && right->array_depth + 1 == left->array_depth ) return left; } case ae_op_shift_right: // shift LR( te_int, te_int ) return env->t_int; break; case ae_op_percent: LR( te_time, te_dur ) return env->t_dur; LR( te_dur, te_dur ) return env->t_dur; LR( te_int, te_int ) return env->t_int; LR( te_float, te_float ) return env->t_float; break; // take of non-commutative case ae_op_percent_chuck: LR( te_int, te_int ) return env->t_int; LR( te_float, te_float ) return env->t_float; LR( te_dur, te_dur ) return env->t_dur; break; default: break; } // no match EM_error2( lhs->linepos, "cannot resolve operator '%s' on types '%s' and '%s'", op2str( op ), left->c_name(), right->c_name() ); return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_op_chuck() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_op_chuck( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp lhs, a_Exp rhs, a_Exp_Binary binary ) { t_CKTYPE left = lhs->type, right = rhs->type; // chuck to function if( isa( right, env->t_function ) ) { // treat this function call return type_engine_check_exp_func_call( env, rhs, lhs, binary->ck_func, binary->linepos ); } // multi-value not supported beyond this for now if( lhs->next || rhs->next ) { EM_error2( lhs->linepos, "multi-value (=>) operation not supported/implemented..." ); return NULL; } // ugen => ugen // ugen[] => ugen[] if( ( isa( left, env->t_ugen ) || ( isa( left, env->t_array ) && isa( left->array_type, env->t_ugen ) ) ) && ( isa( right, env->t_ugen ) || ( isa( right, env->t_array ) && isa( right->array_type, env->t_ugen ) ) ) ) { t_CKTYPE left_ugen_type = NULL; t_CKTYPE right_ugen_type = NULL; if( isa( left, env->t_array ) ) { left_ugen_type = left->array_type; if( left->array_depth > 1 ) { EM_error2( lhs->linepos, "array ugen type has more than one dimension - can only => one-dimensional array of mono ugens" ); return NULL; } if( left_ugen_type->ugen_info->num_outs > 1 ) { // error EM_error2( lhs->linepos, "array ugen type '%s' has more than one output channel - can only => one-dimensional array of mono ugens", left_ugen_type->c_name() ); return NULL; } } else { left_ugen_type = left; } if( isa( right, env->t_array ) ) { right_ugen_type = right->array_type; if( right->array_depth > 1 ) { EM_error2( rhs->linepos, "array ugen type has more than one dimension - can only => one-dimensional array of mono ugens" ); return NULL; } if( right_ugen_type->ugen_info->num_ins > 1 ) { // error EM_error2( rhs->linepos, "array ugen type '%s' has more than one input channel - can only => array of mono ugens", right_ugen_type->c_name() ); return NULL; } } else { right_ugen_type = right; } // make sure non-zero if( left_ugen_type->ugen_info->num_outs == 0 ) { // error EM_error2( lhs->linepos, "ugen's of type '%s' have no output - cannot => to another ugen...", left_ugen_type->c_name() ); return NULL; } else if( right_ugen_type->ugen_info->num_ins == 0 ) { // error EM_error2( rhs->linepos, "ugen's of type '%s' have no input - cannot => from another ugen...", right_ugen_type->c_name() ); return NULL; } return right; } // time advance ( dur => now ) if( isa( left, env->t_dur ) && isa( right, env->t_time ) && rhs->s_meta == ae_meta_var && rhs->s_type == ae_exp_primary && !strcmp( "now", S_name(rhs->primary.var) ) ) { return right; } // event wait ( Event => now ) if( isa( left, env->t_event ) && isa( right, env->t_time ) && rhs->s_meta == ae_meta_var && rhs->s_type == ae_exp_primary && !strcmp( "now", S_name(rhs->primary.var) ) ) { return right; } // input ( IO => int ), (IO => float) if( isa( left, env->t_io ) ) { // right hand side if( rhs->s_meta != ae_meta_var ) { // error EM_error2( rhs->linepos, "cannot perform I/O assignment via '=>' to non-mutable value" ); return NULL; } // check right if( isa( right, env->t_int ) || isa( right, env->t_float ) ) { // emit ref rhs->emit_var = TRUE; return left; } if( isa( right, env->t_string ) ) { return left; } } // object.toString // implicit cast LR( te_int, te_float ) left = lhs->cast_to = env->t_float; LR( te_int, te_complex ) left = lhs->cast_to = env->t_complex; LR( te_int, te_polar ) left = lhs->cast_to = env->t_polar; LR( te_vec3, te_vec4 ) left = lhs->cast_to = env->t_vec4; // assignment or something else if( isa( left, right ) ) { // basic types? if( type_engine_check_primitive( env, left ) || isa( left, env->t_string ) ) { // if the right is a decl, then make sure ref if( isa( left, env->t_string ) && rhs->s_type == ae_exp_decl ) { rhs->decl.type->ref = TRUE; } // TODO: const // assigment? if( rhs->s_meta == ae_meta_var ) { // emit ref - remember for emitter rhs->emit_var = TRUE; // right side return right; } // error EM_error2( lhs->linepos, "cannot chuck/assign '=>' on types '%s' => '%s'...", left->c_name(), right->c_name() ); EM_error2( lhs->linepos, "...(reason: right-side operand is not mutable)" ); return NULL; } // aggregate types else { // TODO: check overloading of => // no match EM_error2( lhs->linepos, "cannot resolve operator '=>' on types '%s' and '%s'...", left->c_name(), right->c_name() ); EM_error2( lhs->linepos, "...(note: use '@=>' for object reference assignment)" ); return NULL; } } // TODO: check overloading of => // no match EM_error2( lhs->linepos, "cannot resolve operator '=>' on types '%s' and '%s'...", left->c_name(), right->c_name() ); return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_op_unchuck() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_op_unchuck( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp lhs, a_Exp rhs ) { t_CKTYPE left = lhs->type, right = rhs->type; // ugen =< ugen if( isa( left, env->t_ugen ) && isa( right, env->t_ugen ) ) return right; // TODO: check overloading of =< // no match EM_error2( lhs->linepos, "no suitable resolution for binary operator '=<'..." ); EM_error2( lhs->linepos, "...on types '%s' and '%s'", left->c_name(), right->c_name() ); return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_op_upchuck() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_op_upchuck( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp lhs, a_Exp rhs ) { t_CKTYPE left = lhs->type, right = rhs->type; // uana =^ uana if( isa( left, env->t_uana ) && isa( right, env->t_uana ) ) return right; // TODO: check overloading of =^ // no match EM_error2( lhs->linepos, "no suitable resolution for binary operator '=^'..." ); EM_error2( lhs->linepos, "...on types '%s' and '%s'", left->c_name(), right->c_name() ); return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_op_at_chuck() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_op_at_chuck( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp lhs, a_Exp rhs ) { t_CKTYPE left = lhs->type, right = rhs->type; // static //if( isa( left, env->t_class ) ) //{ // EM_error2( lhs->linepos, // "cannot assign '@=>' using static class as left operand..." ); // return NULL; //} //else if( isa( right, env->t_class ) ) //{ // EM_error2( rhs->linepos, // "cannot assign '@=>' using static class as right operand..." ); // return NULL; //} // make sure mutable if( rhs->s_meta != ae_meta_var ) { EM_error2( lhs->linepos, "cannot assign '@=>' on types '%s' @=> '%s'...", left->c_name(), right->c_name() ); EM_error2( lhs->linepos, "...(reason: --- right-side operand is not mutable)" ); return NULL; } // if the right is a decl, then make sure ref if( rhs->s_type == ae_exp_decl ) { rhs->decl.type->ref = TRUE; } // implicit cast LR( te_int, te_float ) left = lhs->cast_to = env->t_float; // primitive if( !isa( left, right ) ) { EM_error2( lhs->linepos, "cannot assign '@=>' on types '%s' @=> '%s'...", left->c_name(), right->c_name() ); EM_error2( lhs->linepos, "...(reason: --- incompatible types for assignment)" ); return NULL; } // assign rhs->emit_var = TRUE; return right; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_exp_unary() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_exp_unary( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp_Unary unary ) { Chuck_Type * t = NULL; // make sure if( unary->exp ) { // assert( unary->op == ae_op_new ); t = type_engine_check_exp( env, unary->exp ); if( !t ) return NULL; } // check code stmt; this is to eventually support sporking of code (added //if( unary->code ) //{ // // check it! // if( !type_engine_check_stmt( env, unary->code ) ) return NULL; //} // check the op switch( unary->op ) { case ae_op_plusplus: case ae_op_minusminus: // assignable? if( unary->exp->s_meta != ae_meta_var ) { EM_error2( unary->linepos, "prefix unary operator '%s' cannot " "be used on non-mutable data-types...", op2str( unary->op ) ); return NULL; } // assign unary->exp->emit_var = TRUE; // check type if( isa( t, env->t_int ) || isa( t, env->t_float ) ) return t; // TODO: check overloading break; case ae_op_minus: // float if( isa( t, env->t_float ) ) return t; case ae_op_tilda: case ae_op_exclamation: // int if( isa( t, env->t_int ) ) return t; break; case ae_op_spork: // spork shred (by function call) if( unary->exp && unary->exp->s_type == ae_exp_func_call ) return env->t_shred; // spork shred (by code segment) // else if( unary->code ) return env->t_shred; // got a problem else { EM_error2( unary->linepos, "only function calls can be sporked..." ); return NULL; } break; case ae_op_new: // look up the type // t = env->curr->lookup_type( unary->type->xid->xid, TRUE ); t = type_engine_find_type( env, unary->type->xid ); if( !t ) { EM_error2( unary->linepos, "... in 'new' expression ..." ); return NULL; } // [] if( unary->array ) { // verify there are no errors from the parser... if( !verify_array( unary->array ) ) return NULL; // if empty if( !unary->array->exp_list ) { EM_error2( unary->linepos, "cannot use empty [] with 'new'..." ); return NULL; } // type check the exp if( !type_engine_check_exp( env, unary->array->exp_list ) ) return NULL; // make sure types are of int if( !type_engine_check_array_subscripts( env, unary->array->exp_list ) ) return NULL; // create the new array type, replace t t = new_array_type( env, // the env env->t_array, // the array base class, usually env->t_array unary->array->depth, // the depth of the new type t, // the 'array_type' env->curr // the owner namespace ); // TODO: ref? } // make sure the type is not a primitive if( isa( t, env->t_int ) || isa( t, env->t_float ) || isa( t, env->t_dur ) || isa( t, env->t_time ) ) { EM_error2( unary->linepos, "cannot instantiate/(new) primitive type '%s'...", t->c_name() ); EM_error2( unary->linepos, "...(primitive types: 'int', 'float', 'time', 'dur')" ); return NULL; } // make sure the type is not a reference if( unary->type->ref && !unary->array ) { EM_error2( unary->linepos, "cannot instantiate/(new) single object references (@)..." ); return NULL; } // return the type return t; break; default: break; } // no match EM_error2( unary->linepos, "no suitable resolution for prefix unary operator '%s' on type '%s...", op2str( unary->op ), t->c_name() ); return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_exp_primary() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_exp_primary( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp_Primary exp ) { t_CKTYPE t = NULL; Chuck_Value * v = NULL; string str; // check syntax switch( exp->s_type ) { // variable case ae_primary_var: str = S_name(exp->var); // check it if( str == "this" ) // this { // in class def if( !env->class_def ) { EM_error2( exp->linepos, "keyword 'this' can be used only inside class definition..." ); return NULL; } // in member func if( env->func && !env->func->is_member ) { EM_error2( exp->linepos, "keyword 'this' cannot be used inside static functions..." ); return NULL; } // not assignable exp->self->s_meta = ae_meta_value; // whatever the class is t = env->class_def; } else if( str == "me" ) // me { // not assignable exp->self->s_meta = ae_meta_value; // refers to shred t = env->t_shred; } else if( str == "now" ) // now { // assignable in a strongly timed way exp->self->s_meta = ae_meta_var; // time t = env->t_time; } else if( str == "dac" ) // dac { // not assignable exp->self->s_meta = ae_meta_value; // ugen t = env->t_dac; } else if( str == "adc" ) // adc { // not assignable exp->self->s_meta = ae_meta_value; // ugen t = env->t_adc; } else if( str == "blackhole" ) // blackhole { // non assignable exp->self->s_meta = ae_meta_value; // ugen t = env->t_ugen; } else if( str == "null" || str == "NULL" ) // null / NULL { // not assignable exp->self->s_meta = ae_meta_value; // refers to null t = env->t_null; } else // look up { // look in local scope first // v = env->curr->lookup_value( exp->var, FALSE ); v = type_engine_find_value( env, S_name(exp->var), FALSE ); if( !v ) { // if in class if( env->class_def ) { // see