%{ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChucK Concurrent, On-the-fly Audio Programming Language Compiler and Virtual Machine Copyright (c) 2004 Ge Wang and Perry R. Cook. All rights reserved. http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/ http://soundlab.cs.princeton.edu/ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 U.S.A. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // file: chuck.tab.c // desc: chuck parser // // author: Ge Wang (gewang@cs.princeton.edu) - generated by yacc // Perry R. Cook (prc@cs.princeton.edu) // // based in part on the ansi C grammar by Jeff Lee, maintained by Jutta Degener // // date: Summer 2002 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include "chuck_utils.h" #include "chuck_errmsg.h" #include "chuck_absyn.h" // function int yylex( void ); void yyerror( char *s ) { EM_error( EM_tokPos, "%s", s ); } a_Program g_program = NULL; %} %union { int pos; int ival; double fval; c_str sval; a_Program program; a_Section program_section; a_Stmt_List stmt_list; a_Class_Def class_def; a_Class_Ext class_ext; a_Class_Body class_body; a_Stmt stmt; a_Exp exp; a_Func_Def func_def; a_Var_Decl_List var_decl_list; a_Var_Decl var_decl; a_Type_Decl type_decl; a_Arg_List arg_list; a_Id_List id_list; a_Array_Sub array_sub; a_Complex complex_exp; a_Polar polar_exp; a_Vec vec_exp; // ge: added }; // expect shift/reduce conflicts // changed to 38 for char literal - spencer // changed to 39 for vec literal // changed to 40 for external keyword // changed to 41 for global keyword // changed to 79 for left recursion %expect 79 %token ID STRING_LIT CHAR_LIT %token NUM %token FLOAT %token POUND COMMA COLON SEMICOLON LPAREN RPAREN LBRACK RBRACK LBRACE RBRACE DOT PLUS MINUS TIMES DIVIDE PERCENT EQ NEQ LT LE GT GE AND OR ASSIGN IF THEN ELSE WHILE FOR DO LOOP BREAK CONTINUE NULL_TOK FUNCTION RETURN QUESTION EXCLAMATION S_OR S_AND S_XOR PLUSPLUS MINUSMINUS DOLLAR POUNDPAREN PERCENTPAREN ATPAREN SIMULT PATTERN CODE TRANSPORT HOST TIME WHENEVER NEXT UNTIL EXTERNAL GLOBAL EVERY BEFORE AFTER AT AT_SYM ATAT_SYM NEW SIZEOF TYPEOF SAME PLUS_CHUCK MINUS_CHUCK TIMES_CHUCK DIVIDE_CHUCK S_AND_CHUCK S_OR_CHUCK S_XOR_CHUCK SHIFT_RIGHT_CHUCK SHIFT_LEFT_CHUCK PERCENT_CHUCK SHIFT_RIGHT SHIFT_LEFT TILDA CHUCK COLONCOLON S_CHUCK AT_CHUCK LEFT_S_CHUCK UNCHUCK UPCHUCK CLASS INTERFACE EXTENDS IMPLEMENTS PUBLIC PROTECTED PRIVATE STATIC ABSTRACT CONST SPORK ARROW_RIGHT ARROW_LEFT L_HACK R_HACK %type program %type program_section %type code_segment %type function_definition %type class_definition %type class_body %type class_body2 %type class_ext %type class_decl %type iface_ext %type class_section %type statement_list %type statement //%type label_statement %type loop_statement %type selection_statement %type jump_statement %type expression_statement %type expression %type chuck_expression %type arrow_expression %type conditional_expression %type logical_or_expression %type logical_and_expression %type inclusive_or_expression %type exclusive_or_expression %type and_expression %type equality_expression %type relational_expression %type shift_expression %type additive_expression %type multiplicative_expression %type tilda_expression %type cast_expression %type unary_expression %type dur_expression %type postfix_expression %type primary_expression %type decl_expression %type unary_operator %type chuck_operator %type arrow_operator %type var_decl_list %type var_decl %type type_decl_a %type type_decl_b %type type_decl %type type_decl2 %type