/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChucK Concurrent, On-the-fly Audio Programming Language Compiler and Virtual Machine Copyright (c) 2004 Ge Wang and Perry R. Cook. All rights reserved. http://chuck.stanford.edu/ http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 U.S.A. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // file: chuck_absyn.h // desc: chuck abstract syntax // // author: Ge Wang (ge@ccrma.stanford.edu | gewang@cs.princeton.edu) // date: Autumn 2002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef __CHUCK_ABSYN_H__ #define __CHUCK_ABSYN_H__ #include "chuck_symbol.h" #if defined(_cplusplus) || defined(__cplusplus) extern "C" { #endif // pos typedef int a_Pos; // enum oper typedef enum { ae_op_plus, ae_op_minus, ae_op_times, ae_op_divide, ae_op_eq, ae_op_neq, ae_op_lt, ae_op_le, ae_op_gt, ae_op_ge, ae_op_and, ae_op_or, ae_op_s_or, ae_op_s_and, ae_op_shift_left, ae_op_shift_right, ae_op_percent, ae_op_s_xor, ae_op_chuck, ae_op_plus_chuck, ae_op_minus_chuck, ae_op_times_chuck, ae_op_divide_chuck, ae_op_s_and_chuck, ae_op_s_or_chuck, ae_op_s_xor_chuck, ae_op_shift_right_chuck, ae_op_shift_left_chuck, ae_op_percent_chuck, ae_op_s_chuck, ae_op_plusplus, ae_op_minusminus, ae_op_tilda, ae_op_exclamation, ae_op_at_chuck, ae_op_unchuck, ae_op_upchuck, ae_op_spork, ae_op_typeof, ae_op_sizeof, ae_op_new, ae_op_arrow_left, ae_op_arrow_right } ae_Operator; const char * op2str( ae_Operator op ); // enum key words typedef enum { ae_key_this, ae_key_me, ae_key_func, ae_key_public, ae_key_protected, ae_key_private, ae_key_static, ae_key_instance, ae_key_abstract } ae_Keyword; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // pointer types //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct a_Program_ * a_Program; typedef struct a_Section_ * a_Section; typedef struct a_Stmt_List_ * a_Stmt_List; typedef struct a_Class_Def_ * a_Class_Def; typedef struct a_Func_Def_ * a_Func_Def; typedef struct a_Code_Segment_ * a_Code_Segment; typedef struct a_Stmt_ * a_Stmt; typedef struct a_Exp_ * a_Exp; typedef struct a_Exp_Chuck_ * a_Exp_Chuck; typedef struct a_Exp_Binary_ * a_Exp_Binary; typedef struct a_Exp_Cast_ * a_Exp_Cast; typedef struct a_Exp_Unary_ * a_Exp_Unary; typedef struct a_Exp_Postfix_ * a_Exp_Postfix; typedef struct a_Exp_Primary_ * a_Exp_Primary; typedef struct a_Exp_Dur_ * a_Exp_Dur; typedef struct a_Exp_Array_ * a_Exp_Array; typedef struct a_Exp_Func_Call_ * a_Exp_Func_Call; typedef struct a_Exp_Dot_Member_ * a_Exp_Dot_Member; typedef struct a_Exp_If_ * a_Exp_If; typedef struct a_Exp_Decl_ * a_Exp_Decl; typedef struct a_Exp_Hack_ * a_Exp_Hack; typedef struct a_Stmt_Code_ * a_Stmt_Code; typedef struct a_Stmt_If_ * a_Stmt_If; typedef struct a_Stmt_While_ * a_Stmt_While; typedef struct a_Stmt_Until_ * a_Stmt_Until; typedef struct a_Stmt_For_ * a_Stmt_For; typedef struct a_Stmt_Loop_ * a_Stmt_Loop; typedef struct a_Stmt_Switch_ * a_Stmt_Switch; typedef struct a_Stmt_Break_ * a_Stmt_Break; typedef struct a_Stmt_Continue_ * a_Stmt_Continue; typedef struct a_Stmt_Return_ * a_Stmt_Return; typedef struct a_Stmt_Case_ * a_Stmt_Case; typedef struct a_Stmt_GotoLabel_ * a_Stmt_GotoLabel; typedef struct a_Decl_ * a_Decl; typedef struct a_Var_Decl_ * a_Var_Decl; typedef struct a_Var_Decl_List_ * a_Var_Decl_List; typedef struct a_Type_Decl_ * a_Type_Decl; typedef struct a_Arg_List_ * a_Arg_List; typedef struct a_Id_List_ * a_Id_List; typedef struct a_Class_Ext_ * a_Class_Ext; typedef struct a_Class_Body_ * a_Class_Body; typedef struct a_Array_Sub_ * a_Array_Sub; typedef struct a_Complex_ * a_Complex; typedef struct a_Polar_ * a_Polar; typedef struct a_Vec_ * a_Vec; // ge: added // forward reference for type typedef struct Chuck_Type * t_CKTYPE; typedef struct Chuck_Value * t_CKVALUE; typedef struct Chuck_Func * t_CKFUNC; typedef struct Chuck_Namespace * t_CKNSPC; typedef struct Chuck_VM_Code * t_CKVMCODE; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // functions //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ a_Program new_program( a_Section section, int pos ); a_Program append_program( a_Program program, a_Section section, int pos ); a_Section new_section_stmt( a_Stmt_List stmt_list, int pos ); a_Section new_section_func_def( a_Func_Def func_def, int pos ); a_Section new_section_class_def( a_Class_Def class_def, int pos ); a_Stmt_List new_stmt_list( a_Stmt stmt, int pos ); a_Stmt_List append_stmt_list( a_Stmt_List stmt_list, a_Stmt stmt, int pos ); a_Stmt new_stmt_from_expression( a_Exp exp, int pos ); a_Stmt new_stmt_from_code( a_Stmt_List code, int pos ); a_Stmt new_stmt_from_while( a_Exp cond, a_Stmt body, int pos ); a_Stmt new_stmt_from_do_while( a_Exp cond, a_Stmt body, int pos ); a_Stmt new_stmt_from_until( a_Exp cond, a_Stmt body, int pos ); a_Stmt new_stmt_from_do_until( a_Exp cond, a_Stmt body, int pos ); a_Stmt new_stmt_from_for( a_Stmt c1, a_Stmt c2, a_Exp c3, a_Stmt body, int pos ); a_Stmt new_stmt_from_loop( a_Exp cond, a_Stmt body, int pos ); a_Stmt new_stmt_from_if( a_Exp cond, a_Stmt if_body, a_Stmt else_body, int pos ); a_Stmt new_stmt_from_switch( a_Exp exp, int pos ); a_Stmt new_stmt_from_break( int pos ); a_Stmt new_stmt_from_continue( int pos ); a_Stmt new_stmt_from_return( a_Exp exp, int pos ); a_Stmt new_stmt_from_label( c_str xid, int pos ); a_Stmt new_stmt_from_case( a_Exp exp, int pos ); a_Exp append_expression( a_Exp list, a_Exp exp, int pos ); a_Exp new_exp_from_binary( a_Exp lhs, ae_Operator oper, a_Exp rhs, int pos ); a_Exp new_exp_from_unary( ae_Operator oper, a_Exp exp, int pos ); a_Exp new_exp_from_unary2( ae_Operator oper, a_Type_Decl type, a_Array_Sub array, int pos ); a_Exp new_exp_from_unary3( ae_Operator oper, a_Stmt code, int pos ); a_Exp new_exp_from_cast( a_Type_Decl type, a_Exp exp, int pos ); a_Exp new_exp_from_array( a_Exp base, a_Array_Sub indices, int pos ); a_Exp new_exp_from_array_lit( a_Array_Sub exp_list, int pos ); a_Exp new_exp_from_func_call( a_Exp base, a_Exp args, int pos ); a_Exp new_exp_from_member_dot( a_Exp