Dinky instrument implemented as class |
class constructors and destructor |
class static variables |
learning about objects with .help() |
a file that used the class Dinky |
a more extensive example |
Extending ChucK Unit Generators
chugraph (rhymes with "u-graph") |
chugen (rhymes with "ugen") |
chugin (rhymes with "plugin") |
event broadcast method |
event signal method |
extending events (creating custom events) |
chout ("shout") and cherr ("Cher") |
file directory access |
file input: reading ints |
file input: reading floats |
file input: reading lines |
file input: reading tokens |
file input: reading strings |
file input (binary mode): reading bytes |
file input (binary mode): parsing a WAV file |
file output |
file output (binary mode): writing bytes |
HID Input (Joystick, Mouse, Keyboard)
Joystick demo |
Mouse demo |
Keyboard demo |
Gametrak demo |
"SMELT: Small Musically Expressive Laptop Toolkit" |
Keyboard (terminal only; see HID usage above) |
MIDI input |
MIDI input with polophony |
MIDI file reader / player! |
MIDI output |
OSC message sender and receiver |
OSC multiple message at different rate |
OSC one sender to many receivers |
OSC multicast (broadcast to local area hosts)
OSC message dumper |
reading byte(s) |
reading ascii/binary |
writing |
listing serial devices |
Arduino INO file |
Stereo noise (using Pan2) |
Stereo powerup |
Stereo => arrays of mono UGens |
Stereo Stooges |
Multi-channel demos |
Live Sampling and Granular Synthesis Using LiSa
Basics of live sampling using LiSa |
Live sampling simple looping |
LiSa2 stereo |
Granular sampling examples |
Granular synthesis example: Scream-o-Matic 2000 |
Loading an audio file into a LiSa |
LiSa tracking mode examples |
Input-driven LiSA trigger |
String operations |
String escape sequences |
String input + tokenize (hacked; temporary) |
(More) Unit Generators Examples
low pass filter |
resonance low pass filter |
high pass filter |
resonance high pass filter |
resonance filter with equal-gain zeros |
band pass filter |
band reject filter |
> STK ( Synthesis Tool Kit ) demos
BandedWG (Banded Waveguide) |
BlowBotl |
BlowHole |
Bowed |
Brass |
Clarinet |
Flute |
FrncHrn |
HevyMetl => acoustic guitar |
HevyMetl => power chords |
HevyMetl => trumpet |
HnkyTonk |
KrstlChr |
Mandolin |
ModalBar |
Moog (r.i.p. bob) |
Rhodey (Rhodes synth) |
A lovely littel number made with Rhodey... |
Saxofony |
Shakers |
Sitar |
StifKarp |
TubeBell |
VoicForm |
Wurley (Wurlitzer model) |
Windowing |
Flip / UnFlip |
auto-correlation-based pitch detection |
cross-correlation delay detection |
(really bad) spectral cross-synthesis |
Centroid |
Chroma |
Flux |
Kurtosis |
RollOff |
ZeroX |
Feature Collector |
Feature Collector (alt use) |
Feature-based Genre Classification (part of chai) |
see ChAI landing page and the AI Tools API reference for examples!