/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChucK Concurrent, On-the-fly Audio Programming Language Compiler and Virtual Machine Copyright (c) 2004 Ge Wang and Perry R. Cook. All rights reserved. http://chuck.stanford.edu/ http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 U.S.A. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // file: chuck_shell.cpp // desc: chuck shell implementation // // author: Spencer Salazar (spencer@ccrma.stanford.edu) // date: Autumn 2005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "chuck_shell.h" #include "chuck_otf.h" #include "chuck_errmsg.h" #include "util_network.h" #include "util_string.h" #include #include #include #ifndef __PLATFORM_WIN32__ #include #include #include #include #endif using namespace std; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: tokenize_string // desc: divides a string into space separated tokens, respecting single and // double quotes //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void tokenize_string( string str, vector< string > & tokens) { t_CKINT space = 1; t_CKINT end_space = 0; t_CKINT squote = 0; t_CKINT dquote = 0; t_CKINT i = 0, j = 0, len = str.size(); for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { if( isspace( str[i] ) && space ) { j++; continue; } if( isspace( str[i] ) && end_space ) { tokens.push_back( string( str, j, i - j ) ); j = i + 1; space = 1; end_space = 0; continue; } if( str[i] == '\'' ) { if( dquote ) continue; if( !squote ) { str.erase( i, 1 ); len--; i--; space = 0; end_space = 0; squote = 1; continue; } else if( str[i - 1] == '\\' ) { str.erase( i - 1, 1 ); len--; i--; continue; } else { str.erase( i, 1 ); len--; i--; squote = 0; end_space = 1; space = 0; continue; } } if( str[i] == '"' ) //" { if( squote ) continue; if( !dquote ) { str.erase( i, 1 ); i--; len--; space = 0; end_space = 0; dquote = 1; continue; } else if( str[i - 1] == '\\' ) { str.erase( i - 1, 1 ); len--; i--; continue; } else { str.erase( i, 1 ); i--; len--; dquote = 0; end_space = 1; space = 0; continue; } } if( !squote && !dquote ) { end_space = 1; space = 0; } } if( i > j && end_space ) { tokens.push_back( string( str, j, i - j ) ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: win32_tmpnam() // desc: replacement for broken tmpnam() on Windows Vista + 7 // file_path should be at least MAX_PATH characters. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef __PLATFORM_WIN32__ #include int win32_tmpnam(char *file_path) { char tmp_path[MAX_PATH]; if(GetTempPath(256, tmp_path) == 0) return 0; if(GetTempFileName(tmp_path, "cksh", 0, file_path) == 0) return 0; return 1; } #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: Chuck_Shell() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck_Shell::Chuck_Shell() { ui = NULL; process_vm = NULL; current_vm = NULL; initialized = FALSE; stop = FALSE; code_entry_active = FALSE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: ~Chuck_Shell() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck_Shell::~Chuck_Shell() { vector::size_type i, len = allocated_commands.size(); //iterate through commands, delete the associated heap data for( i = 0; i != len; i++ ) SAFE_DELETE( allocated_commands[i] ); // delete ui SAFE_DELETE( ui ); // flag initialized = FALSE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: init() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL Chuck_Shell::init( Chuck_VM * vm, Chuck_Shell_UI * ui ) { // log EM_log( CK_LOG_SYSTEM, "initializing chuck shell..." ); // check if( initialized == TRUE ) { EM_log( CK_LOG_WARNING, "chuck shell already initialized" ); return TRUE; } // ui if( ui == NULL ) { CK_FPRINTF_STDERR( "[chuck](via shell): NULL ui passed to Chuck_Shell::init..." ); return FALSE; } this->ui = ui; process_vm = vm; Chuck_Shell_Network_VM * cspv = new Chuck_Shell_Network_VM(); if( !cspv->init( "localhost", 8888 ) ) { CK_FPRINTF_STDERR( "[chuck](via shell): error initializing process VM..." ); SAFE_DELETE( cspv ); return FALSE; } current_vm = cspv; vms.push_back( current_vm->copy() ); process_vm = vm; code_entry_active = FALSE; code = ""; // init default variables variables["COMMAND_PROMPT"] = "chuck %> "; variables["DEFAULT_CONTEXT"] = "shell_global"; // initialize prompt prompt = variables["COMMAND_PROMPT"]; Command * temp; // initialize the string -> Chuck_Shell_Command map temp = new Command_VM(); temp->init( this ); commands["vm"] = temp; allocated_commands.push_back( temp ); temp = new Command_VMList(); temp->init( this ); commands["vms"] = temp; allocated_commands.push_back( temp ); temp = new Command_Add(); temp->init( this ); commands["+"] = temp; commands["add"] = temp; allocated_commands.push_back( temp ); temp = new Command_Remove(); temp->init( this ); commands["-"] = temp; commands["remove"] = temp; allocated_commands.push_back( temp ); temp = new Command_Status(); temp->init( this ); commands["status"] = temp; commands["^"] = temp; allocated_commands.push_back( temp ); temp = new Command_Removeall(); temp->init( this ); commands["removeall"] = temp; allocated_commands.push_back( temp ); temp = new Command_Removelast(); temp->init( this ); commands["--"] = temp; allocated_commands.push_back( temp ); temp = new Command_Replace(); temp->init( this ); commands["replace"] = temp; commands["="] = temp; allocated_commands.push_back( temp ); temp = new Command_Close(); temp->init( this ); commands["close"] = temp; allocated_commands.push_back( temp ); temp = new Command_Kill(); temp->init( this ); commands["kill"] = temp; allocated_commands.push_back( temp ); temp = new Command_Exit(); temp->init( this ); commands["exit"] = temp; commands["quit"] = temp; allocated_commands.push_back( temp ); temp = new Command_Ls(); temp->init( this ); commands["ls"] = temp; allocated_commands.push_back( temp ); temp = new Command_Pwd(); temp->init( this ); commands["pwd"] = temp; allocated_commands.push_back( temp ); temp = new Command_Cd(); temp->init( this ); commands["cd"] = temp; allocated_commands.push_back( temp ); temp = new Command_Alias(); temp->init( this ); commands["alias"] = temp; allocated_commands.push_back( temp ); temp = new Command_Unalias(); temp->init( this ); commands["unalias"] = temp; allocated_commands.push_back( temp ); temp = new Command_Source(); temp->init( this ); commands["source"] = temp; commands["."] = temp; allocated_commands.push_back( temp ); temp = new Command_Code(); temp->init( this ); commands["code"] = temp; allocated_commands.push_back( temp ); // flag initialized = TRUE; return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: run() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Chuck_Shell::run() { // log EM_log( CK_LOG_SYSTEM, "running chuck shell..." ); // make sure if(initialized == FALSE) { CK_FPRINTF_STDERR( "[chuck](via shell): shell not initialized...\n" ); return; } string command; string result; ui->next_result( "welcome to chuck shell!\n" ); // ui->next_result( "(type \"help\" for more information)\n" ); // loop for( ; !stop; ) { // get command if( ui->next_command( prompt, command ) == TRUE ) { // result.clear(); result = ""; //printf( "chuck_shell::run\n" ); // execute the command execute( command, result ); // command.clear(); command = ""; // pass the result to the shell ui ui->next_result( result ); } else // done break; } // log EM_log( CK_LOG_SYSTEM, "exiting chuck shell..." ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: execute // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL Chuck_Shell::execute( string & in, string & out ) { if( !initialized ) { return FALSE; } // vector of string tokens vector< string > vec; // clear the response out = ""; // first find out if this is code to run if( !code_entry_active && in[in.find_first_not_of( " \t\v\n" )] == '{' ) start_code(); if( code_entry_active ) { continue_code( in ); if( code_entry_active == FALSE ) { //strip opening and closing braces string::size_type k = code.find( "{" ); string head = string( code, 0, k ); code = string( code, k + 1, code.size() - k - 1 ); k = code.rfind( "}" ); string tail = string( code, k + 1, code.size() - k - 1 ); code = string( code, 0, k ); do_code( code, out ); tokenize_string( tail, vec ); if( vec.size() > 0 ) { string temp = "code save " + vec[0]; execute( temp, out ); } } return TRUE; } // divide the string into white space separated substrings tokenize_string( in, vec ); // if no tokens if( vec.size() == 0) return TRUE; // first check if the first token matches an alias while( aliases.find( vec[0] ) != aliases.end() ) // use a while loop to handle nested aliases { vector< string > vec2; tokenize_string( aliases[vec[0]], vec2 ); vec.erase( vec.begin() ); vec2.insert( vec2.end(), vec.begin(), vec.end() ); vec = vec2; } // locate the command if( commands.find( vec[0] ) == commands.end() ) // command doesn't exist! { out += vec[0] + ": command not found\n"; return FALSE; } else // execute the command { Command * command = commands[vec[0]]; vec.erase( vec.begin() ); if( command->execute( vec, out ) == 0 ) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: start_code() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Chuck_Shell::start_code() { code = ""; code_entry_active = TRUE; scope = 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: continue_code() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Chuck_Shell::continue_code( string & in ) { if( in.find( "{" ) != string::npos ) // increase the scope one level and change the prompt { char buf[16]; scope++; #ifndef __PLATFORM_WIN32__ snprintf( buf, 16, "code %2d> ", (int)scope ); #else sprintf( buf, "code %2d> ", scope); #endif prompt = buf; } if( in.find( "}" ) != string::npos ) // decrease the scope one level and change the prompt { char buf[16]; scope--; #ifndef __PLATFORM_WIN32__ snprintf( buf, 16, "code %2d> ", (int)scope ); #else sprintf( buf, "code %2d> ", scope); #endif prompt = buf; } // collect this line as ChucK code code += in + "\n"; if( scope == 0 ) // the end of this code block -- lets execute it on the current_vm code_entry_active = FALSE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: do_code() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Chuck_Shell::do_code( string & code, string & out, string command ) { // open a temporary file #if defined(__PLATFORM_LINUX__) || defined(__MACOSX_CORE__) char tmp_dir[] = "/tmp"; char * tmp_filepath = new char [32]; strncpy( tmp_filepath, "/tmp/chuck_file.XXXXXX", 32 ); int fd = mkstemp( tmp_filepath ); if( fd == -1 ) { out += string( "shell: error: unable to create tmpfile at " ) + tmp_dir + "\n"; delete[] tmp_filepath; prompt = variables["COMMAND_PROMPT"]; return; } FILE * tmp_file = fdopen( fd, "w+" ); if( tmp_file == NULL ) { out += string( "shell: error: unable to reopen tmpfile at " ) + tmp_filepath + "\n"; delete[] tmp_filepath; prompt = variables["COMMAND_PROMPT"]; return; } #else char tmp_filepath1[MAX_PATH]; win32_tmpnam(tmp_filepath1); if( tmp_filepath1 == NULL ) { out += string( "shell: error: unable to generate tmpfile name\n" ); prompt = variables["COMMAND_PROMPT"]; return; } string tmp_filepath_stl = normalize_directory_separator(string(tmp_filepath1)); const char *tmp_filepath = tmp_filepath_stl.c_str(); FILE * tmp_file = fopen( tmp_filepath, "w" ); if( tmp_file == NULL ) { out += string( "shell: error: unable to open tmpfile '" ) + tmp_filepath + "'\n"; prompt = variables["COMMAND_PROMPT"]; return; } #endif // write the code to the temp file fprintf( tmp_file, "%s", code.c_str() ); fclose( tmp_file ); string argv = string( command ) + tmp_filepath; this->execute( argv, out ); // if( this->execute( argv, out ) ) // ; // delete the file #ifndef __PLATFORM_WIN32__ unlink( tmp_filepath ); #else DeleteFile( tmp_filepath ); #endif // __PLATFORM_WIN32__ #if defined(__PLATFORM_LINUX__) delete[] tmp_filepath; #endif prompt = variables["COMMAND_PROMPT"]; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: do_context() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Chuck_Shell::do_code_context( string & ) { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: close() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Chuck_Shell::close() { stop = TRUE; // } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: kill() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Chuck_Shell::exit() { stop = TRUE; // REFACTOR 2017 TODO Ge: all_stop /* if( process_vm != NULL ) all_stop(); // ge: // process_vm->stop(); */ } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: init() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL Chuck_Shell_Network_VM::init( const string & hostname, t_CKINT port ) { this->hostname = hostname; this->port = port; return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: copy() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck_Shell_VM * Chuck_Shell_Network_VM::copy() { Chuck_Shell_Network_VM * net_vm = new Chuck_Shell_Network_VM(); net_vm->init( hostname, port ); return net_vm; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: add_shred() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL Chuck_Shell_Network_VM::add_shred( const vector< string > & files, string & out ) { t_CKINT i = 0; t_CKBOOL return_val; vector::size_type j, str_len, vec_len = files.size() + 1; const char ** argv = new const char * [ vec_len ]; /* prepare an argument vector to submit to otf_send_cmd */ /* first, specify an add command */ char * argv0 = new char [2]; strncpy( argv0, "+", 2 ); argv[0] = argv0; /* copy file paths into argv */ for( j = 1; j < vec_len; j++ ) { str_len = files[j - 1].size() + 1; char * argvj = new char [str_len]; strncpy( argvj, files[j - 1].c_str(), str_len ); argv[j] = argvj; } /* send the command */ if( otf_send_cmd( vec_len, argv, i, hostname.c_str(), port ) ) return_val = TRUE; else { out += "add: error: command failed\n"; return_val = FALSE; } /* clean up heap data */ for( j = 0; j < vec_len; j++ ) { // TODO: verify this is alright char * arg = (char *)argv[j]; delete[] arg; } delete[] argv; return return_val; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: remove_shred() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL Chuck_Shell_Network_VM::remove_shred( const vector< string > & ids, string & out ) { t_CKINT i = 0; t_CKBOOL return_val; vector::size_type j, str_len, vec_len = ids.size() + 1; const char ** argv = new const char * [ vec_len ]; /* prepare an argument vector to submit to otf_send_cmd */ /* first, specify an add command */ char * argv0 = new char [2]; strncpy( argv0, "-", 2 ); argv[0] = argv0; /* copy ids into argv */ for( j = 1; j < vec_len; j++ ) { str_len = ids[j - 1].size() + 1; char * argvj = new char [str_len]; strncpy( argvj, ids[j - 1].c_str(), str_len ); argv[j] = argvj; } /* send the command */ if( otf_send_cmd( vec_len, argv, i, hostname.c_str(), port ) ) return_val = TRUE; else { out += "remove: error: command failed\n"; return_val = FALSE; } /* clean up heap data */ for( j = 0; j < vec_len; j++ ) { // TODO: verify this is ok char * arg = (char *)argv[j]; delete[] arg; } delete[] argv; return return_val; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: remove_all() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL Chuck_Shell_Network_VM::remove_all( string & out ) { t_CKBOOL return_val = TRUE; t_CKINT j = 0; const char * argv = "--removeall"; if( !otf_send_cmd( 1, &argv, j, hostname.c_str(), port ) ) { out += "removeall: error: command failed\n"; return_val = FALSE; } return return_val; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: remove_last() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL Chuck_Shell_Network_VM::remove_last( string & out ) { t_CKBOOL return_val = TRUE; t_CKINT j = 0; const char * argv = "--"; if( !otf_send_cmd( 1, &argv, j, hostname.c_str(), port ) ) { out += "removelast: error: command failed\n"; return_val = FALSE; } return return_val; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: replace_shred() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL Chuck_Shell_Network_VM::replace_shred( const vector< string > &vec, string & out ) { if( vec.size() < 2 ) { out += "replace: error: insufficient arguments...