/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChucK Concurrent, On-the-fly Audio Programming Language Compiler and Virtual Machine Copyright (c) 2003 Ge Wang and Perry R. Cook. All rights reserved. http://chuck.stanford.edu/ http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 U.S.A. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // file: chuck.h // desc: chuck engine header; VM + compiler + state; no audio I/O // REFACTOR-2017 // // author: Ge Wang (http://www.gewang.com/) // date: fall 2017 // // additional authors: // Jack Atherton (lja@ccrma.stanford.edu) // Spencer Salazar (spencer@ccrma.stanford.edu) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "chuck.h" #include "chuck_errmsg.h" #include "chuck_io.h" #include "chuck_otf.h" #include "ulib_machine.h" #include "util_network.h" #include "util_string.h" #include "ugen_stk.h" #ifndef __PLATFORM_WIN32__ #include #include #include #include // added #else #include // added #define MAXPATHLEN (255) // addec #endif // #ifndef __PLATFORM_WIN32__ // chuck param defaults #define CHUCK_PARAM_SAMPLE_RATE_DEFAULT "44100" #define CHUCK_PARAM_INPUT_CHANNELS_DEFAULT "2" #define CHUCK_PARAM_OUTPUT_CHANNELS_DEFAULT "2" #define CHUCK_PARAM_VM_ADAPTIVE_DEFAULT "0" #define CHUCK_PARAM_VM_HALT_DEFAULT "0" #define CHUCK_PARAM_OTF_ENABLE_DEFAULT "0" #define CHUCK_PARAM_OTF_PORT_DEFAULT "8888" #define CHUCK_PARAM_DUMP_INSTRUCTIONS_DEFAULT "0" #define CHUCK_PARAM_DEPRECATE_LEVEL_DEFAULT "1" #define CHUCK_PARAM_WORKING_DIRECTORY_DEFAULT "" #define CHUCK_PARAM_CHUGIN_ENABLE_DEFAULT "1" #define CHUCK_PARAM_HINT_IS_REALTIME_AUDIO_DEFAULT "0" #ifndef __PLATFORM_WIN32__ #define CHUCK_PARAM_CHUGIN_DIRECTORY_DEFAULT "/usr/local/lib/chuck" #else // __PLATFORM_WIN32__ #define CHUCK_PARAM_CHUGIN_DIRECTORY_DEFAULT "C:\\Program Files\\ChucK\\chugins" #endif // __PLATFORM_WIN32__ #define CHUCK_PARAM_USER_CHUGINS_DEFAULT std::list() #define CHUCK_PARAM_USER_CHUGIN_DIRECTORIES_DEFAULT std::list() // chuck statics const char ChucK::VERSION[] = " (numchucks)"; t_CKUINT ChucK::o_numVMs = 0; t_CKBOOL ChucK::o_isGlobalInit = FALSE; t_CKBOOL ChucK::enableSystemCall = FALSE; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: version() // desc: get chuck version //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char * ChucK::version() { return VERSION; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: intSize() // desc: get chuck int size (in bits) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKUINT ChucK::intSize() { return machine_intsize(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: ChucK() // desc: constructor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChucK::ChucK() { // instantiate the carrier! m_carrier = new Chuck_Carrier(); // set reference back to this m_carrier->chuck = this; // increment the numChucKs o_numVMs++; // initialize default params initDefaultParams(); // did user init? m_init = FALSE; // zero out the hook m_hook = NULL; // m_hook = nullptr // global init, if needed if( !o_isGlobalInit ) globalInit(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: ~ChucK() // desc: destructor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChucK::~ChucK() { // shutdown shutdown(); // decrement the numChucKs o_numVMs--; // clean up the carrier SAFE_DELETE( m_carrier ); } // REFACTOR-2017: TODO Ge: Implementation of this? //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: ck_param_type // desc: enum for type of param (int, float, string) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- enum ck_param_type { ck_param_int, ck_param_float, ck_param_string, ck_param_string_list }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: ck_param_types // desc: storage for types of param (int, float, string) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::map< std::string, ck_param_type> ck_param_types; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: initDefaultParams() // desc: initialize default params //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ChucK::initDefaultParams() { m_params[CHUCK_PARAM_SAMPLE_RATE] = CHUCK_PARAM_SAMPLE_RATE_DEFAULT; m_params[CHUCK_PARAM_INPUT_CHANNELS] = CHUCK_PARAM_INPUT_CHANNELS_DEFAULT; m_params[CHUCK_PARAM_OUTPUT_CHANNELS] = CHUCK_PARAM_OUTPUT_CHANNELS_DEFAULT; m_params[CHUCK_PARAM_VM_ADAPTIVE] = CHUCK_PARAM_VM_ADAPTIVE_DEFAULT; m_params[CHUCK_PARAM_VM_HALT] = CHUCK_PARAM_VM_HALT_DEFAULT; m_params[CHUCK_PARAM_OTF_ENABLE] = CHUCK_PARAM_OTF_ENABLE_DEFAULT; m_params[CHUCK_PARAM_OTF_PORT] = CHUCK_PARAM_OTF_PORT_DEFAULT; m_params[CHUCK_PARAM_DUMP_INSTRUCTIONS] = CHUCK_PARAM_DUMP_INSTRUCTIONS_DEFAULT; m_params[CHUCK_PARAM_DEPRECATE_LEVEL] = CHUCK_PARAM_DEPRECATE_LEVEL_DEFAULT; m_params[CHUCK_PARAM_WORKING_DIRECTORY] = CHUCK_PARAM_WORKING_DIRECTORY_DEFAULT; m_params[CHUCK_PARAM_CHUGIN_DIRECTORY] = CHUCK_PARAM_CHUGIN_DIRECTORY_DEFAULT; m_params[CHUCK_PARAM_CHUGIN_ENABLE] = CHUCK_PARAM_CHUGIN_ENABLE_DEFAULT; m_listParams[CHUCK_PARAM_USER_CHUGINS] = CHUCK_PARAM_USER_CHUGINS_DEFAULT; m_listParams[CHUCK_PARAM_USER_CHUGIN_DIRECTORIES] = CHUCK_PARAM_USER_CHUGIN_DIRECTORIES_DEFAULT; m_params[CHUCK_PARAM_HINT_IS_REALTIME_AUDIO] = CHUCK_PARAM_HINT_IS_REALTIME_AUDIO_DEFAULT; ck_param_types[CHUCK_PARAM_SAMPLE_RATE] = ck_param_int; ck_param_types[CHUCK_PARAM_INPUT_CHANNELS] = ck_param_int; ck_param_types[CHUCK_PARAM_OUTPUT_CHANNELS] = ck_param_int; ck_param_types[CHUCK_PARAM_VM_ADAPTIVE] = ck_param_int; ck_param_types[CHUCK_PARAM_VM_HALT] = ck_param_int; ck_param_types[CHUCK_PARAM_OTF_ENABLE] = ck_param_int; ck_param_types[CHUCK_PARAM_OTF_PORT] = ck_param_int; ck_param_types[CHUCK_PARAM_DUMP_INSTRUCTIONS] = ck_param_int; ck_param_types[CHUCK_PARAM_DEPRECATE_LEVEL] = ck_param_int; ck_param_types[CHUCK_PARAM_WORKING_DIRECTORY] = ck_param_string; ck_param_types[CHUCK_PARAM_CHUGIN_DIRECTORY] = ck_param_string; ck_param_types[CHUCK_PARAM_CHUGIN_ENABLE] = ck_param_int; ck_param_types[CHUCK_PARAM_USER_CHUGINS] = ck_param_string_list; ck_param_types[CHUCK_PARAM_USER_CHUGIN_DIRECTORIES] = ck_param_string_list; ck_param_types[CHUCK_PARAM_HINT_IS_REALTIME_AUDIO] = ck_param_int; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: setParam() // desc: set an int param by name //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ChucK::setParam( const std::string & name, t_CKINT value ) { if( m_params.count( name ) > 0 && ck_param_types[name] == ck_param_int ) { std::ostringstream s; s << value; m_params[name] = s.str(); return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: setParamFloat() // desc: set a float param by name //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ChucK::setParamFloat( const std::string & name, t_CKFLOAT value ) { if( m_params.count( name ) > 0 && ck_param_types[name] == ck_param_float ) { std::ostringstream s; s << value; m_params[name] = s.str(); return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: setParam() // desc: set a string param by name //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ChucK::setParam( const std::string & name, const std::string & value ) { if( m_params.count( name ) > 0 && ck_param_types[name] == ck_param_string ) { m_params[name] = value; return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: setParam() // desc: set a string list param by name //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ChucK::setParam( const std::string & name, const std::list< std::string > & value ) { if( m_listParams.count( name ) > 0 && ck_param_types[name] == ck_param_string_list ) { m_listParams[name] = value; return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: getParamInt() // desc: get an int param //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKINT ChucK::getParamInt( const std::string & key ) { t_CKINT result = 0; if( m_params.count( key ) > 0 && ck_param_types[key] == ck_param_int ) { istringstream s( m_params[key] ); s >> result; } return result; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: getParamFloat() // desc: get a float param //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKFLOAT ChucK::getParamFloat( const std::string & key ) { t_CKFLOAT result = 0; if( m_params.count( key ) > 0 && ck_param_types[key] == ck_param_float ) { istringstream s( m_params[key] ); s >> result; } return result; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: getParamString() // desc: get a string param //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string ChucK::getParamString( const std::string & key ) { if( m_params.count( key ) > 0 && ck_param_types[key] == ck_param_string ) { return m_params[key]; } else { return ""; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: getParamStringList() // desc: get a string param //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::list< std::string > ChucK::getParamStringList( const std::string & key ) { if( m_listParams.count( key ) > 0 && ck_param_types[key] == ck_param_string_list ) { return m_listParams[key]; } else { return std::list< std::string >(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: init() // desc: initialize ChucK (using params) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ChucK::init() { // sanity check if( m_init == TRUE ) { CK_FPRINTF_STDERR( "[chuck]: VM already initialized...