//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: polygon-modes.ck // desc: animating geometry with various polygon modes (FILL, LINE, POINT) // requires: ChuGL + chuck- or higher // // author: Andrew Zhu Aday (https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~azaday/) // Ge Wang (https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~ge/) // date: Fall 2023 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GG.fullscreen(); // position camera GG.camera().pos( @(0, 0, 12) ); // load geometries CircleGeometry circleGeo; PlaneGeometry planeGeo; TorusGeometry torusGeo; LatheGeometry latheGeo; [ circleGeo, planeGeo, torusGeo, latheGeo, ] @=> Geometry geos[]; // circle animator fun void circleSetter() { 1.0 => float radius; 32 => int segments; 0 => float thetaStart; Math.PI * 2 => float thetaLength; while (true) { Math.sin(now/second) * Math.PI + Math.PI => thetaLength; circleGeo.set(radius, segments, thetaStart, thetaLength); GG.nextFrame() => now; } } spork ~ circleSetter(); // plane animator fun void planeSetter() { 1.0 => float width; 1.0 => float height; 5 => int widthSegments; 5 => int heightSegments; 1 => float size; while (true) { now / second => float ftime; Math.sin(.5 * ftime) * size + size => width; Math.sin(.7 * ftime) * size + size => height; planeGeo.set(width, height, widthSegments, heightSegments); GG.nextFrame() => now; } } spork ~ planeSetter(); // torus animator fun void torusSetter() { 1.0 => float radius; 0.4 => float tubeRadius; 12 => int radialSegments; 48 => int tubularSegments; Math.PI * 2.0 => float arcLen; .5 => float size; while (true) { (now / second) => float ftime; Math.sin(.2 * ftime) * size + size => radius; Math.sin(.3 * ftime) * 0.2 + 0.22 => tubeRadius; (Math.sin(.1 * ftime) * 12 + 14) $ int => radialSegments; (Math.sin(.12 * ftime) * 40 + 45) $ int => tubularSegments; torusGeo.set(radius, tubeRadius, radialSegments, tubularSegments, arcLen); GG.nextFrame() => now; } } spork ~ torusSetter(); // lathe animator fun void latheSetter() { 20 => int pathCount; float points[0]; // construct a 2D path, which when rotated around the Y axis, will form a Sphere for ( int i; i < pathCount; i ++ ) { i * Math.PI / pathCount => float theta; Math.sin(theta) => float x; Math.cos(theta) => float y; points << x; points << y; } // other lathe params 12 => int segments; Math.PI/2 => float phiStart; Math.PI * 2 => float phiLength; // set geometry latheGeo.set(points, segments, phiStart, phiLength); while (true) { now / second => float ftime; (Math.sin(.2 * ftime) * 6 + 12) $ int => segments; Math.sin(.3 * ftime) * Math.PI + Math.PI => phiLength; // when setting without a point path, will use the previously set one latheGeo.set(segments, phiStart, phiLength); GG.nextFrame() => now; } } spork ~ latheSetter(); // Scene setup ================================================================ GScene scene; // reference to scene // allocate materials MangoUVMaterial wireMat, pointMat; NormalsMaterial normalMat; // set material polygon modes normalMat.polygonMode(Material.POLYGON_FILL); // this is the default wireMat.polygonMode(Material.POLYGON_LINE); pointMat.polygonMode(Material.POLYGON_POINT); pointMat.pointSize(25.0); // note: mac doesn't support glPointSize, only Windows does. this becomes a no-op on mac. // create a mesh for each possible (geometry, material) pairing GMesh meshes[geos.size()*4]; for (0 => int i; i < geos.size(); i++) { meshes[3*i+0] @=> GMesh @ wireMesh; meshes[3*i+1] @=> GMesh @ pointMesh; meshes[3*i+2] @=> GMesh @ normMesh; geos[i] @=> Geometry @ geo; // assign geometry and material to the mesh wireMesh.set(geo, wireMat); pointMesh.set(geo, pointMat); normMesh.set(geo, normalMat); // add to scene wireMesh --> scene; pointMesh --> scene; normMesh --> scene; // set positions -(geos.size() / 2)=> float y_off; normMesh.pos(@(-4, 2*(i + y_off) + 1, 0)); wireMesh.pos(@(0, 2*(i + y_off) + 1, 0)); pointMesh.pos(@(4, 2*(i + y_off) + 1, 0)); } // gameloop while (true) { GG.nextFrame() => now; }