//signal chain
SinOsc s => Envelope e => LiSa loopme => dac;
//monitor the input as well as LiSa
s => dac;
//initialize SinOsc parameters
440. => s.freq;
0.2 => s.gain;
//alloc memory
6::second => loopme.duration;
//play s for a bit
500::ms => now;
//sweep the freq for fun
Envelope pitchmod => blackhole;
//set the time to target to 2 seconds
2::second => pitchmod.duration;
//set the initial value for the sinwave
s.freq() => pitchmod.value;
//set the target; "pitchmod" will begin moving towards
//880 as soon as time begins to pass
880 => pitchmod.target;
//set times for recording fade in/out and sample loop length
100::ms => dur recfadetime;
1000::ms => dur mylooplen;
recfadetime => e.duration;
//start recording input; record 1 seconds worth
//turn in the Envelope for recording
//calculate the time we want to record to (until before ramping down)
now + (mylooplen - recfadetime) => time later;
//allow time to pass, recording and also updating the SinOsc frequency
while(now < later) {
pitchmod.value() => s.freq;
10::ms => now;
//start ramping down
//wait for ramp to finish, and then stop recording
recfadetime => now;
//at this point, we should have a nice enveloped sample
//of the gliss in the LiSa internal buffer
//disconnect the SinOsc so we don't have to hear it
//and hangout a bit before playing back....
s =< dac;
1000::ms => now;
//now, manipulate the sample
//get an available voicenumber;
//note that this voice won't actually be reserved until you play it
loopme.getVoice() => int voice1;
//we'll play voice 1 forward, and then
//crossfade it with voice 2 backwards
loopme.play(voice1, 1);
(mylooplen - recfadetime) => now;
//just as voice 1 is going to fade, bring in voice 2 backwards
loopme.getVoice() => int voice2;
loopme.rate(voice2, -1.);
//note that we need to set the playback position
loopme.playPos(voice2, mylooplen);
//make it a little softer
loopme.voiceGain(voice2, 0.2);
//begin playing voice 2; helps us hear when voice 2 comes in
loopme.play(voice2, 1);
//wait until voice 1 had finished fading, then turn off
recfadetime => now;
loopme.play(voice1, 0);
//wait for voice 2 to finish
1000::ms => now;