\n" ); return false; } // initialize VM if( !initVM() ) goto cleanup; // initialize compiler if( !initCompiler() ) goto cleanup; // initialize chugin system if( !initChugins() ) goto cleanup; // initialize OTF programming system if( !initOTF() ) goto cleanup; // did user init? m_init = TRUE; return true; cleanup: // shutdown, dealloc shutdown(); return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: initVM() // desc: initialize VM //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ChucK::initVM() { // get VM params t_CKUINT srate = getParamInt( CHUCK_PARAM_SAMPLE_RATE ); t_CKUINT outs = getParamInt( CHUCK_PARAM_OUTPUT_CHANNELS ); t_CKUINT ins = getParamInt( CHUCK_PARAM_INPUT_CHANNELS ); t_CKUINT adaptiveSize = getParamInt( CHUCK_PARAM_VM_ADAPTIVE ); t_CKBOOL halt = getParamInt( CHUCK_PARAM_VM_HALT ) != 0; // instantiate VM m_carrier->vm = new Chuck_VM(); // reference back to carrier m_carrier->vm->setCarrier( m_carrier ); // initialize VM if( !m_carrier->vm->initialize( srate, outs, ins, adaptiveSize, halt ) ) { CK_FPRINTF_STDERR( "[chuck]: %s\n", m_carrier->vm->last_error() ); return false; } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: initCompiler() // desc: initialize compiler //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ChucK::initCompiler() { // get compiler params t_CKBOOL dump = getParamInt( CHUCK_PARAM_DUMP_INSTRUCTIONS ) != 0; t_CKBOOL auto_depend = getParamInt( CHUCK_PARAM_AUTO_DEPEND ) != 0; string workingDir = getParamString( CHUCK_PARAM_WORKING_DIRECTORY ); string chuginDir = getParamString( CHUCK_PARAM_CHUGIN_DIRECTORY ); t_CKUINT deprecate = getParamInt( CHUCK_PARAM_DEPRECATE_LEVEL ); // list of search pathes (added std::list dl_search_path = getParamStringList( CHUCK_PARAM_USER_CHUGIN_DIRECTORIES ); if( chuginDir != std::string("") ) { dl_search_path.push_back( chuginDir ); } // list of individually named chug-ins (added std::list named_dls = getParamStringList( CHUCK_PARAM_USER_CHUGINS ); // if chugin load is off, then clear the lists (added -- TODO: refactor) if( getParamInt( CHUCK_PARAM_CHUGIN_ENABLE ) == 0 ) { // turn off chugin load dl_search_path.clear(); named_dls.clear(); } // instantiate compiler m_carrier->compiler = new Chuck_Compiler(); // reference back to carrier m_carrier->compiler->setCarrier( m_carrier ); // initialize compiler if( !m_carrier->compiler->initialize( dl_search_path, named_dls ) ) { CK_FPRINTF_STDERR( "[chuck]: compiler failed to initialize...\n" ); return false; } // set dump flag m_carrier->compiler->emitter->dump = dump; // set auto depend flag (for type checker) | currently must be FALSE m_carrier->compiler->set_auto_depend( auto_depend ); // set deprecation level m_carrier->env->deprecate_level = deprecate; // VM + type system integration (needs to be done after compiler) if( !m_carrier->vm->initialize_synthesis() ) { CK_FPRINTF_STDERR( "[chuck]: %s\n", m_carrier->vm->last_error() ); return false; } std::string cwd; char cstr_cwd[MAXPATHLEN]; // figure out current working directory (added // is this needed for current path to work correctly?! if( getcwd(cstr_cwd, MAXPATHLEN) == NULL ) { // uh... EM_log( CK_LOG_SEVERE, "error: unable to determine current working directory!" ); } else { cwd = std::string(cstr_cwd); cwd = normalize_directory_separator(cwd) + "/"; } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: initChugin() // desc: initialize chugin system //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ChucK::initChugins() { Chuck_VM_Code * code = NULL; Chuck_VM_Shred * shred = NULL; // whether or not chug should be enabled (added if( getParamInt( CHUCK_PARAM_CHUGIN_ENABLE ) != 0 ) { // log EM_log( CK_LOG_SEVERE, "pre-loading ChucK libs..." ); EM_pushlog(); // iterate over list of ck files that the compiler found for( std::list::iterator j = compiler()->m_cklibs_to_preload.begin(); j != compiler()->m_cklibs_to_preload.end(); j++) { // the filename std::string filename = *j; // log EM_log( CK_LOG_SEVERE, "preloading '%s'...", filename.c_str() ); // push indent EM_pushlog(); // SPENCERTODO: what to do for full path std::string full_path = filename; // parse, type-check, and emit if( compiler()->go( filename, NULL, NULL, full_path ) ) { // TODO: how to compilation handle? //return 1; // get the code code = compiler()->output(); // name it - TODO? // code->name += string(argv[i]); // spork it shred = vm()->spork( code, NULL, TRUE ); } // pop indent EM_poplog(); } // clear the list of chuck files to preload compiler()->m_cklibs_to_preload.clear(); // pop log EM_poplog(); return true; } else { // log EM_log( CK_LOG_SYSTEM, "chugin system: OFF" ); } // load user namespace m_carrier->env->load_user_namespace(); return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: initOTF() // desc: init OTF programming system //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ChucK::initOTF() { // server if( getParamInt( CHUCK_PARAM_OTF_ENABLE ) != 0 ) { m_carrier->otf_port = getParamInt( CHUCK_PARAM_OTF_PORT ); // log EM_log( CK_LOG_SYSTEM, "starting listener on port: %d...", m_carrier->otf_port ); // start tcp server m_carrier->otf_socket = ck_tcp_create( 1 ); if( !m_carrier->otf_socket || !ck_bind( m_carrier->otf_socket, m_carrier->otf_port ) || !ck_listen( m_carrier->otf_socket, 10 ) ) { CK_FPRINTF_STDERR( "[chuck]: cannot bind to tcp port %li...\n", m_carrier->otf_port ); ck_close( m_carrier->otf_socket ); m_carrier->otf_socket = NULL; } else { #if !defined(__PLATFORM_WIN32__) || defined(__WINDOWS_PTHREAD__) pthread_create( &m_carrier->otf_thread, NULL, otf_cb, m_carrier ); #else m_carrier->otf_thread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)otf_cb, m_carrier, 0, 0 ); #endif } } else { // log EM_log( CK_LOG_SYSTEM, "OTF server/listener: OFF" ); } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: shutdown() // desc: shutdown ChucK instance //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ChucK::shutdown() { // stop VM if( m_carrier != NULL && m_carrier->vm != NULL ) { m_carrier->vm->stop(); // wait for it to stop... while( m_carrier->vm->running() ) { usleep(1000); } } // free vm, compiler, friends // first, otf // REFACTOR-2017 TODO: le_cb? // STK-specific stk_detach( m_carrier ); // cancel otf thread if(m_carrier->otf_thread) { #if !defined(__PLATFORM_WIN32__) || defined(__WINDOWS_PTHREAD__) pthread_cancel( m_carrier->otf_thread ); #else CloseHandle( m_carrier->otf_thread ); // doesn't cancel thread #endif m_carrier->otf_thread = 0; // signals thread shutdown } // close otf socket if( m_carrier->otf_socket ) ck_close( m_carrier->otf_socket ); // reset m_carrier->otf_socket = NULL; m_carrier->otf_port = 0; // TODO: a different way to unlock? // unlock all objects to delete chout, cherr Chuck_VM_Object::unlock_all(); SAFE_RELEASE( m_carrier->chout ); SAFE_RELEASE( m_carrier->cherr ); // relock Chuck_VM_Object::lock_all(); // clean up vm, compiler SAFE_DELETE( m_carrier->vm ); SAFE_DELETE( m_carrier->compiler ); m_carrier->env = NULL; // flag m_init = FALSE; // done return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: compileFile() // desc: compile a file (can be called anytime) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ChucK::compileFile( const std::string & path, const std::string & argsTogether, int count ) { // sanity check if( !m_carrier->compiler ) { // error CK_FPRINTF_STDERR( "[chuck]: compileFile() invoked before initialization ...\n" ); return false; } string filename; vector args; Chuck_VM_Code * code = NULL; Chuck_VM_Shred * shred = NULL; // log EM_log( CK_LOG_FINE, "compiling '%s'...", filename.c_str() ); // push indent EM_pushlog(); // append string theThing = path + ":" + argsTogether; // parse out command line arguments if( !extract_args( theThing, filename, args ) ) { // error CK_FPRINTF_STDERR( "[chuck]: malformed filename with argument list...