function_decl %type static_decl %type arg_list %type id_list %type id_dot %type array_exp %type array_empty %type complex_exp %type polar_exp %type vec_exp // ge: added %start program %% program : program_section { $$ = g_program = new_program( $1, EM_lineNum ); } | program program_section { $$ = g_program = append_program( $1, $2, EM_lineNum ); } ; program_section : statement_list { $$ = new_section_stmt( $1, EM_lineNum ); } | function_definition { $$ = new_section_func_def( $1, EM_lineNum ); } | class_definition { $$ = new_section_class_def( $1, EM_lineNum ); } ; class_definition : class_decl CLASS id_list LBRACE class_body RBRACE { $$ = new_class_def( $1, $3, NULL, $5, EM_lineNum ); } | class_decl CLASS id_list class_ext LBRACE class_body RBRACE { $$ = new_class_def( $1, $3, $4, $6, EM_lineNum ); } | class_decl INTERFACE id_list LBRACE class_body RBRACE { $$ = new_iface_def( $1, $3, NULL, $5, EM_lineNum ); } | class_decl INTERFACE id_list iface_ext LBRACE class_body RBRACE { $$ = new_iface_def( $1, $3, $4, $6, EM_lineNum ); } ; class_ext : IMPLEMENTS id_list { $$ = new_class_ext( NULL, $2, EM_lineNum ); } | IMPLEMENTS id_list EXTENDS id_dot { $$ = new_class_ext( $4, $2, EM_lineNum ); } | EXTENDS id_dot { $$ = new_class_ext( $2, NULL, EM_lineNum ); } | EXTENDS id_dot IMPLEMENTS id_list { $$ = new_class_ext( $2, $4, EM_lineNum ); } ; class_body : class_body2 { $$ = $1; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; class_body2 : class_section { $$ = new_class_body( $1, EM_lineNum ); } | class_section class_body2 { $$ = prepend_class_body( $1, $2, EM_lineNum ); } ; class_section : statement_list { $$ = new_section_stmt( $1, EM_lineNum ); } | function_definition { $$ = new_section_func_def( $1, EM_lineNum ); } | class_definition { $$ = new_section_class_def( $1, EM_lineNum ); } ; iface_ext : EXTENDS id_list { $$ = new_class_ext( NULL, $2, EM_lineNum ); } ; id_list : ID { $$ = new_id_list( $1, EM_lineNum ); } | ID COMMA id_list { $$ = prepend_id_list( $1, $3, EM_lineNum ); } ; id_dot : ID { $$ = new_id_list( $1, EM_lineNum ); } | ID DOT id_dot { $$ = prepend_id_list( $1, $3, EM_lineNum ); } ; function_definition : function_decl static_decl type_decl2 ID LPAREN arg_list RPAREN code_segment { $$ = new_func_def( $1, $2, $3, $4, $6, $8, EM_lineNum ); } | function_decl static_decl type_decl2 ID LPAREN RPAREN code_segment { $$ = new_func_def( $1, $2, $3, $4, NULL, $7, EM_lineNum ); } | function_decl static_decl type_decl2 ID LPAREN arg_list RPAREN SEMICOLON { $$ = new_func_def( $1, $2, $3, $4, $6, NULL, EM_lineNum ); } | function_decl static_decl type_decl2 ID LPAREN RPAREN SEMICOLON { $$ = new_func_def( $1, $2, $3, $4, NULL, NULL, EM_lineNum ); } ; class_decl : PUBLIC { $$ = ae_key_public; } | PRIVATE { $$ = ae_key_private; } | { $$ = ae_key_private; } ; function_decl : FUNCTION { $$ = ae_key_func; } | PUBLIC { $$ = ae_key_public; } | PROTECTED { $$ = ae_key_protected; } | PRIVATE { $$ = ae_key_private; } ; static_decl : STATIC { $$ = ae_key_static; } | ABSTRACT { $$ = ae_key_abstract; } | { $$ = ae_key_instance; } ; type_decl_a : ID { $$ = new_type_decl( new_id_list( $1, EM_lineNum ), 0, EM_lineNum ); } | ID AT_SYM { $$ = new_type_decl( new_id_list( $1, EM_lineNum ), 1, EM_lineNum ); } ; type_decl_b : LT id_dot GT { $$ = new_type_decl( $2, 0, EM_lineNum ); } | LT id_dot GT AT_SYM { $$ = new_type_decl( $2, 1, EM_lineNum ); } ; //type_decl_c // : LPAREN id_dot RPAREN { $$ = new_type_decl( $3, 0, EM_lineNum ); } // // | LPAREN id_dot RPAREN AT_SYM { $$ = new_type_decl( $1, 1, EM_lineNum ); } // ; type_decl : type_decl_a { $$ = $1; } | type_decl_b { $$ = $1; } // | type_decl_c { $$ = $1; } ; type_decl2 : type_decl { $$ = $1; } | type_decl array_empty { $$ = add_type_decl_array( $1, $2, EM_lineNum ); } ; arg_list : type_decl var_decl { $$ = new_arg_list( $1, $2, EM_lineNum ); } | type_decl var_decl COMMA arg_list { $$ = prepend_arg_list( $1, $2, $4, EM_lineNum ); } ; statement_list : statement { $$ = new_stmt_list( $1, EM_lineNum ); } | statement_list statement { $$ = append_stmt_list( $1, $2, EM_lineNum ); } ; statement : expression_statement { $$ = $1; } | loop_statement { $$ = $1; } | selection_statement { $$ = $1; } | jump_statement { $$ = $1; } // | label_statement { } | code_segment { $$ = $1; } ; jump_statement : RETURN SEMICOLON { $$ = new_stmt_from_return( NULL, EM_lineNum ); } | RETURN expression SEMICOLON { $$ = new_stmt_from_return( $2, EM_lineNum ); } | BREAK SEMICOLON { $$ = new_stmt_from_break( EM_lineNum ); } | CONTINUE SEMICOLON { $$ = new_stmt_from_continue( EM_lineNum ); } ; selection_statement : IF LPAREN expression RPAREN statement { $$ = new_stmt_from_if( $3, $5, NULL, EM_lineNum ); } | IF LPAREN expression RPAREN statement ELSE statement { $$ = new_stmt_from_if( $3, $5, $7, EM_lineNum ); } ; loop_statement : WHILE LPAREN expression RPAREN statement { $$ = new_stmt_from_while( $3, $5, EM_lineNum ); } | DO statement WHILE LPAREN expression RPAREN SEMICOLON { $$ = new_stmt_from_do_while( $5, $2, EM_lineNum ); } | FOR LPAREN expression_statement expression_statement RPAREN statement { $$ = new_stmt_from_for( $3, $4, NULL, $6, EM_lineNum ); } | FOR LPAREN expression_statement expression_statement expression RPAREN statement { $$ = new_stmt_from_for( $3, $4, $5, $7, EM_lineNum ); } | UNTIL LPAREN expression RPAREN statement { $$ = new_stmt_from_until( $3, $5, EM_lineNum ); } | DO statement UNTIL LPAREN expression RPAREN SEMICOLON { $$ = new_stmt_from_do_until( $5, $2, EM_lineNum ); } | LOOP LPAREN expression RPAREN statement { $$ = new_stmt_from_loop( $3, $5, EM_lineNum ); } ; code_segment : LBRACE RBRACE { $$ = new_stmt_from_code( NULL, EM_lineNum ); } | LBRACE statement_list RBRACE { $$ = new_stmt_from_code( $2, EM_lineNum ); } ; expression_statement : SEMICOLON { $$ = NULL; } | expression SEMICOLON { $$ = new_stmt_from_expression( $1, EM_lineNum ); } ; expression : chuck_expression { $$ = $1; } | expression COMMA chuck_expression { $$ = append_expression( $1, $3, EM_lineNum ); } ; chuck_expression : arrow_expression { $$ = $1; } | chuck_expression chuck_operator arrow_expression { $$ = new_exp_from_binary( $1, $2, $3, EM_lineNum ); } ; arrow_expression : decl_expression { $$ = $1; } | arrow_expression arrow_operator decl_expression { $$ = new_exp_from_binary( $1, $2, $3, EM_lineNum ); } ; array_exp : LBRACK expression RBRACK { $$ = new_array_sub( $2, EM_lineNum ); } | LBRACK expression RBRACK array_exp { $$ = prepend_array_sub( $4, $2, EM_lineNum ); } ; array_empty : LBRACK RBRACK { $$ = new_array_sub( NULL, EM_lineNum ); } | array_empty LBRACK RBRACK { $$ = prepend_array_sub( $1, NULL, EM_lineNum ); } ; decl_expression : conditional_expression { $$ = $1; } | type_decl var_decl_list { $$ = new_exp_decl( $1, $2, 0, EM_lineNum ); } | EXTERNAL type_decl var_decl_list { $$ = new_exp_decl_external( $2, $3, 0, EM_lineNum ); } | GLOBAL type_decl var_decl_list { $$ = new_exp_decl_global( $2, $3, 0, EM_lineNum ); } | STATIC type_decl var_decl_list { $$ = new_exp_decl( $2, $3, 1, EM_lineNum ); } | SAME var_decl_list { $$ = new_exp_decl( NULL, $2, 0, EM_lineNum ); } | STATIC SAME var_decl_list { $$ = new_exp_decl( NULL, $3, 1, EM_lineNum ); } ; var_decl_list : var_decl { $$ = new_var_decl_list( $1, EM_lineNum ); } | var_decl COMMA var_decl_list { $$ = prepend_var_decl_list( $1, $3, EM_lineNum ); } ; var_decl : ID { $$ = new_var_decl( $1, NULL, EM_lineNum ); } | ID array_exp { $$ = new_var_decl( $1, $2, EM_lineNum ); } | ID array_empty { $$ = new_var_decl( $1, $2, EM_lineNum ); } ; complex_exp : POUNDPAREN expression RPAREN { $$ = new_complex( $2, EM_lineNum ); } ; polar_exp : PERCENTPAREN expression RPAREN { $$ = new_polar( $2, EM_lineNum ); } ; vec_exp // ge: added : ATPAREN expression RPAREN { $$ = new_vec( $2, EM_lineNum ); } ; chuck_operator : CHUCK { $$ = ae_op_chuck; } | AT_CHUCK { $$ = ae_op_at_chuck; } | PLUS_CHUCK { $$ = ae_op_plus_chuck; } | MINUS_CHUCK { $$ = ae_op_minus_chuck; } | TIMES_CHUCK { $$ = ae_op_times_chuck; } | DIVIDE_CHUCK { $$ = ae_op_divide_chuck; } | SHIFT_RIGHT_CHUCK { $$ = ae_op_shift_right_chuck; } | SHIFT_LEFT_CHUCK { $$ = ae_op_shift_left_chuck; } | PERCENT_CHUCK { $$ = ae_op_percent_chuck; } | UNCHUCK { $$ = ae_op_unchuck; } | UPCHUCK { $$ = ae_op_upchuck; } | S_AND_CHUCK { $$ = ae_op_s_and_chuck; } | S_OR_CHUCK { $$ = ae_op_s_or_chuck; } | S_XOR_CHUCK { $$ = ae_op_s_xor_chuck; } ; arrow_operator : ARROW_LEFT { $$ = ae_op_arrow_left; } | ARROW_RIGHT { $$ = ae_op_arrow_right; } ; conditional_expression : logical_or_expression { $$ = $1; } | logical_or_expression QUESTION expression COLON conditional_expression { $$ = new_exp_from_if( $1, $3, $5, EM_lineNum ); } ; logical_or_expression : logical_and_expression { $$ = $1; } | logical_or_expression OR logical_and_expression { $$ = new_exp_from_binary( $1, ae_op_or, $3, EM_lineNum ); } ; logical_and_expression : inclusive_or_expression { $$ = $1; } | logical_and_expression AND inclusive_or_expression { $$ = new_exp_from_binary( $1, ae_op_and, $3, EM_lineNum ); } ; inclusive_or_expression : exclusive_or_expression { $$ = $1; } | inclusive_or_expression S_OR exclusive_or_expression { $$ = new_exp_from_binary( $1, ae_op_s_or, $3, EM_lineNum ); } ; exclusive_or_expression : and_expression { $$ = $1; } | exclusive_or_expression S_XOR and_expression { $$ = new_exp_from_binary( $1, ae_op_s_xor, $3, EM_lineNum ); } ; and_expression : equality_expression { $$ = $1; } | and_expression S_AND equality_expression { $$ = new_exp_from_binary( $1, ae_op_s_and, $3, EM_lineNum ); } ; equality_expression : relational_expression { $$ = $1; } | equality_expression EQ relational_expression { $$ = new_exp_from_binary( $1, ae_op_eq, $3, EM_lineNum ); } | equality_expression NEQ relational_expression { $$ = new_exp_from_binary( $1, ae_op_neq, $3, EM_lineNum ); } ; relational_expression : shift_expression { $$ = $1; } | relational_expression LT shift_expression { $$ = new_exp_from_binary( $1, ae_op_lt, $3, EM_lineNum ); } | relational_expression GT shift_expression { $$ = new_exp_from_binary( $1, ae_op_gt, $3, EM_lineNum ); } | relational_expression LE shift_expression { $$ = new_exp_from_binary( $1, ae_op_le, $3, EM_lineNum ); } | relational_expression GE shift_expression { $$ = new_exp_from_binary( $1, ae_op_ge, $3, EM_lineNum ); } ; shift_expression : additive_expression { $$ = $1; } | shift_expression SHIFT_LEFT additive_expression { $$ = new_exp_from_binary( $1, ae_op_shift_left, $3, EM_lineNum ); } | shift_expression SHIFT_RIGHT additive_expression { $$ = new_exp_from_binary( $1, ae_op_shift_right, $3, EM_lineNum ); } ; additive_expression : multiplicative_expression { $$ = $1; } | additive_expression PLUS multiplicative_expression { $$ = new_exp_from_binary( $1, ae_op_plus, $3, EM_lineNum ); } | additive_expression MINUS multiplicative_expression { $$ = new_exp_from_binary( $1, ae_op_minus, $3, EM_lineNum ); } ; multiplicative_expression : tilda_expression { $$ = $1; } | multiplicative_expression TIMES tilda_expression { $$ = new_exp_from_binary( $1, ae_op_times, $3, EM_lineNum ); } | multiplicative_expression DIVIDE tilda_expression { $$ = new_exp_from_binary( $1, ae_op_divide, $3, EM_lineNum ); } | multiplicative_expression PERCENT tilda_expression { $$ = new_exp_from_binary( $1, ae_op_percent, $3, EM_lineNum ); } ; tilda_expression : cast_expression { $$ = $1; } | tilda_expression TILDA cast_expression { $$ = new_exp_from_binary( $1, ae_op_tilda, $3, EM_lineNum ); } ; cast_expression : unary_expression { $$ = $1; } | cast_expression DOLLAR type_decl { $$ = new_exp_from_cast( $3, $1, EM_lineNum ); } ; unary_expression : dur_expression { $$ = $1; } | PLUSPLUS unary_expression { $$ = new_exp_from_unary( ae_op_plusplus, $2, EM_lineNum ); } | MINUSMINUS unary_expression { $$ = new_exp_from_unary( ae_op_minusminus, $2, EM_lineNum ); } | unary_operator unary_expression { $$ = new_exp_from_unary( $1, $2, EM_lineNum ); } | TYPEOF unary_expression { $$ = new_exp_from_unary( ae_op_typeof, $2, EM_lineNum ); } | SIZEOF unary_expression { $$ = new_exp_from_unary( ae_op_sizeof, $2, EM_lineNum ); } | NEW type_decl { $$ = new_exp_from_unary2( ae_op_new, $2, NULL, EM_lineNum ); } | NEW type_decl array_exp { $$ = new_exp_from_unary2( ae_op_new, $2, $3, EM_lineNum ); } // | SPORK TILDA code_segment // { $$ = new_exp_from_unary3( ae_op_spork, $3, EM_lineNum ); } ; unary_operator : PLUS { $$ = ae_op_plus; } | MINUS { $$ = ae_op_minus; } | TILDA { $$ = ae_op_tilda; } | EXCLAMATION { $$ = ae_op_exclamation; } | TIMES { $$ = ae_op_times; } | SPORK TILDA { $$ = ae_op_spork; } // | S_AND { $$ = ae_op_s_and; } ; dur_expression : postfix_expression | dur_expression COLONCOLON postfix_expression { $$ = new_exp_from_dur( $1, $3, EM_lineNum ); } ; postfix_expression : primary_expression { $$ = $1; } | postfix_expression array_exp { $$ = new_exp_from_array( $1, $2, EM_lineNum ); } | postfix_expression LPAREN RPAREN { $$ = new_exp_from_func_call( $1, NULL, EM_lineNum ); } | postfix_expression LPAREN expression RPAREN { $$ = new_exp_from_func_call( $1, $3, EM_lineNum ); } | postfix_expression DOT ID { $$ = new_exp_from_member_dot( $1, $3, EM_lineNum ); } | postfix_expression PLUSPLUS { $$ = new_exp_from_postfix( $1, ae_op_plusplus, EM_lineNum ); } | postfix_expression MINUSMINUS { $$ = new_exp_from_postfix( $1, ae_op_minusminus, EM_lineNum ); } ; // added CHAR_LIT - spencer primary_expression : ID { $$ = new_exp_from_id( $1, EM_lineNum ); } | NUM { $$ = new_exp_from_int( $1, EM_lineNum ); } | FLOAT { $$ = new_exp_from_float( $1, EM_lineNum ); } | STRING_LIT { $$ = new_exp_from_str( $1, EM_lineNum ); } | CHAR_LIT { $$ = new_exp_from_char( $1, EM_lineNum ); } | array_exp { $$ = new_exp_from_array_lit( $1, EM_lineNum ); } | complex_exp { $$ = new_exp_from_complex( $1, EM_lineNum ); } | polar_exp { $$ = new_exp_from_polar( $1, EM_lineNum ); } | vec_exp { $$ = new_exp_from_vec( $1, EM_lineNum ); } | L_HACK expression R_HACK { $$ = new_exp_from_hack( $2, EM_lineNum ); } | LPAREN expression RPAREN { $$ = $2; } | LPAREN RPAREN { $$ = new_exp_from_nil( EM_lineNum ); } ;