\n"; return FALSE; } t_CKINT i = 0; t_CKBOOL return_val; vector::size_type j, str_len, vec_len = vec.size() + 1; const char ** argv = new const char * [ vec_len ]; /* prepare an argument vector to submit to otf_send_cmd */ /* first, specify an add command */ argv[0] = "--replace"; /* copy ids/files into argv */ for( j = 1; j < vec_len; j++ ) { str_len = vec[j - 1].size() + 1; char * argvj = new char [str_len]; strncpy( argvj, vec[j - 1].c_str(), str_len ); argv[j] = argvj; } /* send the command */ if( otf_send_cmd( vec_len, argv, i, hostname.c_str(), port ) ) return_val = TRUE; else { out += "replace: error: command failed\n"; return_val = FALSE; } if( vec.size() % 2 != 0 ) { out += "repalce: warning: ignoring excess arguments\n"; return FALSE; } /* clean up heap data */ for( j = 1; j < vec_len; j++ ) { // TODO: verify this is ok char * arg = (char *)argv[j]; delete[] arg; } delete[] argv; return return_val; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: status() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL Chuck_Shell_Network_VM::status( string & out ) { const char * argv = "--status"; t_CKBOOL return_val = FALSE; t_CKINT j = 0; if( otf_send_cmd( 1, &argv, j, hostname.c_str(), port ) ) return_val = TRUE; else { return_val = FALSE; out += "status: error: command failed\n"; } return return_val; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: kill() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL Chuck_Shell_Network_VM::kill( string & out ) { const char * argv = "--kill"; t_CKINT j = 0; t_CKBOOL return_val; if( otf_send_cmd( 1, &argv, j, hostname.c_str(), port ) ) return_val = TRUE; else { return_val = FALSE; out += "kill: error: command failed"; } return return_val; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: fullname() // desc: returns a somewhat descriptive full name for this VM //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- string Chuck_Shell_Network_VM::fullname() { char buf[16]; sprintf( buf, ":%u", (int)port ); return hostname + buf; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: init() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL Chuck_Shell_UI::init() { return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: init() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL Chuck_Shell::Command::init( Chuck_Shell * caller ) { this->caller = caller; return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: usage() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- string Chuck_Shell::Command::usage() { return "no usage specified"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: long_usage() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- string Chuck_Shell::Command::long_usage() { return "no usage specified"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: execute() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKINT Chuck_Shell::Command_Add::execute( vector< string > & argv, string & out ) { t_CKINT result = 0; if( caller->current_vm == NULL) { out += "add: error: not attached to a VM\n"; result = -1; } else if( argv.size() < 1 ) { out += "usage: " + usage() + "\n"; result = -1; } else { result = caller->current_vm->add_shred( argv, out ); } return result; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: usage() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- string Chuck_Shell::Command_Add::usage() { return "add file ..."; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: execute() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKINT Chuck_Shell::Command_Remove::execute( vector< string > & argv, string & out ) { t_CKINT result = 0; if( caller->current_vm == NULL) { out += "remove: error: not attached to a VM\n"; result = -1; } else if( argv.size() < 1 ) { out += "usage: " + usage() + "\n"; result = -1; } else result = caller->current_vm->remove_shred( argv, out ); return result; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: usage() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- string Chuck_Shell::Command_Remove::usage() { return "remove shred_number ..."; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: execute() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKINT Chuck_Shell::Command_Removeall::execute( vector< string > & argv, string & out ) { t_CKINT result = 0; if( caller->current_vm == NULL) { out += "removeall: error: not attached to a VM\n"; result = -1; } else if( argv.size() > 0 ) { out += "usage " + usage() + "\n"; result = -1; } else result = caller->current_vm->remove_all( out ); return result; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: usage() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- string Chuck_Shell::Command_Removeall::usage() { return "removeall"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: execute() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKINT Chuck_Shell::Command_Removelast::execute( vector< string > & argv, string & out ) { t_CKINT result = -1; if( caller->current_vm == NULL) out += "removelast: error: not attached to a VM\n"; else result = caller->current_vm->remove_last( out ); if( argv.size() > 0 ) out += "removelast: warning: ignoring excess arguments...