if in parent v = type_engine_find_value( env->class_def->parent, exp->var ); } // still not found if( !v ) { // look globally // v = env->curr->lookup_value( exp->var, TRUE ); v = type_engine_find_value( env, S_name(exp->var), TRUE, exp->linepos ); } // check if( v ) { // inside a class if( env->class_def ) { // inside a function definition if( env->func ) { // if func static, v not if( env->func->def->static_decl == ae_key_static && v->is_member && !v->is_static ) { EM_error2( exp->linepos, "non-static member '%s' used from static function...", S_name(exp->var) ); return NULL; } } } } // error else { // checking for class scope incorrect (thanks Robin Davies) if( !env->class_def /* || env->class_scope > 0 */ ) { EM_error2( exp->linepos, "undefined variable '%s'...", S_name(exp->var) ); return NULL; } else { EM_error2( exp->linepos, "undefined variable/member '%s' in class/namespace '%s'...", S_name(exp->var), env->class_def->name.c_str() ); return NULL; } } } // make sure v is legit as this point if( !v->is_decl_checked ) { EM_error2( exp->linepos, "variable/member '%s' is used before declaration...", S_name(exp->var) ); return NULL; } // hack catch "pi" // if( v->name == "pi" ) // { // // check level // if( env->deprecate_level < 2 ) // { // EM_error2( exp->linepos, "deprecated: '%s' --> use: '%s'...", // "pi", "Math.PI" ); // } // } // the type t = v->type; // remember exp->value = v; } break; // int case ae_primary_num: t = env->t_int; break; // float case ae_primary_float: t = env->t_float; break; // string case ae_primary_str: // escape the thing if( !escape_str( exp->str, exp->linepos ) ) return NULL; // a string t = env->t_string; break; // char case ae_primary_char: // check escape sequences if( str2char( exp->chr, exp->linepos ) == -1 ) return NULL; // a string t = env->t_int; break; // array literal case ae_primary_array: t = type_engine_check_exp_array_lit( env, exp ); break; // complex literal case ae_primary_complex: t = type_engine_check_exp_complex_lit( env, exp ); break; // polar literal case ae_primary_polar: t = type_engine_check_exp_polar_lit( env, exp ); break; // vector literal, ge: added case ae_primary_vec: t = type_engine_check_exp_vec_lit( env, exp ); break; // expression case ae_primary_exp: t = type_engine_check_exp( env, exp->exp ); break; // hack case ae_primary_hack: // make sure not l-value if( exp->exp->s_type == ae_exp_decl ) { EM_error2( exp->linepos, "cannot use <<< >>> on variable declarations..." ); return NULL; } t = type_engine_check_exp( env, exp->exp ); break; // nil case ae_primary_nil: t = env->t_void; break; // no match default: EM_error2( exp->linepos, "internal error - unrecognized primary type '%i'...", exp->s_type ); return NULL; } return t; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_exp_array_lit() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_exp_array_lit( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp_Primary exp ) { // make sure assert( exp->s_type == ae_primary_array ); // type Chuck_Type * t = NULL, * type = NULL, * common = NULL; // verify there are no errors from the parser... if( !verify_array( exp->array ) ) return NULL; // verify they are of same type - do this later? a_Exp e = exp->array->exp_list; // can't be [] if( !e ) { EM_error2( exp->linepos, "must provide values/expressions for array [...]" ); return NULL; } // go through the array and type check each if( !type_engine_check_exp( env, e ) ) return NULL; // loop while( e ) { // get the type t = e->type; // compare if( !type ) { // first type = t; } else { // find common ancestor common = type_engine_find_common_anc( t, type ); // update type if( common ) type = common; // no common else { // maybe one is int and other is float if( isa( t, env->t_int ) && isa( type, env->t_float ) ) { // cast from int to float e->cast_to = type; } else { // incompatible EM_error2( e->linepos, "array init [...] contains incompatible types..." ); return NULL; } } } // next exp e = e->next; } // make sure assert( type != NULL ); // treat static and dynamic separately // exp->array->is_dynamic = !is_static_array_lit( env, exp->array->exp_list ); // create the new array type t = new_array_type( env, // the env env->t_array, // the array base class, usually env->t_array type->array_depth + 1, // the depth of the new type type->array_depth ? type->array_type : type, // the 'array_type' env->curr // the owner namespace ); /* // create the new type t = env->context->new_Chuck_Type(); // set the xid t->xid = te_array; // set the name t->name = type->name; // set the parent t->parent = env->t_array; // is a ref t->size = t_array.size; // set the array depth t->array_depth = type->array_depth + 1; // set the base type t->array_type = type->array_depth ? type->array_type : type; // TODO: verify the following is correct // set namespace t->info = t_array->info; // add reference t->info->add_ref(); // set owner t->owner = env->curr; */ return t; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_exp_complex_lit() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_exp_complex_lit( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp_Primary exp ) { // make sure assert( exp->s_type == ae_primary_complex ); // type Chuck_Type * type_re = NULL, * type_im = NULL; // get the complex a_Complex val = exp->complex; // check if we have enough if( val->im == NULL ) { EM_error2( exp->linepos, "missing imaginary component in complex value...\n" " --> format: #(re,im)" ); return NULL; } // check if we have too much if( val->im->next != NULL ) { EM_error2( exp->linepos, "extraneous arguments in complex value...\n" " --> format #(re,im)" ); return NULL; } // find types (only need real, since imag is linked after real) if( !(type_re = type_engine_check_exp( env, val->re )) ) // || !(type_im = type_engine_check_exp( env, val->im )) ) return NULL; // imaginary type_im = val->im->type; // check types if( !isa( type_re, env->t_float ) && !isa( type_re, env->t_int ) ) { EM_error2( exp->linepos, "invalid type '%s' in real component of complex value...\n" " (must be of type 'int' or 'float')", type_re->c_name() ); return NULL; } if( !isa( type_im, env->t_float ) && !isa( type_im, env->t_int ) ) { EM_error2( exp->linepos, "invalid type '%s' in imaginary component of complex value...\n" " (must be of type 'int' or 'float')", type_im->c_name() ); return NULL; } // implcit cast if( isa( type_re, env->t_int ) ) val->re->cast_to = env->t_float; if( isa( type_im, env->t_int ) ) val->im->cast_to = env->t_float; return env->t_complex; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_exp_polar_lit() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_exp_polar_lit( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp_Primary exp ) { // make sure assert( exp->s_type == ae_primary_polar ); // type Chuck_Type * type_mod = NULL, * type_phase = NULL; // get the polar a_Polar val = exp->polar; // check if we have enough if( val->phase == NULL ) { EM_error2( exp->linepos, "missing phase component in polar value...\n" " --> format: %%(mag,phase)" ); return NULL; } // check if we have extra if( val->phase->next != NULL ) { EM_error2( exp->linepos, "extraneous arguments in polar value...\n" " --> format: %%(mag,phase)" ); return NULL; } // find types if( !(type_mod = type_engine_check_exp( env, val->mod )) || !(type_phase = type_engine_check_exp( env, val->phase )) ) return NULL; // check types if( !isa( type_mod, env->t_float ) && !isa( type_mod, env->t_int ) ) { EM_error2( exp->linepos, "invalid type '%s' in magnitude component of polar value...\n" " (must be of type 'int' or 'float')", type_mod->c_name() ); return NULL; } if( !isa( type_phase, env->t_float ) && !isa( type_phase, env->t_int ) ) { EM_error2( exp->linepos, "invalid type '%s' in phase component of polar value...\n" " (must be of type 'int' or 'float')", type_phase->c_name() ); return NULL; } // implcit cast if( isa( type_mod, env->t_int ) ) val->mod->cast_to = env->t_float; if( isa( type_phase, env->t_int ) ) val->phase->cast_to = env->t_float; return env->t_polar; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_exp_vec_lit() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_exp_vec_lit( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp_Primary exp ) { // make sure assert( exp->s_type == ae_primary_vec ); // type Chuck_Type * t = NULL; // get the polar a_Vec val = exp->vec; // check if we have extra if( val->numdims > 4 ) { EM_error2( exp->linepos, "vector dimensions not supported > 4...\n" " --> format: %@(x,y,z,w)" ); return NULL; } // the argument a_Exp e = val->args; // count int count = 1; // loop over arguments while( e ) { // get type if( !(t = type_engine_check_exp(env, e )) ) return NULL; // implicit cast if( isa( t, env->t_int ) ) e->cast_to = env->t_float; else if( !isa( t, env->t_float ) ) { EM_error2( exp->linepos, "invalid type '%s' in vector value #%d...\n" " (must be of type 'int' or 'float')", t->c_name(), count ); return NULL; } // increment count++; // advance e = e->next; } // check number of arguments if( val->numdims < 4 ) return env->t_vec3; // vector 4d return env->t_vec4; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_exp_cast() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_exp_cast( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp_Cast cast ) { // check the exp t_CKTYPE t = type_engine_check_exp( env, cast->exp ); if( !t ) return NULL; // the type to cast to // t_CKTYPE t2 = env->curr->lookup_type( cast->type->xid->xid, TRUE ); t_CKTYPE t2 = type_engine_find_type( env, cast->type->xid ); if( !t2 ) { EM_error2( cast->linepos, "... in cast expression ..." ); return NULL; } // check if cast valid if( !type_engine_check_cast_valid( env, t2, t ) ) { EM_error2( cast->linepos, "invalid cast to '%s' from '%s'...", S_name( cast->type->xid->xid ), t->c_name() ); return NULL; } return t2; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_cast_valid() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_cast_valid( Chuck_Env * env, t_CKTYPE to, t_CKTYPE from ) { // down cast if( isa( from, to ) ) return TRUE; // up cast if( isa( to, from ) ) return TRUE; // TODO: dynamic type checking // int to float, float to int if( isa( to, env->t_float ) && isa( from, env->t_int ) ) return TRUE; if( isa( to, env->t_int ) && isa( from, env->t_float ) ) return TRUE; if( isa( to, env->t_complex ) && isa( from, env->t_int ) ) return TRUE; if( isa( to, env->t_polar ) && isa( from, env->t_int ) ) return TRUE; if( isa( to, env->t_complex ) && isa( from, env->t_float ) ) return TRUE; if( isa( to, env->t_polar ) && isa( from, env->t_float ) ) return TRUE; if( isa( to, env->t_complex ) && isa( from, env->t_polar ) ) return TRUE; if( isa( to, env->t_polar ) && isa( from, env->t_complex ) ) return TRUE; if( isa( to, env->t_vec3 ) && isa( from, env->t_vec4 ) ) return TRUE; if( isa( to, env->t_vec4 ) && isa( from, env->t_vec3 ) ) return TRUE; return FALSE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_exp_dur() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_exp_dur( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp_Dur dur ) { // type check the two components t_CKTYPE base = type_engine_check_exp( env, dur->base ); t_CKTYPE unit = type_engine_check_exp( env, dur->unit ); // make sure both type check if( !base || !unit ) return NULL; // check base type if( !isa( base, env->t_int ) && !isa( base, env->t_float ) ) { EM_error2( dur->base->linepos, "invalid type '%s' in prefix of dur expression...\n" " (must be of type 'int' or 'float')", base->c_name() ); return NULL; } // check unit type if( !isa( unit, env->t_dur ) ) { EM_error2( dur->unit->linepos, "invalid type '%s' in postfix of dur expression...\n" " (must be of type 'dur')", unit->c_name() ); return NULL; } return unit; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_exp_postfix() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_exp_postfix( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp_Postfix postfix ) { // check the exp t_CKTYPE t = type_engine_check_exp( env, postfix->exp ); if( !t ) return NULL; // syntax switch( postfix->op ) { case ae_op_plusplus: case ae_op_minusminus: // assignable? if( postfix->exp->s_meta != ae_meta_var ) { EM_error2( postfix->exp->linepos, "postfix operator '%s' cannot be used on non-mutable data-type...", op2str( postfix->op ) ); return NULL; } postfix->exp->emit_var = TRUE; // TODO: mark somewhere we need to post increment // check type if( isa( t, env->t_int ) || isa( t, env->t_float ) ) return t; break; default: // no match EM_error2( postfix->linepos, "internal compiler error: unrecognized postfix '%i'", postfix->op ); return NULL; } // no match EM_error2( postfix->linepos, "no suitable resolutation for postfix operator '%s' on type '%s'...", op2str( postfix->op ), t->c_name() ); return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_exp_if() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_exp_if( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp_If exp_if ) { // check the components t_CKTYPE cond = type_engine_check_exp( env, exp_if->cond ); t_CKTYPE if_exp = type_engine_check_exp( env, exp_if->if_exp ); t_CKTYPE else_exp = type_engine_check_exp( env, exp_if->else_exp ); // make sure everything good if( !cond || !if_exp || !else_exp ) return NULL; // check the type if( !isa( cond, env->t_int ) ) return NULL; // make sure the if and else have compatible types // TODO: the lesser of two types if( !