//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: basic-UI.ck // desc: demos the use of basic UI widgets including buttons, sliders, // checkboxes, and color pickers // requires: ChuGL + chuck- or higher // // author: Andrew Zhu Aday (https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~azaday/) // Ge Wang (https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~ge/) // date: Fall 2023 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // basic scene setup ================================================ GCube cube --> GG.scene(); cube.mat().color(Color.DARKBLUE); GG.camera().posZ(5); GCube childCubes[0]; // ui setup ========================================================== UI_Window window; window.text("ChuGL UI Window"); UI_Text text; text.text("This is a text widget! Below are other widgets."); text.wrap(true); text.mode(UI_Text.MODE_DEFAULT); text.color(Color.GREEN); UI_Button button; button.text("Click me! To change color of cube"); UI_SliderFloat fslider; fslider.text("Float Slider! Rotates center cube"); fslider.range(0, Math.PI * 2); UI_SliderInt islider; islider.text("Int Slider! Changes number of children"); islider.range(0, 10); UI_Checkbox checkbox; checkbox.text("Check box! to connect / disconnect children"); UI_Color3 color; color.text("Color! Changes background color"); UI_Dropdown dropdown; dropdown.text("Dropdown! Select polygon mode"); dropdown.options(["FILL", "LINE", "POINT"]); UI_GGen scenegraph; scenegraph.text("Scene Graph Viewer"); scenegraph.root(GG.scene()); window.add(button); window.add(text); window.add(fslider); window.add(islider); window.add(checkbox); window.add(color); window.add(dropdown); window.add(scenegraph); fun void ButtonListener(UI_Button @ button) { while (true) { button => now; cube.mat().color(Color.random()); } } spork ~ ButtonListener(button); fun void FSliderListener(UI_SliderFloat @ fslider) { while (true) { fslider => now; <<< "fslider: " + fslider.val() >>>; cube.rot(@(fslider.val(), 0, 0)); } } spork ~ FSliderListener(fslider); fun void ISliderListener(UI_SliderInt @ islider) { while (true) { islider => now; <<< "islider: " + islider.val() >>>; islider.val() => int numChildren; // set number of children to islider.val() // case where we need to add children while (childCubes.size() < numChildren) { GCube childCube; childCube.sca(0.25); childCube.mat().color(Color.random()); childCubes << childCube; // append if (checkbox.val()) { // connect to scenegraph childCube --> cube; } } // case where we need to remove children while (childCubes.size() > numChildren) { // get last element childCubes[childCubes.size()-1] @=> GCube @ childCube; // remove last element childCubes.popBack(); // disconnect from SG childCube --< cube; } // set positions around circumference for (0 => int i; i < childCubes.size(); i++) { ( i$float / childCubes.size() ) * Math.PI * 2.0 => float angle; childCubes[i].pos(@(Math.cos(angle) * 2, Math.sin(angle) * 2, 0)); } } } spork ~ ISliderListener(islider); fun void CheckboxListener(UI_Checkbox @ checkbox) { while (true) { checkbox => now; // connect all children if (checkbox.val()) { for (auto c : childCubes) { c --> cube; } // disconnect all children } else { for (auto c : childCubes) { c --< cube; } } } } spork ~ CheckboxListener(checkbox); fun void ColorListener(UI_Color3 @ color) { GG.scene().backgroundColor(color.val()); while (true) { color => now; GG.scene().backgroundColor(color.val()); } } spork ~ ColorListener(color); fun void DropdownListener(UI_Dropdown @ dropdown) { while (true) { dropdown => now; dropdown.val() => int val; <<< "dropdown: " + val >>>; if (val == 0) { cube.mat().polygonMode(Material.POLYGON_FILL); } else if (val == 1) { cube.mat().polygonMode(Material.POLYGON_LINE); } else if (val == 2) { cube.mat().polygonMode(Material.POLYGON_POINT); } } } spork ~ DropdownListener(dropdown); // Game loop ========================================================= while (true) { // rotate center cube GG.dt() => cube.rotateZ; // rotate children for (auto c : childCubes) { -3 * GG.dt() => c.rotateZ; } GG.nextFrame() => now; }