rt_lpc : real-time LPC analysis + synthesis + visualization

authors: Ananya Misra | Ge Wang | Perry Cook
date:2003 - present
version: 1.0

rt_lpc is a light-weight application that performs real-time LPC analysis and synthesis. It features the following:

  • real-time LPC analysis
  • real-time LPC synthesis
  • visualization of original, predicted, and error waveforms
  • visualization of vocal tract shape from LPC coefficients
  • adjustable LPC analysis order
  • adjustable synthesis pitch shift
  • MIDI controlled pitch (hit 'm')
  • lots of other choices (pitch pulse source selection, emphasis filter)
  • STFT plot
  • modular LPC library
  • available on MacOS X, Linux, and Windows under GPL
  • part of the sndtools distribution

download rt_lpc (all platforms) 1.0
(you need to have OpenGL / GLUT)

MacOS X (lion): executable | (10.3): executable

win32: executable + glut32.dll | glut lib (for compile)

part of the sndtools distribution!
join the sndtools mailing list

for questions/complaints, email us or post to mailing list.


 rt_lpc --srate --ola
    Ananya Misra, Ge Wang, Perry Cook
    's' - toggle fullscreen
    '=' - increase pitch factor
    '-' - decrease pitch factor
    'p' - increase order
    'o' - decrease order
    't' - toggle vocal tract
    'v' - select vocal tract rendering mode
    'g' - toggle using impulse train / glottal pulse
    'b' - toggle preemphasis and deemphasis filter
    'm' - use MIDI input as pitch
    'w' - toggle wutrfall plot
    'd' - toggle dB plot for spectrum
    'f' - move spectrum + z
    'j' - move spectrum - z
    'e' - spacing more!
    'i' - spacing less!
    L, R mouse button - rotate left or right
    'h' - print this help message
    'q' - quit


soundlab | cs | music