\n"; return result; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: usage() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- string Chuck_Shell::Command_Removelast::usage() { return "removelast"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: execute() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKINT Chuck_Shell::Command_Replace::execute( vector< string > & argv, string & out ) { if( caller->current_vm == NULL) { out += "replace: error: not attached to a VM\n"; return -1; } caller->current_vm->replace_shred( argv, out ); return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: usage() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- string Chuck_Shell::Command_Replace::usage() { return "replace shred_id file ..."; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: execute() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKINT Chuck_Shell::Command_Status::execute( vector< string > & argv, string & out ) { t_CKINT result = 0; if( caller->current_vm == NULL) { out += "status: error: not attached to a VM\n"; result = -1; } else if( argv.size() > 0 ) { out += "usage: " + usage() + "\n"; result = -1; } else result = caller->current_vm->status( out ); return result; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: usage() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- string Chuck_Shell::Command_Status::usage() { return "status"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: execute() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKINT Chuck_Shell::Command_Kill::execute( vector< string > & argv, string & out ) { caller->current_vm->kill( out ); if( argv.size() > 0 ) out += "kill: warning: ignoring excess arguments...\n"; return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: execute() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKINT Chuck_Shell::Command_Close::execute( vector< string > & argv, string & out ) { caller->close(); out += "closing chuck shell... bye!\n"; // REFACTOR-2017: removed: this needs to be done outside // if( g_shell != NULL ) // out += "(note: in-process VM still running, hit ctrl-c to exit)\n"; if( argv.size() > 0 ) out += "close: warning: ignoring excess arguments...\n"; return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: execute() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKINT Chuck_Shell::Command_Exit::execute( vector< string > & argv, string & out ) { caller->exit(); if( argv.size() > 0 ) out += "exit: warning: ignoring excess arguments...\n"; return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: execute() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKINT Chuck_Shell::Command_Ls::execute( vector< string > & argv, string & out ) { #ifndef __PLATFORM_WIN32__ if( argv.size() == 0 ) { DIR * dir_handle = opendir( "." ); if( dir_handle == NULL ) { out += "ls: error: unable to open directory .\n"; return -1; } dirent * dir_entity = readdir( dir_handle ); while( dir_entity != NULL ) { out += string( dir_entity->d_name ) + "\n"; dir_entity = readdir( dir_handle ); } closedir( dir_handle ); return 0; } int i, len = argv.size(); t_CKBOOL print_parent_name = len > 1 ? TRUE : FALSE; for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { DIR * dir_handle = opendir( argv[i].c_str() ); if( dir_handle == NULL ) { out += "ls: error: unable to open directory " + argv[i] + "\n"; continue; } dirent * dir_entity = readdir( dir_handle ); if( print_parent_name ) out += argv[i] + ":\n"; while( dir_entity != NULL ) { out += string( dir_entity->d_name ) + "\n"; dir_entity = readdir( dir_handle ); } if( print_parent_name ) out += "\n"; closedir( dir_handle ); } #else if( argv.size() == 0 ) { DWORD i, k = 64; LPTSTR cwd = new char [k]; WIN32_FIND_DATA find_data; i = GetCurrentDirectory( k - 2, cwd ); if( i >= k ) { SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY( cwd ); cwd = new char [i + 2]; GetCurrentDirectory( i, cwd ); } i = strlen( cwd ); cwd[i] = '\\'; cwd[i + 1] = '*'; cwd[i + 2] = 0; HANDLE find_handle = FindFirstFile( cwd, &find_data ); out += string( find_data.cFileName ) + "\n"; while( FindNextFile( find_handle, &find_data ) ) out += string( find_data.cFileName ) + "\n"; FindClose( find_handle ); return 0; } int i, len = argv.size(); t_CKBOOL print_parent_name = len > 1 ? TRUE : FALSE; for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { int j = argv[i].size() + 3; WIN32_FIND_DATA find_data; LPTSTR dir = new char [j]; strncpy( dir, argv[i].c_str(), j ); dir[j - 3] = '\\'; dir[j - 2] = '*'; dir[j - 1] = 0; if( print_parent_name ) out += argv[i] + ":\n"; HANDLE find_handle = FindFirstFile( dir, &find_data ); out += string( find_data.cFileName ) + "\n"; while( FindNextFile( find_handle, &find_data ) ) out += string( find_data.cFileName ) + "\n"; if( print_parent_name ) out += "\n"; FindClose( find_handle ); } #endif // __PLATFORM_WIN32__ return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: execute() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKINT Chuck_Shell::Command_Cd::execute( vector< string > & argv, string & out ) { #ifndef __PLATFORM_WIN32__ if( argv.size() < 1 ) { if( chdir( getenv( "HOME" ) ) ) out += "cd: error: command failed\n"; } else { if( chdir( argv[0].c_str() ) ) out += "cd: error: command failed\n"; } #else if( argv.size() < 1 ) out += "usage: " + usage() + "\n"; else { if( !SetCurrentDirectory( argv[0].c_str() ) ) out += "cd: error: command failed\n"; } #endif //__PLATFORM_WIN32__ return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: execute() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKINT Chuck_Shell::Command_Pwd::execute( vector< string > & argv, string & out ) { #ifndef __PLATFORM_WIN32__ char * cwd = getcwd( NULL, 0 ); out += string( cwd ) + "\n"; free( cwd ); #else DWORD i, k = 256; LPTSTR cwd = new char [k]; i = GetCurrentDirectory( k, cwd ); if( i >= k ) { SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY( cwd ); cwd = new char [i]; GetCurrentDirectory( i, cwd ); } out += string( cwd ) + "\n"; SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY( cwd ); #endif if( argv.size() > 0 ) out += "pwd: warning: ignoring excess arguments...