\n" ); CK_FPRINTF_STDERR( " --> '%s'", theThing.c_str() ); return false; } // construct full path to be associated with the file so me.sourceDir() works // (added std::string full_path = get_full_path(filename); // parse, type-check, and emit (full_path added if( !m_carrier->compiler->go( filename, NULL, NULL, full_path ) ) return false; // get the code code = m_carrier->compiler->output(); // name it code->name += path; // log EM_log( CK_LOG_FINE, "sporking %d %s...", count, count == 1 ? "instance" : "instances" ); // spork it while( count-- ) { // spork (for now, spork_immediate arg is always false) shred = m_carrier->vm->spork( code, NULL, FALSE ); // add args shred->args = args; } // pop indent EM_poplog(); // reset the parser reset_parse(); return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: compileCode() // desc: compile code directly //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ChucK::compileCode( const std::string & code, const std::string & argsTogether, int count) { // sanity check if( !m_carrier->compiler ) { // error CK_FPRINTF_STDERR( "[chuck]: compileCode() invoked before initialization ...\n" ); return false; } vector args; Chuck_VM_Code * vm_code = NULL; Chuck_VM_Shred * shred = NULL; // log EM_log( CK_LOG_FINE, "compiling string..." ); // push indent EM_pushlog(); // falsify filename / path for various logs string theThing = "compiled.code:" + argsTogether; string fakefakeFilename = ""; // parse out command line arguments if( !extract_args( theThing, fakefakeFilename, args ) ) { // error CK_FPRINTF_STDERR( "[chuck]: malformed filename with argument list...\n" ); CK_FPRINTF_STDERR( " --> '%s'", theThing.c_str() ); return false; } // PARAM std::string workingDir = getParamString( CHUCK_PARAM_WORKING_DIRECTORY ); // construct full path to be associated with the file so me.sourceDir() works std::string full_path = workingDir + "/compiled.code"; // parse, type-check, and emit (full_path added if( !m_carrier->compiler->go( "", NULL, code.c_str(), full_path ) ) return false; // get the code vm_code = m_carrier->compiler->output(); // name it (no path to append) vm_code->name += "compiled.code"; // log EM_log( CK_LOG_FINE, "sporking %d %s...", count, count == 1 ? "instance" : "instances" ); // spork it while( count-- ) { // spork (for now, spork_immediate arg is always false) shred = m_carrier->vm->spork( vm_code, NULL, FALSE ); // add args shred->args = args; } // pop indent EM_poplog(); // reset the parser reset_parse(); return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: start() // desc: start chuck instance //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ChucK::start() { // sanity check if( m_carrier->vm == NULL ) { CK_FPRINTF_STDERR( "[chuck]: cannot start, VM not initialized...\n" ); return false; } // start the VM! if( !m_carrier->vm->running() ) m_carrier->vm->start(); // return state return m_carrier->vm->running(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: run() // desc: run engine (call from host callback) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ChucK::run( SAMPLE * input, SAMPLE * output, int numFrames ) { // make sure we started... if( !m_carrier->vm->running() ) this->start(); // call the callback m_carrier->vm->run( numFrames, input, output ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: setGlobalInt() // desc: send a message to set the value of a global int //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL ChucK::setGlobalInt( const char * name, t_CKINT val ) { if( !m_carrier->vm->running() ) return FALSE; return m_carrier->vm->set_global_int( std::string( name ), val ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: getGlobalInt() // desc: send a message to get the value of a global int via callback //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL ChucK::getGlobalInt( const char * name, void (* callback)(t_CKINT) ) { if( !m_carrier->vm->running() ) return FALSE; return m_carrier->vm->get_global_int( std::string( name ), callback ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: setGlobalFloat() // desc: send a message to set the value of a global float //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL ChucK::setGlobalFloat( const char * name, t_CKFLOAT val ) { if( !m_carrier->vm->running() ) return FALSE; return m_carrier->vm->set_global_float( std::string( name ), val ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: getGlobalFloat() // desc: send a message to get the value of a global float via callback //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL ChucK::getGlobalFloat( const char * name, void (* callback)(t_CKFLOAT) ) { if( !m_carrier->vm->running() ) return FALSE; return