base, c_str member, int pos ); a_Exp new_exp_from_postfix( a_Exp base, ae_Operator op, int pos ); a_Exp new_exp_from_dur( a_Exp base, a_Exp unit, int pos ); a_Exp new_exp_from_id( c_str xid, int pos ); a_Exp new_exp_from_int( long num, int pos ); a_Exp new_exp_from_uint( unsigned long num, int pos ); a_Exp new_exp_from_float( double num, int pos ); a_Exp new_exp_from_str( c_str str, int pos ); a_Exp new_exp_from_char( c_str chr, int pos ); a_Exp new_exp_from_if( a_Exp cond, a_Exp lhs, a_Exp rhs, int pos ); a_Exp new_exp_from_complex( a_Complex, int pos ); a_Exp new_exp_from_polar( a_Polar, int pos ); a_Exp new_exp_from_vec( a_Vec, int pos ); // ge: added a_Exp new_exp_decl_external( a_Type_Decl type_decl, a_Var_Decl_List var_decl_list, int is_static, int pos ); a_Exp new_exp_decl_global( a_Type_Decl type_decl, a_Var_Decl_List var_decl_list, int is_static, int pos ); a_Exp new_exp_decl( a_Type_Decl type_decl, a_Var_Decl_List var_decl_list, int is_static, int pos ); a_Exp new_exp_from_hack( a_Exp exp, int pos ); a_Exp new_exp_from_nil( int pos ); a_Var_Decl_List new_var_decl_list( a_Var_Decl var_decl, int pos ); a_Var_Decl_List prepend_var_decl_list( a_Var_Decl var_decl, a_Var_Decl_List list, int pos ); a_Var_Decl new_var_decl( c_constr xid, a_Array_Sub array, int pos ); a_Type_Decl new_type_decl( a_Id_List xid, int ref, int pos ); a_Type_Decl add_type_decl_array( a_Type_Decl type_decl, a_Array_Sub array, int pos ); a_Arg_List new_arg_list( a_Type_Decl type_decl, a_Var_Decl var_decl, int pos ); a_Arg_List prepend_arg_list( a_Type_Decl type_decl, a_Var_Decl var_decl, a_Arg_List arg_list, int pos ); a_Array_Sub new_array_sub( a_Exp exp, int pos ); a_Array_Sub prepend_array_sub( a_Array_Sub array, a_Exp exp, int pos ); a_Complex new_complex( a_Exp re, int pos ); a_Polar new_polar( a_Exp mod, int pos ); // ge: added a_Vec new_vec( a_Exp e, int pos ); a_Class_Def new_class_def( ae_Keyword class_decl, a_Id_List xid, a_Class_Ext ext, a_Class_Body body, int pos ); a_Class_Body new_class_body( a_Section section, int pos ); a_Class_Body prepend_class_body( a_Section section, a_Class_Body body, int pos ); a_Class_Ext new_class_ext( a_Id_List extend_id, a_Id_List impl_list, int pos ); a_Class_Def new_iface_def( ae_Keyword class_decl, a_Id_List xid, a_Class_Ext ext, a_Class_Body body, int pos ); a_Id_List new_id_list( c_constr xid, int pos ); a_Id_List prepend_id_list( c_constr xid, a_Id_List list, int pos ); void clean_exp( a_Exp exp ); a_Func_Def new_func_def( ae_Keyword func_decl, ae_Keyword static_decl, a_Type_Decl type_decl, c_str name, a_Arg_List arg_list, a_Stmt code, int pos ); void delete_id_list( a_Id_List x ); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // structs //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ struct a_Exp_Binary_ { a_Exp lhs; ae_Operator op; a_Exp rhs; t_CKFUNC ck_func; int linepos; a_Exp self; }; struct a_Exp_Cast_ { a_Type_Decl type; a_Exp exp; int linepos; a_Exp self; }; struct a_Exp_Unary_ { ae_Operator op; a_Exp