\n"; return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: execute() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKINT Chuck_Shell::Command_Alias::execute( vector< string > & argv, string & out ) { vector::size_type i, len = argv.size(); string::size_type j; string a, b; for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { j = argv[i].find( "=" ); // no alias assignment specified; just print the alias value if exists if( j == string::npos ) { // see if the alias exists in the map if( caller->aliases.find( argv[i] ) == caller->aliases.end() ) out += "alias: error: alias " + argv[i] + " not found\n"; else out += "alias " + argv[i] + "='" + caller->aliases[argv[i]] + "'\n"; } // create the alias else { a = string( argv[i], 0, j ); b = string( argv[i], j + 1, string::npos ); caller->aliases[a] = b; } } if( len == 0 ) // no arguments specified; print the entire alias map { map< string, string>::iterator i = caller->aliases.begin(), end = caller->aliases.end(); for( ; i != end; i++ ) out += "alias " + i->first + "='" + i->second + "'\n"; } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: execute() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKINT Chuck_Shell::Command_Unalias::execute( vector< string > & argv, string & out ) { vector::size_type i, len = argv.size(); for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { if( caller->aliases.find( argv[i] ) == caller->aliases.end() ) out += "error: alias " + argv[i] + " not found\n"; else caller->aliases.erase( argv[i] ); } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: execute() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKINT Chuck_Shell::Command_Source::execute( vector< string > & argv, string & out ) { vector::size_type i, len = argv.size(); char line_buf[255]; string line, temp; for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { FILE * source_file = fopen( argv[i].c_str(), "r" ); if( source_file == NULL ) out += "error: unable to open file " + argv[i]; else { while( fgets( line_buf, 255, source_file ) != NULL ) { line = string( line_buf ); caller->execute( line, temp ); out += temp; } } } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: execute() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKINT Chuck_Shell::Command_Help::execute( vector< string > & argv, string & out ) { out += ""; return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: init() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL Chuck_Shell::Command_VM::init( Chuck_Shell * caller ) { Command * temp; Command::init( caller ); temp = new Command_VMAttach(); temp->init( caller ); commands["attach"] = temp; commands["@"] = temp; allocated_commands.push_back( temp ); temp = new Command_VMAdd(); temp->init( caller ); commands["add"] = temp; commands["+"] = temp; allocated_commands.push_back( temp ); temp = new Command_VMRemove(); temp->init( caller ); commands["remove"] = temp; commands["-"] = temp; allocated_commands.push_back( temp ); temp = new Command_VMList(); temp->init( caller ); commands["list"] = temp; allocated_commands.push_back( temp ); temp = new Command_VMSwap(); temp->init( caller ); commands["swap"] = temp; commands["<"] = temp; commands["<-"] = temp; allocated_commands.push_back( temp ); temp = new Command_VMAttachAdd(); temp->init( caller ); commands["@+"] = temp; allocated_commands.push_back( temp ); return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: ~Command_VM() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck_Shell::Command_VM::~Command_VM() { vector::size_type i, len = allocated_commands.size(); //iterate through commands, delete the associated heap data for( i = 0; i != len; i++ ) SAFE_DELETE( allocated_commands[i] ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: execute() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKINT Chuck_Shell::Command_VM::execute( vector< string > & argv, string & out ) { if( argv.size() < 1) out += "usage: " + usage() + "\n"; else if( commands.find( argv[0] ) == commands.end() ) // command doesn't exist out += "error: vm " + argv[0] + ": command not found\n"; else // call the mapped command { Command * command = commands[argv[0]]; argv.erase( argv.begin() ); command->execute( argv, out ); } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: usage() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- string Chuck_Shell::Command_VM::usage() { return "vm [command] [args] ..."; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: execute() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKINT Chuck_Shell::Command_VMAttach::execute( vector < string > & argv, string & out ) { string hostname; t_CKINT port; t_CKINT result = 0; /* parse the hostname:port */ if( argv.size() == 0 ) /* no hostname:port specified, use default */ { argv.push_back( "localhost:8888" ); hostname = "localhost"; port = 8888; } else { string::size_type i = argv[0].find( ":" ); if( i == string::npos ) // couldn't find a port number; use the default { hostname = argv[0]; port = 8888; argv[0] += ":8888"; } else { port = strtol( argv[0].c_str() + i + 1, NULL, 10 ); if( port == 0 ) out += string( "error: invalid port '" ) + string( argv[0].c_str() + i + 1 ) + "'\n"; else hostname = string( argv[0], 0, i ); } } if( port != 0 ) { //string temp; Chuck_Shell_Network_VM * new_vm = new Chuck_Shell_Network_VM(); new_vm->init( hostname, port ); /*if( !new_vm->status( temp ) ) { SAFE_DELETE( new_vm ); result = -1; }*/ SAFE_DELETE( caller->current_vm ); caller->current_vm = new_vm; out += argv[0] + " is now current VM\n"; result = 0; } else { out += "error: unable to attach to " + argv[0] + "\n"; result = -1; } if( argv.size() > 1 ) out += "warning: ignoring excess arguments...