( *if_exp == *else_exp ) ) { EM_error2( exp_if->linepos, "incompatible types '%s' and '%s' in if expression...", if_exp->c_name(), else_exp->c_name() ); return NULL; } return if_exp; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_array_subscripts( ) // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_array_subscripts( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp exp_list ) { a_Exp exp = exp_list; // loop through while( exp ) { // if not int if( !isa( exp->type, env->t_int ) ) { EM_error2( exp->linepos, "incompatible array subscript type '%s'...", exp->type->name.c_str() ); return FALSE; } exp = exp->next; } return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_exp_decl( ) // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_exp_decl( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp_Decl decl ) { a_Var_Decl_List list = decl->var_decl_list; a_Var_Decl var_decl = NULL; Chuck_Type * type = NULL; Chuck_Value * value = NULL; t_CKBOOL is_obj = FALSE; t_CKBOOL is_ref = FALSE; // loop through the variables while( list != NULL ) { // get the decl var_decl = list->var_decl; // (if at class_scope) check if in parent // TODO: sort if( env->class_def && env->class_scope == 0 && ( value = type_engine_find_value( env->class_def->parent, var_decl->xid ) ) ) { EM_error2( var_decl->linepos, "'%s' has already been defined in super class '%s'...", S_name(var_decl->xid), value->owner_class->c_name() ); return NULL; } // get the value value = var_decl->value; // make sure assert( value != NULL ); // get the type type = value->type; // make sure assert( type != NULL ); // is object is_obj = isobj( env, type ); // is ref is_ref = decl->type->ref; // if array, then check to see if empty [] if( var_decl->array && var_decl->array->exp_list != NULL ) { // instantiate object, including array if( !type_engine_check_exp( env, var_decl->array->exp_list ) ) return FALSE; // check the subscripts if( !type_engine_check_array_subscripts( env, var_decl->array->exp_list ) ) return FALSE; } // member? if( value->is_member ) { // offset value->offset = env->curr->offset; /******************************************************************************* * spencer: added this into function to provide the same logic path * for type_engine_check_exp_decl() and ck_add_mvar() when they determine * offsets for mvars ******************************************************************************/ // move the offset (TODO: check the size) env->curr->offset = type_engine_next_offset( env->curr->offset, type ); // env->curr->offset += type->size; } else if( decl->is_static ) // static { // base scope if( env->class_def == NULL || env->class_scope > 0 ) { EM_error2( decl->linepos, "static variables must be declared at class scope..." ); return FALSE; } // flag value->is_static = TRUE; // offset value->offset = env->class_def->info->class_data_size; // move the size env->class_def->info->class_data_size += type->size; // if this is an object if( is_obj && !is_ref ) { // for now - no good for static, since we need separate // initialization which we don't have EM_error2( var_decl->linepos, "cannot declare static non-primitive objects (yet)..." ); EM_error2( var_decl->linepos, "...(hint: declare as ref (@) & initialize outside for now)" ); return FALSE; } } else // local variable { // do nothing? } // mark the decl checked (see scan pass 2) value->is_decl_checked = TRUE; // add the value, if we are not at class scope // (otherwise they should already have been added) if( !env->class_def || env->class_scope > 0 ) { // add as value env->curr->value.add( var_decl->xid, value ); } // the next var decl list = list->next; } return decl->ck_type; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_print_exp_dot_member() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- string type_engine_print_exp_dot_member( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp_Dot_Member member ) { // UNUSED: Chuck_Value * value = NULL; Chuck_Type * the_base = NULL; t_CKBOOL base_static = FALSE; string str; // type check the base member->t_base = type_engine_check_exp( env, member->base ); if( !member->t_base ) return "[error]"; // is the base a class/namespace or a variable base_static = isa( member->t_base, env->t_class ); // actual type the_base = base_static ? member->t_base->actual_type : member->t_base; // this str = S_name(member->xid); return string(the_base->c_name()) + std::string(".") + str; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: find_func_match_actual() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck_Func * find_func_match_actual( Chuck_Env * env, Chuck_Func * up, a_Exp args, t_CKBOOL implicit, t_CKBOOL specific ) { a_Exp e; a_Arg_List e1; t_CKUINT count; Chuck_Func * func; t_CKBOOL match = FALSE; // see if args is nil if( args && args->type == env->t_void ) args = NULL; // up is the list of functions in single class / namespace while( up ) { func = up; // loop while( func ) { e = args; e1 = func->def->arg_list; count = 1; // check arguments against the definition while( e ) { // check for extra arguments if( e1 == NULL ) goto moveon; // get match match = specific ? e->type == e1->type : isa( e->type, e1->type ); // no match if( !match ) { // TODO: fix this for overload implicit cast (multiple matches) if( implicit && e->type == env->t_int && e1->type == env->t_float ) { // int to float e->cast_to = env->t_float; } else goto moveon; // type mismatch } e = e->next; e1 = e1->next; count++; } // check for extra arguments if( e1 == NULL ) return func; moveon: // next func func = func->next; } // go up if( up->up ) up = up->up->func_ref; else up = NULL; } // not found return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: find_func_match() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck_Func * find_func_match( Chuck_Env * env, Chuck_Func * up, a_Exp args ) { Chuck_Func * func = NULL; // try to find specific func = find_func_match_actual( env, up, args, FALSE, TRUE ); if( func ) return func; // try to find specific with implicit func = find_func_match_actual( env, up, args, TRUE, TRUE ); if( func ) return func; // try to find non-specific func = find_func_match_actual( env, up, args, FALSE, FALSE ); if( func ) return func; // try to find non-specific with implicit func = find_func_match_actual( env, up, args, TRUE, FALSE ); if( func ) return func; return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_exp_func_call() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_exp_func_call( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp exp_func, a_Exp args, t_CKFUNC & ck_func, int linepos ) { Chuck_Func * func = NULL; Chuck_Func * up = NULL; // type check the func t_CKTYPE f = exp_func->type = type_engine_check_exp( env, exp_func ); if( !f ) return NULL; // void type for args t_CKTYPE a = env->t_void; // make sure we have a function if( !isa( f, env->t_function ) ) { EM_error2( exp_func->linepos, "function call using a non-function value" ); return NULL; } // copy the func up = f->func; // check the arguments if( args ) { a = type_engine_check_exp( env, args ); if( !a ) return NULL; } // look for a match func = find_func_match( env, up, args ); // no func if( !func ) { // if primary if( exp_func->s_type == ae_exp_primary && exp_func->primary.s_type == ae_primary_var ) { EM_error2( exp_func->linepos, "argument type(s) do not match:" ); EM_error2( exp_func->linepos, "... for function '%s(...)' ...", S_name(exp_func->primary.var) ); } else if( exp_func->s_type == ae_exp_dot_member ) { EM_error2( exp_func->linepos, "arguments type(s) do not match:" ); EM_error2( exp_func->linepos, "... for function '%s(...)' ...", type_engine_print_exp_dot_member( env, &exp_func->dot_member ).c_str() ); } else { EM_error2( exp_func->linepos, "argument type(s) do not match for function ..." ); } EM_error2( exp_func->linepos, "...(please check the argument types)" ); return NULL; } // recheck the type with new name if( exp_func->s_type == ae_exp_primary && exp_func->primary.s_type == ae_primary_var ) { // set the new name // TODO: clear old exp_func->primary.var = insert_symbol(func->name.c_str()); // make sure the type is still the name if( *exp_func->type != *type_engine_check_exp( env, exp_func ) ) { // error EM_error2( exp_func->linepos, "internal error: function type different on second check..." ); return NULL; } } else if( exp_func->s_type == ae_exp_dot_member ) { // set the new name // TODO: clear old exp_func->dot_member.xid = insert_symbol(func->name.c_str()); /* // TODO: figure if this is necessary - it type checks things twice! // make sure the type is still the name if( *exp_func->type != *type_engine_check_exp( env, exp_func ) ) { // error EM_error2( exp_func->linepos, "internal error: function type different on second check..." ); return NULL; } */ } else assert( FALSE ); ck_func = func; return func->def->ret_type; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_exp_func_call() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_exp_func_call( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp_Func_Call func_call ) { // type check it return type_engine_check_exp_func_call( env, func_call->func, func_call->args, func_call->ck_func, func_call->linepos ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_exp_dot_member_special() // desc: check special case for complex, polar, vec3, vec4; ge: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_exp_dot_member_special( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp_Dot_Member member ) { // if complex or polar if( member->t_base->xid == te_complex ) // TODO: constants!!! { // get as string string str = S_name(member->xid); // verify member is either re or im if( str == "re" || str == "im" ) { // check addressing consistency (ISSUE: emit_var set after!) if( member->self->emit_var && member->base->s_meta != ae_meta_var ) { // error EM_error2( member->base->linepos, "cannot assign value to literal complex value..." ); return NULL; } return env->t_float; } else { // not valid EM_error2( member->linepos, "type '%s' has no member named '%s'...", member->t_base->c_name(), str.c_str() ); return NULL; } } else if( member->t_base->xid == te_polar ) { // get as string string str = S_name(member->xid); // verify member is either re or im if( str == "mag" || str == "phase" ) { // check addressing consistency (ISSUE: emit_var set after!) if( member->self->emit_var && member->base->s_meta != ae_meta_var ) { // error EM_error2( member->base->linepos, "cannot assign value to literal polar value..." ); return NULL; } return env->t_float; } else { // not valid EM_error2( member->linepos, "type '%s' has no member named '%s'...", member->t_base->c_name(), str.c_str() ); return NULL; } } else if( member->t_base->xid == te_vec3 || member->t_base->xid == te_vec4 ) { // get as string string str = S_name(member->xid); // verify member is either re or im if( str == "x" || str == "y" || str == "z" || str == "r" || str == "g" || str == "b" || str == "value" || str == "goal" || str == "slew" ) { // check addressing consistency (ISSUE: emit_var set after!) if( member->self->emit_var && member->base->s_meta != ae_meta_var ) { // error EM_error2( member->base->linepos, "cannot assign value to literal %s value...", member->t_base->c_name() ); return NULL; } return env->t_float; } // vec4 only else if( member->t_base->xid == te_vec4 && (str == "w" || str == "a") ) { // check addressing consistency (ISSUE: emit_var set after!) if( member->self->emit_var && member->base->s_meta != ae_meta_var ) { // error EM_error2( member->base->linepos, "cannot assign value to literal %s value...", member->t_base->c_name() ); return NULL; } return env->t_float; } else { // check function goto check_func; } } // should not get here EM_error2( member->base->linepos, "type checer internal error in special literal..." ); return NULL; check_func: Chuck_Value * value = NULL; Chuck_Type * the_base = NULL; t_CKBOOL base_static = FALSE; // is the base a class/namespace or a variable base_static = isa( member->t_base, env->t_class ); // actual type the_base = base_static ? member->t_base->actual_type : member->t_base; // check base; if( member->base->s_meta == ae_meta_value ) // is literal { // error EM_error2( member->base->linepos, "cannot call function from literal %s value...", member->t_base->c_name() ); return NULL; } // find the value value = type_engine_find_value( the_base, member->xid ); if( !value ) { // can't find member EM_error2( member->base->linepos, "class '%s' has no member '%s'", the_base->c_name(), S_name(member->xid) ); return NULL; } return value->type; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_exp_dot_member() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_exp_dot_member( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp_Dot_Member member ) { Chuck_Value * value = NULL; Chuck_Type * the_base = NULL; t_CKBOOL base_static = FALSE; string str; // type check the base member->t_base = type_engine_check_exp( env, member->base ); if( !member->t_base ) return NULL; // check base type, ge: added t_CKUINT tbase_xid = (t_CKUINT)member->t_base->xid; switch( tbase_xid ) { case te_complex: case te_polar: case te_vec3: case te_vec4: return type_engine_check_exp_dot_member_special( env, member ); break; } // is the base a class/namespace or a variable base_static = isa( member->t_base, env->t_class ); // actual type the_base = base_static ? member->t_base->actual_type : member->t_base; // have members? if( !the_base->info ) { // base type does not have members EM_error2( member->base->linepos, "type '%s' does not have members - invalid use in dot expression", the_base->c_name() ); return NULL; } // this str = S_name(member->xid); if( str == "this" ) { // uh if( base_static ) { EM_error2( member->linepos, "keyword 'this' must be associated with object instance..." ); return NULL; } // in member func if( env->func && !env->func->is_member ) { EM_error2( member->linepos, "keyword 'this' cannot be used inside static functions..." ); return NULL; } return env->class_def; } // find the value value = type_engine_find_value( the_base, member->xid ); if( !value ) { // can't find member EM_error2( member->base->linepos, "class '%s' has no member '%s'", the_base->c_name(), S_name(member->xid) ); return NULL; } // make sure if( base_static && value->is_member ) { // this won't work EM_error2( member->linepos, "cannot access member '%s.%s' without object instance...", the_base->c_name(), S_name(member->xid) ); return NULL; } return value->type; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_exp_array() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKTYPE type_engine_check_exp_array( Chuck_Env * env, a_Exp_Array array ) { // verify there are no errors from the parser... if( !verify_array( array->indices ) ) return NULL; // type check the base t_CKTYPE t_base = type_engine_check_exp( env, array->base ); if( !t_base ) return NULL; // dimension if( array->indices->depth > t_base->array_depth ) { EM_error2( array->linepos, "array subscripts (%i) exceeds defined dimension (%i)", array->indices->depth, t_base->array_depth ); return NULL; } // type check the index t_CKTYPE t_index = type_engine_check_exp( env, array->indices->exp_list ); if( !t_index ) return NULL; // cycle through each exp a_Exp e = array->indices->exp_list; // count the dimension t_CKUINT depth = 0; while( e ) { // increment depth++; // check if index is of valid type if( !isa( e->type, env->t_int ) && !isa( e->type, env->t_string ) ) { // not int or string EM_error2( e->linepos, "array index %i must be of type 'int' or 'string', not '%s'", depth, e->type->c_name() ); return NULL; } // advance the list e = e->next; } //TODO: Catch commas inside array subscripts earlier on, perhaps in .y if( array->indices->depth != depth ) { EM_error2( array->linepos, "[..., ...] is invalid subscript syntax." ); return NULL; } t_CKTYPE t = NULL; // make sure depth <= max if( depth == t_base->array_depth ) { // the original type t = array->base->type->array_type; } else { // partial t = array->base->type->copy( env ); // remainder t->array_depth -= depth; } return t; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_class_def() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_class_def( Chuck_Env * env, a_Class_Def class_def ) { // make new type for class def t_CKTYPE the_class = NULL; // the parent class t_CKTYPE t_parent = NULL; // the return type t_CKBOOL ret = TRUE; // the class body a_Class_Body body = class_def->body; // make sure inheritance // TODO: sort! if( class_def->ext ) { // if extend if( class_def->ext->extend_id ) { // find the type t_parent = type_engine_find_type( env, class_def->ext->extend_id ); if( !t_parent ) { EM_error2( class_def->ext->linepos, "undefined super class '%s' in definition of class '%s'", type_path(class_def->ext->extend_id), S_name(class_def->name->xid) ); return FALSE; } // must not be primitive if( isprim( env, t_parent ) ) { EM_error2( class_def->ext->linepos, "cannot extend primitive type '%s'", t_parent->c_name() ); EM_error2( class_def->ext->linepos, "...(note: primitives types are 'int', 'float', 'time', and 'dur')" ); return FALSE; } // if not complete if( t_parent->is_complete == FALSE ) { EM_error2( class_def->ext->linepos, "cannot extend incomplete type '%s'", t_parent->c_name() ); EM_error2( class_def->ext->linepos, "...(note: the parent's declaration must preceed child's)" ); return FALSE; } } // TODO: interface } // by default object if( !t_parent ) t_parent = env->t_object; // check for fun assert( env->context != NULL ); assert( class_def->type != NULL ); assert( class_def->type->info != NULL ); // retrieve the new type (created in scan_class_def) the_class = class_def->type; // set fields not set in scan the_class->parent = t_parent; // inherit ugen_info data from parent PLD the_class->ugen_info = t_parent->ugen_info; // set the beginning of data segment to after the parent the_class->info->offset = t_parent->obj_size; // duplicate the parent's virtual table the_class->info->obj_v_table = t_parent->info->obj_v_table; // set the new type as current env->nspc_stack.push_back( env->curr ); env->curr = the_class->info; // push the class def env->class_stack.push_back( env->class_def ); env->class_def = the_class; // reset the nest list env->class_scope = 0; // type check the body while( body && ret ) { // check the section switch( body->section->s_type ) { case ae_section_stmt: // flag as having a constructor env->class_def->has_constructor |= (body->section->stmt_list->stmt != NULL); ret = type_engine_check_stmt_list( env, body->section->stmt_list ); break; case ae_section_func: // set to complete env->class_def->is_complete = TRUE; ret = type_engine_check_func_def( env, body->section->func_def ); // back env->class_def->is_complete = FALSE; break; case ae_section_class: // check it ret = type_engine_check_class_def( env, body->section->class_def ); break; } // move to the next section body = body->next; } // pop the class env->class_def = env->class_stack.back(); env->class_stack.pop_back(); // pop the namesapce env->curr = env->nspc_stack.back(); env->nspc_stack.pop_back(); // if ok if( ret ) { // set the object size the_class->obj_size = the_class->info->offset; // set complete the_class->is_complete = TRUE; } if( !ret ) { // delete the class definition SAFE_RELEASE( class_def->type ); // set the thing to NULL the_class = NULL; } return ret; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_func_def() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_func_def( Chuck_Env * env, a_Func_Def f ) { Chuck_Value * value = NULL; Chuck_Func * func = NULL; Chuck_Type * parent = NULL; Chuck_Value * override = NULL; Chuck_Value * v = NULL; Chuck_Func * parent_func = NULL; a_Arg_List arg_list = NULL; t_CKBOOL parent_match = FALSE; string func_name = S_name(f->name); t_CKUINT count = 0; t_CKBOOL has_code = FALSE; // use this for both user and imported // see if we are already in a function definition if( env->func != NULL ) { EM_error2( f->linepos, "nested function definitions are not (yet) allowed" ); return FALSE; } // get the func func = f->ck_func; // get the value value = func->value_ref; // make sure assert( func != NULL && value != NULL ); // look up the value in the parent class if( env->class_def && ( override = type_engine_find_value( env->class_def->parent, f->name ) ) ) { // see if the target is a function if( !isa( override->type, env->t_function ) ) { EM_error2( f->linepos, "function name '%s' conflicts with previously defined value...", S_name(f->name) ); EM_error2( f->linepos, "from super class '%s'...", override->owner_class->c_name() ); return FALSE; } } // make sure a code segment is in stmt - else we should push scope assert( !f->code || f->code->s_type == ae_stmt_code ); // if override if( override ) { // make reference to parent // TODO: ref count func->up = override; } // make sure return type is not NULL assert( f->ret_type != NULL ); // only class functions can be pure if( !env->class_def && f->static_decl == ae_key_abstract ) { EM_error2( f->linepos, "non-class function cannot be declared as 'pure'..." ); EM_error2( f->linepos, "...at function '%s'", S_name(f->name) ); goto error; } // figure out if the function has code associated with it if( f->s_type == ae_func_user ) has_code = ( f->code != NULL ); else has_code = (f->dl_func_ptr != NULL); // imported // if interface, then cannot have code if( env->class_def && env->class_def->def && env->class_def->def->iface && has_code ) { EM_error2( f->linepos, "interface function signatures cannot contain code..." ); EM_error2( f->linepos, "...at function '%s'", S_name(f->name) ); goto error; } // if pure, then cannot have code if( f->static_decl == ae_key_abstract && has_code ) { EM_error2( f->linepos, "'pure' function signatures cannot contain code..." ); EM_error2( f->linepos, "...at function '%s'", S_name(f->name) ); goto error; } // yeah if( f->static_decl != ae_key_abstract && !has_code ) { EM_error2( f->linepos, "function declaration must contain code..." ); EM_error2( f->linepos, "(unless in interface, or is declared 'pure')" ); EM_error2( f->linepos, "...at function '%s'", S_name(f->name) ); goto error; } // if overriding super class function, then check signatures if( env->class_def ) { // get parent parent = env->class_def->parent; while( parent && !parent_match ) { if(( v = type_engine_find_value( env->class_def->parent, f->name ) )) { // see if the target is a function if( !isa( v->type, env->t_function ) ) { EM_error2( f->linepos, "function name '%s' conflicts with previously defined value...", S_name(f->name) ); EM_error2( f->linepos, "from super class '%s'...", v->owner_class->c_name() ); goto error; } // parent func parent_func = v->func_ref; // go through all overloading while( parent_func && !parent_match ) { // match the prototypes string err; if( !type_engine_compat_func( f, parent_func->def, f->linepos, err, FALSE ) ) { // next parent_func = parent_func->next; // move on continue; } /*{ EM_error2( f->linepos, "function '%s.%s' resembles '%s.%s' but cannot override...", env->class_def->c_name(), S_name(f->name), value->owner_class->c_name(), S_name(f->name) ); if( err != "" ) EM_error2( f->linepos, "...(reason: %s)", err.c_str() ); goto error; }*/ // see if parent function is static if( parent_func->def->static_decl == ae_key_static ) { EM_error2( f->linepos, "function '%s.%s' resembles '%s.%s' but cannot override...", env->class_def->c_name(), S_name(f->name), v->owner_class->c_name(), S_name(f->name) ); EM_error2( f->linepos, "...(reason: '%s.%s' is declared as 'static')", v->owner_class->c_name(), S_name(f->name) ); goto error; } // see if function is static if( f->static_decl == ae_key_static ) { EM_error2( f->linepos, "function '%s.%s' resembles '%s.%s' but cannot override...", env->class_def->c_name(), S_name(f->name), v->owner_class->c_name(), S_name(f->name) ); EM_error2( f->linepos, "...(reason: '%s.%s' is declared as 'static')", env->class_def->c_name(), S_name(f->name) ); goto error; } // see if function is pure if( f->static_decl == ae_key_abstract ) { EM_error2( f->linepos, "function '%s.%s' resembles '%s.%s' but cannot override...", env->class_def->c_name(), S_name(f->name), v->owner_class->c_name(), S_name(f->name) ); EM_error2( f->linepos, "...(reason: '%s.%s' is declared as 'pure')", env->class_def->c_name(), S_name(f->name) ); goto error; } // make sure returns are equal if( *(f->ret_type) != *(parent_func->def->ret_type) ) { EM_error2( f->linepos, "function signatures differ in return type..." ); EM_error2( f->linepos, "function '%s.