//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: mousecast.ck // desc: Using the camera raycast helpers to spawn geometry from mouse clicks // requires: ChuGL + chuck- or higher // // author: Andrew Zhu Aday (https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~azaday/) // Ge Wang (https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~ge/) // date: Fall 2023 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // simplified Mouse class from examples/input/Mouse.ck ======================= class Mouse { int mouseState[3]; Event mouseDownEvents[3]; 0 => static int LEFT_CLICK; 1 => static int RIGHT_CLICK; 2 => static int MIDDLE_CLICK; // start this device (should be sporked) fun void start(int device) { // HID input and a HID message Hid hi; HidMsg msg; // open mouse 0, exit on fail if( !hi.openMouse( device ) ) { cherr <= "failed to open device " + device <= IO.newline(); me.exit(); } <<< "mouse '" + hi.name() + "' ready", "" >>>; // infinite event loop while( true ) { hi => now; while( hi.recv( msg ) ) { // mouse button down if( msg.isButtonDown() ) { 1 => mouseState[msg.which]; mouseDownEvents[msg.which].broadcast(); } // mouse button up else if( msg.isButtonUp() ) { 0 => mouseState[msg.which]; } } } } } // Example Parameters ========================================================== 8 => float spawnDistance; false => int rotateCam; ["Perspective", "Orthographic"] @=> string cameraModes[]; // UI setup ==================================================================== UI_Window window; window.text("Mousecast Example"); UI_SliderFloat distanceSlider; distanceSlider.text("Spawn Distance"); distanceSlider.range(1, 20); distanceSlider.val(spawnDistance); UI_Checkbox rotateCamCheckbox; rotateCamCheckbox.text("Rotate Camera"); rotateCamCheckbox.val(rotateCam); UI_Dropdown dropdown; dropdown.text("Select Camera Mode"); dropdown.options(cameraModes); dropdown.val(0); window.add(distanceSlider); window.add(rotateCamCheckbox); window.add(dropdown); fun void distanceSliderListener() { while (true) { distanceSlider => now; distanceSlider.val() => spawnDistance; } } spork ~ distanceSliderListener(); fun void rotateCamCheckboxListener() { while (true) { rotateCamCheckbox => now; rotateCamCheckbox.val() => rotateCam; } } spork ~ rotateCamCheckboxListener(); fun void dropdownListener() { while (true) { dropdown => now; dropdown.val() => int mode; if (cameraModes[mode] == "Perspective") { GG.camera().perspective(); } else if (cameraModes[mode] == "Orthographic") { GG.camera().orthographic(); } } } spork ~ dropdownListener(); // setup mouse and mouse listeners ============================================= Mouse mouse; spork ~ mouse.start(0); fun void clickListener() { while (true) { mouse.mouseDownEvents[Mouse.LEFT_CLICK] => now; // get click location GG.mouseX() => float x; GG.mouseY() => float y; GG.frameWidth() * 1.0 => float screenWidth; GG.frameHeight() * 1.0 => float screenHeight; <<< "left click at screen pos", x, y >>>; vec3 spawnPos; // calculate spawn position differently depending on camera mode if (GG.camera().mode() == GCamera.ORTHO) { // calculate screen aspect screenWidth / screenHeight => float aspect; // calculate camera frustrum size in world space GG.camera().viewSize() => float frustrumHeight; // height of frustrum in world space frustrumHeight * aspect => float frustrumWidth; // width of frustrum in world space // convert from normalized mouse coords to view space coords // (we negate viewY so that 0,0 is bottom left instead of top left) frustrumWidth * (x / screenWidth - 0.5) => float viewX; -frustrumHeight * (y / screenHeight - 0.5) => float viewY; // convert from view space coords to world space coords GG.camera().posLocalToWorld(@(viewX, viewY, -spawnDistance)) => spawnPos; } else { // generate ray going from camera through click location GG.camera().screenCoordToWorldRay(x, y) => vec3 ray; <<< "generates world ray with dir", ray >>>; // calculate spawn position by moving along ray spawnDistance * ray + GG.camera().pos() => spawnPos; } // spawn sphere at spawnPos GSphere s --> GG.scene(); s.pos(spawnPos); // set random color s.mat().color(Color.random()); // project spawnPos back to screen to verify that it's the same as the click location <<< "spawn pos", spawnPos, "maps to screen coord", GG.camera().worldPosToScreenCoord(spawnPos) >>>; } } spork ~ clickListener(); // gameloop ==================================================================== while (true) { if (rotateCam) { -GG.dt() * .2 => GG.camera().rotateY; } GG.nextFrame() => now; }