\n"; return result; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: execute() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKINT Chuck_Shell::Command_VMAdd::execute( vector< string > & argv, string & out ) { char buf[16]; if( caller->current_vm == NULL ) { out += "error: no VM to save\n"; return -1; } caller->vms.push_back( caller->current_vm->copy() ); #ifndef __PLATFORM_WIN32__ snprintf( buf, 16, "%lu", caller->vms.size() - 1 ); #else sprintf( buf, "%u", caller->vms.size() - 1 ); #endif // __PLATFORM_WIN32__ out += caller->current_vm->fullname() + " saved as VM " + buf + "\n"; if( argv.size() > 0 ) out += "warning: ignoring excess arguments...\n"; return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: execute() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKINT Chuck_Shell::Command_VMRemove::execute( vector< string > & argv, string & out ) { vector::size_type i = 0, vm_no, len = argv.size(); for( ; i < len; i++ ) { vm_no = strtoul( argv[i].c_str(), NULL, 10 ); if( ( vm_no == 0 && errno == EINVAL ) || caller->vms.size() <= vm_no || caller->vms[vm_no] == NULL ) { out += "error: invalid VM id: " + argv[i] + "\n"; } else { SAFE_DELETE( caller->vms[vm_no] ); } } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: execute() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKINT Chuck_Shell::Command_VMSwap::execute( vector< string > & argv, string & out ) { vector::size_type new_vm = 0; if( argv.size() < 1 ) { out += string( "error: too few arguments...\n" ); return -1; } new_vm = strtol( argv[0].c_str(), NULL, 10 ); if( new_vm >= caller->vms.size() || caller->vms[new_vm] == NULL ) { out += string( "error: invalid VM: " ) + argv[0] + "\n"; return -1; } SAFE_DELETE( caller->current_vm ); caller->current_vm = caller->vms[new_vm]->copy(); out += "current VM is now " + caller->current_vm->fullname() + "\n"; if( argv.size() > 1 ) out += "warning: ignoring excess arguments...\n"; return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: execute() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKINT Chuck_Shell::Command_VMList::execute( vector< string > & argv, string & out ) { char buf[16]; vector::size_type i, len = caller->vms.size(); if( caller->current_vm != NULL ) out += string("current VM: ") + caller->current_vm->fullname() + "\n"; for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { if( caller->vms[i] != NULL ) { #ifndef __PLATFORM_WIN32__ snprintf( buf, 16, "%lu", i ); #else sprintf( buf, "%lu", i ); #endif // __PLATFORM_WIN32__ out += string( "VM " ) + buf + ": " + caller->vms[i]->fullname() + "\n"; } } if( argv.size() > 0 ) out += "warning: ignoring excess arguments...\n"; return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: execute() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKINT Chuck_Shell::Command_VMAttachAdd::execute( vector< string > & argv, string & out ) { t_CKINT result = 0; string exec = string( "vm @ " ) + ( argv.size() > 0 ? argv[0] : "" ); if( caller->execute( exec, out ) ) { exec = "vm + "; if( caller->execute( exec, out ) ) result = 0; else result = -1; } else result = -1; return result; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: init() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL Chuck_Shell::Command_Code::init( Chuck_Shell * caller ) { Command * temp; Command::init( caller ); temp = new Command_CodeSave(); temp->init( caller ); commands["save"] = temp; allocated_commands.push_back( temp ); temp = new Command_CodeList(); temp->init( caller ); commands["list"] = temp; allocated_commands.push_back( temp ); temp = new Command_CodePrint(); temp->init( caller ); commands["print"] = temp; allocated_commands.push_back( temp ); temp = new Command_CodeDelete(); temp->init( caller ); commands["delete"] = temp; allocated_commands.push_back( temp ); temp = new Command_CodeWrite(); temp->init( caller ); commands["write"] = temp; allocated_commands.push_back( temp ); temp = new Command_CodeRead(); temp->init( caller ); commands["read"] = temp; allocated_commands.push_back( temp ); temp = new Command_CodeAdd(); temp->init( caller ); commands["add"] = temp; commands["+"] = temp; allocated_commands.push_back( temp ); return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: ~Command_Code() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck_Shell::Command_Code::~Command_Code() { vector::size_type i, len = allocated_commands.size(); //iterate through commands, delete the associated heap data for( i = 0; i != len; i++ ) SAFE_DELETE( allocated_commands[i] ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: execute() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKINT Chuck_Shell::Command_Code::execute( vector< string > & argv, string & out ) { if( argv.size() < 1) out += "usage: " + usage() + "\n"; else if( commands.find( argv[0] ) == commands.end() ) // command