%s' matches '%s.%s' but cannot override...", env->class_def->c_name(), S_name(f->name), v->owner_class->c_name(), S_name(f->name) ); goto error; } // match parent_match = TRUE; // update virtual table func->vt_index = parent_func->vt_index; assert( func->vt_index < env->curr->obj_v_table.funcs.size() ); env->curr->obj_v_table.funcs[func->vt_index] = func; // update name func_name = parent_func->name; func->name = func_name; value->name = func_name; } } // move to next parent parent = parent->parent; } } // if not override, make entry in virtual table if( func->is_member && !parent_match ) { // remember virtual table index func->vt_index = env->curr->obj_v_table.funcs.size(); // append to virtual table env->curr->obj_v_table.funcs.push_back( func ); } // set the current function to this env->func = func; // push the value stack env->curr->value.push(); // look up types for the function arguments arg_list = f->arg_list; // count count = 1; // loop over arguments while( arg_list ) { // make sure type != NULL assert( arg_list->type != NULL ); // get the value v = arg_list->var_decl->value; // make sure value != NULL assert( v != NULL ); // look up in scope: later if( env->curr->lookup_value( arg_list->var_decl->xid, FALSE ) ) { EM_error2( arg_list->linepos, "in function '%s':", S_name(f->name) ); EM_error2( arg_list->linepos, "argument %i '%s' is already defined in this scope", count, S_name(arg_list->var_decl->xid) ); goto error; } // add as value env->curr->value.add( arg_list->var_decl->xid, v ); // increment count count++; // next arg arg_list = arg_list->next; } // type check the code assert( f->code == NULL || f->code->s_type == ae_stmt_code ); if( f->code && !type_engine_check_code_segment( env, &f->code->stmt_code, FALSE ) ) { EM_error2( 0, "...in function '%s'", S_name(f->name) ); goto error; } // if imported, add the stack depth if( f->s_type == ae_func_builtin ) { // set the stack depth? func->code->stack_depth = f->stack_depth; // if member add room for this // done: if( func->is_member ) func->code->stack_depth += sizeof(t_CKUINT); } // pop the value stack env->curr->value.pop(); // clear the env's function definition env->func = NULL; return TRUE; error: // clean up env->func = NULL; // func->release(); return FALSE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: lookup_type() // desc: lookup type in the env //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck_Type * Chuck_Namespace::lookup_type( const string & name, t_CKINT climb ) { Chuck_Type * t = type.lookup( name, climb ); if( climb > 0 && !t && parent ) return parent->lookup_type( name, climb ); return t; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: lookup_type() // desc: lookup type in the env //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck_Type * Chuck_Namespace::lookup_type( S_Symbol name, t_CKINT climb ) { Chuck_Type * t = type.lookup( name, climb ); if( climb > 0 && !t && parent ) return parent->lookup_type( name, climb ); return t; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: lookup_value() // desc: lookup value in the env //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck_Value * Chuck_Namespace::lookup_value( const string & name, t_CKINT climb ) { Chuck_Value * v = value.lookup( name, climb ); if( climb > 0 && !v && parent ) return parent->lookup_value( name, climb ); return v; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: lookup_value() // desc: lookup value in the env //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck_Value * Chuck_Namespace::lookup_value( S_Symbol name, t_CKINT climb ) { Chuck_Value * v = value.lookup( name, climb ); if( climb > 0 && !v && parent ) return parent->lookup_value( name, climb ); return v; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: lookup_func() // desc: lookup func in the env //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck_Func * Chuck_Namespace::lookup_func( const string & name, t_CKINT climb ) { Chuck_Func * f = func.lookup( name, climb ); if( climb > 0 && !f && parent ) return parent->lookup_func( name, climb ); return f; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: lookup_func() // desc: lookup func in the env //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck_Func * Chuck_Namespace::lookup_func( S_Symbol name, t_CKINT climb ) { Chuck_Func * f = func.lookup( name, climb ); if( climb > 0 && !f && parent ) return parent->lookup_func( name, climb ); return f; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: get_types() // desc: get top level types //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Chuck_Namespace::get_types( vector & out ) { // temporary vector vector list; // get it from the scope this->type.get_toplevel( list ); // clear out.clear(); // copy the list - cast for( t_CKUINT i = 0; i < list.size(); i++ ) out.push_back( (Chuck_Type *)list[i] ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: get_values() // desc: get top level values //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Chuck_Namespace::get_values( vector & out ) { // temporary vector vector list; // get it from the scope this->value.get_level( 0, list ); // clear out.clear(); // copy the list - cast for( t_CKUINT i = 0; i < list.size(); i++ ) out.push_back( (Chuck_Value *)list[i] ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: get_funcs() // desc: get top level functions //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Chuck_Namespace::get_funcs( vector & out ) { // temporary vector vector list; // get it from the scope this->func.get_level( 0, list ); // clear out.clear(); // copy the list - cast for( t_CKUINT i = 0; i < list.size(); i++ ) out.push_back( (Chuck_Func *)list[i] ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: operator == // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL operator ==( const Chuck_Type & lhs, const Chuck_Type & rhs ) { // check id if( lhs.xid != rhs.xid ) return FALSE; // check array depth if( lhs.array_depth != rhs.array_depth ) return FALSE; // check array type if( lhs.array_depth && (*lhs.actual_type != *rhs.actual_type) ) return FALSE; // if user-defined type if( lhs.xid == te_user ) { // check name if( lhs.name != rhs.name ) return FALSE; // check owner if( lhs.owner != rhs.owner ) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: operator != // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL operator !=( const Chuck_Type & lhs, const Chuck_Type & rhs ) { return !( lhs == rhs ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: equals() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL equals( Chuck_Type * lhs, Chuck_Type * rhs ) { return (*lhs) == (*rhs); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: operator <= // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL operator <=( const Chuck_Type & lhs, const Chuck_Type & rhs ) { // check to see if type L == type R if( lhs == rhs ) return TRUE; // if lhs is a child of rhs const Chuck_Type * curr = lhs.parent; while( curr ) { if( *curr == rhs ) return TRUE; curr = curr->parent; } // if lhs is null and rhs is a object if( (lhs == *(lhs.m_env->t_null)) && (rhs <= *(rhs.m_env->t_object)) ) return TRUE; return FALSE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: isa() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL isa( Chuck_Type * lhs, Chuck_Type * rhs ) { return (*lhs) <= (*rhs); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: ~Chuck_Context() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck_Context::~Chuck_Context() { // if has error, then delete nspc. otherwise, the nspc stays as part of // the type system, since many things have been added to it if( has_error ) { SAFE_DELETE( nspc ); // delete the types - can't do this since the type system and vm still use // for( t_CKINT i = 0; i < new_types.size(); i++ ) // new_types[i]->release(); // clear it new_types.clear(); } // TODO: delete abstract syntax tree * } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: add_commit_candidate() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Chuck_Context::add_commit_candidate( Chuck_Namespace * nspc ) { // add for commit commit_map[nspc] = nspc; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: commit() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Chuck_Context::commit() { std::map::iterator iter; // loop through for( iter = commit_map.begin(); iter != commit_map.end(); iter++ ) { // commit (*iter).second->commit(); } // clear commit_map.clear(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: rollback() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Chuck_Context::rollback() { std::map::iterator iter; // loop through for( iter = commit_map.begin(); iter != commit_map.end(); iter++ ) { // rollback (*iter).second->rollback(); } // clear commit_map.clear(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_reserved() // desc: ... //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_reserved( Chuck_Env * env, const string & xid, int pos ) { // key word? if( env->key_words[xid] ) { EM_error2( pos, "illegal use of keyword '%s'.", xid.c_str() ); return TRUE; } // key value? if( env->key_values[xid] ) { EM_error2( pos, "illegal re-declaration of reserved value '%s'.", xid.c_str() ); return TRUE; } // key type? if( env->key_types[xid] ) { EM_error2( pos, "illegal use of reserved type id '%s'.", xid.c_str() ); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_reserved() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_reserved( Chuck_Env * env, S_Symbol xid, int pos ) { return type_engine_check_reserved( env, string(S_name(xid)), pos ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_check_primitive() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL type_engine_check_primitive( Chuck_Env * env, Chuck_Type * type ) { return ( isa(type, env->t_int) || isa(type, env->t_float) || isa(type, env->t_dur) || isa(type, env->t_time) || isa(type, env->t_complex) || isa(type, env->t_polar) || isa(type, env->t_vec3) || isa(type, env->t_vec4) ) && ( type->array_depth == 0 ); } t_CKBOOL isprim( Chuck_Env * env, Chuck_Type * type ) { return type_engine_check_primitive( env, type ); } t_CKBOOL isobj( Chuck_Env * env, Chuck_Type * type ) { return !type_engine_check_primitive( env, type ); } t_CKBOOL isfunc( Chuck_Env * env, Chuck_Type * type ) { return isa( type, env->t_function ); } t_CKBOOL iskindofint( Chuck_Env * env, Chuck_Type * type ) // added { return isa( type, env->t_int ) || isobj( env, type ); } t_CKUINT getkindof( Chuck_Env * env, Chuck_Type * type ) // added { // the kind ( t_CKUINT kind = kindof_VOID; // check size if( type->size == sz_INT && iskindofint(env, type) ) kind = kindof_INT; else if( type->size == sz_FLOAT ) kind = kindof_FLOAT; else if( type->size == sz_COMPLEX ) kind = kindof_COMPLEX; else if( type->size == sz_VEC3 ) kind = kindof_VEC3; else if( type->size == sz_VEC4 ) kind = kindof_VEC4; // done return kind; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_find_common_anc() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck_Type * type_engine_find_common_anc( Chuck_Type * lhs, Chuck_Type * rhs ) { // check to see if either is child of other if( isa( lhs, rhs ) ) return rhs; if( isa( rhs, lhs ) ) return lhs; // move up Chuck_Type * t = lhs->parent; // not at root while( t ) { // check and see again if( isa( rhs, t ) ) return t; // move up t = t->parent; } // didn't find return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_path() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char * type_path( a_Id_List path ) { static string str; // clear it str = ""; // loop over path while( path ) { // concatenate str += S_name(path->xid); // add . if( path->next ) str += "."; // advance path = path->next; } return str.c_str(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_find_type() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck_Type * type_engine_find_type( Chuck_Namespace * nspc, S_Symbol xid ) { Chuck_Type * type = NULL; if( !nspc) return NULL; // -1 for base if(( type = nspc->lookup_type( xid, -1 ) )) return type; return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_get_deprecate() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL type_engine_get_deprecate( Chuck_Env * env, const string & from, string & to ) { // find mapping if( env->deprecated.find( from ) == env->deprecated.end() ) return FALSE; // return to = env->deprecated[from]; return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_find_deprecated_type() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck_Type * type_engine_find_deprecated_type( Chuck_Env * env, a_Id_List path ) { // S_Symbol xid = NULL; // Chuck_Type * t = NULL; std::string actual; // find mapping if( !type_engine_get_deprecate( env, S_name(path->xid), actual ) ) return NULL; // get base type Chuck_Type * type = env->curr->lookup_type( actual, TRUE ); if( !type ) return NULL; else { // check level if( env->deprecate_level < 2 ) { EM_error2( path->linepos, "deprecated: '%s' --> use: '%s'...", type_path( path ), actual.c_str() ); } } return type; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_find_type() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck_Type * type_engine_find_type( Chuck_Env * env, a_Id_List path ) { S_Symbol xid = NULL; Chuck_Type * t = NULL; // get base type Chuck_Type * type = env->curr->lookup_type( path->xid, TRUE ); if( !type ) { // check level if( env->deprecate_level > 0 ) type = type_engine_find_deprecated_type( env, path ); // error if( !type ) { EM_error2( path->linepos, "undefined type '%s'...", type_path( path ) ); return NULL; } } // start the namespace Chuck_Namespace * nspc = type->info; path = path->next; // loop while( path != NULL ) { // get the id xid = path->xid; // look for the type in the namespace t = type_engine_find_type( nspc, xid ); // look in parent while( !t && type && type->parent ) { t = type_engine_find_type( type->parent->info, xid ); type = type->parent; } // can't find if( !t ) { // error EM_error2( path->linepos, "undefined type '%s'...", type_path( path ) ); EM_error2( path->linepos, "...