m_carrier->vm->get_global_float( std::string( name ), callback ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: signalGlobalEvent() // desc: send a message to signal a global event //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL ChucK::signalGlobalEvent( const char * name ) { if( !m_carrier->vm->running() ) return FALSE; return m_carrier->vm->signal_global_event( std::string( name ) ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: broadcastGlobalEvent() // desc: send a message to broadcast a global event //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL ChucK::broadcastGlobalEvent( const char * name ) { if( !m_carrier->vm->running() ) return FALSE; return m_carrier->vm->broadcast_global_event( std::string( name ) ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: setChoutCallback() // desc: provide a callback where Chout print statements are routed //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL ChucK::setChoutCallback( void (* callback)(const char *) ) { if( !m_init || m_carrier->chout == NULL ) return FALSE; m_carrier->chout->set_output_callback( callback ); return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: setCherrCallback() // desc: provide a callback where Cherr print statements are routed //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL ChucK::setCherrCallback( void (* callback)(const char *) ) { if( !m_init || m_carrier->cherr == NULL ) return FALSE; m_carrier->cherr->set_output_callback( callback ); return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: setStdoutCallback() // desc: provide a callback where stdout print statements are routed //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL ChucK::setStdoutCallback( void (* callback)(const char *) ) { ck_set_stdout_callback( callback ); return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: setStderrCallback() // desc: provide a callback where <<< >>> and stdout print statements are routed //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL ChucK::setStderrCallback( void (* callback)(const char *) ) { ck_set_stderr_callback( callback ); return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: globalInit() // desc: init all things once (for all ChucK instances) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKBOOL ChucK::globalInit() { // sanity check if( o_isGlobalInit ) return FALSE; // nothing to do, for now // set flag o_isGlobalInit = TRUE; // done return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: globalCleanup() // desc: clean up all things //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ChucK::globalCleanup() { // sanity check if( !o_isGlobalInit ) return; // set flag o_isGlobalInit = FALSE; // log EM_log( CK_LOG_INFO, "detaching all resources..." ); // push EM_pushlog(); //#ifndef __DISABLE_MIDI__ // close midi file handles // midirw_detach(); //#endif // __DISABLE_MIDI__ #ifndef __ALTER_HID__ // shutdown HID HidInManager::cleanup(); #endif // __ALTER_HID__ // shutdown serial Chuck_IO_Serial::shutdown(); #ifndef __DISABLE_KBHIT__ // shutdown kb loop // KBHitManager::shutdown(); #endif // __DISABLE_KBHIT__ // pop EM_poplog(); // REFACTOR-2017 TODO Ge: // stop le_cb, ...? } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // set log level -- this should eventually be per-VM? //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ChucK::setLogLevel( t_CKINT level ) { EM_setlog( level ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // get log level -- also per-VM? //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_CKINT ChucK::getLogLevel() { return g_loglevel; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: poop() // desc: --poop //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ChucK::poop() { ::uh(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: setMainThreadHook() // desc: set a function pointer to call from the main thread loop // e.g., for graphics, MAUI, potentially from a chug-in //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ChucK::setMainThreadHook(Chuck_DL_MainThreadHook * hook) { m_hook = hook; return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: getMainThreadHook() // desc: get pointer to current function to be called from main loop //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck_DL_MainThreadHook * ChucK::getMainThreadHook() { return m_hook; }