doesn't exist out += "error: code " + argv[0] + ": command not found\n"; else { // call the mapped command Command * command = commands[argv[0]]; argv.erase( argv.begin() ); command->execute( argv, out ); } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: usage() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- string Chuck_Shell::Command_Code::usage() { return "code [command] [args] ..."; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: execute() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKINT Chuck_Shell::Command_CodeSave::execute( vector < string > & argv, string & out ) { if( argv.size() < 1 ) { out += "error: please specify a name to identify the code\n"; } else { if( caller->code == "" ) out += "error: no code to save\n"; else caller->saved_code[argv[0]] = caller->code; if( argv.size() > 1 ) out += "warning: ignoring excess arguments...\n"; } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: execute() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKINT Chuck_Shell::Command_CodeList::execute( vector < string > & argv, string & out ) { map< string, string >::iterator i = caller->saved_code.begin(), end = caller->saved_code.end(); for( ; i != end; i++ ) out += i->first + "\n"; if( argv.size() > 0 ) out += "warning: ignoring excess arguments...\n"; return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: execute() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKINT Chuck_Shell::Command_CodeAdd::execute( vector < string > & argv, string & out ) { if( argv.size() == 0 ) { if( caller->code != "" ) caller->do_code( caller->code, out ); else out += "error: no code to add\n"; } else { vector::size_type i, len; for( i = 0, len = argv.size(); i < len; i++ ) { // iterate through all of the arguments, add the saved codes if( caller->saved_code.find( argv[i] ) == caller->saved_code.end() ) out += "error: code " + argv[i] + " not found\n"; else caller->do_code( caller->code, out ); } } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: execute() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKINT Chuck_Shell::Command_CodePrint::execute( vector < string > & argv, string & out ) { if( argv.size() == 0 ) { if( caller->code != "" ) out += caller->code + "\n"; else out += "error: no code to print\n"; } else { vector::size_type i, len; for( i = 0, len = argv.size(); i < len; i++ ) { if( caller->saved_code.find( argv[i] ) == caller->saved_code.end() ) { out += "error: code " + argv[i] + " not found\n"; } else { string code = caller->saved_code[argv[i]]; out += argv[i] + ":\n"; out += code + "\n"; } } } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: execute() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKINT Chuck_Shell::Command_CodeDelete::execute( vector < string > & argv, string & out ) { if( argv.size() == 0 ) { out += "error: specify the code to delete\n"; } else { vector::size_type i, len; for( i = 0, len = argv.size(); i < len; i++ ) { if( caller->saved_code.find( argv[i] ) == caller->saved_code.end() ) out += "error: code " + argv[i] + " not found\n"; else { caller->saved_code.erase( argv[i] ); } } } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: execute() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKINT Chuck_Shell::Command_CodeWrite::execute( vector < string > & argv, string & out ) { if( argv.size() < 1 ) { out += "error: insufficient arguments...\n"; } else { if( caller->saved_code.find( argv[0] ) == caller->saved_code.end() ) { // this code doesnt exist! out += "error: code " + argv[0] + " not found\n"; } else { string filename; string code = caller->saved_code[argv[0]]; FILE * write_file; if( argv.size() >= 2 ) { // use second argument as filename filename = argv[1]; } else { // append .ck to the code name to get the file name filename = argv[0] + ".ck"; } // open the file write_file = fopen( filename.c_str(), "w" ); if( write_file == NULL ) { out += "error: unable to open " + filename + " for writing\n"; } else { // write code to the file if( fprintf( write_file, "%s", code.c_str() ) < 0 ) out += "error: unable to write to " + filename + "\n"; fclose( write_file ); } } } if( argv.size() > 2 ) out += "warning: ignoring excess arguments...\n"; return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: execute() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKINT Chuck_Shell::Command_CodeRead::execute( vector < string > & argv, string & out ) { if( argv.size() < 1 ) { out += "error: insufficient arguments...\n"; } else { string code_name; FILE * read_file; if( argv.size() >= 2 ) { // use second argument as the code_name code_name = argv[1]; } else { // remove the file extension to get the code_name // or use the whole filename if there is no extension string::size_type k = argv[0].rfind( "." ); if( k == string::npos ) code_name = argv[1]; else code_name = string( argv[0], 0, k ); } // open the file read_file = fopen( argv[0].c_str(), "r" ); if( read_file == NULL ) out += "error: unable to open " + argv[0] + " for reading\n"; else { string code = ""; char buffer[256], * result = fgets( buffer, 256, read_file ); if( result == NULL ) out += "error: unable to read " + argv[0] + ", or file is empty\n"; else { while( result != NULL ) { code += buffer; result = fgets( buffer, 256, read_file ); } caller->saved_code[code_name] = code; } fclose( read_file ); } } if( argv.size() > 2 ) out += "warning: ignoring excess arguments...\n"; return 0; }