(cannot find class '%s' in namespace '%s')", S_name(xid), nspc->name.c_str() ); return NULL; } // set the type type = t; // update nspc if( type ) nspc = type->info; // advance path = path->next; } return type; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_find_value() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck_Value * type_engine_find_value( Chuck_Type * type, S_Symbol xid ) { return type_engine_find_value( type, string(S_name(xid)) ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_find_value() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck_Value * type_engine_find_value( Chuck_Type * type, const string & xid ) { Chuck_Value * value = NULL; if( !type ) return NULL; if( !type->info ) return NULL; // -1 for base if(( value = type->info->lookup_value( xid, -1 ) )) return value; if( type->parent ) return type_engine_find_value( type->parent, xid ); return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_find_value() // desc: from env... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck_Value * type_engine_find_value( Chuck_Env * env, const string & xid, t_CKBOOL climb, int linepos ) { Chuck_Value * value = NULL; string actual; // look up if(( value = env->curr->lookup_value( xid, climb ) )) return value; // see if deprecated if climb if( climb ) { if( !type_engine_get_deprecate( env, xid, actual ) ) return NULL; // get base type value = env->curr->lookup_value( actual, TRUE ); if( !value ) return NULL; else { // check level if( env->deprecate_level < 2 ) { EM_error2( linepos, "deprecated: '%s' --> use: '%s'...", xid.c_str(), actual.c_str() ); } } } return value; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_find_nspc() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck_Namespace * type_engine_find_nspc( Chuck_Env * env, a_Id_List path ) { Chuck_Namespace * nspc = NULL; // if the first if global, move to the next if( path && !strcmp( S_name(path->xid), "global" ) ) path = path->next; // global namespace if( path == NULL ) return env->global(); // find the type Chuck_Type * type = type_engine_find_type( env, path ); if( type == NULL ) return NULL; // copy the nspc nspc = type->info; if( nspc == NULL ) { // primitive if( isprim( env, type ) ) { // error EM_error2( 0, "primitive type '%s' has no namespace and cannot be extended...", type->c_name() ); return NULL; } else { // internal error EM_error2( 0, "internal error: type '%s' without namespace...", type->c_name() ); return NULL; } } return nspc; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_next_offset() // desc: compute next offset based on current offset and type //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKUINT type_engine_next_offset( t_CKUINT current_offset, Chuck_Type * type ) { return current_offset + type->size; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_compat_func() // desc: see if two function signatures are compatible //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL type_engine_compat_func( a_Func_Def lhs, a_Func_Def rhs, int pos, string & err, t_CKBOOL print ) { // make sure public/private/protected/function match if( lhs->func_decl != rhs->func_decl ) { if( print ) { EM_error2( pos, "function signatures differ in access modifiers..." ); EM_error2( pos, "(both must be one of public/private/protected/function)..." ); } return FALSE; } a_Arg_List e1 = lhs->arg_list; a_Arg_List e2 = rhs->arg_list; t_CKUINT count = 1; // check arguments against the definition while( e1 && e2 ) { // make sure assert( e1->type && e2->type ); // match types if( *e1->type != *e2->type ) { if( print ) EM_error2( pos, "function signatures differ in argument %i's type...", count ); return FALSE; } e1 = e1->next; e2 = e2->next; count++; } // anything left if( e1 != NULL || e2 != NULL ) { if( print ) EM_error2( pos, "function signatures differ in number of arguments..." ); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_import_class_begin() // desc: import existing base class, such as Object or Event // must be completed by type_engine_import_class_end() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck_Type * type_engine_import_class_begin( Chuck_Env * env, Chuck_Type * type, Chuck_Namespace * where, f_ctor pre_ctor, f_dtor dtor, const char * doc ) { Chuck_Value * value = NULL; Chuck_Type * type_type = NULL; // make sure there is not namesapce if( type->info != NULL ) { // error EM_error2( 0, "during import: class '%s' already imported...", type->c_name() ); return NULL; } // allocate namespace for type type->info = new Chuck_Namespace; // add reference SAFE_ADD_REF(type->info); // name it type->info->name = type->name; // set the parent namespace type->info->parent = where; // add reference SAFE_ADD_REF(type->info->parent); // if pre constructor if( pre_ctor != 0 ) { // flag it type->has_constructor = TRUE; // allocate vm code for pre_ctor type->info->pre_ctor = new Chuck_VM_Code; // add pre_ctor type->info->pre_ctor->native_func = (t_CKUINT)pre_ctor; // mark type as ctor type->info->pre_ctor->native_func_type = Chuck_VM_Code::NATIVE_CTOR; // specify that we need this type->info->pre_ctor->need_this = TRUE; // no arguments to preconstructor other than self type->info->pre_ctor->stack_depth = sizeof(t_CKUINT); } // if destructor if( dtor != 0 ) { // flag it type->has_destructor = TRUE; // allocate vm code for dtor type->info->dtor = new Chuck_VM_Code; // add dtor type->info->dtor->native_func = (t_CKUINT)dtor; // mark type as dtor type->info->dtor->native_func_type = Chuck_VM_Code::NATIVE_DTOR; // specify that we need this type->info->dtor->need_this = TRUE; // no arguments to destructor other than self type->info->dtor->stack_depth = sizeof(t_CKUINT); } // set the beginning of the data segment after parent if( type->parent ) { type->info->offset = type->parent->obj_size; // duplicate parent's virtual table assert( type->parent->info != NULL ); type->info->obj_v_table = type->parent->info->obj_v_table; } // set the owner namespace type->owner = where; // add reference SAFE_ADD_REF(type->owner); // check if primitive if( !isprim( env, type ) ) // (primitives already have size!) { // set the size, which is always the width of a pointer type->size = sizeof(t_CKUINT); } // set the object size type->obj_size = 0; // TODO // flag as complete type->is_complete = TRUE; // make type type_type = env->t_class->copy( env ); type_type->actual_type = type; // SAFE_REF_ASSIGN( type_type->actual_type, type ); // make value value = new Chuck_Value( type_type, type->name ); value->owner = where; // SAFE_REF_ASSIGN( value->owner, where ); value->is_const = TRUE; value->is_member = FALSE; // add to env where->value.add( value->name, value ); // make the type current env->nspc_stack.push_back( env->curr ); env->curr = type->info; // push the class def env->class_stack.push_back( env->class_def ); env->class_def = type; if( doc != NULL) type->doc = doc; // ref count type->add_ref(); return type; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_import_class_begin() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck_Type * type_engine_import_class_begin( Chuck_Env * env, const char * name, const char * parent_str, Chuck_Namespace * where, f_ctor pre_ctor, f_dtor dtor, const char * doc ) { // which namespace Chuck_Type * parent = NULL; Chuck_Type * type = NULL; a_Id_List parent_list = NULL; // if parent is specified if( strcmp( parent_str, "") ) { // get parent parent_list = str2list( parent_str ); parent = type_engine_find_type( env, parent_list ); if( !parent ) goto error; } else // if no parent specified, then extend Object { parent = env->t_object; } // allocate type type = new Chuck_Type( env, te_user, name, parent, sizeof(void *) ); // add to namespace - TODO: handle failure, remove from where where->type.add( name, type ); // do the rest if( !type_engine_import_class_begin( env, type, where, pre_ctor, dtor, doc ) ) goto error; // done goto cleanup; error: // error EM_error2( 0, "... during import of class '%s'", name ); // free SAFE_DELETE( type ); cleanup: // cleanup delete_id_list( parent_list ); return type; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_import_ugen_begin() // desc: ... // note: tickf added //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck_Type * type_engine_import_ugen_begin( Chuck_Env * env, const char * name, const char * parent, Chuck_Namespace * where, f_ctor pre_ctor, f_dtor dtor, f_tick tick, f_tickf tickf, f_pmsg pmsg, t_CKUINT num_ins, t_CKUINT num_outs, const char * doc ) { Chuck_Type * type = NULL; Chuck_UGen_Info * info = NULL; // construct class if( !(type = type_engine_import_class_begin( env, name, parent, where, pre_ctor, dtor, doc ) ) ) return NULL; // make sure parent is ugen assert( type->parent != NULL ); if( !isa( type->parent, env->t_ugen ) ) { // error EM_error2( 0, "imported class '%s' does not have a ugen as parent", type->c_name() ); return NULL; } // do the ugen part info = new Chuck_UGen_Info; info->add_ref(); info->tick = type->parent->ugen_info->tick; info->tickf = type->parent->ugen_info->tickf; // added info->pmsg = type->parent->ugen_info->pmsg; info->num_ins = type->parent->ugen_info->num_ins; info->num_outs = type->parent->ugen_info->num_outs; if( tick ) info->tick = tick; if( tickf ) { info->tickf = tickf; info->tick = NULL; } // added if( pmsg ) info->pmsg = pmsg; if( num_ins != 0xffffffff ) info->num_ins = num_ins; if( num_outs != 0xffffffff ) info->num_outs = num_outs; // set in type type->ugen_info = info; return type; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_import_ugen_begin() // desc: old version (added //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck_Type * type_engine_import_ugen_begin( Chuck_Env * env, const char * name, const char * parent, Chuck_Namespace * where, f_ctor pre_ctor, f_dtor dtor, f_tick tick, f_pmsg pmsg, t_CKUINT num_ins, t_CKUINT num_outs, const char * doc ) { return type_engine_import_ugen_begin( env, name, parent, where, pre_ctor, dtor, tick, NULL, pmsg, num_ins, num_outs, doc ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_import_ugen_begin() // desc: doc version (added //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck_Type * type_engine_import_ugen_begin( Chuck_Env * env, const char * name, const char * parent, Chuck_Namespace * where, f_ctor pre_ctor, f_dtor dtor, f_tick tick, f_pmsg pmsg, const char * doc ) { return type_engine_import_ugen_begin( env, name, parent, where, pre_ctor, dtor, tick, NULL, pmsg, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, doc ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_import_uana_begin() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck_Type * type_engine_import_uana_begin( Chuck_Env * env, const char * name, const char * parent, Chuck_Namespace * where, f_ctor pre_ctor, f_dtor dtor, f_tick tick, f_tock tock, f_pmsg pmsg, t_CKUINT num_ins, t_CKUINT num_outs, t_CKUINT num_ins_ana, t_CKUINT num_outs_ana, const char * doc ) { Chuck_Type * type = NULL; Chuck_UGen_Info * info = NULL; // construct class if( !