exp; a_Type_Decl type; a_Array_Sub array; a_Stmt code; int linepos; a_Exp self; }; struct a_Exp_Postfix_ { a_Exp exp; ae_Operator op; int linepos; a_Exp self; }; struct a_Exp_Dur_ { a_Exp base; a_Exp unit; int linepos; a_Exp self; }; struct a_Exp_Array_ { a_Exp base; a_Array_Sub indices; int linepos; a_Exp self; }; struct a_Exp_Func_Call_ { a_Exp func; a_Exp args; t_CKTYPE ret_type; t_CKFUNC ck_func; t_CKVMCODE ck_vm_code; int linepos; a_Exp self; }; struct a_Exp_Dot_Member_ { a_Exp base; t_CKTYPE t_base; S_Symbol xid; int linepos; a_Exp self; }; struct a_Exp_If_ { a_Exp cond; a_Exp if_exp; a_Exp else_exp; int linepos; a_Exp self; }; struct a_Exp_Decl_ { a_Type_Decl type; a_Var_Decl_List var_decl_list; int num_var_decls; int is_static; int is_global; t_CKTYPE ck_type; int linepos; a_Exp self; }; struct a_Exp_Hack_ { a_Exp exp; int linepos; a_Exp self; }; struct a_Var_Decl_List_ { a_Var_Decl var_decl; a_Var_Decl_List next; int linepos; a_Exp self; }; struct a_Var_Decl_ { S_Symbol xid; a_Var_Decl var_decl; a_Array_Sub array; t_CKVALUE value; void * addr; int linepos; a_Exp self; }; struct a_Type_Decl_ { a_Id_List xid; a_Array_Sub array; int ref; int linepos; /*a_Exp self;*/ }; struct a_Array_Sub_ { t_CKUINT depth; a_Exp exp_list; int linepos; a_Exp self; int err_num; int err_pos; }; struct a_Arg_List_ { a_Type_Decl type_decl; a_Var_Decl var_decl; t_CKTYPE type; a_Arg_List next; int linepos; a_Exp self; }; struct a_Complex_ { a_Exp re; a_Exp im; int linepos; a_Exp self; }; struct a_Polar_ { a_Exp mod; a_Exp phase; int linepos; a_Exp self; }; struct a_Vec_ { a_Exp args; int numdims; int linepos; a_Exp self; }; // ge: added // enum primary exp type typedef enum { ae_primary_var, ae_primary_num, ae_primary_float, ae_primary_str, ae_primary_array, ae_primary_exp, ae_primary_hack, ae_primary_complex, ae_primary_polar, ae_primary_vec, ae_primary_char, ae_primary_nil } ae_Exp_Primary_Type; struct a_Exp_Primary_ { ae_Exp_Primary_Type s_type; t_CKVALUE value; union { S_Symbol var; t_CKINT num; t_CKFLOAT fnum; c_str str; c_str chr; a_Array_Sub array; a_Exp exp; a_Complex complex; a_Polar polar; a_Vec vec; // ge: added }; int linepos; a_Exp self; }; // enum exp type typedef enum { ae_exp_binary = 0, ae_exp_unary, ae_exp_cast, ae_exp_postfix, ae_exp_dur, ae_exp_primary, ae_exp_array, ae_exp_func_call, ae_exp_dot_member, ae_exp_if, ae_exp_decl } ae_Exp_Type; // type meta data typedef enum { ae_meta_value = 0, ae_meta_var } ae_Exp_Meta; struct a_Exp_ { ae_Exp_Type s_type; ae_Exp_Meta s_meta; t_CKTYPE type; t_CKNSPC owner; a_Exp next; t_CKUINT group_size; t_CKTYPE cast_to; t_CKUINT emit_var; // 1 = emit var, 2 = emit var and value union { struct a_Exp_Binary_ binary; struct a_Exp_Unary_ unary; struct a_Exp_Cast_ cast; struct a_Exp_Postfix_ postfix; struct a_Exp_Dur_ dur; struct a_Exp_Primary_ primary; struct a_Exp_Array_ array; struct a_Exp_Func_Call_ func_call; struct a_Exp_Dot_Member_ dot_member; struct a_Exp_If_ exp_if; struct a_Exp_Decl_ decl; }; int linepos; }; struct a_Stmt_While_ { int is_do; a_Exp cond; a_Stmt body; int linepos; a_Stmt self; }; struct a_Stmt_Until_ { int is_do; a_Exp cond; a_Stmt body; int linepos; a_Stmt self; }; struct a_Stmt_For_ { a_Stmt c1; a_Stmt c2; a_Exp c3; a_Stmt body; int linepos; a_Stmt self; }; struct a_Stmt_Loop_ { a_Exp cond; a_Stmt body; int linepos; a_Stmt self; }; struct a_Stmt_Code_ { a_Stmt_List stmt_list; int linepos; a_Stmt self; }; struct a_Stmt_If_ { a_Exp cond; a_Stmt if_body; a_Stmt else_body; int linepos; a_Stmt self; }; struct a_Stmt_Switch_ { a_Exp val; int linepos; a_Stmt self; }; struct a_Stmt_Break_ { int linepos; a_Stmt self; }; struct a_Stmt_Continue_ { int linepos; a_Stmt self; }; struct a_Stmt_Return_ { a_Exp val; int linepos; a_Stmt self; }; struct a_Stmt_Case_ { a_Exp exp; int linepos; a_Stmt self; }; struct a_Stmt_GotoLabel_ { S_Symbol name; int linepos; a_Stmt self; }; // enum values for stmt type typedef enum { ae_stmt_exp, ae_stmt_while, ae_stmt_until, ae_stmt_for, ae_stmt_loop, ae_stmt_if, ae_stmt_code, ae_stmt_switch, ae_stmt_break, ae_stmt_continue, ae_stmt_return, ae_stmt_case, ae_stmt_gotolabel } ae_Stmt_Type; struct a_Stmt_ { ae_Stmt_Type s_type; int skip; union { a_Exp stmt_exp; struct a_Stmt_Code_ stmt_code; struct a_Stmt_While_ stmt_while; struct a_Stmt_Until_ stmt_until; struct a_Stmt_Loop_ stmt_loop; struct a_Stmt_For_ stmt_for; struct a_Stmt_If_ stmt_if; struct a_Stmt_Switch_ stmt_switch; struct a_Stmt_Break_ stmt_break; struct a_Stmt_Continue_ stmt_continue; struct a_Stmt_Return_ stmt_return; struct a_Stmt_Case_ stmt_case; struct a_Stmt_GotoLabel_ stmt_gotolabel; }; int linepos; }; struct a_Stmt_List_ { a_Stmt stmt; a_Stmt_List next; int linepos; }; struct a_Class_Def_ { ae_Keyword decl; a_Id_List name; a_Class_Ext ext; a_Class_Body body; t_CKTYPE type; int iface; t_CKNSPC home; int linepos; }; struct a_Class_Ext_ { a_Id_List extend_id; a_Id_List impl_list; int linepos; }; struct a_Class_Body_ { a_Section section; a_Class_Body next; int linepos; }; struct a_Id_List_ { S_Symbol xid; a_Id_List next; int linepos; }; typedef enum { ae_func_user, ae_func_builtin } ae_Func_Type; // struct t_Func_User_ { int linepos; }; // typedef unsigned int (* builtin_func_ptr)( unsigned int arg ); // struct t_Func_BuiltIn_ { builtin_func_ptr func_ptr; int linepos; }; struct a_Func_Def_ { ae_Keyword func_decl; ae_Keyword static_decl; a_Type_Decl type_decl; t_CKTYPE ret_type; S_Symbol name; a_Arg_List arg_list; a_Stmt code; t_CKFUNC ck_func; unsigned int global; unsigned int s_type; unsigned int stack_depth; void * dl_func_ptr; // should be not NULL iff s_type == ae_func_builtin int linepos; }; // enum values for section types typedef enum { ae_section_stmt, ae_section_func, ae_section_class } ae_Section_Type; struct a_Section_ { ae_Section_Type s_type; union { a_Stmt_List stmt_list; a_Class_Def class_def; a_Func_Def func_def; }; int linepos; }; struct a_Program_ { a_Section section; a_Program next; int linepos; }; #if defined(_cplusplus) || defined(__cplusplus) } #endif #endif