(type = type_engine_import_ugen_begin( env, name, parent, where, pre_ctor, dtor, tick, pmsg, num_ins, num_outs, doc ) ) ) return NULL; // make sure parent is ugen assert( type->parent != NULL ); if( !isa( type->parent, env->t_uana ) ) { // error EM_error2( 0, "imported class '%s' does not have a uana as parent", type->c_name() ); return NULL; } // do the info info = type->ugen_info; // sanity assert( info != NULL ); // set if( tock ) info->tock = tock; if( num_ins_ana != 0xffffffff ) info->num_ins_ana = num_ins_ana; if( num_outs_ana != 0xffffffff ) info->num_outs_ana = num_outs_ana; return type; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_import_class_end() // desc: finish import of a class //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL type_engine_import_class_end( Chuck_Env * env ) { if( !env->class_def ) { // error EM_error2( 0, "import: too many class_end called..." ); return FALSE; } // set the object size env->class_def->obj_size = env->class_def->info->offset; // pop the class env->class_def = env->class_stack.back(); env->class_stack.pop_back(); // pop the namesapce env->curr = env->nspc_stack.back(); env->nspc_stack.pop_back(); return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_import_mfun() // desc: import member function (must be between class_begin/end) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL type_engine_import_mfun( Chuck_Env * env, Chuck_DL_Func * mfun ) { a_Func_Def func_def = NULL; // make sure we are in class if( !env->class_def ) { // error EM_error2( 0, "import error: import_mfun '%s' invoked between begin/end", mfun->name.c_str() ); return FALSE; } // make into func_def func_def = make_dll_as_fun( mfun, FALSE, FALSE ); if( !func_def ) return FALSE; // add the function to class if( !type_engine_scan1_func_def( env, func_def ) ) return FALSE; if( !type_engine_scan2_func_def( env, func_def ) ) return FALSE; if( !type_engine_check_func_def( env, func_def ) ) return FALSE; if( mfun->doc.size() > 0 ) func_def->ck_func->doc = mfun->doc; return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_import_sfun() // desc: import static function (must be between class_begin/end) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL type_engine_import_sfun( Chuck_Env * env, Chuck_DL_Func * sfun ) { a_Func_Def func_def = NULL; // make sure we are in class if( !env->class_def ) { // error EM_error2( 0, "import error: import_sfun '%s' invoked between begin/end", sfun->name.c_str() ); return FALSE; } // make into func_def func_def = make_dll_as_fun( sfun, TRUE, FALSE ); // add the function to class if( !type_engine_scan1_func_def( env, func_def ) ) return FALSE; if( !type_engine_scan2_func_def( env, func_def ) ) return FALSE; if( !type_engine_check_func_def( env, func_def ) ) return FALSE; if( sfun->doc.size() > 0 ) func_def->ck_func->doc = sfun->doc; return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_import_mvar() // desc: import member variable (must be between class_begin/end) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKUINT type_engine_import_mvar( Chuck_Env * env, const char * type, const char * name, t_CKUINT is_const, const char * doc ) { // make sure we are in class if( !env->class_def ) { // error EM_error2( 0, "import error: import_mvar '%s' invoked between begin/end", name ); return CK_INVALID_OFFSET; } // make path t_CKUINT array_depth = 0; a_Id_List path = str2list( type, array_depth ); if( !path ) { // error EM_error2( 0, "... during mvar import '%s.%s'...", env->class_def->c_name(), name ); return CK_INVALID_OFFSET; } // make type decl a_Type_Decl type_decl = new_type_decl( path, FALSE, 0 ); // check for array if( array_depth ) { // add the array type_decl->array = new_array_sub( NULL, 0 ); // set the depth type_decl->array->depth = array_depth; } // make var decl a_Var_Decl var_decl = new_var_decl( (char *)name, NULL, 0 ); // added 2013-10-22 - spencer // allow array-type mvars // check for array if( array_depth ) { // add the array var_decl->array = new_array_sub( NULL, 0 ); // set the depth var_decl->array->depth = array_depth; } // make var decl list a_Var_Decl_List var_decl_list = new_var_decl_list( var_decl, 0 ); // make exp decl a_Exp exp_decl = new_exp_decl( type_decl, var_decl_list, FALSE, 0 ); // add it if( !type_engine_scan1_exp_decl( env, &exp_decl->decl ) || !type_engine_scan2_exp_decl( env, &exp_decl->decl ) || !type_engine_check_exp_decl( env, &exp_decl->decl ) ) { delete_id_list( path ); return CK_INVALID_OFFSET; } if( doc != NULL ) var_decl->value->doc = doc; // cleanup delete_id_list( path ); // return the offset return var_decl->value->offset; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_import_svar() // desc: import static variable (must be between class_begin/end) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL type_engine_import_svar( Chuck_Env * env, const char * type, const char * name, t_CKUINT is_const, t_CKUINT addr, const char * doc ) { // make sure we are in class if( !env->class_def ) { // error EM_error2( 0, "import error: import_svar '%s' invoked between begin/end", name ); return FALSE; } // make path a_Id_List path = str2list( type ); if( !path ) { // error EM_error2( 0, "... during svar import '%s.%s'...", env->class_def->c_name(), name ); return FALSE; } // make type decl a_Type_Decl type_decl = new_type_decl( path, FALSE, 0 ); // make var decl a_Var_Decl var_decl = new_var_decl( (char *)name, NULL, 0 ); // make var decl list a_Var_Decl_List var_decl_list = new_var_decl_list( var_decl, 0 ); // make exp decl a_Exp exp_decl = new_exp_decl( type_decl, var_decl_list, TRUE, 0 ); // add addr var_decl->addr = (void *)addr; // add it if( !type_engine_scan1_exp_decl( env, &exp_decl->decl ) || !type_engine_scan2_exp_decl( env, &exp_decl->decl ) || !type_engine_check_exp_decl( env, &exp_decl->decl ) ) { delete_id_list( path ); return FALSE; } if( doc != NULL ) var_decl->value->doc = doc; // cleanup delete_id_list( path ); return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_import_add_ex() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL type_engine_import_add_ex( Chuck_Env * env, const char * ex ) { // make sure we are in class if( !env->class_def ) { // error EM_error2( 0, "import error: import_add_ex '%s' invoked between begin/end", ex ); return FALSE; } env->class_def->examples.push_back( ex ); return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_register_deprecate() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL type_engine_register_deprecate( Chuck_Env * env, const string & former, const string & latter ) { env->deprecated[former] = latter; return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: init_special() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void init_special( Chuck_VM_Object * obj ) { // reference - this is done when the reference is assigned // obj->add_ref(); // add to vector if( obj->m_v_ref ) obj->m_v_ref->push_back( obj ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: new_Chuck_Type() // desc: instantiate new chuck type //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck_Type * Chuck_Context::new_Chuck_Type( Chuck_Env * env ) { // allocate Chuck_Type * type = new Chuck_Type( env ); if( !type ) return NULL; // set v ref type->m_v_ref = &new_types; // initialize it init_special( type ); return type; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: new_Chuck_Value() // desc: instantiate new chuck value //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck_Value * Chuck_Context::new_Chuck_Value( Chuck_Type * t, const string & name ) { // allocate Chuck_Value * value = new Chuck_Value( t, name ); if( !value ) return NULL; // set v ref value->m_v_ref = &new_values; // initialize it init_special( value ); return value; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: new_Chuck_Func() // desc: instantiate new chuck func //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck_Func * Chuck_Context::new_Chuck_Func() { // allocate Chuck_Func * func = new Chuck_Func; if( !func ) return NULL; // set v ref func->m_v_ref = &new_funcs; // initialize it init_special( func ); return func; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: new_Chuck_Namespace() // desc: instantiate new chuck namespace //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck_Namespace * Chuck_Context::new_Chuck_Namespace() { // allocate Chuck_Namespace * nspc = new Chuck_Namespace; if( !nspc ) return NULL; // set v ref nspc->m_v_ref = &new_nspc; // initialize it init_special( nspc ); return nspc; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: new_array_type() // desc: instantiate new chuck type for some kind of array //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck_Type * new_array_type( Chuck_Env * env, Chuck_Type * array_parent, t_CKUINT depth, Chuck_Type * base_type, Chuck_Namespace * owner_nspc ) { // make new type Chuck_Type * t = env->context->new_Chuck_Type( env ); // set the id t->xid = te_array; // set the name t->name = base_type->name; // set the parent t->parent = array_parent; // add reference SAFE_ADD_REF(t->parent); // is a ref t->size = array_parent->size; // set the array depth t->array_depth = depth; // set the base type t->array_type = base_type; // add reference SAFE_ADD_REF(t->array_type); // set the namesapce t->info = array_parent->info; // add reference SAFE_ADD_REF(t->info); // set owner t->owner = owner_nspc; // add reference SAFE_ADD_REF(t->owner); // return the type return t; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: new_Chuck_Namespace() // desc: instantiate new chuck namespace //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL verify_array( a_Array_Sub array ) { // verify there were no errors from the parser... if( array->err_num ) { if( array->err_num == 1 ) { EM_error2( array->linepos, "invalid format for array init [...][...]..." ); return FALSE; } else if( array->err_num == 2 ) { EM_error2( array->linepos, "partially empty array init [...][]..." ); return FALSE; } else { EM_error2( array->linepos, "internal error: unrecognized array error..." ); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: str2list() // desc: convert str to list //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- a_Id_List str2list( const string & path ) { t_CKUINT dummy; return str2list( path, dummy ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: str2list() // desc: convert str to list //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- a_Id_List str2list( const string & path, t_CKUINT & array_depth ) { t_CKINT len = path.length(); t_CKINT i, j; string curr; a_Id_List list = NULL; char last = '\0'; // look for [] array_depth = 0; while( len > 2 && path[len-1] == ']' && path[len-2] == '[' ) { // flag it array_depth++; // shorten len len -= 2; } // loop backwards for( i = len - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { char c = path[i]; // if not . if( c != '.' ) { // check to make sure valid if( ( c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' ) || ( c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' ) || ( c == '_' ) || ( c >= '0' && c <= '9' ) ) { // add curr += c; } else { // error EM_error2( 0, "illegal character '%c' in path '%s'...", c, path.c_str() ); // delete delete_id_list( list ); return NULL; } } // add if( c == '.' || i == 0 ) { // make sure valid if( (i != 0 && last != '.' && last != '\0') || (i == 0 && c != '.') ) { char s; t_CKINT size = curr.length(); // reverse for( j = 0; j < size/2; j++ ) { // swap s = curr[j]; curr[j] = curr[size-j-1]; curr[size-j-1] = s; } // make a new id and put in list list = prepend_id_list( (char *)curr.c_str(), list, 0 ); // clear curr = ""; } else { // error EM_error2( 0, "path '%s' must not begin or end with '.'", path.c_str() ); // delete delete_id_list( list ); return NULL; } } // remember last last = c; } return list; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: make_dll_arg_list() // desc: make an chuck dll function into arg list //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- a_Arg_List make_dll_arg_list( Chuck_DL_Func * dl_fun ) { a_Arg_List arg_list = NULL; a_Type_Decl type_decl = NULL; a_Var_Decl var_decl = NULL; a_Id_List type_path = NULL; a_Id_List name_path = NULL; a_Array_Sub array_sub = NULL; Chuck_DL_Value * arg = NULL; t_CKUINT array_depth = 0; t_CKUINT array_depth2 = 0; t_CKINT i = 0; // loop backwards for( i = dl_fun->args.size() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { // clear array // added - spencer array_depth = array_depth2 = 0; array_sub = NULL; // copy into variable arg = dl_fun->args[i]; // path type_path = str2list( arg->type, array_depth ); if( !type_path ) { // error EM_error2( 0, "...at argument '%i'...", i+1 ); // delete the arg list // delete_arg_list( arg_list ); return NULL; } // type type_decl = new_type_decl( type_path, FALSE, 0 ); // TODO: fix this assert( type_decl ); // var name_path = str2list( arg->name, array_depth2 ); // sanity if( array_depth && array_depth2 ) { // error EM_error2( 0, "array subscript specified incorrectly for built-in module" ); // TODO: cleanup return NULL; } // TODO: arrays? if( array_depth2 ) array_depth = array_depth2; if( array_depth ) { array_sub = new_array_sub( NULL, 0 ); for( int i = 1; i < array_depth; i++ ) array_sub = prepend_array_sub( array_sub, NULL, 0 ); } var_decl = new_var_decl( (char *)arg->name.c_str(), array_sub, 0 ); // make new arg arg_list = prepend_arg_list( type_decl, var_decl, arg_list, 0 ); } return arg_list; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: make_dll_as_fun() // desc: make an chuck dll function into absyn function //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- a_Func_Def make_dll_as_fun( Chuck_DL_Func * dl_fun, t_CKBOOL is_static, t_CKBOOL is_primitive ) { a_Func_Def func_def = NULL; ae_Keyword func_decl = ae_key_func; ae_Keyword static_decl = ae_key_instance; a_Id_List type_path = NULL; a_Type_Decl type_decl = NULL; const char * name = NULL; a_Arg_List arg_list = NULL; t_CKUINT array_depth = 0; // fun decl TODO: fix this func_decl = ae_key_func; // static decl TODO: allow abstract static_decl = is_static ? ae_key_static : ae_key_instance; // path type_path = str2list( dl_fun->type, array_depth ); if( !type_path ) { // error EM_error2( 0, "...during function import '%s' (type)...", dl_fun->name.c_str() ); goto error; } // type decl // old: type_decl = new_type_decl( type_path, 1, 0 ); type_decl = new_type_decl( type_path, 0, 0 ); assert( type_decl ); if( !type_decl ) { // error EM_error2( 0, "...during function import '%s' (type2)...", dl_fun->name.c_str() ); // delete list delete_id_list( type_path ); type_path = NULL; goto error; } // array types // this allows us to define built-in functions that return array types // however doing this without garbage collection is probably a bad idea // -spencer if( array_depth ) { a_Array_Sub array_sub = new_array_sub( NULL, 0 ); for( int i = 1; i < array_depth; i++ ) array_sub = prepend_array_sub( array_sub, NULL, 0 ); type_decl = add_type_decl_array( type_decl, array_sub, 0 ); } // name of the function name = dl_fun->name.c_str(); // arg list arg_list = make_dll_arg_list( dl_fun ); if( dl_fun->args.size() > 0 && !arg_list ) { // error EM_error2( 0, "...during function import '%s' (arg_list)...", dl_fun->name.c_str() ); // delete type_decl // delete_type_decl( type_decl ); type_decl = NULL; goto error; } // make a func_def func_def = new_func_def( func_decl, static_decl, type_decl, (char *)name, arg_list, NULL, 0 ); // mark the function as imported (instead of defined in ChucK) func_def->s_type = ae_func_builtin; // copy the function pointer - the type doesn't matter here // ... since we copying into a void * - so mfun is used func_def->dl_func_ptr = (void *)dl_fun->mfun; return func_def; error: // clean up // if( !func_def ) delete_type_decl( type_decl ); // else delete_func_def( func_def ); return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_add_dll() // desc: add an chuck dll into the env //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL type_engine_add_dll( Chuck_Env * env, Chuck_DLL * dll, const string & dest ) { // which namespace string where = ( dest == "" ? "global" : dest ); Chuck_Namespace * nspc = NULL; const Chuck_DL_Query * query = NULL; t_CKUINT i, j; vector the_funs; // convert to id list a_Id_List path = str2list( dest ); if( !path ) goto error; // find the namespace to put the import nspc = type_engine_find_nspc( env, path ); if( !nspc ) goto error; // get the query query = dll->query(); // loop for( i = 0; i < query->classes.size(); i++ ) { a_Class_Def def = NULL; a_Class_Ext ext = NULL; a_Class_Body body = NULL; // UNUSED: a_Section sec = NULL; a_Func_Def fun = NULL; a_Id_List name; a_Id_List parent; // UNUSED: Chuck_DL_Func * dl_fun = NULL; // UNUSED: Chuck_DL_Value * dl_val = NULL; // UNUSED: Chuck_DL_Ctrl * dl_ctrl = NULL; Chuck_DL_Class * cl = query->classes[i]; assert( cl != NULL ); // get name name = str2list( cl->name ); if( !name ) goto error; // if parent is specified if( cl->parent != "" ) { // get parent parent = str2list( cl->parent ); if( !parent ) goto error; } else // if no parent specified, then extend Object { parent = str2list( "Object" ); assert( parent != NULL ); } // clear the funs vector the_funs.clear(); // loop over member functions for( j = 0; j < cl->mfuns.size(); j++ ) { // get the function from the dll fun = make_dll_as_fun( cl->mfuns[j], FALSE, FALSE ); if( !fun ) goto error; // add to vector the_funs.push_back( fun ); } // loop over static functions for( j = 0; j < cl->sfuns.size(); j++ ) { // get the function from the dll fun = make_dll_as_fun( cl->sfuns[j], TRUE, FALSE ); if( !fun ) goto error; // add to vector the_funs.push_back( fun ); } // loop over member data // ignored for now... -spencer for( j = 0; j < cl->mvars.size(); j++ ) { } // the next few lines take static member variables defined by the DLL // and creates a list of corresponding declarations to add to the // class definition // -spencer // static member variable declarations a_Stmt_List svar_decls = NULL; // loop over static data for( j = 0; j < cl->svars.size(); j++ ) { // get type a_Id_List path = str2list( cl->svars[j]->type.c_str() ); // make type decl a_Type_Decl type_decl = new_type_decl( path, FALSE, 0 ); // make var decl a_Var_Decl var_decl = new_var_decl( cl->svars[j]->name.c_str(), NULL, 0 ); // make var decl list a_Var_Decl_List var_decl_list = new_var_decl_list( var_decl, 0 ); // make exp decl a_Exp exp_decl = new_exp_decl( type_decl, var_decl_list, TRUE, 0 ); // add addr var_decl->addr = (void *)cl->svars[j]->static_addr; // append exp stmt to stmt list svar_decls = append_stmt_list( svar_decls, new_stmt_from_expression( exp_decl, 0 ), 0 ); } // if there are any declarations, prepend them to body if( svar_decls ) body = prepend_class_body( new_section_stmt( svar_decls, 0 ), body, 0 ); // go through funs backwards, and prepend for( t_CKINT k = (t_CKINT)the_funs.size() - 1; k >= 0; k-- ) { // add to body body = prepend_class_body( new_section_func_def( the_funs[k], 0 ), body, 0 ); } // construct class def = new_class_def( ae_key_public, name, ext, body, 0 ); // set where to add def->home = nspc; // TODO: mark the class as dll import? // scan type check it if( !type_engine_scan0_class_def( env, def ) ) goto error; if( !type_engine_scan1_class_def( env, def ) ) goto error; if( !type_engine_scan2_class_def( env, def ) ) goto error; if( !type_engine_check_class_def( env, def ) ) goto error; // TODO: clean up? } // free the path delete_id_list( path ); return TRUE; error: // error EM_error2( 0, "...(in object import '%s' in DLL '%s')", query ? ( query->dll_name == "" ? query->dll_name.c_str() : "[empty]" ) : "[null]", dll->name() ); // free the path delete_id_list( path ); // TODO: free the absyn stuff? return FALSE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_add_dll2() // desc: add the DLL using type_engine functions (added //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL type_engine_add_dll2( Chuck_Env * env, Chuck_DLL * dll, const string & ) { const Chuck_DL_Query * query = NULL; // get the query query = dll->query(); for( int i = 0; i < query->classes.size(); i++ ) { if( !type_engine_add_class_from_dl(env, query->classes[i]) ) { EM_log(CK_LOG_SEVERE, "error importing class '%s' from dynamic library (%s)", query->classes[i]->name.c_str(), dll->name()); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: type_engine_add_class_from_dl() // desc: add the DLL using type_engine functions (added //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL type_engine_add_class_from_dl( Chuck_Env * env, Chuck_DL_Class * c ) { Chuck_DL_Func * ctor = NULL, * dtor = c->dtor; if(c->ctors.size() > 0) ctor = c->ctors[0]; // TODO: uh, is more than one possible? if((c->ugen_tick || c->ugen_tickf) && c->ugen_num_out) { // begin import as ugen if(!type_engine_import_ugen_begin(env, c->name.c_str(), c->parent.c_str(), env->global(), ctor ? (f_ctor) ctor->addr : NULL, dtor ? (f_dtor) dtor->addr : NULL, c->ugen_tick, c->ugen_tickf, c->ugen_pmsg, c->ugen_num_in, c->ugen_num_out, c->doc.length() > 0 ? c->doc.c_str() : NULL )) goto error; } else { // begin import as normal class (non-ugen) if(!type_engine_import_class_begin(env, c->name.c_str(), c->parent.c_str(), env->global(), ctor ? (f_ctor) ctor->addr : NULL, dtor ? (f_dtor) dtor->addr : NULL, c->doc.length() > 0 ? c->doc.c_str() : NULL)) goto error; } int j; // import member variables for(j = 0; j < c->mvars.size(); j++) { Chuck_DL_Value * mvar = c->mvars[j]; if(type_engine_import_mvar(env, mvar->type.c_str(), mvar->name.c_str(), mvar->is_const, mvar->doc.size() ? mvar->doc.c_str() : NULL) == CK_INVALID_OFFSET) goto error; } // import static variables for(j = 0; j < c->svars.size(); j++) { Chuck_DL_Value * svar = c->svars[j]; if(!type_engine_import_svar(env, svar->type.c_str(), svar->name.c_str(), svar->is_const, (t_CKUINT) svar->static_addr, svar->doc.size() ? svar->doc.c_str() : NULL)) goto error; } // import member functions for(j = 0; j < c->mfuns.size(); j++) { Chuck_DL_Func * func = c->mfuns[j]; if(!type_engine_import_mfun(env, func)) goto error; } // import static functions for(j = 0; j < c->sfuns.size(); j++) { Chuck_DL_Func * func = c->sfuns[j]; if(!type_engine_import_sfun(env, func)) goto error; } // import examples (if any) for(j = 0; j < c->examples.size(); j++) { if(!type_engine_import_add_ex(env, c->examples[j].c_str())) goto error; } // end class import type_engine_import_class_end(env); return TRUE; error: type_engine_import_class_end(env); return FALSE; } static const char * g_howmuch[] = { "ALL", "CLASSES_ONLY", "ALL_EXCEPT_CLASSES" }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: howmuch2str() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char * howmuch2str( te_HowMuch how_much ) { if( how_much < 0 || how_much > te_do_no_classes ) return "[INVALID]"; else return g_howmuch[how_much]; } // table of escape characters static char g_escape[256]; static t_CKBOOL g_escape_ready = FALSE; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: escape_table() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void escape_table( ) { // escape g_escape['\''] = '\''; g_escape['"'] = '"'; g_escape['\\'] = '\\'; g_escape['a'] = (char)7; // audible bell g_escape['b'] = (char)8; // back space g_escape['f'] = (char)12; // form feed g_escape['n'] = (char)10; // new line g_escape['r'] = (char)13; // carriage return g_escape['t'] = (char)9; // horizontal tab g_escape['v'] = (char)11; // vertical tab // done g_escape_ready = TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: escape_str() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL escape_str( char * str_lit, int linepos ) { // create if not yet if( !g_escape_ready ) escape_table( ); // write pointer char * str = str_lit; // unsigned because we index array of 256 unsigned char c, c2, c3; // iterate while( *str_lit ) { // if \ encountered if( *str_lit == '\\' ) { // advance pointer str_lit++; // make sure next char if( *str_lit == '\0' ) { EM_error2( linepos, "invalid: string ends with escape charactor '\\'" ); return FALSE; } // next characters c = *(str_lit); c2 = *(str_lit+1); // is octal? if( c >= '0' && c <= '7' ) { // look at next if( c == '0' && ( c2 < '0' || c2 > '7' ) ) *str++ = '\0'; else { // get next c3 = *(str_lit+2); // all three should be within range if( c2 >= '0' && c2 <= '7' && c3 >= '0' && c3 <= '7' ) { // ascii value *str++ = (c-'0') * 64 + (c2-'0') * 8 + (c3-'0'); // advance pointer str_lit += 2; } else { EM_error2( linepos, "malformed octal escape sequence '\\%c%c%c'", c, c2, c3 ); return FALSE; } } } else if( c == 'x' ) // is hex? { EM_error2( linepos, "hex escape sequence not (yet) supported (use octal!)"); return FALSE; } else // is other? { // lookup if( g_escape[(int)c] ) *str++ = g_escape[c]; else // error { EM_error2( linepos, "unrecognized escape sequence '\\%c'", c ); return FALSE; } } } else { // char *str++ = *str_lit; } // advance pointer str_lit++; } // make sure assert( str <= str_lit ); // terminate *str = '\0'; return TRUE; } t_CKINT str2char( const char * c, int linepos ) { if(c[0] == '\\') { switch(c[1]) { case '0': return '\0'; case '\'': return '\''; case '\\': return '\\'; case 'a': return '\a'; case 'b': return '\b'; case 'f': return '\f'; case 'n': return '\n'; case 'r': return '\r'; case 't': return '\t'; case 'v': return 'v'; default: EM_error2( linepos, "unrecognized escape sequence '\\%c'", c[1] ); return -1; } } else { return c[0]; } }